Gordon H. Bower
Gordon H. Bower (born December 30, 1932) is a cognitive psychologist studying human memory, language comprehension, emotion, and behavior modification. He received his Ph.D. in learning theory from Yale University in 1959. He currently holds the A. R. Lang Emeritus Professorship at Stanford University. In addition to his research, Bower also was a notable adviser to numerous students, including John R. Anderson, Lawrence W. Barsalou, Lera Boroditsky, Keith Holyoak, Stephen Kosslyn, Alan Lesgold, and Robert Sternberg, among others.
He was voted number 42 in the list of most notable psychologists of the 20th century, published by Haggbloom {2002}.
He was awarded the National Medal of Science in 2005.
General Information
Gordon H. Bower is a cognitive social psychologist currently. His main areas of study include human memory, mnemonic devices, retrieval strategies, recording strategies, and category learning. He is interested in cognitive processes, emotion, imagery, language and reading comprehension as they relate to memory. He is married to Sharon, the founder of a communication consulting firm who has published three self-help books on speech anxiety. Together, they have three children.