- published: 21 Feb 2010
- views: 28134
- author: banostor
The Ancient Church (1of3) - True Christianity is the Eastern Orthodox Faith
How old is the EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH ? True Christianity is the Eastern Orthodox Faith. ...
published: 21 Feb 2010
author: banostor
The Ancient Church (1of3) - True Christianity is the Eastern Orthodox Faith
How old is the EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH ? True Christianity is the Eastern Orthodox Faith. If you are a Lutheran, your religion was founded by Martin Luther, ...
- published: 21 Feb 2010
- views: 28134
- author: banostor
Eastern Christianity Part 1 - The Eastern Orthodox
Church History - Dr. Ken Parry. Recommended Reading: Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Chris...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: Samuel Green
Eastern Christianity Part 1 - The Eastern Orthodox
Church History - Dr. Ken Parry. Recommended Reading: Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity, Ken Parry (Editor), Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2001. Th...
- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 780
- author: Samuel Green
St. Elias & Eastern Christianity
St. Elias Church (Ukrainian Greek-Catholic), Brampton, ON Canada. A higher quality (and wi...
published: 28 Jan 2010
author: tsyhan
St. Elias & Eastern Christianity
St. Elias Church (Ukrainian Greek-Catholic), Brampton, ON Canada. A higher quality (and widescreen) reissue of the May 2007 video "St. Elias--Who We Are." El...
- published: 28 Jan 2010
- views: 3911
- author: tsyhan
Eastern Christianity's appeal
published: 05 Jun 2012
author: CatholicNewsService
Eastern Christianity's appeal
- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 737
- author: CatholicNewsService
Eastern Christianity Part 2 - The Oriental Orthodox
Church History - Dr. Ken Parry. Recommended Reading: Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Chris...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: Samuel Green
Eastern Christianity Part 2 - The Oriental Orthodox
Church History - Dr. Ken Parry. Recommended Reading: Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity, Ken Parry (Editor), Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2001. Th...
- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 566
- author: Samuel Green
Eastern Christianity Part 3 - The Church in Asia, Central Asia, China & India.
Church History - Dr. Ken Parry. Recommended Reading: Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Chris...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: Samuel Green
Eastern Christianity Part 3 - The Church in Asia, Central Asia, China & India.
Church History - Dr. Ken Parry. Recommended Reading: Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity, Ken Parry (Editor), Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2001. Th...
- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 375
- author: Samuel Green
Haven for Middle Eastern Christianity: 2012 figures show Israeli population is 2% Christian
Israel's Christian population now stands at 2 per cent, totaling 158000, with over four in...
published: 24 Dec 2012
author: JewishNewsOne
Haven for Middle Eastern Christianity: 2012 figures show Israeli population is 2% Christian
Israel's Christian population now stands at 2 per cent, totaling 158000, with over four in five of Arabic ethnicity and the remainder originally from former...
- published: 24 Dec 2012
- views: 267
- author: JewishNewsOne
Middle Eastern Christianity under siege: unknown attackers torch Benghazi Coptic church
Unidentified assailants have torched a church used by Egyptian Christians in Benghazi. One...
published: 15 Mar 2013
author: JewishNewsOne
Middle Eastern Christianity under siege: unknown attackers torch Benghazi Coptic church
Unidentified assailants have torched a church used by Egyptian Christians in Benghazi. One week before, Islamist militias detained and reportedly abused scor...
- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 121
- author: JewishNewsOne
Hell - Does not exist in Eastern Christianity
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: Yusuf Al-Tahir
Hell - Does not exist in Eastern Christianity
- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 62
- author: Yusuf Al-Tahir
Eastern Christianity Sampler
This is a 6 minute sampler video of music and worship in the Eastern Orthodox church. I us...
published: 15 Jun 2009
author: Brian Denker
Eastern Christianity Sampler
This is a 6 minute sampler video of music and worship in the Eastern Orthodox church. I used this video as a demonstration in my lecture on Eastern Christian...
