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Cyanide & Happiness - The Man Who Could Sit Anywhere
Cyanide & Happiness - ALTERNATE CUT - The Man Who Could Sit Anywhere
The Sit-Ins (video made for 5th grade class)
Tricicle, SIT
Curso Básico de Fotografia - Aula 1 - A Câmara DSLR - Sit Kong Sang - Closed Captions
Woolworth Lunch Counter
How To: Wall-Sit
Kids React To Sitting On The Toilet
Curso de Fotografia Básica - Aula 5 - Fotômetro - Sub e Super Exposição - EV - Sit Kong Sang
James - Sit Down
Arctic Monkeys - 'Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair'
Curso Básico de Fotografia - Aula 3 - O Obturador Fotográfico - Sit Kong Sang - Closed Captions


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Cyanide & Happiness - The Man Who Could Sit Anywhere
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:36
  • Updated: 06 Jun 2013
Subscribe to Explosm! - Read Our Comics! - Find us on Facebook: The only superp... & Happiness - The Man Who Could Sit Anywhere
Cyanide & Happiness - ALTERNATE CUT - The Man Who Could Sit Anywhere
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:10
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2013
Subscribe to Explosm! - Read Our Comics! - Find us on Facebook: Deleted scene w... & Happiness - ALTERNATE CUT - The Man Who Could Sit Anywhere
The Sit-Ins (video made for 5th grade class)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:01
  • Updated: 27 May 2013
This is a video I put together for a class of 5th graders to show them the power of nonviolence in the Civil Rights movement. It used footage from the excell... Sit-Ins (video made for 5th grade class)
Tricicle, SIT
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:30
  • Updated: 30 May 2013
Clip promotionnel © Gruber Ballet Opéra., SIT
Curso Básico de Fotografia - Aula 1 - A Câmara DSLR - Sit Kong Sang - Closed Captions
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:14
  • Updated: 30 May 2013 conheçam meu canal e se inscrevam! Clique no gostei, favorite, comente! Closed Captions - Legendas em várias líng... Básico de Fotografia - Aula 1 - A Câmara DSLR - Sit Kong Sang - Closed Captions
Woolworth Lunch Counter
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:12
  • Updated: 04 Jun 2013
A History Lost and Found video clip on the Woolworth Lunch Counter which was one of the focal points of the Civil Rights movement.
  • published: 23 Feb 2008
  • views: 77725
  • author: psychediva Lunch Counter
How To: Wall-Sit
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:01
  • Updated: 02 Jun 2013
Check out for more information and detailed exercises! Join the most supportive and fastest growing community on facebook!... To: Wall-Sit
Kids React To Sitting On The Toilet
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:00
  • Updated: 06 Jun 2013
Sitting on the Toilet Deleted Footage: NEW Vids every Sun & Thurs! Subscribe: Watch all episodes of REACT http...
  • published: 14 Aug 2011
  • views: 6758081
  • author: TheFineBros React To Sitting On The Toilet
Curso de Fotografia Básica - Aula 5 - Fotômetro - Sub e Super Exposição - EV - Sit Kong Sang
  • Order:
  • Duration: 45:25
  • Updated: 29 May 2013 conheçam meu canal e se inscrevam! Clique no gostei, favorite, comente! Uma tentativa de explicar o funcionamento... de Fotografia Básica - Aula 5 - Fotômetro - Sub e Super Exposição - EV - Sit Kong Sang
James - Sit Down
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:24
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2013
This is the original video and version of "Sit Down", as issued by Rough Trade in 1989.
  • published: 21 Jul 2007
  • views: 1762309
  • author: David Bryant - Sit Down
Arctic Monkeys - 'Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:08
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2013
'Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair' available from iTunes now - 7"/10" and Mp3 Digital Bundle Available from 30th... Monkeys - 'Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair'
Curso Básico de Fotografia - Aula 3 - O Obturador Fotográfico - Sit Kong Sang - Closed Captions
  • Order:
  • Duration: 19:33
  • Updated: 29 May 2013
Legendado conheçam meu canal e se inscrevam! Clique no gostei, favorite, comente! O funcionamento do obturador fo... Básico de Fotografia - Aula 3 - O Obturador Fotográfico - Sit Kong Sang - Closed Captions
James - Sit Down (With Lyrics)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:56
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2013
Sit Down by James UMG and Sony Music Entertainment own the audio.
  • published: 07 Sep 2007
  • views: 725565
  • author: Daniel Sil - Sit Down (With Lyrics)
How to Do a Sit Up
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:43
  • Updated: 01 Jun 2013
Fitness classic still gets the job done. Learn exercises and stretches for your workout routine in this fitness video.
  • published: 05 Apr 2009
  • views: 541689
  • author: livestrong to Do a Sit Up

Subscribe to Explosm! - Read Our Comics! - Find us on Facebook: The only superp...

