- published: 28 Mar 2012
- views: 921

Robert Redford, Neil Simon And Others On The Theatre Of Mike Nichols
Robert Redford, Neil Simon, Sigourney Weaver and Tony Kushner discuss Mike Nichols' involv...
published: 06 Jul 2010
Robert Redford, Neil Simon And Others On The Theatre Of Mike Nichols
Robert Redford, Neil Simon, Sigourney Weaver and Tony Kushner discuss Mike Nichols' involvement and success in Theatre.
- published: 06 Jul 2010
- views: 9408

Lenny's Monologue (Rumors by Neil Simon)
At the end of the play, Lenny has to pretend to be Charlie and come up with a story about ...
published: 28 Jun 2011
Lenny's Monologue (Rumors by Neil Simon)
At the end of the play, Lenny has to pretend to be Charlie and come up with a story about what happened in the house to prevent the cops from finding out the truth.
This was a student production without any monetary reward. Just the pleasure of performing.
***I invite you to check my music in my channel***
- published: 28 Jun 2011
- views: 6360

Brighton Beach Memoirs full movie
Neil Simons "Brighton Beach Memoirs" 1986 film starring Blythe Danner and Jonathan Silverm...
published: 01 Oct 2012
Brighton Beach Memoirs full movie
Neil Simons "Brighton Beach Memoirs" 1986 film starring Blythe Danner and Jonathan Silverman about a family in Brooklyn during the 1930s. This is one of my favorite movies. I usually compare it to Woody Allens "Radio Days" which came out a year later.
- published: 01 Oct 2012
- views: 8435

Interview Biffy Clyro - Simon Neil (part 1)
Simon Neil about Nirvana, Guns 'n Roses, Oasis, Schotland
FaceCulture spoke to Simon Neil...
published: 12 Mar 2011
Interview Biffy Clyro - Simon Neil (part 1)
Simon Neil about Nirvana, Guns 'n Roses, Oasis, Schotland
FaceCulture spoke to Simon Neil from Biffy Clyro about Nirvana, Guns 'n Roses, The Beatles, Oasis, Kurt Cobain's death, Nevermind, Andy Wallace, his notebook, the death of his mom, regrets, the new album Puzzle, proud parents, staying fresh during the recording, patience and trust, the soul of the band, writing a song for his mom, his dad's favourite song, the bandname and lots more!! (28/04/2007)
- published: 12 Mar 2011
- views: 8666

Rumors - Neil Simon
Alla commedia mancano pochi secondi:
All'alzarsi del sipario: Chris Gorman, va avanti e in...
published: 03 Dec 2012
Rumors - Neil Simon
Alla commedia mancano pochi secondi:
All'alzarsi del sipario: Chris Gorman, va avanti e indietro per la scena, nervosa. Guarda il telefono, poi di nuovo l'orologio. Va verso la scatola delle sigarette posata sul tavolino. Tira fuori una sigaretta, poi la rimette a posto. Improvvisamente, la porta della camera da letto di Charley si apre e Ken Gorman, stravolto esce sul pianerottolo.
CHRIS - Oh, mio Dio!
KEN - Non ha ancora chiamato?
CHRIS - Ti pare che non ti avrei avvertito?
KEN - Chiamalo di nuovo.
CHRIS - L'ho chiamato due volte. Lo stanno cercando... Come sta?
KEN - Non lo so. Sanguina in modo pazzesco.
CHRIS - Oh, mio Dio!
KEN - La stanza è piena di sangue. Non capisco perché la gente debba dipingere le case di bianco...
Rumors(1988)Neil Simon(New York 4 luglio 1927)
Divertente commedia corale Rumors, il cui titolo potrebbe essere tradotto con «Pettegolezzi», «Chiacchiere», «Maldicenze», è una farsa ben congegnata, la prima di Neil Simon, scritta nel 1988. Il drammaturgo americano conosce perfettamente tutti i meccanismi sia verbali sia di situazione che conducono al riso e li mette in atto con abilità e eleganza, pur non disdegnando di far intravedere, dietro i congegni farseschi, una società vacua popolata da una middle class di professionisti pronti a tutto per la carriera, moralisti e puritani, tanto simili a stereotipi provenienti dal nostro mondo colonizzato di telespettatori. A confezionare questa panna montata di parole e di inganni, sorretta da una buona dose di «omertà di censo», è ora la collaudatissima compagnia «Attori & Tecnici», guidata dalla regia di Attilio Corsini che cura anche l' adattamento della commedia, con la bella scena di Alessandro Chiti. Le vicende di quattro coppie di amici che invitati alla festa d' anniversario del vicesindaco di New York e della moglie - che non compariranno mai in scena - si trovano a dover fronteggiare...
Regia: Attilio Corsiní Claudio Sestieri
Data: 13/10/2000
Canale: Raidue
Personaggi e interpreti:
Chris Gorman: Viviana Toniolo
Ken Gorman: Claudio Insegno
Claire Ganz: Carola Stagnaro
Lenny Ganz: Stefano Santospago
Cocca Cusak: Annalisa Di Nola
Ernie Cusak: Stefano Altieri
Cassie Cooper: Cinzia Mascoli
Gleen Cooper: Carlo Lizzani
Agente Ben Welch: Stefano Messina
- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 1341

published: 05 Jul 2012
- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 686

