Website policy

We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it. _____________________

Human-rights observers wanted

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine & Israel (EAPPI) provides protection by presence, monitors human rights abuses, supports Israeli and Palestinian peace activists and advocates for an end to the occupation.
Apply to be a volunteer - closing date 21st June 2013.


Did you know?

Today, 30th March, is land day.
On 30 March 1976, thousands of Palestinians living as a minority in Israel mounted a general strike and organised protests against Israeli government plans to expropriate almost 15,000 acres of Palestinian land in the Galilee.The Israeli government, led by prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and defence minister Shimon Peres, sent in the army to break up the general strike. The Israeli army killed six unarmed Palestinians, wounded hundreds and arrested hundreds more, including political activists. All were citizens of Israel.
"In 2011, 722,000 Israelis lived beyond the Green Line, including in settlements and East Jerusalem. This was a 5% increase over 2010."
source: Richard Silverstein via Yisrael HaYom
* Out of 103 investigations opened in 2012 into alleged offences committed by Israeli soldiers in the occupied territories, not a single indictment served to date
Yesh Din, 3 Feb 2013
* In total, out of an area of 1.6 million dunams in the Jordan Valley, Israel has seized 1.25 million − some 77.5 percent − where Palestinians are forbidden to enter.
Haaretz editorial, 4 Feb 2013

A Heartfelt Wish/DVD

order here




Alternative Tours, Volunteering and Work Experience in Palestine and Israel

Many groups now run regular or occasional tours to Palestine and Israel for those who want to understand the conflict in the region. Some are day trips, suitable for those who are already in the region; others are more serious ventures organised by twinning groups, alternative travel agencies, solidarity groups and the like. Here is a listing of those we currently know about.

Have a look at the subpages to find out about a number of fascinating tours. But beware: the information on these pages may well be dated. Always follow through to the groups’ websites for the latest details.

And before doing that take a look at Bradt Guide Sarah Irvine’s November 2011 Guardian article 10 Highlights of Palestine. And (Aug 2012) Zochrot’s Guide to the Nakba – see Zochrot below). And, if you can bear it, and want to know about new ways of marketing tourism in Israel itself, take a look at our post Visit Israel: play at killing terrorists!

Alternative Tourism Group

Birthright Unplugged

Breaking the Silence tours

Camden-Abu Dis Friendship Assocation (Cadfa)

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)

Experience Travel Tours

FFIPP Programs in Palestine/Israel

Galilee Today: Alternative tours in the Galilee

Green Olive Tours (formerly Tours in English)

Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (Icahd) (for details of Icahd 2013  tours see Experience Travel Tours)


IWPS – International Women’s Peace Service Palestine

Jerusalem Reality Tours

Joint Advocacy Initiative – East Jerusalem

Olive Co-operative

Olive picking tours

Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies

“Time for Peace” GRACE Pilgrimage in the Middle East
Walking together from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea, 8–29 November 2012

Tours in English

Zochrot – Guide to the Nakba


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