Cyanide & Hap­pi­ness - The Man Who Could Sit Any­where
Sub­scribe to Ex­plosm! - http://​bit.​ly/​13xgq7a Read Our Comics! - http://​www.​explosm.​net Fi...
pub­lished: 04 Feb 2010
Cyanide & Hap­pi­ness - AL­TER­NATE CUT - The Man Who Could Sit Any­where
Sub­scribe to Ex­plosm! - http://​bit.​ly/​13xgq7a Read Our Comics! - http://​www.​explosm.​net Fi...
pub­lished: 11 Feb 2010
The Sit-Ins (video made for 5th grade class)
This is a video I put to­geth­er for a class of 5th graders to show them the power of non­vio...
pub­lished: 30 May 2011
Tri­ci­cle, SIT
Clip pro­mo­tion­nel © Gru­ber Bal­let Opéra....
pub­lished: 25 Aug 2008
Curso Básico de Fo­tografia - Aula 1 - A Câmara DSLR - Sit Kong Sang - Closed Cap­tions
http://​www.​youtube.​com/​user/​SitKongSangFOTO conheçam meu canal e se in­screvam! Clique no g...
pub­lished: 10 Jun 2012
Wool­worth Lunch Counter
A His­to­ry Lost and Found video clip on the Wool­worth Lunch Counter which was one of the fo...
pub­lished: 23 Feb 2008
au­thor: psychedi­va
How To: Wall-Sit
Check out http://​www.​scotthermanfitness.​com/​ for more in­for­ma­tion and de­tailed ex­er­cis­es! ...
pub­lished: 15 Jan 2011
Kids React To Sit­ting On The Toi­let
Sit­ting on the Toi­let Delet­ed Footage: http://​bit.​ly/​pmGczn NEW Vids every Sun & Thurs! Su...
pub­lished: 14 Aug 2011
au­thor: The­Fine­Bros
Curso de Fo­tografia Básica - Aula 5 - Fotômetro - Sub e Super Ex­posição - EV - Sit Kong Sang
http://​www.​youtube.​com/​user/​SitKongSangFOTO conheçam meu canal e se in­screvam! Clique no g...
pub­lished: 02 Jul 2012
James - Sit Down
This is the orig­i­nal video and ver­sion of "Sit Down", as is­sued by Rough Trade in 1989....
pub­lished: 21 Jul 2007
au­thor: David Bryant
Arc­tic Mon­keys - 'Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair'
'Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair' avail­able from iTunes now -http://​www.​smartu...
pub­lished: 15 Apr 2011
au­thor: Domi­noRecords
Curso Básico de Fo­tografia - Aula 3 - O Ob­tu­rador Fo­tográfico - Sit Kong Sang - Closed Cap­tions
Leg­en­da­do http://​www.​youtube.​com/​user/​SitKongSangFOTO conheçam meu canal e se in­screvam! C...
pub­lished: 18 Jun 2012
James - Sit Down (With Lyrics)
Sit Down by James UMG and Sony Music En­ter­tain­ment own the audio....
pub­lished: 07 Sep 2007
au­thor: Daniel Sil
How to Do a Sit Up
Fit­ness clas­sic still gets the job done. Learn ex­er­cis­es and stretch­es for your work­out ro...
pub­lished: 05 Apr 2009
au­thor: live­strong
Vimeo results:
The Longest Way 1.0 - walk through China and grow a beard! - TIME­LAPSE
In 2008, I walked through China - one year, more than 4500km. All the while, I let my hair...
pub­lished: 13 May 2009
More videos and li­cens­ing/shoot­ing in­for­ma­tion can be seen at www.​deer-dog.​com Music:...
pub­lished: 09 Aug 2012
au­thor: Colin Rich
Lon­don Bus Tour
Who does not like look­ing out of the win­dow while being in a bus? Ev­ery­thing is shot han...
pub­lished: 30 Aug 2011
This Is My Home
On an un­sea­son­ably warm Novem­ber night in Man­hat­tan on our way to get ice cream, we stum­bl...
pub­lished: 20 Feb 2012
au­thor: Mark

