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  • Pakistan police arrest ex-president Musharraf...1:20
  • Prodi rejected as 4th attempt to elect new Italy president fails...0:48
  • FAA Grounds Boeing 787s to Address Battery Fires...0:47
  • Cops Have Image of Potential Boston Marathon Suspect - 17/4/13...3:24
  • Nicolas Sarkozy faces funding investigation: former French president subject of new probe...1:09
  • Complete News - Inside Syria - Syria's opposition: Embracing change...25:01
  • 20130401 Delegation of the EU to Japan: 2012 Activity Highlights...4:22
  • RAW FOOTAGE: Terrorism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Explode 2013...8:54
  • Italian parliament fails to elect state president...0:31
  • Pakistan court orders Musharraf's arrest...1:38
  • Waco Fertiliser Explosion [18.04.2013]...3:02
  • Daily English News - 'Al-Qaeda, Saddamists expand terror activities in Iraq'...4:02
  • Violence spreads across Venezuela following election...2:39
add video playlist Pakistani police arrested former president Pervez Musharraf at his residence on the outskirts of Islamabad and presented him in court on his involvement in the decision to dismiss senior judges, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, in 2007. Television footage on Friday showed Musharraf, dressed in traditional clothes, being escorted by uniformed police officers to an Islamabad court. Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder reports from Islamabad.
Pakistani police arrested former president Pervez Musharraf at his residence on the outskirts of Islamabad and presented him in court on his involvement in the decision to dismiss senior judges, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, in 2007. Television footage on Friday showed Musharraf, dressed in traditional clothes, being escorted by uniformed police officers to an Islamabad court.   Al Jazeera\'s Kamal Hyder reports from Islamabad.
Pak­istan po­lice ar­rest ex-pres­i­dent Mushar­raf
1:20 Italian politicians have failed to elect a new president in their fourth attempt to do so.

The centre-left\'s latest candidate, the former EU Commission President and ex-Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, was more than 100 votes short of the 504 needed to win.

The head of state\'s role is largely ceremonial but his election is seen as a vital step towards breaking the stalemate after February\'s general election. An interim technocrat government remains in charge.

Prodi\'s rejection is another setback for centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani. His choice was bitterly opposed by Silvio Berlusconi\'s centre-right group, whose deputies boycotted Friday afternoon\'s vote and staged a protest outside the chamber.

Despite being an internationally renowned figure, Prodi was an unpalatable choice for the right wing. It accuses Bersani of betraying a promise to propose an acceptable candidate.

Prodi re­ject­ed as 4th at­tempt to elect new Italy pres­i­dent fails
Federal officials say they are temporarily grounding Boeing\'s 787 Dreamliners until the risk of possible battery fires is addressed. (Jan. 16)
FAA Grounds Boe­ing 787s to Ad­dress Bat­tery Fires
Authorities have a clear picture of a potential suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings and are in the process of identifying that individual, sources told ABC News today.

ABC News\' Boston affiliate WCVB reported surveillance video taken from cameras at Lord & Taylor along the marathon route were key to spotting the individual in question.

Other news organizations recently reported a suspect already had been taken into custody, but both the Boston Police Department and the FBI said no one has been arrested in connection with the bombing.

In the midst of the conflicting reporting, a federal courthouse in Boston was evacuated because of a bomb threat, a source with the U.S. Marshals told ABC News. As of this report, no suspicious devices have been found there.  Boston Marathon Bomb Made From Pressure Cooker

A pair of blasts erupted Monday afternoon near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring more than 170 others.

