- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 471
Newton Medal winner (2010): Edward Witten
Dame Jocelyn Bell presents the 2010 Newton Medal to Edward Witten who gives a revealing in...
published: 20 Mar 2013
Newton Medal winner (2010): Edward Witten
Dame Jocelyn Bell presents the 2010 Newton Medal to Edward Witten who gives a revealing interview to the Institute of Physics. He applied mathematical techniques to our understanding of the Universe.
- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 471
Como escreveu alguém num blog: «A uma dada altura a SIC passou aquele que talvez tenha sid...
published: 12 Jan 2013
Como escreveu alguém num blog: «A uma dada altura a SIC passou aquele que talvez tenha sido o melhor programa de televisão alguma vez feito.» Entre 1 de maio de 2001 e 15 de maio de 2002 e depois repetido em 2006 a SIC, na rubrica (quinzenal) "Noites Longas", apresentou um programa de entrevistas que tinha como título holandês "Van De Schoonheid en de Troost" no original; "Of Beauty and Consolation" na versão inglesa e "O Belo e a Consolação" na tradução portuguesa, que em alguns programas mudou para, "Da Beleza e Consolação"; deve ter tido a ver com os vários tradutores envolvidos, já que traduziam de ouvido e ver (algumas legendas de origem e o titulo estavam em holandês).
A ordem por que passou na Sic foi: Richard Rorty, filósofo; Simon Schama, historiador; Martha Nussbaum, filósofa; George Steiner, escritor e filósofo; Roger Scruton, filósofo; Stephen Jay Gould, zoólogo e paleontólogo; Edward Witten, cientista e matemático; Steven Weinberg, cientista; Gary Lynch, neuropsicologista; Leon Lederman, cientista experimental; Vladimir Ashkenazy, pianista e maestro; Catherine Bott, soprano; Rudi Fuchs, director de museu; Karel Appel, pintor; John Coetzee, escritor; Elizabeth Loftus, psicóloga; Germaine Greer, escritora; Wole Soyinka, escritor; Yehudi Menuhin, violinista e maestro; Dubravka Ugresic, escritora; Grand Finale (debate em Amesterdão entre alguns dos participantes); György Konrád, escritor; Jane Goodall, escritora e etóloga; Tatjana Tolstaja, escritora e Rutger Kopland, poeta e psiquiatra.
Esta ordem devia ser igual à que passou na televisão holandesa VPRO, já que é costume vir uma "running order" a acompanhar os programas. A série constava de 24 conversas (deviam ser 26, mas dois; Freeman Dyson, cientista e Richard Dufallo, maestro, nunca chegaram a vir (não se sabe a razão), com vinte e quatro pessoas extraordinárias com diferentes percursos e visões da vida: artistas, cientistas, músicos e filósofos.
Apresentada por Wim Kayzer (jornalista , cineasta e escritor) e produzida por Vera de Vries, foi pela primeira vez transmitida pela televisão holandesa VPRO, em 2000. No site da VPRO (http://www.vpro.nl/programma/schoonheidentroost/afleveringen/) existe documentação áudio e vídeo em inglês sobre a série. Encontrei também referencias a um livro em holandês de Wim Kayzer de titulo "Het boek van de schoonheid en de troost" (O livro da beleza e consolação), que saiu na mesma altura em que a série foi apresentada na Holanda. Pela pesquisa que fiz só teve edição holandesa.
Aqui vos deixo para quase todos, os programas de "O Belo e a Consolação", legendados em português, seguindo uma ordem aleatória, com a única certeza que o último a colocar será o debate final.
- published: 12 Jan 2013
- views: 1060
Mathematical Physicist Edward Witten Interview - 1 of 2
Mathematical Physicist Edward Witten, one of the principal authors of string theory, being...
published: 26 Jun 2008
Mathematical Physicist Edward Witten Interview - 1 of 2
Mathematical Physicist Edward Witten, one of the principal authors of string theory, being interviewed by Ira Flatow on Big Ideas.
- published: 26 Jun 2008
- views: 215611
Edward Witten, Superstring Perturbation Theory Revisited (Strings 2012)
This is the talk given by one of the most influential physicists alive today, Edward Witte...
published: 03 Feb 2013
Edward Witten, Superstring Perturbation Theory Revisited (Strings 2012)
This is the talk given by one of the most influential physicists alive today, Edward Witten, at Strings 2012. This talk takes a fresh view on what can be said about perturbation theory for superstrings. The topics discussed here can be found in the following paper (of the same name) by Witten:
Witten is a theoretical physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (IAS), and is widely regarded as the greatest living physicist and the heir of Einstein. There is not enough room in this description to do his astounding career justice, but he played a vital role in the development of string theory and was the first physicist to receive the highest honor in mathematics, the Fields medal. Witten resolved the hierarchy problem, developed Seiberg-Witten theory, Gromov-Witten theory, worked on the gravitational anomaly.... the list goes on.