Neil Simon's CHAPTER TWO
Laguna Playhouse is presenting Neil Simon's CHAPTER TWO and audiences are loving the autob...
published: 17 Jan 2013
Neil Simon's CHAPTER TWO
Laguna Playhouse is presenting Neil Simon's CHAPTER TWO and audiences are loving the autobiographical story of George Schneider, a middle-aged writer struggling to accept his wife's untimely passing. After being set up on a series of wildly unsuccessful dates, he meets Jennie Malone, a divorced soap opera actress. Meanwhile, his brother Leo, a born matchmaker, is determined to help George and also set up his own tryst with Jennie's best friend, Faye Medwick.
- published: 17 Jan 2013
- views: 311

Neil Simon's Fools, Part 2/7 — University of Mary Hardin-Baylor & Temple Civic Theatre
Performance Date: Nov. 1, 2003
Leon Tolchinsky — Chad Crawford
Sophia Zubritsky — ...
published: 02 Jan 2011
Neil Simon's Fools, Part 2/7 — University of Mary Hardin-Baylor & Temple Civic Theatre
Performance Date: Nov. 1, 2003
Leon Tolchinsky — Chad Crawford
Sophia Zubritsky — Sarah Culpepper
Dr. Zubritsky — Walt Hobbins
Lenya Zubritsky — Jessica Stockel
Gregor Yousekevitch — Robert Coupland
Magistrate — Justin Golden
Snetsky — Megan Lee
Slovitch — Brent Mott
Mishkin — Eileen Lamberson
Yenchna — Heather Roberts
Artistic Director — Michael Fox
Technical Director — Byron Lovelace
Producer — Dr. Diane Howard
Stage Manager — Eileen Lamberson
Assistant Stage Manager — Rachel Cain
Costume Designers — Kalyn Flannigan, Rachel Cain, and Ashleigh Domangue
Set Designer — Michael Fox
Set Builder — Destry Westbrook
Lighting Designer — Christy Edwards
Set Dressing Designers — Jessica Stockel and Megan Lee
Program Artist — Mandy Kennedy
Programs, Tickets, and Publicity Managers — Amy Luna and Scott Edwards
Cultural Activities Center (Temple, Texas)
Dr. Jerry Bawcom, President, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Dr. Curtis Beaird, Vice President, Administrative & Academic Affairs
Mr. Edd Martin, Vice President, Business & Finance
Dr. George Stansbury, Dean, School of Fine Arts
Dr. Joseph Tabarlet, Chairman, Dept. of Communication and Dramatic Arts
Carol Woodward, UMHB Public Relations
UMHB Service Center
UMHB Information Station
Westbrook Family
John Boles, Temple Civic Theatre
- published: 02 Jan 2011
- views: 4244

San Diego High School - Rumors (By Neil Simon) Full Play
San Diego High School - Rumors (By Neil Simon) Full Video
Performed in 2006
Directed by...
published: 27 Mar 2012
San Diego High School - Rumors (By Neil Simon) Full Play
San Diego High School - Rumors (By Neil Simon) Full Video
Performed in 2006
Directed by Mr.Poncey
Starring: Remy Dambron, Mel Glassman, Chris Young, Gracie Brown, Tom Hamilton, Jillian Stewart, Oriana, Connor, Teray Herbert, Zoe Rogerson
- published: 27 Mar 2012
- views: 4663

From Neil Simon's Rumors as presented live on stage in Auburn CA
This is an excerpt from PCT's production of Rumors by Neil Simon. The adult comedy played...
published: 31 Jan 2012
From Neil Simon's Rumors as presented live on stage in Auburn CA
This is an excerpt from PCT's production of Rumors by Neil Simon. The adult comedy played at the historic State Theater, downtown Auburn CA.
- published: 31 Jan 2012
- views: 673