警察潛在的波士頓馬拉松疑有圖像, - 17/4/13
Los policías tienen la imagen del Potencial Boston Marathon Suspect - 17/4/13
Policiais ter a imagem de Potencial Boston Marathon Suspeito - 17/4/13
I poliziotti hanno Immagine del Potenziale maratona di Boston Suspect - 17/4/13
Οι μπάτσοι έχουν εικόνα του δυναμικού Ύποπτα Μαραθώνιο της Βοστώνης - 17/4/13
Cops Have Image of Po­ten­tial Boston Marathon Sus­pect - 17/4/13
French citizens have been shocked to find that former President Nicolas Sarkozy has been put under formal investigation for exploiting the vulnerable in a 2007 party funding case involving the elderly L\'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt.
Nico­las Sarkozy faces fund­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tion: for­mer French pres­i­dent sub­ject of new probe
Complete News
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Will opposition groups find common ground in uniting against the Assad regime by agreeing to an  umbrella body?  Presenter Stephen Cole speaks to Yaser Tabbara, an adviser to the Seif Initiative - the name of the plan to unite the Syrian opposition; Radwan Ziadeh, a member of the Syrian National Council and ambasador Jon Wilks, the British envoy to the Syrian opposition.
Com­plete News - In­side Syria - Syria's op­po­si­tion: Em­brac­ing change
2012年の駐日欧州連合代表部の活動ハイライトを4分でまとめてみましたので、ぜひご覧になってください。 #euinjapan
20130401 Del­e­ga­tion of the EU to Japan: 2012 Ac­tiv­i­ty High­lights
Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction.

The blasts threw people to the ground, killing two and injuring dozens.

The Boston Globe reported that at least 90 people were being treated at area hospitals.

White House area on lockdown after blasts CNN producer: Heard big boom, saw smoke Blasts near Boston Marathon finish line Eyewitness: People \'very badly hurt\'

The terrorist attack, near the marathon\'s finish line, triggered widespread screaming and chaos, shattered windows and barricades and sent smoke billowing into the air at Copley Square.

They were about 50 to 100 yards apart, officials said.
RAW FOOTAGE: Ter­ror­ism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Ex­plode 2013
8:54 Political stalemate continues in Italy; not only does the country not have a government since the deadlocked general election in February, but early on Thursday afternoon the parliament failed on the first attempt to elect a new state president.

Divisions in the centre-left alliance meant there was no quick victory for its official candidate Franco Marini.

Marini garnered 520 votes, well below the required two thirds majority or 672 of the 1007 members of both houses of parliament and regional

A deal over the presidency is key to progress on the forming of a minority government  

There is now to be a second vote to try to get a new president, which has to happen before May 15 when the term of President Giorgio Napolitano ends.  

This was a setback for centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani, who had split his party by nominating Marini in a deal with centre-right boss Silvio Berlusconi. 

Unhappy with that many rebellious centre-left parliamentarians were believed to have voted for academic Stefano Rodota, candidate of the
populist 5-Star Movement of former comic Beppe Grillo.

Find us on:  
Ital­ian par­lia­ment fails to elect state pres­i­dent
Pakistan\'s former military ruler Pervez Musharraf is facing arrest after a court revoked his bail.
Musharraf is accused of subverting the constitution and deposing judges in 2007.
He left the Islamabad high court after the judgment and is now staying at his farmhouse in the suburbs. 
Al Jazeera\'s Imtiaz Tyab reports from Lahore.
Pak­istan court or­ders Mushar­raf's ar­rest

An explosion ripped through a fertilizer plant Wednesday night in the town of West, Texas, sending a massive fireball into the sky and causing dozens of injuries, officials said.

A number of nearby residents were being evacuated because of the possibility of another explosion, officials said.

A hospital in nearby Waco, Texas, has been told to anticipate 100 injured people coming in from the fertilizer plant area, an official at the medical facility said.

Glenn Robinson, CEO of Hillcrest Hospital, said a field triage station was being set up on a football field near the plant some 18 miles north of Waco after the Wednesday night explosion.

Waco Fer­tilis­er Ex­plo­sion [18.04.2013]
Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction.

The blasts threw people to the ground, killing two and injuring dozens.

The Boston Globe reported that at least 90 people were being treated at area hospitals.

White House area on lockdown after blasts CNN producer: Heard big boom, saw smoke Blasts near Boston Marathon finish line Eyewitness: People \'very badly hurt\'

The terrorist attack, near the marathon\'s finish line, triggered widespread screaming and chaos, shattered windows and barricades and sent smoke billowing into the air at Copley Square.

