
Secrets - The Pharaoh Who Found the Sphinx
King Thutmose IV didn't build the Great Sphinx. He rediscovered it, hidden in the sand, an...
published: 22 Jul 2013
author: smithsonianchannel
Secrets - The Pharaoh Who Found the Sphinx
Secrets - The Pharaoh Who Found the Sphinx
King Thutmose IV didn't build the Great Sphinx. He rediscovered it, hidden in the sand, and - according to legend - it made him king in return.- published: 22 Jul 2013
- views: 667
- author: smithsonianchannel

Archeologia misteriosa: La stele del Sogno di Thutmose IV e la sfinge di Giza (Egitto)
La Stele del Sogno di Thutmose IV, anche detta Stel...
published: 06 Jan 2014
Archeologia misteriosa: La stele del Sogno di Thutmose IV e la sfinge di Giza (Egitto)
Archeologia misteriosa: La stele del Sogno di Thutmose IV e la sfinge di Giza (Egitto)
http://gabrielemartufi.altervista.org La Stele del Sogno di Thutmose IV, anche detta Stele della Sfinge, fu eretta nel primo anno del suo regno, nel 1401 a.C.. Come fu poi consuetudine per i faraoni del Nuovo Regno, fa riferimento ad una legittimazione divina del potere faraonico. Si trova ai piedi della Sfinge di Giza. Si tratta di una stele verticale rettangolare, alta 114 cm e larga 40 cm, con 70 cm di profondità. La scena superiore nella lunetta mostra Thutmose IV mentre porta offerte alla Grande Sfinge. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stele_del_Sogno La Sfinge di Giza è una statua, situata nella Necropoli di Giza, raffigurante una sfinge (più precisamente un'androsfinge, essere mitologico con volto umano e corpo di leone accovacciato). È la più grande statua monolitica tra le sfingi egizie: lunga 73,5 metri, alta 20,22 metri e larga 6 metri di cui solo la testa è 4 metri. Il monumento probabilmente fu ricavato da un affioramento di roccia durante la costruzione delle piramidi di Giza. Stranamente la Grande Sfinge è un monumento isolato, quando, invece, le sfingi successive erano poste in coppia per proteggere l'ingresso di un edificio. In teoria poteva essere scolpita un'altra grande sfinge; infatti, poco distante, a sud, nell'altopiano si erge un'altra collinetta di roccia, ma in pratica non è stato così, forse a causa della troppa distanza. Pare sia stata creata attorno al 2500 a.C.al tempo del faraone Chefren (2520-2494 a.C) http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sfinge_di_Giza La teoria degli antichi astronauti La teoria degli antichi astronauti, o teoria del paleocontatto, conosciuta anche come paleoastronautica (archeologia misteriosa, archeologia proibita, archeologia eretica, archeologia spaziale, OOPArt, Out Of Place ARTifacts, reperti fuori posto, reperti fuori tempo), è l'insieme di quelle idee, sviluppate a partire dalla metà del Novecento, che ipotizzano il contatto di civiltà extraterrestri con le antiche civiltà umane quali Sumeri, Egizi, civiltà dell'India antica e civiltà precolombiane. Questo genere di teorie non sono in generale accettate a livello scientifico-accademico, con alcune eccezioni (un esempio l'astronomo e matematico Josef Allen Hynek), e sotto il nome di archeologia spaziale o archeologia ufologica vengono spesso fatte rientrare nel più vasto campo speculativo della controversa pseudo-archeologia o archeologia misteriosa. Esistono diverse idee e ipotesi sul paleocontatto - L'uomo sarebbe il risultato di creazione guidata o esperimenti genetici condotti da alieni sugli ominidi (che fino a quel punto si sarebbero evoluti naturalmente sulla Terra in concordanza con la Teoria di Darwin e dunque senza nessuna apparente contraddizione) al fine di farle evolvere in tempi rapidi: adattamento evolutivo e neocreazionismo dunque sarebbero veri entrambi. Il principale argomento a sostegno di questa idea è il tempo relativamente breve impiegato dall'Homo sapiens (300.000 anni) per giungere al livello mai raggiunto da altri organismi che esistono da centinaia di milioni di anni. - L'uomo avrebbe avuto contatti con extraterrestri sin dalle ere più antiche. Questi esseri sarebbero le divinità delle società antiche e sarebbero stati raffigurati nell'antichità in diversi dipinti e opere d'arte (Egizi, Maya, Aztechi, popoli della Mesopotamia, Romani). Gli alieni si sarebbero manifestati anche in epoche successive: dipinti medievali e rinascimentali, specie a carattere religioso, raffiguranti Dio, il Figlio e gli Angeli, mostrerebbero in cielo delle navicelle spaziali, a volte addirittura con degli angeli guidatori. Altri indizi della presenza di extraterrestri in epoche passate sarebbero celati in testi religiosi, come la Bibbia e il Ramayana, o in opere di carattere storico. - Il ritrovamento di OOPArts, ossia oggetti fuori posto, in quanto fuori dal tempo, che vedrebbero l'uomo e la sua tecnologia molto più antichi rispetto a ciò che l'archeologia canonica afferma.- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 14

