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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.


Curse of the occupiers strikes G4S

As the investors in G4S (and (Veolia) might say – forget the politics, look at the prices, which in the case of the shares of both companies have been dropping, as have their reputations. The favourite of privatisers, G4S has gobbled up every state contract it could get – and in the case of policing the Olympics, has been unable to deliver. Financial, news and Birmingham police reports, plus letter fro, G4S campaigners.

G4S boasts of doing great business in Middle East

G4S and Israel seem made for each other, having in common a paramount concern with security. More surprising might be the contracts the company is winning in Arab countries, despite the official position of many on the oPt. Rather, says Al Akhbar, it is Europeans who are leading moves to question and boycott the company. JfJfP is at the forefront of the campaign to stop G4S winning contracts in the UK.

Protests at G4S, profiting from policing people, from Palestinians to Olympics

G4S is the 2nd largest private employer in the world, making its money from public sectors contracting out ‘security’ operations – such as the Olympics this summer. Services to Israeli settlements are one its most profitable and controversial operations. JfJfP actively supports the campaign to stop UK state agencies giving contracts to G4S.

Security company’s loss of EU contract shows penalty of servicing occupation

UPDATED The security company G4S has provided security services for the EU (Commission in Brussels and Parliament) and for illegal settlements, military checkpoints and the incarceration of political prisoners in Israel. Now the European Parliament has decided to cancel their contract, a decision applauded by JfJfP which, with others, has campaigned against the role of this multinational company in securing the occupation.

Boycotting the occupation bites again


G4S in Denmark, via its Israeli company Hashmira, supplies baggage scanning equipment and body scanners at major checkpoints on the West Bank. No more. A response to public pressure, following on the work of the Coalition of Women for Peace, and its monitoring project “Who Profits?”, for exposing the realities.