They were about 50 to 100 yards apart, officials said.
RAW FOOTAGE: Ter­ror­ism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Ex­plode 2013
8:54 English News
Daily English News
Plz Subscrib for Latest NewsDaily English News - A political analyst tells Press TV that the Baath party and the remnants of the former regime, the Saddamists are taking advantage of al-Qaeda and making a strategic alliance with al-Qaeda to spread terror in Iraq.

This is while the death toll from a spate of bomb attacks across Iraq has exceeded 55 with almost 200 injures, security and medical sources say. The bombings were the latest in a string of attacks that have left scores of people dead across Iraq this year. Violence has increased in Iraq in recent weeks as the country is preparing to hold provincial elections on 20 April, the first in the country since 2010.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Intifad Qanbar, political analyst, to further discuss the issue.
Daily En­glish News - 'Al-Qae­da, Sad­damists ex­pand ter­ror ac­tiv­i­ties in Iraq'
Venezuela seems to be headed towards a deeper crisis after a divisive election sends protestors in the streets. For the latest info on this, visit our site at
Vi­o­lence spreads across Venezuela fol­low­ing elec­tion

News Articles:

North Korea warns military cleared to wage nuclear attack against US

What is Going on With North Korea is Not What it Seems

North Korea Army: \'War Could Break Out Today\'

North Korea \'ratifies\' nuclear strike against US

North Korea claims it has final approval for nuclear attack on US
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FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a \'fair use\' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
World War 3 : North Korea gives Final Ap­proval for Nu­cle­ar Strike on the U.S. (Apr 04, 2013)

