Alternative Palestinian Agenda
Specifically, this proposal offers an alternative territorial configuration based on current demographics and land use, whereby a Palestinian
Binational solution wikipedia
The one-state solution and the similar binational solution are proposed approaches to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Proponents of a binational solution to the conflic..
Brit Shalom
Just now - when the voices calling for vengeance are louder than the voices calling for reconciliation - we, members and volunteers of Brit Shalom/Tahalof Essalam - the Jewish-P..
Eretz Yoshveyha
Eretz Yoshveyha (Land of its Inhabitants) A Document of Principles for a Single Spatial Polity between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River
1. The conflict between Jews ..
J.L. Magnes wikipedia
Land of Peace
Eretz Shalom is a social movement which works toward the advancement of peace and dialogue between the Jewish and Arab inhabitants of Judea and Samaria.
momento! distribue des films documentaires politiques portant notamment sur les relations entre histoire et mémoire. Notre catalogue aborde des questions sociales et politiq..
One democratic state
We are the people of Palestine and our descendants, working with all those who value justice and peace to establish a grassroots international movement of the one democratic state ..
One State Electronic Intifada
The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world.
One State in Palestine
A group of Palestinians and Israelis has been working on the basics of the one-state vision and foundational principles of a Republic in historic Palestine. They have mapped out..
One State solution wikipedia
The one-state solution and the similar binational solution are proposed approaches to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Proponents of a binational solution to the conflic..
Palisra is an artistic exploration of the nature of a world where Palestinian and Israeli nationalisms never existed. They are replaced by a merged nationalism, that of the peop..
The association for one democratic state in Palestine/Israel
We are Palestinians who have been continuously acting reflexively because of the atmosphere of urgency that we have lived under for decades, and now find it imperative to plan stra..
The London One State Group
The London One State Group was created in October 2006 for the purpose of contributing to the development of these “One State” ideas through the support of action, educ..
The One Democratic State Group - Gaza
Our slogan is self explanatory: Towards a Secular Democratic State.  We are a diverse group of Palestinian activists, from various backgrounds, who have come together to fu..

New Book : Un Etat Commun entre le Jourdain et la mer
A Common State Between the River Jordan and the Sea,  by Eric Hazan and Eyal Sivan, just published in France. Three quarters of a century have passed since the first partition plan was drawn up to constitute two separate states, one Jewish, the other Arab. Since then, an interminable circus of peace talks, declarations, resolutions, missions, “road maps”, and relaunches of the “peace process” has trundled on, but without ever getting us any closer to the professed aim of “two states existing peacefully and in security side by side”. The thesis of this incisive and provocative essay is that ..
New Film : Common state, potential conversation [1] by Eyal Sivan
with: Ariella Azoulay, Omar Barghouti, Meron Benvenisti, Rozeen Bisharat, Eliaz Cohen, Leila Fersakh, Haim hanegbi, Sandi Hilal, Ala Hlehel, Hassan Jabareen, Yael Lerer, Gideon Levy, Roucham Marton, Hisham Naffa'a, Salman Natour, Ilan Pappe, Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin, Nadim Ruhana, Yehuda Shenhav, Ayelet Tzviel Haddad, Michel Warschwski, Khaled Ziadeh, Haneen Zouabi Whereas the vision or the so-called solution of « two people – two States ..
Solution 196–213 United States of Palestine-Israel
With contributions by Tal Adler/Osama Zatar, Asma Agbarieh-Zahalka, Maayan Amir/Ruti Sela, Ariella Azoulay, Yael Bartana/Sebastian Cichocki, Raji Bathish, Itzhak Benyamini, Sari Hanafi, Sandi Hilal/Alessandro Petti/Eyal Weizman, Yazan Khalili, Ohad Meromi/Joshua Simon, Norma Musih, Ingo Niermann, Noam Yuran Solution 196–213: United States of Palestine-Israel is an anthology of texts proposing a doable solution for the region. With contributors based in Ramallah and Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Beirut and Jerusalem, New York and Bethlehem, Nazareth and Warsaw, the book offers solutions that will make life better, and proposes ways to do ..
Challenging the Boundaries: A Single State in Israel/Palestine
London 17-18 November 2007 - Watch online the entier conference organised by the London One State Group [] - The London One State Group was created in October 2006 for the purpose of contributing to the development of these “One State” ideas through the support of action, education and networking of grassroots organizations in the region that are, or can be, engaged in this goal. Our hope is to broaden the discourse regarding the Israel-Pale..
The One-State Solution A Breakthrough for Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Deadlock
by Virginia Tilley | A piercing analysis of the Israel-PLO impasse and a sensitive proposal for a way out | The One-State Solution demonstrates that Israeli settlements have already encroached on the occupied territory of the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the extent that any Palestinian state in those areas is unviable. It reveals the irreversible impact of Israel’s settlement grid by summarizing its physical, demographic, financial, and political dimensions. Virginia Tilley explains why we should assume that this grid will not be withdrawn—or its expansion reversed—by reviewing the role of the key political actors..

             is an independent online archive and production platform dedicated to the spreading of the ideas and productions on the theme of the opposition to the partition of Palestine-Israel territory. aims at supporting the ideas and initiatives in favour of the establishment of a common state between the Mediterranean sea and the Jordan river. lists and welcomes any form of reflection as well as intellectual and artistic productions dealing with the issue of a common state in Palestine-Israel. As a self-sustaining and exclusively volunteer run initiative, , calls for your support.