Website policy

We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it. _____________________

Human-rights observers wanted

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine & Israel (EAPPI) provides protection by presence, monitors human rights abuses, supports Israeli and Palestinian peace activists and advocates for an end to the occupation.
Apply to be a volunteer - closing date 21st June 2013.


Did you know?

Today, 30th March, is land day.
On 30 March 1976, thousands of Palestinians living as a minority in Israel mounted a general strike and organised protests against Israeli government plans to expropriate almost 15,000 acres of Palestinian land in the Galilee.The Israeli government, led by prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and defence minister Shimon Peres, sent in the army to break up the general strike. The Israeli army killed six unarmed Palestinians, wounded hundreds and arrested hundreds more, including political activists. All were citizens of Israel.
"In 2011, 722,000 Israelis lived beyond the Green Line, including in settlements and East Jerusalem. This was a 5% increase over 2010."
source: Richard Silverstein via Yisrael HaYom
* Out of 103 investigations opened in 2012 into alleged offences committed by Israeli soldiers in the occupied territories, not a single indictment served to date
Yesh Din, 3 Feb 2013
* In total, out of an area of 1.6 million dunams in the Jordan Valley, Israel has seized 1.25 million − some 77.5 percent − where Palestinians are forbidden to enter.
Haaretz editorial, 4 Feb 2013

A Heartfelt Wish/DVD

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Prosor tells Palestinian supporters: tell the truth, stop the mythology – just like us

On the day that Ambasssador Prosor lectured the UN General Assembly on its refusal to see and speak the truth, Israelis celebrate the day the same body in 1947 ‘created’ Israel. It was orchestrated by WZO who say they intend to transform the 29th of November into ‘Zionism Day’.

Abdullah Azzam Brigades claims rocket attack on Galilee

One rocket according to the Lebanese army, four according to the IDF, fired from southern Lebanon landed in western Galilee on Monday, causing no casualties. The Abdullah Azzam Brigades (al Qaida affiliate) has claimed responsibility. Neither Hezbollah nor the IDF wants an escalation

A reluctant convert to BDS deals with some FAQs

Robert Cohen did not support BDS- too complicated, possible treachery to fellow-Jews But no international pressure or negotiations have stopped Israel’s rush to reforming its state on building and protecting settlements. So rather than hurling missiles, civil action is all that’s left. He deals with some ethical questions

Palestinian leaders smile but can change little after Cairo meeting

The Palestinian impasse – a people divided by territory, strategy and political affiliation, the refusal of outside governments to do business with Hamas – was not resolved by last week’s Cairo meeting of the Hamas and Fatah leaders; but the words and body language were more positive than usual.

Israel’s Ministry of Tourism incorporates all occupied territory, including Gaza, in its maps

Please protest to the Advertising Standards Authority about an advert placed in the weekend Guardian and Observer by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism which contains a map purportedly of the state of Israel that incorporates the Syrian Golan and the entire occupied Palestinian territory including Gaza. (See posting below for some of the letters) UPDATE: Palestinian Mission also calls for protest action

Israel’s MoT causes ‘systems breakdown’ at Guardian

We post letters of complaint to the Guardian/Observer about the advert for Israel’s Ministry of Tourism (see above). The Head of Client Sales responded to some claiming a ‘systems breakdown’ . Sales-speak for ‘nobody here has a clue about the Occupation’ ? Will there be a better explanation, or apology?
Latest: we’ve added the Guardian’s inadequate – and very easy to miss – response in its Corrections and clarifications column, dated 28th November, at the end of the posting.

Pro-Israeli groups in UK can’t bear to hear Palestinian case

What are pro-Israeli groups afraid of? Asa WInstanley is barred from the(ironically named) Big Tent in Manchester. At Birmingham University, where last year the Students’ Guild endorsed the EUMC “Working Definition of Antisemitism”, the chair of the debating society said she had been instructed not to accept a question with the term “apartheid” in relation to Israel-Palestine. Speaker Ben White was earlier told he was not allowed to sell his book , “Israeli Apartheid: a Beginner’s Guide”.

