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The settlers will rise in power in Israel’s new government

Netanyahu’s new government, which will pour its resources into settlement expansion, is likely to force Israel into growing international isolation. U.S. Ambassador Dan Shapiro probably sat down Wednesday to write a long cable to the White House ahead of U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to report on the new government in Israel. Aside from noting [...]

Spatial shaping and other stories

Dear Members, Why are settlements like water? Because they expand when frozen:  Danny Seidemann’s joke, retired IDF major, lawyer, and Director of Terrestrial Jerusalem, who gave a briefing last week on why this is absolutely the last year that a 2 state solution is even conceivable, see below: http://t-j.org.il/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=QRDH_lnqzyM%3d&tabid=1508 Seidemann gave two strong messages: By [...]

Photo of Gazan funeral procession is top winner of international contest

Judges for the 2013 World Press Photo Contest have awarded the Photo of the Year to Swedish photojournalist Paul Hansen for his photograph of a Gazan funeral procession taken during Operation Pillar of Cloud last November. The award is considered one of the most prestigious photojournalism honors in the world. The procession was for Fouad [...]

Letter: Settlers and More

15 March 2013

Dear Members, No shortage of questions on Israel/Palestine at FCO question time last Tuesday: reported on Martin Linton’s excellent Palestine Briefing:   http://martinlinton.org Does the Foreign Secretary really believe that Obama is still interested in ‘making a difference’? ‘’There is a clear need for the United States to lead an effort to revive the peace [...]

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Israel’s new government: Very male, very white, very capitalist

15 March 2013

Oh, and the settlements are in very, very good hands.   One of Israel’s leading sociologists, the late Baruch Kimmerling, is responsible for coining the term “Ahusalim (אחוס”לים),” to describe those who ruled Israel for decades. It is an acronym in Hebrew for “Ashkenazi, secular, old guard, socialists, and nationalists.” ASOSNs, for us English speakers. [...]

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Event: Jerusalem MP’s demand Justice

13 March 2013

Baroness Jenny Tonge and the Arab Organisation for Human Rights UK, invite you to a public meeting, at the House of Lords.   Palestinian MP’s from Jerusalem are suffering at the hands of the Israeli authorities. Politicians are harassed, arrested, beaten, illegally detained. The men in this report either remain in detention or have been [...]

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Jerusalem Vivendi – “Let’s face it: Israel has a racism problem” by Ilene Prusher

12 March 2013

Let’s face it: Israel has a racism problem When an Arab attacks a Jew, he’s a terrorist, he’s been taught to hate. When a Jew attacks an Arab, he’s just a loner, an oddball, a bad egg. But we’ve seen so many bad eggs at this point that something here has begun to stink.   [...]

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Facilitate Global: 10th April 2013 Evening Dinner, featuring Professor Ilan Pappe and Miko Peled

24 February 2013

Facilitate Global: 10th April 2013 Evening Dinner Keynote speakers: Professor Ilan Pappe and Miko Peled Personal Journeys: the global impact of Israel?s dissenting voices Facilitate Global is proud to announce that we will be hosting two prominent Israeli speakers who have challenged Israel?s narrative, militarised society and racist policies from within, consistently inspiring ever more [...]

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Letter: Sense, sensitivity and good men dying

21 February 2013

Dear Members, http://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/102445/lib-dems-could-remove-whip-jews-mp-david-ward So David Ward, the Lib Dem MP who speaks out against human rights violations in Palestine, still has questions to answer for using language in his blog which Nick Clegg has described as ‘‘insensitive, intemperate, provocative and offensive.” But not everyone seems to agree. Ward has received over five thousand letters and [...]

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Letter: Lords, Ladies and Shin Bet

15 February 2013

Dear Members, http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201213/ldhansrd/text/130207-0002.htm#13020761000843 The above debate in the House of Lords, re the role of civil society in promoting peace between Israel and Palestine, features the startling pronouncement by Baroness Deech, that ‘UNRWA ……… undermines the chances of Arab-Israeli peace and holds Palestinians back from rebuilding their lives.’ The Baroness believes it ‘should limit its [...]

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Jenny Tonge’s speech as part of a debate at Oxford Union

08 February 2013

Baroness Jenny Tonge, was one of four speakers at the Oxford Union on 31 January, who opposed the motion: “This house believes that Israel is a force for good in the Middle East” Those speaking for the motion included Richard Perle and Lord David Trimble, while Peter Tatchell and Ghada Karmi were among the opposition. [...]

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Crimes against Humanity: Stealing Palestine’s Water Resources

08 February 2013

The Israeli national water company Mekorot undermines Palestinians’ access to water, according to a new report commissioned by the United Nations Human Rights Council. The report finds that deep water drillings by Mekorot and the Israeli agri-industrial firm Mehadrin in the occupied Jordan Valley have caused the drying up of Palestinian wells and springs. About [...]

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South Africa’s ruling party endorses BDS campaign against Israel

08 February 2013

The ANC declared it was ‘unapologetic in its view that the Palestinians are the victims and the oppressed in the conflict with Israel.’ Johannesburg – The ruling African National Congress voted at its annual conference Thursday night to support the Palestinian boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. The ANC declared it was “unapologetic [...]

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