Pokémon X/Y Soul Link Wonderlocke Versus 2v2- You Can Put It On The Board, YES! Ep. 7
Pokémon X/Y Soul Link Wonderlocke
Versus 2v2-
You Can Put It On The
YES! Ep. 7 - Subscribe for more!
Pokemon Soul Link Versus Wonderlocke 2v2 -
Pokemon X and Y Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdpewx5lrtpKhpkULHMtTlK5vv4aFZh--
Pokemon Soul Link Versus Wonderlocke of Pokemon X and Y is a first-ever in the world of Pokemon YouTube videos! The first 2 versus 2 Pokemon Soul Link is going DOWN! We here at the Pokemon
Fab Five would like to acknowledge YungMud (MudPlayz), who created the Soul Link idea. The idea of this series is to take a nice recent-nostalgia trip back to Pokemon X and Y while putting a wonderful fresh spin on the game.
These are the Soul Link rules and Wonderlocke rules we will choose to use, followed by some more information. POUND the
Like button and leave a comment if you'd like to see more, and don't forget to timestamp your favorite
moments in the series so we can make a
Funny Moments montage at the end of it!
Pokemon Soul Link Versus Wonderlocke
-This is a race to the end of the
Elite 4 and
Champion. With that in mind, the first team of two people to have BOTH members beat the Elite 4 and champion will win. In case of one or more people losing the challenge before then,
first to beat the champion first wins, e.g. if one person from each team is defeated, the first remaining person to win against the champion will win for their team.
-Teams were randomly generated (shown in the setup video) and are as follows: SwamiStudios and JustPlayPokemon versus GalacticElliot and OldSchoolSin.
-The term Soul Link comes from the way the game is played. With the Wonderlocke aspect involved, it will go like this:
1. Each new route in the game, plus our starter pokemon and any pokemon gifted to us in-game, count as a new potential capture. If both team members successfully capture Pokemon from the new route/area, they immediately
Wonder Trade
the Pokemon they caught, in hopes of getting something awesome. We may skip routes, but MUST make an attempt to capture a new Pokemon in each new route we encounter, regardless of how far ahead or behind we are.
2. Dupes and
Family Clause is in effect, meaning if you've received a certain Pokemon or Pokemon of its evolutionary line, (e.g. you've received a Vileplume and get a
Gloom), you may wonder trade again until you receive something new.
Once each team member receives a pokemon, the pair received is "
Soul Linked," meaning that they are bound together for the rest of the playthrough. For example, if JustPlayPokemon receives a Bulbasaur in Wonder Trade the same time as SwamiStudios receives
a Snorunt, Bulbasaur and Snorunt must be used in each member's party and cannot be separated.
Gender Clause is NOT in effect for this series. Some Soul Link playthroughs state that you must have opposite genders Soul Linked, and we chose not to use this rule for time's sake.
5. If a Soul Linked Pokemon feints, it AND its Soul Link partner are considered dead and cannot be revived. Both Soul Link Pokemon must be put in the PC box.
6. If a Soul Linked Pokemon is put into the PC Box by one member, (e.g.
JPP's Bulbasaur is boxed) the entire Soul Link pair must be boxed also (e.g.
Swami must box his Snorunt also).
7. HM
Slaves are allowed if necessary, and shiny clause is in effect.
We hope you enjoy this brand new series, and with the people involved, we think it will be AMAZEBALLS. As long as you continue to support it, we'll keep pumping it out!
Thanks for watching!
Fab Five Members' Channels:
The4thGenGamer (also
GFX Artist for this
Layout) - http://www.youtube.com/thefourthgengamer
JustPlayPokemon - http://www.youtube.com/justplaypokemon
SwamiStudios - http://www.youtube.com/swamistudios
GalacticElliot - http://www.youtube.com/galacticelliot
OldSchoolSin - http://www.youtube.com/oldschoolsin