HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual is an Israeli human rights organization whose main objective is to assist Palestinians of the Occupied Territories whose rights are violated due to Israel's policies.

This site contains information relating to these human rights violations. It gives the texts of Israeli laws and regulations, including those of the Military Government; international conventions; petitions to the Israeli High Court of Justice; claims for compensation for damages; decisions by Israeli and other courts; and other official documents and reports.
"Ceased residency"

Between 1967 and 1994
Israel revoked the residency status of some quarter million Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 
Timeline: Torture
The Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award of 2011

congratulates attorney Tamar Peleg-Sryck on receiving the 2011 Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award for Lifetime Achievement
Contrary to the opinion of the Supreme Court President

The HCJ rejects HaMoked's appeal: the children of an Israeli resident will be left without status  
Timeline: The Sparation Wall
Charting Key Events and Legal Developments by Subject
to timelines
Israely Case-Law under Scrutiny
to court watch
The Occupation from Below – the Personal Stories
to cases
After three years, two court petitions and one appeal to the appellate committee for foreigners: children from a previous marriage, accompanying their parent seeking family unification in Israel, will receive a permit of temporary residency in Israel
Human rights organizations in Israel condemn the Israeli military's raid on Palestinian Human Rights' & Civil Society Organizations
HaMoked to the HCJ: instruct the state to inform the family of an injured Palestinian minor of his location. The HCJ ordered the state to submit a general response on notification of place of detention to detainees' families
In response to a petition filed by HaMoked: for the first time, stay-permits granted to Palestinians from the OPT as part of the family unification procedure will also constitute work permits. Beginning January 1, 2013, permit holders will be able to work in Israel without restriction
HaMoked to the HCJ: why not include a trained interpreter in all NII committee hearings on disability benefit applications of East Jerusalem residents
All Updates

mail@hamoked.org.il (02) 627 1698   (02) 627 6317

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