- published: 15 Jun 2009
- views: 197
- author: Brian Denker
7/8 : Islam & Eastern Christianity United Vs Israel & US-NATO : Prophecy of Qur'an Fulfilled
Prophecy of Noble Qur'an Fulfilled, Armageddon or Al Malhama : True Abrahamic Faith : Isla...
published: 31 Mar 2013
7/8 : Islam & Eastern Christianity United Vs Israel & US-NATO : Prophecy of Qur'an Fulfilled
Prophecy of Noble Qur'an Fulfilled, Armageddon or Al Malhama : True Abrahamic Faith : Islam & Eastern Christianity battle with Evil forces of Anti-Christ : I...
- published: 31 Mar 2013
- views: 359
Eastern vs. Western Religion: Buddhism vs. Christianity-Season Four
Season 4 of the Apostle of Common Sense: Eastern Religion vs. Western Religion. What is th...
published: 14 Oct 2011
author: AmCHESTERTONsoc
Eastern vs. Western Religion: Buddhism vs. Christianity-Season Four
Season 4 of the Apostle of Common Sense: Eastern Religion vs. Western Religion. What is the difference between Buddhism and Christianity? Find out by orderin...
- published: 14 Oct 2011
- views: 5320
- author: AmCHESTERTONsoc
Eastern Orthodoxy & Mere Christianity
a Pious Fabrications production by David Withun http://www.piousfabrications.com "Like" Pi...
published: 05 May 2012
author: David Withun
Eastern Orthodoxy & Mere Christianity
a Pious Fabrications production by David Withun http://www.piousfabrications.com "Like" Pious Fabrications on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piousfabricat...
- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 938
- author: David Withun
Vimeo results:
Canvas Surfboards The Movie
A showcase of surfing lifestyle, travel, and shredding on various Canvas Surfboards. Canva...
published: 11 May 2011
author: George Trimm
Canvas Surfboards The Movie
A showcase of surfing lifestyle, travel, and shredding on various Canvas Surfboards. Canvas Surfboards The Movie will be a fun, creative, super low budget movie made to stoke you out. The movie will be released end of summer 2011.
Starring - Naki, Noah Funaki, Kameron Brown, Christian Yeager, George Trimm, Lindsey Steinride-Engle, Ryan Engle, Blake Washington, Calvin Sanders, Carson Wach, Christian Wach, and more!
Filmed in California, Hawaii, Eastern Canada, Mexico, and Australia.
Directed by Christian Wach
Edited by George Trimm and Christian Wach
Song- YEAH by Christian Wach
Director of Photography - George Trimm, Hannah Norton, Christian Wach, and Yassine Ouhilal.
Big Thanks to On The Board magazine in Japan! Go Pro Cameras, Gotcha, Von Zipper, Reunion Wetsuits, Stickybumps, and Nakisurf!
Avance del documental “Isora, historia de una manada de calderones”, que relata ...
published: 14 Dec 2011
author: Rafa Herrero Massieu
Avance del documental “Isora, historia de una manada de calderones”, que relata la vida de una manada de calderones residentes en las islas Canarias, de su espacio y de los habitantes que comparten ese espacio. Financiado por la Fundación Canaria Mapfre Guanarteme y realizado por Aquawork producciones, que se presentará a finales del 2012.
ISORA es la matriarca de uno de los grupos de calderones tropicales que residen y utilizan la costa oriental de la isla de Tenerife. Este sector de mar se haya al resguardo de los vientos alisios, dando lugar a aguas encalmadas la mayor parte del año.
Pese a su tamaño y apariencia, el calderón tropical (Globicephala macrorhynchus), es un delfín emparentado con las orcas. Los machos pueden alcanzar una longitud de 5 m, un metro más que las hembras, pero pesan el doble. Viven en grupos estrechamente emparentados y la mayoría de sus miembros permanecen juntos de por vida.
Fotografía submarina: Rafa Herrero Massieu
Fotografía exteriores: Rafa Herrero Massieu y Pedro Felipe Acosta
Música: Christian Johansen
Preview of the documentary "Isora, story of a pod of pilot whales," in which it is narrated the life of a pod of pilot whales living in Canary Islands, as well as their space and the residents sharing that space. It is financed by the Canarian Foundation Mapfre Guanarteme and produced by Aquawork Productions, and it will be presented at the end of 2012.
Isora is the matriarch of one of the pods of tropical pilot whales living in the Eastern coast of the island of Tenerife. This area of the sea is sheltered from trade wind, and this cause the sea to become calm for the most part of the year.
