April 20 2013

10 Boston’s interfaith memorial deflection

22 Double standard on killing collaborators
Phil Weiss, with Adam Horowitz and Annie Robbins

1 Israeli college with gov’t backing uses keffiyeh to promote itself as a global brand

3 The Palestinian narrating, and the Jew listening — a new film about the Nakba

April 19 2013

23 Preparing for Iran?: US on verge of $10 billion arms deal with Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE

51 Boston Marathon bombings unleash a new wave of Islamophobia

16 Colbert: ‘Let’s fix Palestine’
Phil Weiss and Annie Robbins

2 Investigation of Brooklyn College BDS event conflates anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism

14 Johannesburg demo against Israeli Independence Day ends in violence

14 Forbes Israel boasts of power of Jewish billionaires
Phil Weiss and Ira Glunts

13 Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto uprising

1 Settlers in Jordan Valley poison Palestinians’ sheep, cows. UN investigates

3 Exile and the Prophetic: Is BDS an act of resistance – and remembrance?

5 Nour Joudah returns to U.S., but continues to fight Israel’s arbitrary denial of entry

48 Reality check– John Kerry prepares to stick fork in two-state solution

April 18 2013

90 Chris Matthews suggests that Boston suspects are Arabs

19 After all-night debate, Berkeley student senate calls on university to divest from 3 companies profiting from occupation
Philip Weiss and Annie Robbins

21 Israel Project brags on planting story in CNN and taking 38 journalists on helicopter trips in Israel

27 Which lobby is more powerful?

17 Entering Gaza by ‘subway’

9 50 years later, King’s Birmingham letter resonates in Palestine

13 Exile and the prophetic: Boston and the drone wars

17 Stamberg bit her tongue