In the past week, Al-Haq documented a number of attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians and their property. These incidents resulted in the damage and destruction of more than 150 olive and almond trees across the West Bank. These settler attacks also involved ...
As Palestinians mark an emotional Prisoner's Day, the Israeli authorities are currently coercing Samer al-'Issawi to accept a deal that would see him deported to a United Nations (UN) Member State in exchange for ending his hunger strike. Samer has repeatedly refused to...
Al-Haq is pleased to announce the publication of its study “Water For One People Only: Discriminatory Access and ‘Water-Apartheid’ in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” which finds that Israel’s policies and practices in relation to water in the Occupied Palestinian T...
On 29 April 2013, the EU-PA sub-committee on human rights, good governance and the rule of law (sub-committee) is convening in Ramallah, the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). This meeting is an opportunity to address the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) implementation o...
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