Paper to draw attention to geo-diversity in Jaisalmer

Edit The Times of India 14 Feb 2016
Jaipur ... The paper would highlight the region's geoscientific superlatives for it to officially declared a geopark ... Lithostratigraphy of the mapped formations namely the Lathis, Baisakhi and Bhadasar formations is well established that displays an array of Jurassic siliciclastic, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic and carbonate rocks that range from early Jurassic to Tithonian ... RELATED. From around the web. More from The Times of India....

31 Mar 2015 Hong Kong’s first identified dinosaur-era vertebrate (The University of Hong Kong)

Edit noodls 31 Mar 2015
(Source. The University of Hong Kong) Hong Kong's first identified dinosaur-era vertebrate ... 31 Mar 2015. Mr ... Mr ... The fossil consists of the posterior portion of a small, about 4cm long osteoglossoid osteoglossomorph fish from the genus Paralycoptera, and was collected at Lai Chi Chong, Tolo Channel, from rocks that have been previously radiometrically dated to 146.6 ± 0.2 million years old (Tithonian stage of the Late Jurassic) ... Mr ... Mr....