
Gisha director: How much can Israel benefit from the rapprochement with Turkey? It depends on Israel’s policy in Gaza
April 10, 2013. Gisha Director Sari Bashi writes about movement restrictions on the Gaza Strip in an op-ed in today’s Ha’aretz. Meanwhile, the Kerem Shalom crossing is still closed and passage through the Erez crossing is limited. (Read More)

Following rocket fire: the Kerem Shalom crossing remains closed, movement through Erez is limited
April 9, 2013. The IDF Spokesperson’s Office announced that the Kerem Shalom crossing was closed due to “security concerns”. It did not explain restrictions on passage through Erez Crossing. (Read More)

Gisha to defense minister Ayalon: refrain from engaging in collective punishment
March 24, 2013. Israel has tightened restrictions on the movement of people and goods into and out of Gaza. Gisha sent an urgent letter today to the new defense minister, Moshe Yaalon, demanding that the new restrictions be lifted. (Read More)

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In Focus

The Gaza Cheat Sheet - Real Data on the Gaza Closure
April, 2013. In this information sheet you will find concise answers to questions such as: What is the economic situation in Gaza today? Is there a lack of food in Gaza? What are the restrictions currently imposed on the movement of people and goods into and out of the Strip? The Gaza Cheat Sheet is updated regularly. (Read More)

The ceasefire – An opportunity to sever the link between hostilities and civilian movement and access
November 2012. In this position paper we detail the restrictions on movement currently imposed by the Israeli authorities on residents of Gaza and what it would take to remove them and respect Gaza residents’ right to freedom of movement. (Read More)

What is the “separation policy”? An info sheet
June 2012. When asked why restrictions on movement between Gaza and the West Bank remain in effect, security officials explain that they form part of the “policy of separation”. What is this policy and what is its purpose? (Read More)

Gaza Strip Map
July 2011. A new and detailed map of the Gaza Strip. Source: Gisha (Read More)

Exits through Erez crossing

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Gisha in Action

Twenty-six women from Gaza were able to participate in a conference about increasing women’s political participation which took place in the West Bank
Thirty-four women requested to travel to a conference about women’s political participation held in the West Bank. After a long bureaucratic process, 26 of them were able to travel, thanks to Gisha. (Read More)

How hard can it be to get to band camp?
Last April, Gaza music students did not make it out of Gaza in time to participate in a music competition in the West Bank. This time, the students, who attend the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music were able to go to the West Bank with four chaperones for ten days. (Read More)

Eleven staff members of a multi-purpose center promoting the protection and empowerment of women and families receive permits to travel to the West Bank for professional training
Following Gisha’s intervention, the military allowed most of the center’s staff members to travel for professional training. Four security guards and the housemother did not receive permits, based on the claim they did not require training. (Read More)

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