Tumba de Tutmosis / Thutmose IV en Luxor, Egipto
Thutmose IV Tomb in Luxor, Egypt....
published: 16 Jul 2008
author: 7Chino7
Tumba de Tutmosis / Thutmose IV en Luxor, Egipto
Tumba de Tutmosis / Thutmose IV en Luxor, Egipto
Thutmose IV Tomb in Luxor, Egypt.- published: 16 Jul 2008
- views: 5985
- author: 7Chino7

Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Cowherd - Maler der Grabkammer des
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under ...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Cowherd - Maler der Grabkammer des
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Cowherd - Maler der Grabkammer des
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Cowherd" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Cowherd Painting date: um 1422-1411 v. Chr. c. 1422-1411 BCE Painting artist: Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue Music: Pachabelly by Huma-Huma Music source: Youtube Audio Library If you like classical music, you can download and discover new classical music at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. There, you can find the largest free classical music library on the internet, a customizable HD quality classical radio, and much more! Audio ID: PA8 Video ID: CH6053 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, or any other feedback, you can contact us at the same address! :)- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 0

Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Horse - Maler der Grabkammer des Ze
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under ...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Horse - Maler der Grabkammer des Ze
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Horse - Maler der Grabkammer des Ze
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Horse" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Horse Painting date: um 1422-1411 v. Chr. c. 1422-1411 BCE Painting artist: Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue Music: The Rain by Silent Partner Music source: Youtube Audio Library If you like classical music, you can download and discover new classical music at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. There, you can find the largest free classical music library on the internet, a customizable HD quality classical radio, and much more! Audio ID: PA9 Video ID: CH6055 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, or any other feedback, you can contact us at the same address! :) Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Horse, Zenue, des Zenue, Grabkammer, Grabkammer des, Grabkammer des Zenue, der Grabkammer, der Grabkammer des, der Grabkammer des Zenue, Maler, Maler der, Maler der Grabkammer, Maler der Grabkammer des, Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue, 1422, 1411, 1422, 1411, Horses in art, Egyptian paintings, Paintings from Egypt, Mammals in Ancient Egypt- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 0

Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Nubian mercenaries - Maler der Grab
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under ...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Nubian mercenaries - Maler der Grab
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Nubian mercenaries - Maler der Grab
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Nubian mercenaries" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Nubian mercenaries Painting date: um 1422-1411 v. Chr. c. 1422-1411 BCE Painting artist: Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue Music: Pachabelly by Huma-Huma Music source: Youtube Audio Library If you like classical music, you can download and discover new classical music at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. There, you can find the largest free classical music library on the internet, a customizable HD quality classical radio, and much more! Audio ID: PA8 Video ID: CH6054 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, or any other feedback, you can contact us at the same address! :)- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 0

Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, scene: shepherd with cattle, detail: St -
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under ...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, scene: shepherd with cattle, detail: St -
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, scene: shepherd with cattle, detail: St -
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, scene: shepherd with cattle, detail: St" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, scene: shepherd with cattle, detail: St Painting date: um 1422-1411 v. Chr. c. 1422-1411 BCE Painting artist: Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue Music: Meditation, Josef Suk Performer: Musopen String Quartet Music source: Musopen Music license: Public Domain You can download the classical music piece for free, at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. Audio ID: PA5 Video ID: CH6052 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, or any other feedback, you can contact us at the same address! :)- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 0

Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Birds and hieroglyphs - Maler der G
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under ...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Birds and hieroglyphs - Maler der G
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Birds and hieroglyphs - Maler der G
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Birds and hieroglyphs" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, Scene: Birds and hieroglyphs Painting date: um 1422-1411 v. Chr. c. 1422-1411 BCE Painting artist: Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue Music: Goldberg Variations, BWV 988-Aria da Capo Performer: Shelley Katz Music source: Musopen Music license: Public Domain You can download the classical music piece for free, at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. Audio ID: PA1 Video ID: CH6056 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, or any other feedback, you can contact us at the same address! :)- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 0

Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, scene: shepherd with cattle - Maler der Gr
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under ...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, scene: shepherd with cattle - Maler der Gr
Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, scene: shepherd with cattle - Maler der Gr
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue's "Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, scene: shepherd with cattle" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Grave chamber of the Zenue, army clerk under Thutmose IV, scene: shepherd with cattle Painting date: um 1422-1411 v. Chr. c. 1422-1411 BCE Painting artist: Maler der Grabkammer des Zenue Music: Suite espagnole Granada, Albeniz Performer: Bernd Krueger Music License: cc-by-sa Germany License Source: http://www.piano-midi.de You can download the classical music piece for free, at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. Audio ID: PA2 Video ID: CH6051 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, or any other feedback, you can contact us at the same address! :)- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 0

Grave chamber of Nebamun, a member of the Herre under Thutmose IV, Scene: Cretan Tributbri - Maler d
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Nebamun's "Grave chamber of Nebamun, a member of the H...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Grave chamber of Nebamun, a member of the Herre under Thutmose IV, Scene: Cretan Tributbri - Maler d
Grave chamber of Nebamun, a member of the Herre under Thutmose IV, Scene: Cretan Tributbri - Maler d
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Nebamun's "Grave chamber of Nebamun, a member of the Herre under Thutmose IV, Scene: Cretan Tributbri" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Grave chamber of Nebamun, a member of the Herre under Thutmose IV, Scene: Cretan Tributbri Painting date: um 1422-1411 v. Chr. c. 1422-1411 BCE Painting artist: Maler der Grabkammer des Nebamun Music: Pachabelly by Huma-Huma Music source: Youtube Audio Library If you like classical music, you can download and discover new classical music at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. There, you can find the largest free classical music library on the internet, a customizable HD quality classical radio, and much more! Audio ID: PA8 Video ID: CH6026 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, or any other feedback, you can contact us at the same address! :)- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 0

The Face of Thutmose III (Photoshop Reconstruction)
PRINTS NOW AVAILABLE! http://www.cafepress.com/maludwigworks #Project requested by users: ...
published: 23 Sep 2012
author: JudeMaris
The Face of Thutmose III (Photoshop Reconstruction)
The Face of Thutmose III (Photoshop Reconstruction)
PRINTS NOW AVAILABLE! http://www.cafepress.com/maludwigworks #Project requested by users: Ahmedzs1, ArsinoeofEgypt, RPacall Reconstruction of Thutmose III, t...- published: 23 Sep 2012
- views: 3106
- author: JudeMaris

Hall of Records Location Discovery Part 1 of 5
Hall of Records Location Part 1 of 5 Part 1 reveals the Hall of Records location in the Gi...
published: 03 Oct 2011
author: TombofSeker
Hall of Records Location Discovery Part 1 of 5
Hall of Records Location Discovery Part 1 of 5
Hall of Records Location Part 1 of 5 Part 1 reveals the Hall of Records location in the Giza Plateau - We cover the importance of the Orion Constellation , P...- published: 03 Oct 2011
- views: 24960
- author: TombofSeker

Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Dancing Africans - Mal
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Horemhab's "Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Dancing Africans - Mal
Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Dancing Africans - Mal
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Horemhab's "Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Dancing Africans" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Dancing Africans Painting date: um 1422-1411 v. Chr. c. 1422-1411 BCE Painting artist: Maler der Grabkammer des Horemhab Music: The Rain by Silent Partner Music source: Youtube Audio Library If you like classical music, you can download and discover new classical music at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. There, you can find the largest free classical music library on the internet, a customizable HD quality classical radio, and much more! Audio ID: PA9 Video ID: CH6004 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, or any other feedback, you can contact us at the same address! :)- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 0

Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Funeral, detail: - Mal
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Horemhab's "Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Funeral, detail: - Mal
Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Funeral, detail: - Mal
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Horemhab's "Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Funeral, detail:" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Funeral, detail: Painting date: um 1422-1411 v. Chr. c. 1422-1411 BCE Painting artist: Maler der Grabkammer des Horemhab Music: Funeral March (Chopin) Music source: Youtube Audio Library If you like classical music, you can download and discover new classical music at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. There, you can find the largest free classical music library on the internet, a customizable HD quality classical radio, and much more! Audio ID: PA6 Video ID: CH6002 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, or any other feedback, you can contact us at the same address! :)- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 1
Youtube results:

Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Vehicles with Opfergab
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Horemhab's "Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Vehicles with Opfergab
Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Vehicles with Opfergab
Experience Maler der Grabkammer des Horemhab's "Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Vehicles with Opfergab" together with beautiful classical music, in HD quality! Painting title: Grave chamber of the Horemhab, a member of the Army under Thutmose IV, Scene: Vehicles with Opfergab Painting date: um 1422-1411 v. Chr. c. 1422-1411 BCE Painting artist: Maler der Grabkammer des Horemhab Music: The Rain by Silent Partner Music source: Youtube Audio Library If you like classical music, you can download and discover new classical music at www.hdclassicalmusic.com. There, you can find the largest free classical music library on the internet, a customizable HD quality classical radio, and much more! Audio ID: PA9 Video ID: CH6005 From our research, this digital picture should be part of the Wikipedia Yorck Project public domain collection. If that is not the case, and we have made a mistake, please contact us at documentaries.pd@gmail.com. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding what paintings to publish next, or any other feedback, you can contact us at the same address! :)- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 0

EGYPT 274 - EGYPTIAN MUMMIES II - II المومياوات المصرية - (by Egyptahotep)
ROYAL MUMMIES II : Images of the most Famous Pharaohs Mummies: Amenhotep II,Amenhotep III,...
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: Egyptahotep
EGYPT 274 - EGYPTIAN MUMMIES II - II المومياوات المصرية - (by Egyptahotep)
EGYPT 274 - EGYPTIAN MUMMIES II - II المومياوات المصرية - (by Egyptahotep)
ROYAL MUMMIES II : Images of the most Famous Pharaohs Mummies: Amenhotep II,Amenhotep III,Hatshepsut,Merneptah,Ramesses I,Ramesses II,Ramesses III,Ramesses V...- published: 30 Aug 2012
- views: 5522
- author: Egyptahotep

Portal 2 'Thutmose III's Ascension' by Antiochus IV Epiphanes
God-difficulty puzzle I made. I seriously doubt anyone will figure this out within an hour...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: Kyle Echols
Portal 2 'Thutmose III's Ascension' by Antiochus IV Epiphanes
Portal 2 'Thutmose III's Ascension' by Antiochus IV Epiphanes
God-difficulty puzzle I made. I seriously doubt anyone will figure this out within an hour.- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 9
- author: Kyle Echols

So The Ancient Egyptians Were White Huh?
The Dream Stele of Tuthmosis IV The age of the Sphinx has never been determined, however i...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: Kali Sayyid
So The Ancient Egyptians Were White Huh?
So The Ancient Egyptians Were White Huh?
The Dream Stele of Tuthmosis IV The age of the Sphinx has never been determined, however it is known that the Sphinx was buried for a long time in the sand. ...- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 453
- author: Kali Sayyid