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Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance - Phase 2

Africa Climate Change resilience Alliance

Reference: RSAF-0004 The purpose of the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) is to increase the use of evidence by governments, development and humanitarian actors in developing and implementing policies and Read more…

Thursday, April 11 2013 / CDKN Africa

Climate change counts: Strengthening SADC universities' contributions to climate compatible development


Project reference: AAAF-0010 The Southern African Regional Universities Association (SARUA) has initiated a programme that aims to build capacity for climate compatible development (CCD) within the Southern African region, and to Read more…

Wednesday, March 27 2013 / CDKN Africa

CORDEX-Africa: enhancing the use of climate information in decision-making


Project reference: AAAF-0012 The science-policy divide poses a major obstacle to mobilising climate data to inform decision-making needs and adaptation planning priorities in Africa. On the one hand policy practitioners often Read more…

Wednesday, March 27 2013 / CDKN Africa

Exploring local access to the Green Climate Fund (GCF)


Project code: AAGL-0039 The overall objective of this project is to ensure that the Green Climate Fund is directly accessible to sub-national stakeholders, including local authorities, civil society organisations and knowledge Read more…

Monday, March 18 2013 / CDKN Global

Renewable Energy Empowerment in Sierra Leone: A Vision to Electrify Rural Sierra Leone


Reference Number: AAGL-0017a Increasing the uptake of renewable energy (RE) technologies is central to realising climate compatible development. Unfortunately, awareness of the potential of such technologies amongst key stakeholders, especially policy Read more…

Friday, March 8 2013 / CDKN Africa

Ecosystems-based approaches to building resilience in urban areas: Making the case for a framework for smart decision-making criteria

Addis Ababa

Reference Number: AAGL-0017d Ecosystem-based adaptation is listed in the Durban Adaptation Charter as a priority action for local and sub-national governments. This project brings together urban practitioners, policy makers and the Read more…

Wednesday, March 6 2013 / CDKN Africa

Building the Climate Resilience of the Coffee Value Chain in Uganda through Stakeholder Dialogues


Reference Number: AAGL-0017b Uganda’s economy is largely dependent on a few agro-commodities, predominantly rain-fed and grown by smallholders with limited external inputs. This makes the country highly sensitive to climate risks. Read more…

Friday, March 1 2013 / CDKN Africa

Using climate finance to upscale the Ethiopian National Biogas Programme – a biogas NAMA

Biogas digester at Meru prison_Sustainable Sanitation Alliance_giz

Reference Number: AAGL-0017c Sustainable development in many rural areas of Africa is constrained by a lack of access to energy. In Ethiopia, about 92 percent of the energy demand is still Read more…

Thursday, February 28 2013 / CDKN Africa

Energy, Ecodevelopment and Resilience in Africa (EERA)


Project Reference: TAAF-0042 Understanding the impacts of climate change on the energy sector, including energy supply, demand and access, is critical for ensuring climate compatible development in West Africa.  The Energy, Read more…

Thursday, February 28 2013 / CDKN Africa

LDC Policy Paper Series


Climate change is one of the most complex issues addressed by humanity. Its cause and impacts have profound implications for almost all aspects of sustainable development, including many of the Read more…

Tuesday, February 26 2013 / CDKN Global

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