Youtube results:
Mega64: Sit Quit­ters
It's the new smok­ing. http://​mega64.​com Giz­mo­do ar­ti­cle: http://​gizmodo.​com/​5976091/​sittin...​
pub­lished: 23 Jan 2013
au­thor: Roc­coB64
12 Ways To Tell Some­one to Sit On Your Face
This is by far the most ridicu­lous video I've ever made. Thank you for deal­ing with how ob...
pub­lished: 24 Aug 2012
au­thor: tyleroak­ley
How to do a L-sit?
Doing L-sits will give your abs a great shock and it's a good way to work out your abs. It...
pub­lished: 15 Nov 2010
Teach a Puppy to Sit | Teach­er's Pet With Vic­to­ria Stil­well
Get more train­ing tips from Vic­to­ria: http://​www.​youtube.​com/​playlist?​list=PL0C724F6F6A597...​
pub­lished: 31 Mar 2012
au­thor: eHow­Pets
photo: AP / dpa,Peter Kneffel
An aerial view of the flooding in Passau, Germany, photographed Monday June 3, 2013.
Edit Jamaica Observer
04 Jun 2013
Water levels on the Rhine, Danube and Neckar rivers have risen steadily, with many smaller streams also threatening to break their banks ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
photo: Creative Commons / Miloš Hlávka
The flood in Nový Knín 2013-06-02 - Tyrš street
Edit Wall Street Journal
05 Jun 2013
By LAURA STEVENS in Frankfurt, LEOS ROUSEK in Prague and MARGIT FEHER in Budapest. Flooding in Central Europe spread Wednesday as swollen waters moved further east along the Danube River, threatening towns in eastern Austria and Slovakia's capital, Bratislava, while the rising Elbe River flooded outlying parts of Dresden in Germany ... Enlarge Image. Close ... Businesses also reported production standstills ... Rösler said at a news conference ... ....(size: 5.2Kb)
photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is seen during the daily news briefing at the White House in Washington, Tuesday, March, 1, 2011.
Edit Huffington Post
06 Jun 2013
WASHINGTON, June 5 (Reuters) - The White House on Wednesday condemned the assault on the Syrian border town of Qusair by Syrian government forces, who worked with Lebanese Hezbollah allies to take control from rebel fighters ... "It is clear that the regime could not contest the opposition's control of Qusair on its own, and is depending upon Hezbollah and Iran to do its work for it in Qusair," Carney said ... Also on HuffPost ... (AP Photo) ... ....(size: 11.8Kb)
photo: AP / Lee Jin-man
A South Korean owner who runs a factory in the stalled South Korea and North Korea's joint Kaesong Industrial Complex, stands just outside of military barricades set up on Unification Bridge near the border village of Panmunjom, which has separated the two Koreas since the Korean War, in Paju, north of Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, May 30, 2013.
Edit Zeenews
06 Jun 2013
Zee Media Bureau. Seoul. In what seems to bring calmness over Korean peninsula, the two Koreas have agreed to hold talks on the joint Kaesong industrial zone, weeks after Pyongyang pulled its workers from the factory, shutting it down. The season of harsh rhetoric by North Korea seems to come to an end after Pyongyang proposed talks to Seoul on reopening of Kaesong industrial zone ... The committee handles relations with Seoul ... ....(size: 3.0Kb)
photo: AP / Markus Schreiber
Rudolf (11) crosses the flooded market place of the city of Wehlen at river Elbe, Germany, Tuesday, June 4, 2013. After heavy rainfalls, swollen rivers flooded areas in Germany, Austria , Switzerland and Czech Republic.
Edit Herald Tribune
05 Jun 2013
BERLIN - Rising river levels are still threatening vast parts of eastern and southern Germany and hundreds of people were being evacuated in Dresden. A city spokeswoman told German news agency dpa on Wednesday some 600 people needed to leave their homes and electricity was turned off in some parts of the eastern city that was flooded by the Elbe river ... In the eastern city of Halle, the downtown area was flooded ... All rights reserved ... ....(size: 3.4Kb)