updated 19 Apr 2013; published 19 Apr 2013
Pak­istan po­lice ar­rest ex-pres­i­dent Mushar­raf
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 19 Apr 2013, ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Pakistan's former military leader, Pervez Musharraf, was arrested and moved into police custody on Friday -- a move that is unprecedented in a country where the military has held sway for decades, and that showed the determination of the judiciary to hold him accountable for his time in power. A day after Mr. Musharraf...
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updated 19 Apr 2013; published 19 Apr 2013
Prodi re­ject­ed as 4th at­tempt to elect new Italy pres­i­dent fails
The New York Times 19 Apr 2013, ROMEItalian lawmakers failed for the fourth time to elect a president on Friday when the center-left candidate, former Prime Minister Romano Prodi, was unable to muster enough support among the 1,007 electors in Parliament. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List:...
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updated 17 Jan 2013; published 17 Jan 2013
FAA Grounds Boe­ing 787s to Ad­dress Bat­tery Fires
The New York Times 19 Apr 2013, Three months after Boeing’s 787 passenger jets were grounded, the Federal Aviation Administration on Friday approved the company’s plans to fix the plane’s batteries, a decision that could allow the planes to return to service within weeks. Add to Portfolio Boeing Company Go to your Portfolio » Agency inspectors will oversee...
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updated 17 Apr 2013; published 17 Apr 2013
Cops Have Image of Po­ten­tial Boston Marathon Sus­pect - 17/4/13
Detroit Free Press 19 Apr 2013, BOSTON — The city and its suburbs remain in lockdown this afternoon as a massive manhunt intensifies for the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings. The search comes just hours after the suspect's older brother was killed in a dramatic shoot-out with police in nearby Watertown. Authorities are focusing their hunt in Watertown for...
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updated 23 Mar 2013; published 23 Mar 2013
Nico­las Sarkozy faces fund­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tion: for­mer French pres­i­dent sub­ject of new probe
BBC News 19 Apr 2013, French prosecutors are investigating allegations that Libya helped fund Nicolas Sarkozy's successful 2007 presidential election bid. The inquiry would look at charges of "active and passive corruption", "influence peddling" and other issues, a judicial source told AFP news agency. The former president was placed...
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updated 19 Apr 2013; published 19 Apr 2013
Com­plete News - In­side Syria - Syria's op­po­si­tion: Em­brac­ing change
Reuters 19 Apr 2013, BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria's opposition says it hopes their international backers meeting in Istanbul on Saturday will give teeth to a tacit agreement that arming rebel groups is the best way to end the dynastic rule of President Bashar al-Assad. The 11-nation "core group" of the Friends of Syria, including the United States, European and Arab...
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updated 31 Mar 2013; published 31 Mar 2013
20130401 Del­e­ga­tion of the EU to Japan: 2012 Ac­tiv­i­ty High­lights
The Daily Telegraph 19 Apr 2013, Five global markets associations have written to G20 finance ministers urging them to intervene in Europe’s plans to impose a financial transactions tax. The tax will be imposed on stocks, bonds, derivatives, repurchase agreements and securities lending with trades anywhere in the world linked to securities from the 11 markets...
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updated 18 Apr 2013; published 18 Apr 2013
Pak­istan court or­ders Mushar­raf's ar­rest
The Star 18 Apr 2013, ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Former President Pervez Musharraf fled a courtroom on Thursday after judges ordered his arrest to answer allegations he committed treason in 2007, an ignominious retreat for a man who once dominated Pakistan and had hoped to revive his political fortunes. Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf meets journalists after...
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updated 18 Apr 2013; published 18 Apr 2013
Waco Fer­tilis­er Ex­plo­sion [18.04.2013]
The Independent 18 Apr 2013, Hundreds of people were injured and dozens are feared dead after a massive explosion at a fertiliser plant in the small town of West, in Central Texas. The blast, which could be heard at least 45 miles away, happened just before 8pm last night, levelling up to 80 homes in the blocks around the facility. As a mushroom cloud climbed into the sky,...
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updated 15 Apr 2013; published 15 Apr 2013
RAW FOOTAGE: Ter­ror­ism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Ex­plode 2013
Denver Post 17 Apr 2013, Two people leave flowers on the doorstep of 8-year-old Martin Richard's home in the Dorchester neighborhood in Boston. News reports say that Martin was one of the victims of two explosions which hit the Boston Marathon. (Brian Snyder, Reuters) Related Articles Apr 17:Boston tries to go on after attackBoston victims were a grad student, restaurant...
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updated 17 Apr 2013; published 17 Apr 2013
Daily En­glish News - 'Al-Qae­da, Sad­damists ex­pand ter­ror ac­tiv­i­ties in Iraq'
Khaleej Times 17 Apr 2013, Pakistani troops scrambled Wednesday to aid the remote victims of an earthquake centred in nearby Iran, as the United States offered assistance and a strong aftershock jolted the region. The epicentre of Tuesday’s 7.8 magnitude quake lay in southeast Iran but all 40 deaths reported so far have been across the border in Pakistan’s...
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updated 17 Apr 2013; published 17 Apr 2013
Vi­o­lence spreads across Venezuela fol­low­ing elec­tion
The Los Angeles Times 17 Apr 2013, CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuela's attorney general said Tuesday that seven people had been killed and 61 injured in post-presidential election clashes between police, supporters of newly elected President Nicolas Maduro and challenger Henrique Capriles, who has demanded a recount. Atty. Gen. Luisa Ortega Diaz also said that 135 people had been...
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updated 15 Apr 2013; published 15 Apr 2013
RAW FOOTAGE: Ter­ror­ism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Ex­plode 2013
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 19 Apr 2013, BOSTON -- In a direct appeal for help from the public, the FBI on Thursday released pictures and video of two young men who officials believe may be responsible for the explosions that killed three people and injured more than 170 during Monday's Boston Marathon. Officials said they had images of one of the men putting a black backpack on the...
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updated 18 Apr 2013; published 18 Apr 2013
Ital­ian par­lia­ment fails to elect state pres­i­dent
Huffington Post 18 Apr 2013, Franco Marini former president of Senate looks on during the debate with Gianfranco Fini president of the Italian Chambers of Deputies at the Porto Antico on August 26, 2009 in Genoa, Italy.Their talks concentrate on the immigration in Italy from Africa. (Photo by Massimo Cebrelli/Getty Images) By Barry Moody and Steve Scherer ROME, April 18...
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Musharraf Is Arrested on Range of Charges in Pakistan
Full Article Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
19 Apr 2013

