विकिपीडिया:नीति वाचनालय

अधि विकिपीडिया, एकः स्वतन्त्रविश्वविज्ञानकोश
गम्यताम् अत्र : पर्यटनम्, अन्वेषणम्

Policy requesting consensus & confirmation First will be discussed/commented/ atleast by ten sa wikipedia users and then put to vote.Information that this discussion is going on should be transmitted through email/blog/news to all possible sanskrit language interested online people.please translate the same in your known south asian languages.

  • Sanskrit Wikipedia should have links to online free learning aids written and spoken in all Indian and if possible with all international languages
  • Sanskrit Wikipedia's Help Namesspace pages should be imported and maintained in each of possible India languages
  • Pronouns, Verbs and graamar syntax structure be maintained as per traditional conservative structure
  • Mainpage and navigationala buttons, drop down menus should in understandable simple sanskrit.
  • Option of chosing Navigational buttons in your own mother tongoue language the way faclity is available in beta-wiki should be available
  • sanskrit Words used in articles should have meanings available either in sa wiktionary in all Indian Langauages and/or atleast have been used in sanskrit-english,sanskrit to Hindi online dictionary
  • Let article writers borrow words liberally from all Indian languages and foreign languages but should be properly refferenced to online dictionary/wiktionary ,as earlier said pronouns,Vibhakti,verbs and graamar syntax be maintianed as per tradition only
  • More thrust has to be on wiki-source and wiktioary sister project and support to them
  • I view of easy linguistic studies Sanskrit wictionary should have meaning to each of sanskrit word in all Indian languages,Persian,central asian,Indoeuropean and arabic on priority.
  • Interwiki Link recent changes special page to all south asian languages for easy user navigation and vice versa.

Mahitgar १५:५७, १८ कार्तिकमार्गशीर्षे २००८ (UTC)