Edit The Irish Times
07 Jun 2013
The District Court on the largest of the Aran Islands is the only offshore sitting in Ireland ... Opening the sitting, Judge Mary Fahy – who has presided here since 2004 – tells the court how pleased she is to be back ... Can there be a more beautifully situated court in Ireland than Cill Rónáin District Court? It sits in a small meeting room in Halla Rónáin, overlooking the harbour....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit Graphic
07 Jun 2013
At the court’s last sitting, a request by the Attorney-General’s Department to have the FWSC joined was refused by the court because, according to the court, allowing that would protract the case ... It, however, emerged at the court’s sitting yesterday that the FWSC was dragging its feet by not attending meetings scheduled to find a solution to the impasse....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit NZ Herald
07 Jun 2013
Despite not playing a game since March, New Zealand has benefitted from other nations sliding backwards and now sit 10 spots off their highest ever ranking from August 2002....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
07 Jun 2013
Home-town hero ... We sit down to eat dinner at the usual sort of time - 7pm or so - in Brisbane ... And so many hours after we sit down at a swanky restaurant in his home town, where it is possible to eat eel, rabbit and various multicoloured foams, we finally stop talking and stagger off into the night ... Very complex ... ''The song was probably always there, it was just sitting waiting to come out,'' he says ... Possibly while sitting on a stool ... ....(size: 6.2Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
07 Jun 2013
Home-town hero ... We sit down to eat dinner at the usual sort of time - 7pm or so - in Brisbane ... And so many hours after we sit down at a swanky restaurant in his home town, where it is possible to eat eel, rabbit and various multicoloured foams, we finally stop talking and stagger off into the night ... Very complex ... ''The song was probably always there, it was just sitting waiting to come out,'' he says ... Possibly while sitting on a stool ... ....(size: 6.2Kb)
Edit New York Daily News
07 Jun 2013
Billlionaire John Catsimatidis is running for mayor — but didn’t bother to vote in two of the last three mayoral elections, the Daily News has learned. The Republican grocery store magnate spent weeks in 2009 public flirting with a mayoral candidacy. He decided against running after Mayor Bloomberg changed the law to run for a third term — but, for Catsimatidis, sitting out the race also meant sitting out Election Day. RELATED ... RELATED....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit noodls
07 Jun 2013
(Source. University of Alberta). (Edmonton) Jacob Masliyah, a legendary figure in the history of oilsands research, received an honorary doctor of science degree this morning from the University of Alberta ... Masliyah's fifth-grade labour was memorizing and reciting poetry, in French ... Masliyah urged the undergraduate, master's and PhD engineers sitting before him to never sit back, thinking they know everything about their profession....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit The Irish Times
07 Jun 2013
Former McInerney Holdings managing director Barry OConnor has told an Employment Appeals Tribunal he was “bullied” and “harassed” out of his role at the company, and is seeking compensation from the building group for unfair dismissal ... Spanish operations ... Returns not filed ... “My client has no money ... “You’re sitting here so I presume it has cash to pay you ... I do know you’re sitting here so I presume it has cash to pay you.” ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit noodls
07 Jun 2013
The Tigers sit third on 35 points, just two points shy of the Gallopers and five short of Brothers in first ... The Gold Coast sit bottom of the table after nine rounds which have seen the team go without a win as the competition hits its halfway point, and things will not get easier against GPS this weekend ... Sitting just three points shy of Brothers, ......(size: 13.3Kb)
Edit Stuff
07 Jun 2013
Wandering down a suburban street in a modern metropolis, the last thing you expect to see is a medieval castle ... The castle sits on Avenue Road Hill and is invisible as I approach from the train station at the bottom of the hill ... It sits there, in a fairly typical, tree-lined suburban street, a large part of its grounds now converted into parking spaces ... Unfortunately for Pellatt, the city tended to win ... Pellatt found himself in debt ... ....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit noodls
07 Jun 2013
(Source. Alaska Pacific University). Department. Information Technology. Classification. Exempt Position. Supervisor. IT Director. Hours. 40 hours per week. Days of Work. Monday - Friday. Hours of Work. 8.00 - 5.00 - Schedule varies as assigned. Category. Regular, full-time. Position Summary. ... Principal Duties ... Qualifications ... Sits, bends, lifts, and moves intermittently during working hours. Must be able to sit for at least 4 hours at a time ... Note.....(size: 3.9Kb)
Edit USA Today
07 Jun 2013
David Ortiz hit the first pitch he saw into the Rangers bullpen for his 11th career walk-off homerThe Red Sox rallied back from an early three-run deficit to take two of three from TexasJacoby Ellsbury was 4-for-5 with two runs in his first game after sitting out the previous five ... game after sitting out five straight because of a groin injury....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Austin American Statesman
07 Jun 2013
Texas manager Ron Washington's decision to follow conventional baseball wisdom looked questionable with David Ortiz waiting on deck. And Big Papi made him pay ... "I faced him the other day, had some success, but apparently he was just sitting on that pitch ... Jacoby Ellsbury scored the tying run on a fielder's choice in the seventh inning of his first game after sitting out five straight because of a groin injury ... NOTES ... .. ... .. ... ... ....(size: 3.7Kb)
Sitzender Junge ("Sitting boy") by Werner Stötzer, 1956
The Japanese tea ceremony is performed sitting in seiza.
Woman sitting astride a cannon.
Women reclining in chairs. Painting by Jean-François de Troy.