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Pakistan's former military leader, Pervez Musharraf, was arrested and moved into police custody on Friday -- a move that is unprecedented in a country where the military has held sway for decades, and that showed the determination of the judiciary to hold him accountable for his time in power. A day after Mr. Musharraf... Musharraf
A Pakistani woman watches President Pervez Musharraf appearing on TV at an electronic shop in Karachi, Pakistan on Monday, Aug. 18, 2008.
photo: AP / Shakil Adil

Italian Lawmakers Fail a 4th Time to Elect a President
Full Article The New York Times
19 Apr 2013

ROMEItalian lawmakers failed for the fourth time to elect a president on Friday when the center-left candidate, former Prime Minister Romano Prodi, was unable to muster enough support among the 1,007 electors in Parliament. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List:... Prodi
Lawmakers wait for their turn to vote a new President at the lower chamber, in Rome, Thursday, April 18, 2013.
photo: AP / Gregorio Borgia

F.A.A. Endorses Boeing Remedy for 787 Battery
Full Article The New York Times
19 Apr 2013

Three months after Boeing’s 787 passenger jets were grounded, the Federal Aviation Administration on Friday approved the company’s plans to fix the plane’s batteries, a decision that could allow the planes to return to service within weeks. Add to Portfolio Boeing Company Go to your Portfolio » Agency inspectors will oversee... 787 Dreamliner Flight
A Boeing 777-367 (ER) Cathay Pacific jet is guided to a parking spot by a marshaller at Paine Field Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2013, in Everett, Wash.
photo: AP / Elaine Thompson

Tensions high as manhunt continues for Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Full Article Detroit Free Press
19 Apr 2013

BOSTON — The city and its suburbs remain in lockdown this afternoon as a massive manhunt intensifies for the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings. The search comes just hours after the suspect's older brother was killed in a dramatic shoot-out with police in nearby Watertown. Authorities are focusing their hunt in Watertown for...
An FBI release shows two suspects wanted in connection with the Boston Marathon Bombings, 15 April, 2013.
photo: FBI

Nicolas Sarkozy investigated over alleged Libya funding
Full Article BBC News
19 Apr 2013

French prosecutors are investigating allegations that Libya helped fund Nicolas Sarkozy's successful 2007 presidential election bid. The inquiry would look at charges of "active and passive corruption", "influence peddling" and other issues, a judicial source told AFP news agency. The former president was placed...
Libyans welcome Sarkozy and Cameron on their visit to Benghazi on Sep. 15, 2011. The Arabic paper reads: Welcome to our brothers in humanity, Mr. Sarkozy, & Mr. Cameron.
photo: Public Domain

Opposition hopes Syria Friends set to agree on arming rebels
Full Article Reuters
19 Apr 2013

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria's opposition says it hopes their international backers meeting in Istanbul on Saturday will give teeth to a tacit agreement that arming rebel groups is the best way to end the dynastic rule of President Bashar al-Assad. The 11-nation "core group" of the Friends of Syria, including the United States, European and Arab...
File - The UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR) has erected 1,000 “winter units”, with plans to construct 1,500 more, at Za'atri Camp near Mafraq, Jordan, where thousands from Syria have taken refuge, 27 November, 2012.
photo: UN / OCHA/Nicole Lawrence

Financial transaction tax contravenes G20 agreements, warn global markets bodies
Full Article The Daily Telegraph
19 Apr 2013

Five global markets associations have written to G20 finance ministers urging them to intervene in Europe’s plans to impose a financial transactions tax. The tax will be imposed on stocks, bonds, derivatives, repurchase agreements and securities lending with trades anywhere in the world linked to securities from the 11 markets...
Financial transaction tax contravenes G20 agreements, warn global markets bodies
photo: EC / EC

Pakistan's Musharraf flees court after judges order his arrest
Full Article The Star
18 Apr 2013

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Former President Pervez Musharraf fled a courtroom on Thursday after judges ordered his arrest to answer allegations he committed treason in 2007, an ignominious retreat for a man who once dominated Pakistan and had hoped to revive his political fortunes. Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf meets journalists after...
Pakistan's former President and military ruler Pervez Musharraf leaves the High Court in Islamabad, Pakistan, Thursday, April 18, 2013.
photo: AP / B.K. Bangash

