- published: 04 Jan 2009
- views: 1062268

Ηρώ - Θέλω να με κρατάς
Στίχοι: Ηρώ
Μουσική: Δημήτρης Κοντόπουλος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Ηρώ
Album: Απογείωση
Πόσα ...
published: 04 Jan 2009
Ηρώ - Θέλω να με κρατάς
Στίχοι: Ηρώ
Μουσική: Δημήτρης Κοντόπουλος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Ηρώ
Album: Απογείωση
Πόσα περάσαμε
το ξέρεις και το ξέρω
Άλλες αγάπες
που δε βγάζαν πουθενά
Έρχομαι εδώ μπροστά σου
κοίτα με στα μάτια
Δεν έχουμε άλλη επιλογή
εμείς οι δυο
θέλω να με κρατάς για πάντα
Να χάνομαι μες στα δυο σου μάτια
Ξέρεις πως μακριά σου εγώ δε ζω
Θέλω σφιχτά να μ΄ αγκαλιάζεις
Μέσα στις νύχτες να φωνάζεις
Τίποτα δε χωρίζει εμάς τους δυο
Τόσος καιρός χαμένος
πήγε μακριά σου
Εσύ κι εγώ σε κάποια άλλη αγκαλιά
Αυτό που δένει εμάς τους δυο
είναι γραμμένο
Πάρε το χέρι μου
και πάμε ξανά
Μπορείτε να ακούσετε το dance remix εδώ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwYYwhPxT7w
- published: 04 Jan 2009
- views: 1062268

Amore mio - Hrw Gigi d' Alessio - Lyrics
Era settembre ed il sole ci ha visti baciare
con il fiatone correvi gi...
published: 22 Dec 2009
Amore mio - Hrw Gigi d' Alessio - Lyrics
Era settembre ed il sole ci ha visti baciare
con il fiatone correvi giocando con me
un sassolino nell'acqua faceva rumore
il desiderio di stare per sempre con te.
Στην αμμουδιά περπατούσαμε κάθε πρωί,
όνειρα έκανα δίπλα σου για τη ζωή.
Τώρα είμαι μόνη κι ο χρόνος κυλάει αργά,
βγαίνω στους δρόμους ξορκίζοντας τη μοναξιά.
Πες μου πώς;
Η ματιά σου που ήταν σαν φλόγα που πάγωσε.
Τ' άγγιγμά σου τις νύχτες στο σώμα μου πόνος κρυφός.
Πες μου πώς;
Σε ρωτάω.
Ποιος μου πήρε το όνειρο κι έφυγε μαζί σου.
Θα σ' αγαπώ ώσπου ο χρόνος να τελειώσει
και θα 'μαι εδώ να σ' αγκαλιάζω όταν νυχτώνει.
Κοίτα την ώρα που περνάει, πόσο αλλάζεις
γίνεσαι ανάμνηση...
Γίνεσαι κρύο και αέρας που παγώνει
όταν το βλέμμα στη ματιά σου χαμηλώνει.
Γίνεσαι χιόνι που τα δάχτυλα ματώνει
γίνεσαι ανάμνηση...
Και μου ζητάς λίγο χρόνο για να το σκεφτείς
όμως το ξέρω σου τέλειωσε ό,τι κι αν πεις.
Πώς να νικήσω τη σκέψη που θα σε ζητά;
Γκρίζα τα σύννεφα γκρίζα και η μοναξιά.
Col naso rosso dal freddo era quasi Natale
il nostro amore cresceva ogni giorno di più.
Era la luce degli occhi ad accendere i cuori
fino all'ecclissi solare che adesso c'è in te.
Cosa c'è
con lo sguardo abbassato non parli e non corri da me.
Hai bisogno di stare un po' sola lontana perché
Cosa c'è
io lo so
tra un minuto mi lasci da solo non dire di no.
Amore mio
senza un'addio mi stai lasciando
ma il tuo silenzio sembra dire hai fatto centro
come la neve sciolta al sole stai piangendo è inevitabile
Ma lui chi è
adesso me ne stai parlando
come hai potuto dargli un pezzo del mio mondo
vorrei sparire mentre ti accarezza il vento
sei cattivissima, sei cativissima.
Γίνεσαι ανάμνηση...
- published: 22 Dec 2009
- views: 226840