Sitting is a rest position supported by the buttocks or thighs where the torso is more or less upright.


Types of sittings[link]

Sitting on the floor[link]

The most common way of sitting on the floor involves bending the knees. One can also sit with the legs unbent, using something solid as support for the back or leaning on one's arms.

Sitting with bent legs can be done along two major lines; one with the legs mostly parallel and one where they cross each other. The parallel position is reminiscent of, and is sometimes used for, kneeling. The latter is a common pose for meditating.

Parallel legs[link]

  • Seiza (正座?) "correct sitting" is a Japanese word which describes the traditional formal way of sitting in Japan. Sitting in seiza is kneeling on one's own lower legs, with the feet under the buttocks, toes pointed backwards. To sit in seiza for any length of time requires careful positioning of the heels under the sit bones of the hip, to minimize circulation loss. A related position is kiza (跪座?), which differs in the tops of the feet being raised off the ground.
  • Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) is a yoga posture (asana) similar to seiza.


  • A common cross-legged position is with the lower legs folded towards the body, crossing each other at the ankle or calf, with both ankles on the floor, sometimes with the feet tucked under the knees or thighs. The position is known in several European languages as tailor style, from the traditional working posture of tailors;[1] compare tailor's bunion. It is also named after various plains-dwelling nomads: in English Indian style, in many European languages "Turkish style", and in Japanese agura (胡座 The sitting style of non-Han ethnics (particularly Turks, Mongols and other Central Asians.)?). In yoga it is known as sukhasana.
  • The lotus position involves resting each foot on the opposite thigh so that the soles face upwards. If only one foot is brought into this position, it is called a half-lotus position. This position is common in yoga and meditation.
  • The Burmese position, named so because of its use in Buddhist sculptures in Burma, places both feet in front of the pelvis with knees bent and touching the floor to the sides. The heels are pointing toward pelvis or upward, and toes are pointed so that the tops of the feet lie on the ground. This looks similar to the cross legged position, but the feet are not placed underneath the thigh of the next leg, therefore the legs do not cross. Instead, one foot is placed in front of the other. This is a popular sitting alternative for those less comfortable with the use of the Lotus or half Lotus positions in meditation and yoga.
  • Zazen, the Japanese word for "sitting meditation", is a form of meditation rather than a particular posture. During zazen, practitioners may assume a lotus, half-lotus, Burmese, or seiza position.

Sitting on a raised seat[link]

A man sitting in Brooklyn, New York.
Back of a sitting nude by school of Rembrandt.

Most raised surfaces at the appropriate height can be used as seats for humans, whether they are made for the purpose, such as chairs, stools and benches, or not. While the buttocks are nearly always rested on the raised surface, there are many differences in how one can hold one's legs and back.

There are two major styles of sitting on a raised surface. The first has one or two of the legs in front of the sitting person; in the second, sitting astride something, the legs incline outwards on either side of the body.

The feet can rest on the floor, or on a footrest, which can keep them vertical, horizontal, or at an angle in between. They can also dangle if the seat is sufficiently high. Legs can be kept right to the front of the body, spread apart, or one crossed over the other.

The upper body can be held upright, recline to either side or backwards, or one can lean forward.


Alice, the protagonist of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, is representative of children who were once admonished to "sit up straight." [2]

Recent studies indicate, however, that sitting upright for hours causes increased stress on the back, and may be a cause of chronic back pain. Researchers have found that a "135-degree back-thigh sitting posture" was the best posture to avoid back problems—that is, leaning back in the chair 45 degrees. Researchers found that the 90-degree position contributed most to strain on the spine, neck included, while the 135-degree position was the most relaxed.[3]

Optimal posture while sitting is now referred to as neutral spine.[4]


Variations of the above include an aside variant with the legs resting above and beside the armrests, or the anti-authoritarian posture of reversing the chair and one's legs in front of the back of the chair.