Dozens feared dead and hundreds believed injured in Texas fertiliser plant blast
Full Article The Independent
18 Apr 2013

Hundreds of people were injured and dozens are feared dead after a massive explosion at a fertiliser plant in the small town of West, in Central Texas. The blast, which could be heard at least 45 miles away, happened just before 8pm last night, levelling up to 80 homes in the blocks around the facility. As a mushroom cloud climbed into the sky,...
Firefighters use flashlights to search a destroyed apartment complex near a fertilizer plant that exploded earlier in West, Texas, in this photo made early Thursday morning, April 18, 2013.
photo: AP / LM Otero

Boston bombing: Investigators focus on the who and why for the attack
Full Article Denver Post
17 Apr 2013

Two people leave flowers on the doorstep of 8-year-old Martin Richard's home in the Dorchester neighborhood in Boston. News reports say that Martin was one of the victims of two explosions which hit the Boston Marathon. (Brian Snyder, Reuters) Related Articles Apr 17:Boston tries to go on after attackBoston victims were a grad student, restaurant...
A man walks a dog as officials suit up in tactical gear at Boston Common, Tuesday, April 16, 2013, one day after bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.
photo: AP / Julio Cortez

US offers aid as Iran quake kills 40 in Pakistan
Full Article Khaleej Times
17 Apr 2013

Pakistani troops scrambled Wednesday to aid the remote victims of an earthquake centred in nearby Iran, as the United States offered assistance and a strong aftershock jolted the region. The epicentre of Tuesday’s 7.8 magnitude quake lay in southeast Iran but all 40 deaths reported so far have been across the border in Pakistan’s...
People evacuate buildings and gather on road after a tremor of an earthquake was felt in Karachi, Pakistan, Tuesday, April 16, 2013.
photo: AP / Shakil Adil

7 killed in Venezuela postelection violence
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
17 Apr 2013

CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuela's attorney general said Tuesday that seven people had been killed and 61 injured in post-presidential election clashes between police, supporters of newly elected President Nicolas Maduro and challenger Henrique Capriles, who has demanded a recount. Atty. Gen. Luisa Ortega Diaz also said that 135 people had been...
Riot police fire rubber bullets as demonstrators throw rocks against them during clashes after opposition supporters and students blocked a highway in the Altamira neighborhood in Caracas, Venezuela, Monday, April 15, 2013.
photo: AP / Fernando Llano

FBI asks for public's help in identifying 2 Boston Marathon bombing suspects
Full Article Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
19 Apr 2013

BOSTON -- In a direct appeal for help from the public, the FBI on Thursday released pictures and video of two young men who officials believe may be responsible for the explosions that killed three people and injured more than 170 during Monday's Boston Marathon. Officials said they had images of one of the men putting a black backpack on the...
An FBI release shows two suspects wanted in connection with the Boston Marathon Bombings.
photo: FBI

Italian President Deadlock: Parliament Fails To Select Head Of State In Consecutive Votes
Full Article Huffington Post
18 Apr 2013

Franco Marini former president of Senate looks on during the debate with Gianfranco Fini president of the Italian Chambers of Deputies at the Porto Antico on August 26, 2009 in Genoa, Italy.Their talks concentrate on the immigration in Italy from Africa. (Photo by Massimo Cebrelli/Getty Images) By Barry Moody and Steve Scherer ROME, April 18...
Italian lawmakers gather to vote on a new president whose first job will be to seek the formation of a new government after inconclusive elections, in Rome Thursday, April 18, 2013.
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino

Galliani: I would re-sign Thiago Silva over Ibrahimovic
Full Article Goal
19 Apr 2013

The AC Milan chief says he would like to see les Parisiens' centre-back in Italy instead of the Swede because a watertight defence can bring home the Scudetto AC Milan vice-president Adriano Galliani has suggested that he would much re-sign Thiago Silva than Zlatan Ibrahimovic and...
Sport Director Adriano Galliani of AC Milan
photo: AP / Manu Fernandez