Biffy Clyro interview with Simon Neil Interview part 1
Biffy Clyro recorded their new album in a studio in LA. Not just any studio, but the one F...
published: 30 Sep 2011
Biffy Clyro interview with Simon Neil Interview part 1
Biffy Clyro recorded their new album in a studio in LA. Not just any studio, but the one Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys, The Rolling Stones and Fleedwood Mac recorded their albums as well. Biffy Clyro tells us about the pressure they felt to make a good record because of that.
Check out our website http://www.Toazted.com or our YouTube channel for loads more of ultra rare and fun interviews: http://www.youtube.com/toazted
Thousands of interviews on line!
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- published: 30 Sep 2011
- views: 1733

Vasquez High School Presents Rumors by Neil Simon (Full Show!)
The Encore Performance of Rumors, as performed by the Vasquez High School drama department...
published: 15 Jul 2012
Vasquez High School Presents Rumors by Neil Simon (Full Show!)
The Encore Performance of Rumors, as performed by the Vasquez High School drama department.
Cast (In order of appearance)
Chris Gorman - Aubree Boswell
Ken Gorman - Sean Houle
Claire Ganz - Cheyenne Buechner
Lenny Ganz - Jesse Smith
Ernie Cusak - Seth LaMonica
Cookie Cusak - Brooke Clendenen
Glenn Cooper - Carson Koch
Cassie Cooper - Maddie Seymour
Officer Welch - Savannah Hubble
Officer Pudney - Magaly "Gillard" Gil
Unexpected Plot Twist - Arbeleena Yakob
Directed by Sharon Roberts.
- published: 15 Jul 2012
- views: 815
Youtube results:

Neil Simon Interview (Merv Griffin Show 1967)
Legendary playwright Neil Simon chats with Merv about his childhood, success, and his love...
published: 18 Nov 2012
Neil Simon Interview (Merv Griffin Show 1967)
Legendary playwright Neil Simon chats with Merv about his childhood, success, and his love of rewriting in this segment from January of 1967, when he had four plays running on Broadway at the same time. Merv Griffin had over 5000 guests appear on his show from 1963-1986. Footage from the Merv Griffin Show is available for licensing to all forms of media through Reelin' In The Years Productions. http://www.reelinintheyears.com.
- published: 18 Nov 2012
- views: 178

RUMORS di Neil Simon (seconda clip)
Una parte dello spettacolo teatrale RUMORS, andato in scena dal 1999 al 2001 in tutti i mi...
published: 11 Jun 2010
RUMORS di Neil Simon (seconda clip)
Una parte dello spettacolo teatrale RUMORS, andato in scena dal 1999 al 2001 in tutti i migliori teatri d'Italia.
Scritto da Neil Simon
Scene di Alessandro Chiti
Costumi di Isabella Rizza
Regia di Attilio Corsini.
Viviana Toniolo
Stefano Altieri
Stefano Santospago
Annalisa Di Nola
Claudio Insegno
Carola Stagnaro
Stefano Messina
Cinzia Mascoli
Carlo Lizzani
Perdonate la qualità, ma proviena da un vecchio VHS registrato dalla tv.
- published: 11 Jun 2010
- views: 3829

FOOLS Centennial High School Mar '86.m4v
FOOLS (by Neil Simon) was performed by the Centennial High School Drama Department on 6 di...
published: 11 May 2012
FOOLS Centennial High School Mar '86.m4v
FOOLS (by Neil Simon) was performed by the Centennial High School Drama Department on 6 different occasions. The Dress Rehearsal March 13, 1986, which is what you see in this clip. Also on March 13, 14 & 15 at Centennial High School Auditorium. The play was also performed at the Oregon Thespian Conference in April 1986 AND most importantly at the International Thespian Society Festival in June 1986 at Ball State University, Emens Auditorium, Muncie, Indiana.
The cast: (in order of appearance)
Leon Tolchinsky - Michael Thanem (Lorenz)
Snetsky - Bob Garrett
Magistrate - Dan Johnson
Slovitch - Eric Walls
Mishkin - Scott Updike
Yenchna - Shannon Mullison
Dr. Zubritsky - Anton Schneider III
Lenya Zubritsky - Mary Scott
Sophia Zubritsky - Lynn Fischer
Gregor Yousekevitch - Craig Miller
Villagers/Wedding Guests - Angie Barber, Eric Wilson, Julie Trask, Vicki Childress
Student Directed by Doug Gunderson
Stage Manager - Dennis Moist
- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 866

Lenny Ganz, Neil Simon Rumors - Act 1 Part 1
I played the character of Lenny Ganz. We had a blast.
Claire Ganz - Brenda Hope
published: 22 Jun 2011
Lenny Ganz, Neil Simon Rumors - Act 1 Part 1
I played the character of Lenny Ganz. We had a blast.
Claire Ganz - Brenda Hope
Chris Gorman - Kirstin Kana
Lenny Ganz - Brian Cartwright
- published: 22 Jun 2011
- views: 3385