Kneeling chairs[link]

The Kneeling chair (often just referred to as "ergonomic chairs"), was designed to encourage better posture than the conventional chair. To sit in a kneeling chair one rests one's buttocks on the upper sloping pad and rests the front of the lower legs atop the lower pad, i.e., the human position as both sitting and kneeling at the same time.


In various mythologies and folk magic, sitting is a magical act that connects the person who sits, with other persons, states or places where he/she sat.[5]

Sitting defecation posture[link]

The sitting defecation posture involves sitting with hips and knees at approximately right angles, as on a chair. Most Western-style flush toilets are designed to be used with a sitting posture.[6] The sitting posture is more widespread in the Western world, and less common in the developing world. Toilet seats are a recent development, only coming into widespread use in the nineteenth century.[7]

Health effects[link]

Recreational sitting, as reflected by television/screen viewing time, is related to raised mortality and CVD risk regardless of physical activity participation. Inflammatory and metabolic risk factors partly explain this relationship.[8]

See also[link]


  1. ^ "The Art of the Cut". Retrieved 2012-03-16. 
  2. ^ "Alice In Wonderland - The Victorian World". Retrieved 2012-03-16. 
  3. ^ "Sitting straight 'bad for backs'". BBC News. 2006-11-28. Retrieved 2010-04-07. 
  4. ^
  5. ^ Čajkanović, Veselin; Živković, Marko (translator) (1996). "Magical Sitting". Anthropology of East Europe Review 14 (1). Retrieved 2007-07-09. "It is obvious from all the above that sitting, seen from the viewpoint of the history of religion, could be a magical act which, within the framework of analogic magic, will establish a certain relationship, a covenant." 
  6. ^ Sikirov, Dov, MD (1990): "Cardio-vascular events at defecation: are they unavoidable?" Medical Hypotheses, 1990, Jul; 32(3): 231-3.
  7. ^ A History of Technology, Vol.IV: The Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850. (C. Singer, E Holmyard, A Hall, T. Williams eds) Oxford Clarendon Press, pps. 507-508, 1958
  8. ^ Emmanuel Stamatakis, PhD, MSc, BSc*,*, Mark Hamer, PhD, MSc, BSc* and David W. Dunstan, PhD, BAppSc, Screen-Based Entertainment Time, All-Cause Mortality, and Cardiovascular Events J Am Coll Cardiol, 2011; 57:292-299

Sitting Means Sitting on your rear end

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

"The Man" is a slang phrase that may refer to the government or to some other authority in a position of power. In addition to this derogatory connotation, it may also serve as a term of respect and praise.

The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe oppression. The phrase "stick it to the Man" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist", either openly or via sabotage.[1]



The earliest recorded use[citation needed] of the term "the Man" in the American sense dates back to a letter written by a young Alexander Hamilton in September 1772, when he was 15. In a letter to his father James Hamilton, published in the Royal Dutch-American Gazette, he described the response of the Dutch governor of St. Croix to a hurricane that raked that island on August 31, 1772. "Our General has issued several very salutary and humane regulations and both in his publick and private measures, has shewn himself the Man." [2][dubious ] In the Southern U.S. states, the phrase came to be applied to any man or any group in a position of authority, or to authority in the abstract. From about the 1950s the phrase was also an underworld code word for police, the warden of a prison or other law enforcement or penal authorities.

It was also used as a term for a drug dealer in the 1950s and 1960s and can be seen in such media as Curtis Mayfield's "No Thing On Me", William Burroughs's novel Naked Lunch, and in the Velvet Underground song "I'm Waiting for the Man", in which Lou Reed sings about going to Uptown Manhattan, specifically Lexington Avenue and 125th Street, to buy heroin.

The use of this term was expanded to counterculture groups and their battles against authority, such as the Yippies, which, according to a May 19, 1969 article in U.S. News and World Report, had the "avowed aim ... to destroy 'The Man', their term for the present system of government". The term eventually found its way into humorous usage, such as in a December 1979 motorcycle ad from the magazine Easyriders which featured the tagline, "California residents: Add 6% sales tax for The Man."

In present day, the phrase has been popularized in commercials and cinema, featuring particularly prominently as a recurring motif in the 2003 film School of Rock.[3][4][5][6]

Use as praise[link]

The term has also been used as an approbation or form of praise. This may refer to the recipient's status as the leader or authority within a particular context, or it might be assumed to be a shortened form of a phrase like "He is the man (who is in charge)." One example of this usage dates to 1879 when Otto von Bismarck commented, referring to Benjamin Disraeli's pre-eminent position at the Congress of Berlin, "The old Jew, he is the man."[7][dubious ]

In more modern usage, it can be a superlative compliment ("you da man!") indicating that the subject is currently standing out amongst his peers even though they have no special designation or rank, such as a basketball player who is performing better than the other players on the court. It can also be used as a genuine compliment with an implied, slightly exaggerated or sarcastic tone, usually indicating that the person has indeed impressed the speaker but by doing something relatively trivial.