¸¸.☆ Ηρώ ~ Μόνο Εμείς / Hrw ~ Mono Emeis ❥¸¸.♥ New Song 2012 ♥
Μουσική ~Στίχοι ~Ερμηνεία: Ηρώ Λεχουρίτη
Η Ηρώ επιστ...
published: 24 Feb 2012
¸¸.☆ Ηρώ ~ Μόνο Εμείς / Hrw ~ Mono Emeis ❥¸¸.♥ New Song 2012 ♥
Μουσική ~Στίχοι ~Ερμηνεία: Ηρώ Λεχουρίτη
Η Ηρώ επιστρέφει μετά από τρία χρόνια δισκογραφικής απουσίας, με μια πολύ προσωπική δουλειά, το ''μονο εμεις'' ειναι ενα απο τα αγαπημενα μου τραγουδια στο νεο της αλμπουμ!
- published: 24 Feb 2012
- views: 4606

Etsi eimai ego - Hrw / Έτσι είμαι εγώ - Ηρώ
Έτσι είμαι εγώ και δε μπορώ ούτε και θέλω ν΄αλλάξω, έτσι είμαι εγώ να σ' ονειρεύομαι μου ε...
published: 15 Nov 2009
Etsi eimai ego - Hrw / Έτσι είμαι εγώ - Ηρώ
Έτσι είμαι εγώ και δε μπορώ ούτε και θέλω ν΄αλλάξω, έτσι είμαι εγώ να σ' ονειρεύομαι μου είναι αρκετό...
- published: 15 Nov 2009
- views: 469412

Allazw Hrw
Στίχοι: Νίκος Γρίτσης-Μουσική: Δημήτρης Κοντόπουλος-Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Ηρώ-Δισκογραφια: Αλλάζ...
published: 29 May 2009
Allazw Hrw
Στίχοι: Νίκος Γρίτσης-Μουσική: Δημήτρης Κοντόπουλος-Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Ηρώ-Δισκογραφια: Αλλάζω - 2008 ......dEn iMe pia ekEini pOu noMIzeIs...na feVgeIs kai oTan 8eLeis na gyRizeIs...teLeiwSane ta pSemaTa dEn eXw apo8eMata kAi na xwRiZw eMa8a oPws aGapiSa...
- published: 29 May 2009
- views: 45628

HRW (helping refugees of the world) Wausau 400 Block Festival (Pageant_22 hmong song)
I went to the 1st annual HRW festival and recorded these video for those who can't make it...
published: 20 Jun 2012
HRW (helping refugees of the world) Wausau 400 Block Festival (Pageant_22 hmong song)
I went to the 1st annual HRW festival and recorded these video for those who can't make it. I hope Hmong from all the world can attend and compete in this in the future to come. I really want to see it happen. Enjoy. I know. I know. Some people will like it and some will not. There will be comments from left and right, but all and all, please let's respect what our HMONG do (for those Hmong out there) and support and give ideas instead of putting them down. OK. Thanks. I thought this was GREAT for first timer. I hope to see it happening annually! I missed the first two days. I made it to the third day only which was better 'cause I see the ending.
- published: 20 Jun 2012
- views: 1621

La Côte d'Ivoire défend sa justice, critiquée par HRW
Le gouvernement ivoirien s'est défendu jeudi 4 avril de pratiquer une justice partiale con...
published: 05 Apr 2013
La Côte d'Ivoire défend sa justice, critiquée par HRW
Le gouvernement ivoirien s'est défendu jeudi 4 avril de pratiquer une justice partiale contre les proches de l'ex-président Laurent Gbagbo, affirmant que "la justice en Côte d'Ivoire ne sera pas aux ordres", après les critiques de l'ONG, Human Rights Watch (HRW). Durée: 00:31
- published: 05 Apr 2013
- views: 35

HRW (helping refugees of the world) Wausau 400 Block Festival (singing open mic_not the LOSER)
I went to the 1st annual HRW festival and recorded these video for those who can't make it...
published: 19 Jun 2012
HRW (helping refugees of the world) Wausau 400 Block Festival (singing open mic_not the LOSER)
I went to the 1st annual HRW festival and recorded these video for those who can't make it. I hope Hmong from all the world can attend and compete in this in the future to come. I really want to see it happen. Enjoy. I know. I know. Some people will like it and some will not. There will be comments from left and right, but all and all, please let's respect what our HMONG do (for those Hmong out there) and support and give ideas instead of putting them down. OK. Thanks. I thought this was GREAT for first timer. I hope to see it happening annually! I missed the first two days. I made it to the third day only which was better 'cause I see the ending.
- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 3592

