- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 162
- author: Andy Moreno

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Cantaloupe Testing Program
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) Cantaloupe Testing Program with Christine Sha...
published: 05 Nov 2012
author: Andy Moreno
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Cantaloupe Testing Program
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) Cantaloupe Testing Program with Christine Shaker, Senior Program Officer and Irina Frenkel, Chief, Fresh Produce...
- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 162
- author: Andy Moreno

CFIA Inspecting XL Foods Meat Plant
More News: http://www.ntdtv.ca The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is conducting a "detail...
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: NTDTVCanadaNews
CFIA Inspecting XL Foods Meat Plant
More News: http://www.ntdtv.ca The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is conducting a "detailed assessment" today of the XL Foods plant at the centre of a massi...
- published: 10 Oct 2012
- views: 138
- author: NTDTVCanadaNews

DFO, CFIA, denial, deceit, incompetence, conflict of interest
The last days of the Cohen Inquiry revealed a Canadian Department of Fisheries and a Canad...
published: 24 Feb 2012
author: Canale di cradel3
DFO, CFIA, denial, deceit, incompetence, conflict of interest
The last days of the Cohen Inquiry revealed a Canadian Department of Fisheries and a Canadian Food Inspection Agency more concerned with protecting Norwegian...
- published: 24 Feb 2012
- views: 230
- author: Canale di cradel3

September 26, 2012 CFIA beef recall delays
Malcolm Allen, M.P. for Welland and NDP Agriculture Critic demands answers from the govern...
published: 26 Sep 2012
author: MalcolmAllenMP
September 26, 2012 CFIA beef recall delays
Malcolm Allen, M.P. for Welland and NDP Agriculture Critic demands answers from the government on the X-L Foods beef recall delays by the CFIA.
- published: 26 Sep 2012
- views: 208
- author: MalcolmAllenMP

New Meat Inspection Rules Coming
NANAIMO - Dramatic changes are coming to the way your food is inspected and opponents say ...
published: 11 Aug 2011
author: /A\ News Vancouver Island
New Meat Inspection Rules Coming
NANAIMO - Dramatic changes are coming to the way your food is inspected and opponents say it will put your family's health at risk. Right now meat processing...
- published: 11 Aug 2011
- views: 990
- author: /A\ News Vancouver Island

Si usted ha ingresado al APC y ya ha llenado la primera parte del contrato, debe proceder ...
published: 09 May 2013
Si usted ha ingresado al APC y ya ha llenado la primera parte del contrato, debe proceder a registrar la responsabilidad profesional, en la segunda página del contrato.
- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 7

CFIA 2013 en images
Les images du Mardi 12 Mars sur le salon CFIA Rennes 2013....
published: 14 Mar 2013
author: SalonsCFIA
CFIA 2013 en images
Les images du Mardi 12 Mars sur le salon CFIA Rennes 2013.
- published: 14 Mar 2013
- views: 120
- author: SalonsCFIA

Farmed and Dangerous??— CFIA destroys shepherds life and sheep
http://GoFundMe.com/FarmedAndDangerous Thank-you so much... please help spread word of thi...
published: 21 Apr 2013
author: Montana Jones
Farmed and Dangerous??— CFIA destroys shepherds life and sheep
http://GoFundMe.com/FarmedAndDangerous Thank-you so much... please help spread word of this situation and share. ~ ~ ~ I'm Montana Jones. Apparently I am FAR...
- published: 21 Apr 2013
- views: 60119
- author: Montana Jones

published: 09 May 2013
author: CFIA Costa Rica
- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 5
- author: CFIA Costa Rica

Costa Rica entrega sede de UPADI a Brasil_ CFIA
Durante los años 2009 - 2013, el CFIA fue la sede de la Unión Panamericana de Asociaciones...
published: 10 Apr 2013
author: CFIA Costa Rica
Costa Rica entrega sede de UPADI a Brasil_ CFIA
Durante los años 2009 - 2013, el CFIA fue la sede de la Unión Panamericana de Asociaciones de Ingenieros UPADI.
- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 99
- author: CFIA Costa Rica

CFIA Rennes 2013 - Thierry Le Guen - EPI Ingredients - groupe Laïta
Et si vous exportiez ? Interview de Thierry Le Guen, directeur marketing EPI Ingrédients, ...
published: 12 Mar 2013
author: Cap Bleu
CFIA Rennes 2013 - Thierry Le Guen - EPI Ingredients - groupe Laïta
Et si vous exportiez ? Interview de Thierry Le Guen, directeur marketing EPI Ingrédients, au CFIA Rennes 2013. Les ingrédients laitiers Hala et Kasher pour v...
- published: 12 Mar 2013
- views: 124
- author: Cap Bleu

CFIA Rennes 2013
Loma Systems and Lock Inspection Systems, les 2 sociétés leaders mondiales dans l'inspecti...
published: 19 Mar 2013
CFIA Rennes 2013
Loma Systems and Lock Inspection Systems, les 2 sociétés leaders mondiales dans l'inspection, ont regroupé leurs forces au CFIA de Rennes en 2013. Les visiteurs se sont rendus sur notre stand B41/C40 pour découvrir les derniers systèmes de détection de particules métalliques, trieuses pondérales et rayons X. Dans le cas où vous nous auriez manqué au CFIA de Rennes en 2013...
- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 39

CFIA Paseo urbano a la ciudad de Limón: Caribe Exuberante
Como parte de la Semana de Arquitectura, que se realizó del 1 al 6 de octubre de este año,...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: CFIA Costa Rica
CFIA Paseo urbano a la ciudad de Limón: Caribe Exuberante
Como parte de la Semana de Arquitectura, que se realizó del 1 al 6 de octubre de este año, el Colegio de Arquitectos organizó un Paseo Urbano a esa ciudad pa...
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 182
- author: CFIA Costa Rica
Youtube results:

Para seguir con la tercera parte del trámite de su proyecto, los requisitos documentales d...
published: 09 May 2013
Para seguir con la tercera parte del trámite de su proyecto, los requisitos documentales deberán estar escaneados y guardados en una carpeta específica para que le sea más fácil realizar un trámite de adjuntar requisitos.
- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 11

Este video le mostrará cómo ingresar al sistema de trámite digital APC y cómo llenar el co...
published: 09 May 2013
Este video le mostrará cómo ingresar al sistema de trámite digital APC y cómo llenar el contrato.
- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 7

Former CFIA researcher charged
A former researcher with CFIA charged for allegedly trying to export pathogens to China....
published: 04 Apr 2013
Former CFIA researcher charged
A former researcher with CFIA charged for allegedly trying to export pathogens to China.
- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 3

28 ITIL - Foundation Seminar: FTA & CFIA
Das Availability Management verwendet verschiedene Methoden zur Planung, Analyse und Überw...
published: 24 Mar 2013
author: OpenAdviceTraining
28 ITIL - Foundation Seminar: FTA & CFIA
Das Availability Management verwendet verschiedene Methoden zur Planung, Analyse und Überwachung der Verfügbarkeiten. In diesem Video gehen wir auf folgende ...
- published: 24 Mar 2013
- views: 85
- author: OpenAdviceTraining