The Strings conference is the largest annual meeting of string theorists, and includes the biggest names in the subject giving talks on advancements made in essentially every aspect of the theory. Anyone who is interested in the subject should be quite interested in these talks! (I'm hoping to actually attend the conference this year in Seoul... but we'll see...)
The lectures can be found, viewed, and downloaded from free from the website for the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, which was the venue for the conference in 2012). In particular, there are many more lectures which do not appear in this playlist (these are merely the lectures I personally find most interesting). Their website can be found here:
- published: 03 Feb 2013
- views: 462
Knots and Quantum Theory | Edward Witten, Charles Simonyi Professor
Edward Witten, Charles Simonyi Professor, School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanc...
published: 27 Apr 2012
Knots and Quantum Theory | Edward Witten, Charles Simonyi Professor
Edward Witten, Charles Simonyi Professor, School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study
A knot is more or less what you think it is—a tangled mess of string in ordinary three-dimensional space. In the twentieth century, mathematicians developed a rich and deep theory of knots. And surprisingly, as Edward Witten, Charles Simonyi Professor in the School of Natural Sciences, explains in this lecture, it turned out that many of the most interesting ideas about knots have their roots in quantum physics.
More videos at http://video.ias.edu
- published: 27 Apr 2012
- views: 9008
Fundamental Physics Prize Laureates Lectures Series - Edward Witten
String Theory and the Universe
Edward Witten, Hunter College (CUNY), New York, NY, March 4...
published: 29 Mar 2013
Fundamental Physics Prize Laureates Lectures Series - Edward Witten
String Theory and the Universe
Edward Witten, Hunter College (CUNY), New York, NY, March 4, 2013
- published: 29 Mar 2013
- views: 74
Newton Lecture 2010: String theory and the Universe (part 1)
2010 winner of the Newton Medal, Edward Witten speaks to an audience at the Institute of P...
published: 10 Aug 2012
Newton Lecture 2010: String theory and the Universe (part 1)
2010 winner of the Newton Medal, Edward Witten speaks to an audience at the Institute of Physics in London. He helped progress our understanding of the fundamental theories in physics. He touches on gravity, quantum mechanics and string theory.
- published: 10 Aug 2012
- views: 4431
Clay Math 2001 Annual Meeting Talk by Edward Witten
2001 Olympiad Event
Friday, July 13, 2001, 2:00 pm
A Celebration of the Universality of ...
published: 24 Nov 2011
Clay Math 2001 Annual Meeting Talk by Edward Witten
2001 Olympiad Event
Friday, July 13, 2001, 2:00 pm
A Celebration of the Universality of Mathematical Thought
On July 13, 2001 the Clay Mathematics Institute organized the closing ceremonies of the International Mathematics Olympiad in Washington, DC, and incorporated this event into its 2001 Annual Meeting. The events brought approximately five hundred of the world's best high school mathematics students in contact with a cross-section of the world's best research mathematicians, including Edward Witten, Andrew Wiles, and Arthur Jaffe. The meeting of the Clay Mathematics Institute took place at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts at 2:00 PM on July 13. This ceremony included the presentation of the Clay Research Awards and two inspirational talks by CMI Scientific Advisory Board members Andrew Wiles and Edward Witten. Following the ceremony at the Kennedy Center was a reception and dinner at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. The dinner involved almost eleven hundred guests, and included talks by Alfred R. Berkeley, III, Chairman of NASDAQ, and Rita Colwell, Director of the National Science Foundation, as well as other forms of entertainment including a live performance by Christopher Thompson, accompanied by Milton Granger, of an excerpt from Fermat's Last Tango.
- published: 24 Nov 2011
- views: 5712
Interview with Ed Witten on the Physics of the LHC
Date- 18th June 09 Source- http://cdsweb.cern.ch/collection/Video%20Movies
'Discussion ...
published: 19 Jun 2009
Interview with Ed Witten on the Physics of the LHC
Date- 18th June 09 Source- http://cdsweb.cern.ch/collection/Video%20Movies
'Discussion with Edward Witten, on sabbatical at CERN on the physics of the LHC and beyond'
- published: 19 Jun 2009
- views: 37513
Quantum Gravity (Edward Witten)
Plática Quantum Gravity impartida por Edward Witten, en el ciclo de conferencias Solomon L...
published: 21 Jan 2013
Quantum Gravity (Edward Witten)
Plática Quantum Gravity impartida por Edward Witten, en el ciclo de conferencias Solomon Lefschetz Memorial Lecture Series, llevadas a cabo en el IPN-Cinvestav en noviembre del 2011
- published: 21 Jan 2013
- views: 296
Ed Witten - Mystery Theory ('Big Ideas' Interview)
Interview with theoretical physicist Edward Witten, recorded in 2003....
published: 23 Jun 2012
Ed Witten - Mystery Theory ('Big Ideas' Interview)
Interview with theoretical physicist Edward Witten, recorded in 2003.