HRW: Phải có tiến bộ cụ thể trong Đối thoại Nhân quyền Việt-Mỹ
HRW: Phải có tiến bộ cụ thể trong Đối thoại Nhân quyền Việt-Mỹ. Việt Nam tuyên án treo 4 q...
published: 11 Apr 2013
HRW: Phải có tiến bộ cụ thể trong Đối thoại Nhân quyền Việt-Mỹ
HRW: Phải có tiến bộ cụ thể trong Đối thoại Nhân quyền Việt-Mỹ. Việt Nam tuyên án treo 4 quan chức sai phạm trong vụ Đoàn Văn Vươn. Philippines truy tố ngư phủ Trung Quốc đánh bắt trái phép trong lãnh hải Philippines. Việt Nam xác nhận người chết đầu tiên vì cúm gia cầm H5N1 sau hơn một năm. Tổng thư ký ASEAN kêu gọi Indonesia tiếp tay giải quyết cuộc tranh chấp tại Biển Đông. Việt-Mỹ thảo luận chuyện để Cảnh sát Biển của Hoa Kỳ giúp đỡ các ngư dân Việt Nam gặp vấn đề với Trung Quốc. Xem thêm: http://www.voatiengviet.com/ và http://www.youtube.com/VOATiengVietVideo
- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 3375

BEST NEWS : Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses
Page 1 of comments on Somali leader discusses HRW report on ...
published: 29 Mar 2013
BEST NEWS : Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses
Page 1 of comments on Somali leader discusses HRW report on ...
www.youtube.com/all_comments?v... - Traduzir esta página
Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses. by AlJazeeraEnglish • 14 views. Somali president speaks to Al Jazeera on the allegations in a Human Rights ...
Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses - YouTube
► 1:14► 1:14
2 dias atrás - Vídeo enviado por AlJazeeraEnglish
Somali president speaks to Al Jazeera on the allegations in a Human Rights Watch report of rapes by ...
Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses - YouTube
► 1:14► 1:14
2 dias atrás - Vídeo enviado por worldcenternoticias
Reports - Human Rights Watch | Defending Human Rights Worldwide US: Obama Should Press Mideast ...
Displaced Somalis Abused and Raped - Human Rights Watch ...
article.wn.com/.../Displaced_Somalis_Abused_an... - Traduzir esta página
1 dia atrás -- Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses. Reports - Human Rights Watch | Defending Human Rights Worldwide US: Obama Should ...
Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses : AlJazeeraEnglish
www.channels.com/episodes/17118378 - Traduzir esta página
2 dias atrás -- Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses Somali president speaks to Al Jazeera on the allegations in a Human Rights Watch report of ...
Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses : AlJazeeraEnglish ...
www.channels.com/.../Somali-leader-discusses-H... - Traduzir esta página
Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses Somali president speaks to Al Jazeera on the allegations in a Human Rights Watch report of rapes by security ...
Somali Leader Discusses Hrw Report On Abuses and Related News
www.rsshog.com/.../somali-leader-discusses-hrw-... - Traduzir esta página
2 dias atrás -- Somali president speaks to Al Jazeera on the allegations in a Human Rights Watch report of rapes by security forces. He says the government ...
Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses • News Videos ...
news.smashpipe.com/?f=0P78dKcPjKM - Traduzir esta página
3 dias atrás -- Somali president speaks to Al Jazeera on the allegations in a Human Rights Watch report of rapes by security forces. He says the government ...
Somali Leader Discusses Hrw Report On Abuses Aljazeeraenglish ...
www.videonewsindex.com/.../somali-leader-disc... - Traduzir esta página
Somali Leader Discusses Hrw Report On Abuses Aljazeeraenglish » - Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses - Video News - videos, sports, world, ...
Somali leader discusses HRW report on abuses - Video Dailymotion
www.dailymotion.com/.../xyjdrw_somali-leader-... - Traduzir esta página
1 dia atrás -- Somali president speaks to Al Jazeera on the allegations in a Human Rights Watch report of rapes by security forces. He says the government ...
- published: 29 Mar 2013
- views: 0
Youtube results:

HRW (helping refugees of the world) Wausau 400 Block Festival (singing open mic_HMONG be GOOD)
I went to the 1st annual HRW festival and recorded these video for those who can't make it...
published: 19 Jun 2012
HRW (helping refugees of the world) Wausau 400 Block Festival (singing open mic_HMONG be GOOD)
I went to the 1st annual HRW festival and recorded these video for those who can't make it. I hope Hmong from all the world can attend and compete in this in the future to come. I really want to see it happen. Enjoy. I know. I know. Some people will like it and some will not. There will be comments from left and right, but all and all, please let's respect what our HMONG do (for those Hmong out there) and support and give ideas instead of putting them down. OK. Thanks. I thought this was GREAT for first timer. I hope to see it happening annually! I missed the first two days. I made it to the third day only which was better 'cause I see the ending.
- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 4147