Despite of its size and shape, the tropical pilot whale (Globicephala Macrorhynchus), is a dolphin related to killer whales. Males can reach five metres long, one metre more than females, but they weigh twice as heavy. They live in closely related pods and most of their members live together for life.
Submarine photography: Rafa Herrero Massieu
Location photography: Rafa Herrero Massieu and Pedro Felipe Acosta
Music: Christian Johansen
Eastern Christian Promo Video
Looking for a school with a strong spiritual foundation that builds up young people? A sc...
published: 12 May 2009
author: Eastern Christian Schools
Eastern Christian Promo Video
Looking for a school with a strong spiritual foundation that builds up young people? A school that connects and holds the attention of students?
Spend some time at EC, it's not hard to see why so many people are so excited about what is going on and what God is doing.
Visit us at www.easternchristian.org
Christian + Melvina Wedding Trailer
In our lives we are faced with decisions that we have to make everyday. And most of the ti...
published: 24 Jul 2012
author: Axioo
Christian + Melvina Wedding Trailer
In our lives we are faced with decisions that we have to make everyday. And most of the time the way we make up a decision is we weigh the positives, and the negatives and make our decision based on that fact. But sometimes, some of the decisions that we have to make in our lives are not that simple, especially if the word LOVE has anything to do with it. This particular story is about making such decisions, when we decide to do something just because our hearts feel right, even though your logic and reasons tell you otherwise.
Christian & Melvina were both born in Surabaya. But when Christian got his job, he moved to Ternate. If you don't know Ternate, it is an island in the Maluku Islands (Moluccas) of eastern Indonesia. Although separated by miles apart, nothing can stop them from falling in love with each other. And though they know the challenges of having a long distance relationship, still kept their love for each other strong.
Another big decision came at the time when Christian proposed to Melvina. Christian asked Melvina to move with him to Ternate after the wedding. It was definitely a big decision for Melvina, she was asked to move out of her comfort zone to be with the one she loves deeply. After a careful thought and deliberation with her mom, Melvina finally followed her heart and said yes to moving with Christian to Ternate, leaving her friends and families in Surabaya to start their new family together in the Eastern part of Indonesia.
One thing I've always believe, is that when everything else seemed like a blur and you're not sure which decision to take, always follow your heart. Once again congratulation to both of you. Here's to making a heart decision!
Music : Fireflies by Marie Hines. Licensed through www.themusicbed.com
Photography : Axioo (David Soong & Andreas Permadi)
Make-Up : Lisa from Luvaze, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Youtube results:
Orthodox Christianity: East and West
Discussion of Dr. Romanides' "Franks, Romans, Feudalism.." in which this famed classical l...
published: 28 Sep 2011
author: Judith Irene Matta
Orthodox Christianity: East and West
Discussion of Dr. Romanides' "Franks, Romans, Feudalism.." in which this famed classical languages scholar and Orthodox theologian reveals Charlemagne's crea...
- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 2313
- author: Judith Irene Matta
Breaking Bad on AMC is the best show ever Plus Eastern Christianity
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: YusefAlTahir
Breaking Bad on AMC is the best show ever Plus Eastern Christianity
- published: 19 Jul 2012
- views: 118
- author: YusefAlTahir
History of Christianity 6: Schism and the Seeds of Schism
In this video, we take a look at the history of the Christian Church during the years 400-...
published: 27 Aug 2010
author: David Withun
History of Christianity 6: Schism and the Seeds of Schism
In this video, we take a look at the history of the Christian Church during the years 400-500. We look at the Christological controversies, including St. Cyr...
- published: 27 Aug 2010
- views: 18440
- author: David Withun
The Ancient Church (2of3) - True Christianity is the Eastern Orthodox Faith
True Christianity is the Eastern Orthodox Faith How old is the ORTHODOX faith? If you are ...
published: 21 Feb 2010
author: banostor
The Ancient Church (2of3) - True Christianity is the Eastern Orthodox Faith
True Christianity is the Eastern Orthodox Faith How old is the ORTHODOX faith? If you are a Lutheran, your religion was founded by Martin Luther, an ex-monk ...
- published: 21 Feb 2010
- views: 10785
- author: banostor