- published: 23 Jun 2012
- views: 1691
Youtube results:
Mathematical Physicist Edward Witten Interview - 2 of 2
Mathematical Physicist Edward Witten, one of the principal authors of string theory, being...
published: 26 Jun 2008
Mathematical Physicist Edward Witten Interview - 2 of 2
Mathematical Physicist Edward Witten, one of the principal authors of string theory, being interviewed by Ira Flatow on Big Ideas.
- published: 26 Jun 2008
- views: 75783
Welcome to the 11th Dimension
Part 3 of "The Elegant Universe" with host Brian Greene shows how Edward Witten of Princet...
published: 09 Dec 2012
Welcome to the 11th Dimension
Part 3 of "The Elegant Universe" with host Brian Greene shows how Edward Witten of Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study, aided by others, revolutionized string theory by successfully uniting the five different versions into a single theory that is cryptically named "M-theory," a development that requires a total of eleven dimensions.
Ten...eleven...who's counting? But the new 11th dimension implies that strings can come in shapes called membranes, or "branes" for short. These have truly science fiction-like qualities, since in principle they can be as large as the universe. A brane can even be a universe—a parallel universe—and we may be living on one right now.
Then it's string theory to the rescue as Greene describes the steps that led from a forgotten 200-year-old mathematical formula to the first glimmerings of strings—quivering strands of energy whose different vibrations give rise to quarks, electrons, photons, and all other elementary particles. Strings are truly tiny, being smaller than an atom by the same factor that a tree is smaller than the solar system. But, as Greene explains, they are able to combine the laws of the large and the laws of the small into a proposal for a single, harmonious theory of everything.
- published: 09 Dec 2012
- views: 789
Edward Witten racconta "La Teoria delle Stringhe. La Teoria del Tutto"
Edward Witten racconta "La Teoria delle Stringhe. La Teoria del Tutto"
published: 27 Dec 2012
Edward Witten racconta "La Teoria delle Stringhe. La Teoria del Tutto"
Edward Witten racconta "La Teoria delle Stringhe. La Teoria del Tutto"
Il matematico e fisico statunitense Edward Witten, medaglia Fields 1990, ci introduce nella sua lezione magistrale alla teoria delle stringhe, della quale è stato uno dei principali artefici e padre della rivoluzionaria M-Teoria, nata anche dai contributi nella comprensione delle leggi fondamentali della natura data da molti fisici italiani tra i quali Regge, Veneziano, Fubini.
Ancora in fase di sviluppo, questa teoria è molto diffusa tra gli astrofisici ma ha anche tanti oppositori. L'interesse per lo studio di Witten risiede nel fatto che si spera possa trattarsi di una "teoria del tutto", ossia una teoria che colleghi tutti i fenomeni fisici conosciuti.
Edward Witten ci racconta la genesi e le affascinanti prospettive di questa teoria che tenta di spiegare le caratteristiche fondamentali dell'universo. Partendo dalla ipotesi di base secondo cui le particelle elementari non siano puntiformi, ma siano costituite da un minuscolo filamento, detto "stringa", che vibra e oscilla, determinando, a seconda del modo in cui avviene la vibrazione, le caratteristiche fondamentali di ogni particella: la massa e la carica.
0:00 La rivoluzione della relatività
5:00 Evoluzione della teoria quantistica
9:20 Prima delle stringhe
12:20 La necessità di unificare le teorie
17:05 Meccanica quantistica e relatività generale
19:35 Una teoria affascinante
22:45 Una prima idea di stringhe
27:00 Differenza tra quanti e stringhe
30:10 Dalle stringhe alle super-stringhe
32:10 La super-simmetria
39:45 Una nuova idea di simmetria
42:25 Il dibattito sulla teoria delle stringhe
45:20 Le cinque teorie delle stringhe
53:10 La teoria M
55:35 Una sorprendente coerenza
1:01:00 Il CERN
1:03:35 Dal CERN nuove speranze
1:07:30 Conclusione
l presente video è tratto dalla collana Beautiful Minds, un'iniziativa di Repubblica - L'Espresso - in collaborazione con Le Scienze, in catalogo fino al 29/02/2012.
Invitiamo tutti i visitatori a rendere possibile altre iniziative simili abbonandosi alla rivista Le Scienze, una delle più prestigiose fonti di divulgazione scientifica in Italia.
- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 1356