- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 81
Soviet October Revolution Parade, 1985 Парад 7 Ноября
This is the parade in Moscow's Red Square, devoted to the 68th anniversary of the Great Oc...
published: 02 Nov 2011
Soviet October Revolution Parade, 1985 Парад 7 Ноября
This is the parade in Moscow's Red Square, devoted to the 68th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, 7 November 1985. This year would see the appointment of Mikhail Gorbachev as the new (and last) Soviet leader. During the spring of 1985 Gorbachev began an infamous anti-alvohol campaign, which would have repercussions on the Soviet economy. In the summer of 1985 Gorbachev instituted some personnel changes in the Politburo, most notably, replacing Premier Nikolai Tikhonov with Nikolai Ryzhkov, as well as dismissing Grigory Romanov from his Politburo post. Earlier in the year, the Soviet Union celebrated 40 years of victory over Nazi Germany with a special military parade in Red Square. 1985 would continue to see Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. Presiding over the military parade is Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union; Sergei Sokolov. Commanding the parade is the newly appointed commander of the Moscow Military District, Colonel General; Vladimir Arkhipov. Music performed by the Moscow Military District Orchestra, directed by Major General Nikolai Mikhailov.
- published: 02 Nov 2011
- views: 13220
General can cry
From "The Book of Lists" (2005): 10 Men who cried in public. 1.Jesus Christ, Religious Lea...
published: 05 Mar 2012
General can cry
From "The Book of Lists" (2005): 10 Men who cried in public. 1.Jesus Christ, Religious Leader 2.Bill Clinton, American President 3.David, Warrior King 4.Paul Gascoigne, English Footballer 5.John Lee Hooker - American Blues Musician 6.Michael Jordan, American Basketball Player 7.Richard Nixon American President 8.Elvis Presley, American Singer 9.Nikolai Ryzhkov, Russian Prime Minster 10.Norman Schwarzkopf, American Military Leader.
Towards the end of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, General Norman Schwarzkopf was
interviewed on TV by Barbara Walters. His eyes welled up with tears as he answered personal questions. Walter said. "Generals don't cry". He replied, "Grant, after Shiloh, went back and cried. Sherman went back and cried...and these are tough old guys...Lincoln cried."
- published: 05 Mar 2012
- views: 1281
published: 28 May 2012
苏联解体是因为它的道德和文化的衰败。戈尔巴乔夫于1987年对苏共中央委员会的讲话:"一个新的道德氛围正在这个国家形成。价值重估和创造性思维正在出现。" 戈尔巴乔夫公开性的政策和改革导致了苏联解体。
他的总理尼古拉·雷日科夫(Nikolai I. Ryzhkov)对苏联社会变成了什么样更是直言不讳:"我们偷自己的东西,收贿受贿,在报告中、报纸上、讲坛上撒谎,我们沉溺在谎言中,互相给对方发奖牌。所有这一切—从上到下、从下到上地发生着。
- published: 28 May 2012
- views: 7256
Д.Медведев.Послание Федеральному Собранию РФ.12.11.09.Part 5
Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.Part 5
November 12...
published: 13 Nov 2009
Д.Медведев.Послание Федеральному Собранию РФ.12.11.09.Part 5
Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.Part 5
November 12, 2009
The Kremlin, Moscow.
Dmitry Medvedev delivered his Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly.
Послание Федеральному Собранию Российской Федерации.
12 ноября 2009 года
Москва, Большой Кремлёвский дворец
Of course, we also need to think about the natural resources that we can preserve and pass on to future generations. This is why I think that increasing energy efficiency and making the transition to a rational resource consumption model is another of our economys modernisation priorities. We can resolve this task only if each of us reflects on our personal responsibility for energy saving, as people are now doing throughout the globe. This is something everyone is thinking about elsewhere in the world.
What needs to be done? First, we will launch programmes to produce and install individual meters. People in our cities and towns today are essentially paying for worn-out and therefore costly utilities infrastructure. People should pay only for what they actually consume.
Second, we are beginning a transition to energy-saving light bulbs. People will save a considerable amount of money by replacing old equipment.
Third, starting next year, we will begin carrying out projects to make city districts more energy efficient. Utilities networks will be modernised and a system of payments for services will be introduced that takes more into consideration families consumption and income levels. We will introduce energy service contracts that will make substantial savings possible. The energy efficiency programmes will be implemented first of all in the public sector, where there is plenty of work to do. I call on all of the countrys regions to take part in these projects.
Fourth, we need to increase production not only of minerals, but also become a leader in developing innovation both in traditional and alternative energy.