Violent ambition of group that drove Israeli Occupation

Haaretz publisher Amos Schocken deplores the influence of Gush Emunim in driving Israeli policy towards the destruction of the institutions of democracy; 2, the Knesset’s guide to Gush Emunim; 3, extract from a paper on how this group moved itself and others towards terrorism and religious fundamentalism

The odd couple, Mossad and our man in Israel

Regular readers of this website will know that there are many questions about Fox, Werritty, the British ambassador to Israel and the civil service which have not been answered – or even asked. They won’t go away. The Independent on Sunday picks up the trail

Global French bank ends operations in Israel

BNP Paribas, the huge French-based bank and investment corporation, has pulled out of Israel leaving furious Israeli officials to believe they have accepted anti-Occupation pressure. The bank attributes its decision to the Greek financial crisis but its other bases in the wider region seem unaffected.

Veolia gets more profits from Israel’s waste and West Bank land

Th French multinational Veolia has won new contracts for disposing of waste from Israel and the IDF in the Tovlan landfill site in the Jordan valley. Veolia also has a large presence in the UK through transport (Veolia Transdev), water, waste management and street cleaning. One of its biggest shareholders, EDF, is a major electricity supplier in the South East.

World Zionist plea for more Westerners to move to Israel

Just under half of all olim – those who make ‘aliyah’ to Israel – now come from Russia and Ethiopia. The World Zionist Organisation, subsidised by the Israeli government, is piloting a mission to Britain to increase aliyah as “To have less than 10,000 a year from the Western world is a terrible situation . It puts Israel in danger.”

Degrees of separation: judging apartheid

No apology for another posting on ‘apartheid’ this week – it’s a defining question in how the status of Paletinians under the authority of the Israeli state is to be judged. Lev Luis Ginsberg rejects the term; the RToP in Cape Town give extensive reasons for how they judged the Israelis’ treatment of Palestinians under their rule. It’s not South Africa. It is separate and unequal treatment and is thus apartheid.

Netanyahu joins attack on lack of democracy – in Arab spring

A ferment of anger at moves which make Israel’s democracy inoperable – on libel, media control, NGO funding to take the most recent – 2nd article below and other postings this page – has prompted a Brussels discussion – invitation 3rd in this posting. Netanyahu takes this moment to attack hopes for the Arab spring as a ‘delusion’

Dancers protest at men who can’t bear the sight of them

This seems a skimpy story: men in Jerusalem demand a shield against the sight of dancers’ feet but, like the fulminations of the Taliban and Iranian police who want all women enclosed in cloth bags, it signifies what sort of society the (increasingly powerful and numerous) ultra-religious want in Israel

We say apartheid, you say hafrada

The Cape Town sitting of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine concluded that ‘Israel subjects Palestinians to an institutionalised regime of domination’ (1). (2) Jeff Halper provided the tribunal with a sober account of the buildings pulled down and put up by the Israeli state. enacting its official policy of hafrada, or separation or apartheid (2)

UN, Clinton demand Israel hands over Palestinians’ tax money

For the second time this year, Netanyahu has used his power as the tax-collecting authority for Palestinians to withhold their income. It is not clear whether this is to punish them for being accepted by UNESCO, or the PA’s bid to join the UN or for its imminent talks with Hamas. Reports from IMEMC and Ynet

Israel’s democracy being destroyed from the inside

The trickle of publications about actions by Israeli institutions which undermine the democracy of ‘the Middle East’s only democracy’ has become a torrent. Veteran critic Uri Avnery explains why the alarm is now truly well-founded

Gaddafi ‘the Jew’ undone by his populist antisemitism

Muammar Gaddafi was not the first Arab dictator to feed his people on Jew-hatred as a means of binding them to him against the enemy alien. When he himself became the enemy of the people, that showed he was a Jew. Andrew Engel in Libya reports on the antisemitism that was turned aganst Gaddafi, and outlives him

Bill will keep Palestinians ‘in cellars of military dictatorship’

The NGO-isation of political activism can cause problems, as Yitzhak Laor points out, but in Israel NGOs are the only agents which give Palestinians an effective voice – which is why Knesset members want to deprive them of funds. A statement from B’Tselem, NGO for human rights in the occupied territories, first.