About Us

Newweapons Committee is group of academics, researchers and media professionals focused on promoting risk assessment surveys on the effects upon individuals and population of the most recent kinds of weapons used in the course of wars. The group was born in the third quarter of 2006 after Israel-Lebanon conflict.

The group is based on a consulting network of:
- Doctors and Health Associations from Lebanon and Palestine who have produced the information and released it.
- Biologists of the University of Genoa, Dibio and Dimes
- Biologist of the University of Rome, Dept Biology
- Chemists of the University of Ferrara, Dept Chemistry
- Physicists of the Institute of Nuclear Physics and of the University of Turin
- Medical Doctors in Genoa and Rome
- Journalists and Free Lance Information
- NGOs
- With help from Epidemiologist, Anatomic pathologist

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