Bernie defends Bahrain GP
Full Article Orange News
19 Apr 2013

Bernie Ecclestone has attempted to paint another positive picture of Bahrain on a day when a 10,000-strong protest was held in Manama. It was the largest authorised gathering this week ahead of Sunday's Bahrain Grand Prix as anti-government demonstrators demanded reform and denounced the staging of a race viewed as nothing more than a PR exercise... Ecclestone
Bernie Ecclestone, Chief Executive Officer of the Formula One Group speaking at an announcement that LG Electronics will be a Global Partner of Formula 1, in London Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2008.
photo: AP / Alastair Grant

Van Bommel: Barcelona or Bayern will win the Champions League
Full Article Goal
19 Apr 2013

The 35-year-old former Blaugrana and FCB midfielder believes his ex-employers are the two strongest sides left in Europe's premier club competition this season PSV midfielder Mark van Bommel believes this year's Champions League winners will...
AC Milan midfielder Mark Van Bommel, of the Netherlands, waves to supporters at the end of a Serie A soccer match between AC Milan and Novara, at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Sunday, May 13, 2012. Gennaro Gattuso, Filippo Inzaghi, Alessandro Nesta, Clarence Seedorf and Mark Van Bommel have decided to leave AC Milan, signaling the end of an era.
photo: AP / uca Bruno

Farfan: I want to win title with Schalke
Full Article Goal
19 Apr 2013

The 28-year-old winger is confident his side can challenge Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund next season Jefferson Farfan says he dreams of one day winning the Bundesliga title with Schalke, adding that he would like to play for the club for many years to come. The 28-year-old signed for the...
Schalke's Jefferson Farfan of Peru celebrates after scoring during the second leg round of sixteen Champions League soccer match between Schalke 04 and Valencia CF in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, Wednesday, March 9, 2011.
photo: AP / Frank Augstein

Iniesta: I don't care about Mourinho
Full Article Goal
19 Apr 2013

The midfielder says he is not bothered if the Portuguese leaves the Santiago Bernabeu at the end of the season Barcelona's Andres Iniesta has said that he couldn't care less if Jose Mourinho moves on from Real Madrid The Blaugrana...
Barcelona's Andres Iniesta, foreground, challenges the PSG defense during the Champions League quarterfinal second leg soccer match between FC Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain FC at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, April 10, 2013.
photo: AP / Emilio Morenatti

Valdano: Ancelotti understands star palyers
Full Article Goal
19 Apr 2013

The former Real Madrid director has hinted that the current Paris Saint-Germain boss could be the perfect replacement for Jose Mourinho Jorge Valdano has praised the attributes of Carlo Ancelotti, fuelling rumours he could replace Jose Mourinho at the Santiago Bernabeu....
Real Madrid's Director Jorge Valdano of Argentina
photo: AP / Paul White

I respect Neymar, says Lucas Moura
Full Article Goal
19 Apr 2013

The Brazilian has paid tribute to his fellow countryman's decision to remain in South America Paris Saint-Germain winger Lucas Moura says he admires Neymar for staying in Brazil. Speculation surroundng the striker has been rife with a host...
Brazil's Neymar celebrates after scoring during the penalty shootout of a friendly soccer match against Argentina in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012. After a 2-2 on aggregate, Brazil won 4-3 the penalty shootout.
photo: AP / Eduardo Di Baia

Yaya Toure: I've never considered joining Real Madrid because of Barcelona ties
Full Article Goal
19 Apr 2013

The Cote d'Ivoire midfielder says his former club are "the best team in the world", and says that he would not think of leaving Manchester City to join los Blancos Manchester City midfielder Yaya Toure says he has never considered joining Real Madrid due to his ties with former club Barcelona. Toure had a trophy-laden spell in Spain, playing 74...
Chelsea's Eden Hazard, at rear is pushed down and fouled by Manchester City's Yaya Toure during their English FA Cup semifinal soccer match, at Wembley Stadium in London, Sunday, April 14, 2013.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez reunite in Norway
Full Article Celebrity Café
19 Apr 2013