One of the most glaring examples of ineffective energy resource use is the flaring of gas extracted alongside oil. This pollutes the environment and sends tens of billions of rubles up in smoke. The Government has discussed the issue on many occasions and has promised to put an end to this disgrace. We really do need to take fast and decisive action, and no objections from the production companies should be accepted. This has become a popular issue. During the meeting I held with the Federation Council, Nikolai Ryzhkov asked me to look into the problem of wasting the gas extracted alongside oil. I dont know if he is present now or not. He is here. I hope that we can work together then to oversee that this task is fulfilled.
One of the most promising areas is to make use of the widespread bio-resources we have, above all timber, peat, and industrial waste, as energy sources.
Our scientific research and production organisations will focus on developing innovative technology such as developments based on superconductor technology that is particularly relevant for our extensive territory. We continue to lose huge amounts of energy during its transmission around our country. Superconductor technology will radically change electricity production, transmission and use.
Programmes for developing nuclear energy have been made a separate area within the modernisation project. By 2014, we will have new-generation reactors and nuclear fuel, for which there will be demand not just in Russia but on foreign markets as well. Developments in the nuclear field will be actively applied in other areas too (above all in medicine, of course), for production of hydrogen fuel, and also for creating propellant devices capable of ensuring space flights even to other planets.
- published: 13 Nov 2009
- views: 922
Sur ARTE, jeudi 7 mai à 20.45 : L'EFFONDREMENT DU BLOC DE L'EST
Une série documentaire en...
published: 29 Apr 2009
Sur ARTE, jeudi 7 mai à 20.45 : L'EFFONDREMENT DU BLOC DE L'EST
Une série documentaire en cinq volets - Russie, Pologne, Hongrie, Roumanie et Lituanie - pour comprendre comment le bloc de l'Est s'est progressivement fissuré dans les années 1980.
1. Russie - Le photographe de la perestroïka
Les clichés d'Alexander Tchoumitchev, qui suivait Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, donnent une image particulièrement vivante des bouleversements qui ont précédé l'effondrement du bloc de l'Est.
Décembre 1991 : le drapeau soviétique qui flottait sur le Kremlin est abaissé pour toujours. Ce geste signe la fin de l'Union soviétique et l'échec de son président réformateur Mikhaïl Gorbatchev. Pourtant, son nom reste associé aux plus grands changements de l'histoire récente. Son porte-parole Andreï Gratchev et l'ancien premier ministre Nikolai Ryzhkov nous donnent un aperçu des luttes de pouvoir que Gorbatchev eut à affronter pour imposer sa politique de réformes. Mais l'un des témoignages les plus vivants reste celui, en images, de son photographe personnel Alexander Tchoumitchev.
- published: 29 Apr 2009
- views: 2480
published: 01 Jun 2012
共产政权五代寿终吗?5月25号《纽约时报》登出一篇「前进中的中国真的是脚踏实地吗?」(As China Marches Ahead, Is It On Solid Ground? )文章,其中作者(DIDI KIRSTEN TATLOW)比较了前苏联解体前的社会状态和当前中国社会出现的问题,作者提出,我们现在看到的中国情况难道就是(共产政权)结束前的时刻吗?
作者还引述「美国企业研究所」的Leon Aron在去年《外交政策》杂志上发表的文章内容,说:苏联的解体不是因为经济的衰弱,尽管那时它面临着严峻的挑战;苏联的解体也不是因为阿富汗战争,尽管那是一个负担。Aron指出,事实上,苏联解体是因为它的道德和文化的衰败。
而原苏联总理尼古拉‧雷日科夫(Nikolai I. Ryzhkov),对当年的社会也直言不讳的说:我们偷自己的东西,收贿受贿,在报告中、报纸上、讲坛上撒谎,我们沉溺在谎言中,互相给对方发奖牌。所有这一切—从上到下、从下到上的发生着。
新唐人电视 常春 采访报导
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 371
NY Times: CCP's Precursor of Collapse Is Just Like Former CCCP's
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published: 31 May 2012
NY Times: CCP's Precursor of Collapse Is Just Like Former CCCP's
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It was the fifth generation who ended Communist rule
in the former Soviet Union.
Analysis said that the Soviet Union fell because it became
morally and culturally weak.
As China prepares for its fifth generation, widespread moral
decline has long plagued China,"according to both ordinary and prominent Chinese,"the article reads.
New York Times (NY Times) said that the precursor
of collapse has shown up in China just like that of the former Soviet Union.
