The Electronic Intifada

When Israeli denial of Palestinian existence becomes genocidal

Ilan Pappe
20 April 2013

Official re-selling of the landless people mythology exposes Zionist leaders’ cognitive dissonance.

Was Israel's flotilla apology really a triumph for Turkey?

Murat Dagli
17 April 2013

Voices critical of the rapprochement have been silenced by the Turkish media.

Banging the drums of war: Christians United for Israel

Emily Lawrence
16 April 2013

With 1.3 million members, the Zionist group helps entrench pro-Israel discourse.

Samer Issawi and Oslo

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Diaries: Live from Palestine

The Month in Pictures: March 2013

2 April 2013

A monthly roundup of photographs documenting Palestine, Palestinian life, politics and culture, and international solidarity with Palestine.

Human Rights

Risking their lives to save lives: Gaza's first responders

Joe Catron
Gaza City
16 April 2013

Promises of aid to civil defense services have not been kept.

Israel destroys West Bank community center, arrests 20

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
12 April 2013

Residents vow to stay put in Burin despite regular attacks from Israel and its settlers.

Activism News

“Don't serve in Israel's military,” refusenik urges compatriots

Sawsan Khalife'
Shefa Amr
19 April 2013

Natan Blanc has served 120 days in prison for objecting to Israel’s war crimes.

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