A new blog launched by Jewish Voice for Peace
We’d like to draw your attention to a newish blog run by Jewish Voice for Peace to report on the struggle for civil and human rights in Israel and Palestine. See the blog’s ‘About’ below, after the latest postings.
Palestinian expert on Israeli settlements and cartography barred from travel
According to Amira Hass, “Interior Minister Eli Yishai has banned Palestinian geographer Khalil Tufakji, a resident of Jerusalem, from traveling abroad for six months, citing unspecified security concerns. The ban was issued on the recommendation of the Shin Bet security service and is based on 1948 Emergency regulations. “Having been convinced that there is real concern that the exit of Mr. Khalil Tufakji … Read entire article »
Palestinian nonviolent leader and international arrested.
Haaretz has the video of Israeli immigration leaders seizing a Czech international activist who worked along Palestinian nonviolent activists. : Another article in Ha’aretz tells the story of the arrest of a Palestinian nonviolent leader. “Israeli forces arrested a leading Palestinian protest organizer on Thursday in what activists said was a sign of Israel’s concern over plans for more demonstrations in the … Read entire article »
Israeli Army raids offices of Stop the Wall
In a late-night strike, Israeli military forces raided the Stop the Wall offices in Ramallah in the Occupied West Bank, and confiscated the organization’s electronic equipment and documents. “Some 10 military jeeps, hummers and an armoured bus surrounded the building as soldiers searched rooms, turning the office upside down and confiscating computer hard disks, laptops, and video cameras along with paper … Read entire article »
Hard to run a democracy without electricity
This story about Israel allowing some goods to enter Gaza reveals just how much is not being allowed in. “Between 90 and 100 truckloads of commercial merchandize and humanitarian aid will enter through Gaza’s southern border crossing, including two trucks of fuel, Fattouh said. Additionally, two trucks of cut carnations and one truck of Gaza strawberries will exit also via Kerem Shalom … Read entire article »
Conscientious objector Emelia Marcovich has been sentenced
On Sunday 2/2/2010, Conscientious objector (CO) Emelia Marcovich refused to enlist in the Israeli army. Emelia is a part of “The Senior Letter (Shministim) 2009-2010“ which reads “We, High School Seniors that are suppose to enlist the israeli army in followed by the mandatory military service,refuse to take part in any oppression, in the occupation and in wars.” Emelia has been sentenced for … Read entire article »
This blog questions the very notion of Israel as “the only democracy” in the Middle East, and puts a spotlight on the intensifying struggle for human rights largely ignored by the mainstream media.
We are Israeli, Palestinian and US-based human rights activists who work to preserve and expand democratic rights for all peoples in the region including Israelis, Palestinians, migrant workers and refugees. We believe that claiming that Israel is an “enlightened Western style democracy” is misleading. In fact, there is no true democracy within the Occupied Palestinian Territories and only limited and diminishing democracy within Israel.
A Western style democracy means more than just one person, one vote. It means full equality of rights regardless of religion or ethnic origin, including the right to express dissent from government policies without fear of harassment, arrest, imprisonment or death.
This is not the status quo in Israel – far from it. 3.5 million Palestinians live under a 42-year long Israeli occupation in the Palestinian Territories. Inside Israel, migrants, refugees, and Israelis of all backgrounds– including Jews–are increasingly suffering the ongoing erosion of human rights.
This blog chronicles the struggles waged by people on the ground, everyday, as they seek to maintain and expand full civil and human rights for all people in the region, even as their lives are shaped, curtailed and directed by the unending Israeli-Palestinian conflict and especially the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories.
This blog is hosted by Jewish Voice for Peace. The content is provided by independent bloggers and each post represents only the position of the individual blogger. Content does not represent the positions of Jewish Voice for Peace or of any other blogger who contributes to the site.
Comments Policy: We read all comments, but only publish a select few that we believe will contribute to the overall discussion about the struggle for democratic rights in Israel and Palestine. Those comments will be featured on the front page of the website. We are beta-testing this system in hopes that it will work for the bloggers and readers, including our thoughtful critics.