"Are we looking at the end game?" the article asks.
Do Communist states, perhaps, have a natural lifespan
as NY Times said? Here is what experts say.
Will communism come to an end at the fifth generation?
On May 25, NY Times published an article entitled,
"As China Marches Ahead, Is It On Solid Ground?"
The author, Didi Kirsten Tatlow, compares Chinese society
with that of the Soviet Union before its break-up,
and questions if we are looking at the end game of
Chinese Communism.
The author also cited Leon Aron of the American Enterprise
In an essay published in Foreign Policy magazine last year,
Leon argued that the Soviet Union didn't fall because
it was economically weakened,
despite its profound challenges in that realm.
Nor was the Soviets' war in Afghanistan the death knell,
though it was a burden.
"The Soviet Union fell because it was morally and culturally
weakened," Mr. Aron stated to the NY Times.
The NY Times article also said that widespread moral decline
has long plagued China, according to both ordinary and prominent Chinese.
Even prime minister Wen Jiabao, at a news conference
in March, said that Chinese society and politics suffer from corruption and a lack of credibility.
Nikolai I. Ryzhkov, former prime minister of Soviet Union,
was blunt about what Soviet society had become: "(We) stole
from ourselves, took and gave bribes, lied in the reports,
in newspapers, from high podiums, wallowed in our lies,
hung medals on one another.
And all of this - from top to bottom and from bottom to top."
The article also said that these reports of a weakening
economy combined with concern over morals pose a question
for China as it prepares for its fifth generation of
post-revolutionary leaders —
the same generation that ended Communist rule
in the former Soviet Union.
Li Li, current affairs commentator residing in Holland,
told New Tang Dynasty TV that the Chinese communism
is going bankrupt just like the Soviet Union, as China's
economy develops with hidden uncertainties.
Li Li: "Similarly, people thought the Soviet Union regime
would sustain until its break-up. All the tyrannical regimes repeat the same story.
They look powerful, with slaves as accomplices and stooges
taking advantage.
There is an old saying that a tree falls and the monkeys scatter.
And when the regime is about to collapse, everyone will give it a push."
Lan Shu, current affairs commentator, said that the communism
worshipped by CCP goes against fundamental humanity.
CCP believes that political power grows out of guns,
which rejects the goodness of human nature.
Lan Shu, current affairs commentator: "The first generation
fought for it, the second found it uncomfortable,
and the third and fourth struggle to survive, as it goes against
humanity and the whole human society.
Under such circumstances, gradually, people don't trust
it anymore.
CCP has completely lost its prestige among the public."
Gordon Chang, the author of The Coming Collapse of China
published in 2001, predicted that in 5 to 10 years, China's social system will collapse due to various problems.
Zhang said that many undercurrents flow beneath
the deceptively calm surface of Beijing, and China's social reform is accelerating.
A series of riots happened over the country on sensitive
occasions show the precursor of revolution.
Li Li said: "A tyrannical regime is based on lies and force,
so the public clearly knows that it is unreliable, but simply obey it for their personal interests.
The regime has lost its basic moral foundation, therefore
its collapse is not avoidable, (we) just don't know when."
The NY Times article said that Xi Jinping, the man tapped
to become China's next president, will also be a fifth-generation leader.
"So far, no one has made a convincing argument that Mr. Xi
is a reformer like Mr. Gorbachev," says the article.
- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 359
Тест камеры Go Pro HD Hero на склонах Домбая в 2012 году
Тест первой камеры Go Pro HD Hero после покупки, Домбай, весна 2012 г. В белой куртке и же...
published: 14 Jan 2013
Тест камеры Go Pro HD Hero на склонах Домбая в 2012 году
Тест первой камеры Go Pro HD Hero после покупки, Домбай, весна 2012 г. В белой куртке и желтой повязке - Михаил Шаталов (MishGun), девочка в розовой курточке - новоиспеченный лыжник - Лилия Шаталова (Lilka), парень в черной куртке с красным рюкзаком на борде - Серега Чернышев, в эпизодах Борис Чернышев и Александр Детман (тот, который растянулся на лыжах )))
- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 51
Youtube results:
Alex Mellor vs Nicolay Ryzhkov
Alex Mellor fighting Nicolay Ryzhkov in the Semi-Finals of the British University Champion...
published: 19 Feb 2011
Alex Mellor vs Nicolay Ryzhkov
Alex Mellor fighting Nicolay Ryzhkov in the Semi-Finals of the British University Championships 2011 (81kg category), 19/2/2011.
- published: 19 Feb 2011
- views: 359