See also[link]


  1. ^ "stick it to the man". (English Dictionary - With Multi-Lingual Search). 
  2. ^ Papers of Alexander Hamilton, Volume 1, Page 38, Columbia University Press, 1961
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^
  7. ^ Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy, Simon & Schuster, 1994, p155.


  • Lighter, J.E. (Ed.). (1997). Random House Dictionary of American Slang. New York: Random House.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Victoria Stilwell
Born (1969-07-20) July 20, 1969 (age 42)
Wimbledon, England
Residence Atlanta, Georgia
Notting Hill, London
Nationality British
Occupation Dog trainer, Television presenter, Author, Actress
Years active 1995–present
Employer Animal Planet, Channel 4, CBS
Known for It's Me or the Dog
Greatest American Dog
Official Website

Victoria Stilwell (born July 20, 1969 in Wimbledon, England) is widely known as a dog trainer, author, and television presenter. Stilwell served as a judge on the CBS show Greatest American Dog and presents the Animal Planet dog training TV show It's Me or the Dog, counselling families with problem pets and solving their dogs’ behaviour problems.



Stilwell originally trained as an actress, playing roles in Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1992, ITV1's The Bill in 1994, and onstage in London's West End theatre, as well as several commercials and voiceovers. She received a BA honours degree in Theatre from Middlesex University.[1] In order to supplement her income as an actress, Stilwell's veterinary nurse sister suggested Victoria start a dog walking agency. Within a month Victoria was walking 20 dogs per day - 10 in the morning, 10 in the afternoon - and immediately recognized the need for qualified professionals to help her clients with the training process. She then expanded her focus to dog training by learning from some of Britain's most respected positive-reinforcement dog trainers and behaviorists. After moving to the U.S. with her husband in 1999, Stilwell co-founded several successful dog training companies up and down the East Coast. Born and raised in Wimbledon, England, Victoria Stilwell is one of the worlds most recognized and respected dog trainers, reaching fans in over 50 countries. She is best known for her role as the star of Animal Planet's hit TV series “It's Me or the Dog”, through which she is able to share her understanding and desire for positive reinforcement dog training by taming some of the world’s most uncontrollable pets as she counsels families on their pet problems.

Dog trainer[link]

Stilwell has become an influential advocate of science-based, humane and effective dog training movement. Stilwell rejects dominance-based, traditional training techniques, instead, promoting positive reinforcement techniques. These techniques, she says, increases the dog's confidence and happiness, and allows a healthy, co-operative and kind relationship to be maintained between owner and dog. Stilwell believes that positive training results in a dog who follows an owner because it wants to rather than following out of fear, while traditional training uses punitive methods to force a dog to behave, often resulting short term solutions which never truly identifies the root cause of the misbehavior while promoting insecurity and negative behavior.[2][3][4]

In 2010, Stilwell created Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Training - a global network of positive reinforcement dog trainers dedicated to spreading the word about positive reinforcement techniques[5] Born and raised in Wimbledon, England, Victoria Stilwell is one of the worlds most recognized and respected dog trainers, reaching fans in over 50 countries. She is best known for her role as the star of Animal Planet's hit TV series “It's Me or the Dog”, through which she is able to share her understanding and desire for positive reinforcement dog training by taming some of the world’s most uncontrollable pets as she counsels families on their pet problems.In the early 1990s, Victoria began her career in pet training when she created her own successful dog-walking company and instantly recognized the need for capable professionals to help her customers with the training process. While pursuing a successful acting career (working in London's West End as well as in numerous films, TV series, commercials and voiceovers), she expanded her focus to dog training by learning from some of Britain's most respected positive-reinforcement dog trainers and behaviorists.


Stilwell created the Victoria Stilwell Foundation, whose mission is "to provide financial support and canine behavior expertise to assistance dog organizations and small animal rescue shelters while promoting the concept of reward-based, positive reinforcement dog training philosophies in organizations and households throughout the United States."[6]

With a particular fondness for rescue animals in need of behaviour rehabilitation, Stilwell devotes much of her time and energy to a number of animal rescue organisations around the world, serving as a behaviour advisor for shelters in Atlanta, New York, the UK, and Hong Kong while giving regular seminars on the subject of dog rescue, training and rehabilitation. She worked as a volunteer adoption counsellor for the ASPCA, and has been featured in numerous magazines and journals including The New York Times,[7] USA Today,[8] Cosmopolitan, the Daily Mail,,[9] Psychology Today and The Sun[10]. Stilwell is a regular columnist for The Bark, Dog World, American Dog and Dogs Today magazines, and she has appeared on numerous talk shows, news broadcasts and radio shows in the US, Europe and Asia as a dog training expert.

TV programs[link]

[edit] It's Me or the Dog

Since 2005, Victoria Stilwell has worked with unruly dogs on her TV show, It's Me or the Dog, which airs in over forty countries. The show features Victoria as she counsels families with problem pets and uses positive reinforcement training techniques to help them learn how to correct their dogs’ behaviour. Originally produced for Channel 4 in the UK, the show premiered in the US on Animal Planet in April 2007, and over 90 episodes have been aired worldwide. A typical episode involves a family struggling to cope with their misbehaving dog(s). Victoria initially observes the problems in situ, then presents the family with her opinion regarding the causes of the issues. Victoria then works with the family and their dogs to restore balance. After a period of time alone to implement Victoria’s positive reinforcement training regime, the family reunites with Victoria to check progress, get a few tune-ups and encouragement. Special episodes of the programme have featured overweight dogs, Victoria’s public seminars at an outdoor dog festival, her work with the caretakers of a wild wolf rescue park, and her training of out-of-control pedigree dogs on their way to the world's largest dog show.

[edit] Greatest American Dog

Victoria was one of three judges on the CBS show Greatest American Dog, in which 12 dog-owner teams compete for the title 'Greatest American Dog' and a $250,000 prize. The series debuted on CBS July 10, 2008.


Victoria was honored with the prestigious "Excellence in Journalism and Outstanding Contributions to the Pet Industry Award" at the 2011 Global Pet Expo[11] and was named 'Dog Trainer of the Year' by DogWorld Magazine at the 55th Annual Purina Pro Plan Show Dogs Of The Year Awards Presented By Dogs In Review.[12] She was named among 2009's '100 Best & Brightest' in the dog world in The Bark magazine.[13] Victoria won a 2009 CableFax award as Best Host in the Animals & Nature category. In 2009, It's Me or the Dog was nominated for a People's Choice Award in the US, and after its first season in the UK, It's Me or the Dog was nominated in the 'Best Factual Entertainment' category in the UK's TV Quick Awards. Her first book, It's Me or the Dog: How to Have the Perfect Pet was voted one of the 50 greatest dog books ever written by Dogs Today magazine.


She advocates animal rescue and supports Paws Atlanta, "Atlanta Pet Rescue", Stray from the Heart (NYC), Hong Kong Dog Rescue and Greyhound Rescue West of England (, Wisconsin Puppy Mill Project, the Waterside Action Group, Deed Not Breed (campaigning to re-write the UK's Dangerous Dogs Act to remove breed-specific legislation) as well as Vets Get Scanning, promoting mandatory pet micro-chipping and scanning by vets.


  • It’s Me or the Dog: How to Have the Perfect Pet (Hyperion)
  • Fat Dog Slim: How to Have a Healthy, Happy Pet (Harper Collins UK), 2007

Personal life[link]

Stilwell met her actor husband, Van Zeiler, while starring opposite him in the West End production of Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story. The couple and their daughter live in Atlanta, Georgia.[14]

After many years without a pet dog of her own (due to work commitments), Victoria adopted a rescued chocolate Labrador named Sadie. In early 2011, Stilwell fostered a Chihuahua/Miniature Pinscher mix named Jasmine and decided to adopt her in Late February/Early March 2011. Prior to that, she had spent her time since 2000 fostering dogs due to be euthanised by local municipal shelters. Stilwell and her husband then gave the dogs a home while rehabilitating them and eventually finding suitable homes for the animals. She has explained that, until recently, owning a dog would have been irresponsible and not fair to the dog, considering how much the whole family travels. The couple has re-homed over 50 dogs and cats.[15]


Victoria is currently certified by the Animal Behavior and Training Associates and is a longtime member of the US Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT).


  • It’s Me or the Dog: How to Have the Perfect Pet (2005)
  • Fat Dog Slim: How to Have a Healthy, Happy Pet (2007)


External links[link]

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