Reports recently surfaced about Selena Gomez's trip to Norway on Thursday, April 18, leaving people wondering if the singer was there to see Justin Bieber, who had a concert there that night. Now, sources say that yes, Gomez was indeed there to see her ex. INFDaily E!... Bieber Gomez
Singer Justin Bieber kisses actress Selena Gomez during the first half of an NBA basketball game as the San Antonio Spurs play the Los Angeles Lakers, Tuesday, April 17, 2012, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Jason Redmond

Annual Record Store Day means increased business for local music shops
Full Article Business Journal
19 Apr 2013

Staff Baltimore Business Journal The 7th annual international Record Store Day this Saturday is expected to more than double the traffic at area music shops, the Maryland Daily Record reported. Created by three coalitions of independent music stores — the Department of Record Stores, the Alliance of Independent Media Stores and the Coalition of...
Oriental Instruments - Music - Aud - Shop
photo: WN / Farida Azzawi

Columbia Orchestra giving free concert on Saturday
Full Article Baltimore Sun
19 Apr 2013

Expect an eclectic program when the Columbia Orchestra gives a free chamber concert on Saturday, April 20, at 7:30 p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church in Columbia. The chamber music format encourages smaller ensembles, relatively short pieces, and a variety of musical styles. "It's nice to mix and match in a concert like this," says Columbia Orchestra...
The Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra gives concerts in the Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater.
photo: Creative Commons / Shunsuke Kobayashi

Vaisakhi a time for Sikhs to give back
Full Article Canada Dot Com
19 Apr 2013

Surrey's annual Vaisakhi parade makes a big impression on a kid from a small town in northern B.C. The food, the music, the crowd of thousands - you don't get too much of that growing up in MacKenzie, a town of about 5,000 roughly 200 kilometres north of Prince George. And so Bobby Samra's occasional family trips to Surrey for Vaisakhi certainly...
Kashmiri sikhs dancing  in the Nishat Mughal Garden over looking the famous Dal-Lake in Srinagar, 14 April 2012, during a holiday marking the festival of Baisakhi. Baisakhi, which is celebrated on 14 April, marks the beginning of the harvest season in Northern India.
photo: WN / Imran Nissar

Singers today have more space and work, says Shreya Ghoshal
Full Article The Siasat Daily
19 Apr 2013

Mumbai, April 19: Playback singer Shreya Ghoshal feels these days artists have a lot of space and work compared to earlier, when there were only a handful of singers. Despite the fact that a lot of singers enter filmdom every year, Shreya says there is opportunity for everyone. "I think today there is space and work available for everyone out here....
 Shreya Ghoshal - singer - india - am1
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Ted Nugent talks guns, guitars and rocking with REO and Styx
Full Article The Charlotte Observer
18 Apr 2013

MINNEAPOLIS - Ted Nugent, a guitar hero since the 1970s, has become a right-wing icon, thanks to his gun-rights advocacy and conservative politicking all over the media. With the Nuge set to perform Friday in Minneapolis with REO Speedwagon and Styx, we asked him a few questions via e-mail. Q: What kind of connection do you feel with REO Speedwagon...
Ted Nugent Live  Ted Nugent Concert @ Bay City River Roar 2007
photo: Creative Commons / David Defoe

'I'm Can't Wait For Our Little Man': Jessica Simpson Admits She's Glad To Be Having A Son Second Time Around
Full Article Entertainment Wise
17 Apr 2013

Jessica Simpson may be a fully-fledged girly girl, but the expectant mum has revealed that she is over the moon that she is having a baby boy with her second pregnancy. The Fashion Star host recently celebrated a country-themed baby...
Jessica Simpson
photo: Creative Commons / John VanderHaagen

For Olga Kurylenko, life after Bond just gets better
Full Article Lexington Herald-Leader
19 Apr 2013

SANTA ANA, Calif. - Olga Kurylenko is racking up the frequent flier miles these days. With two new movies in theaters - director Terrence Malick's "To The Wonder" and the Tom Cruise post-apocalyptic thriller "Oblivion" - the Ukrainian-born, Parisian-trained and London-based actress has been flying from one premiere to another. In fact, when the... Girl Kurylenko
Olga Kurylenko
photo: AP / Sergey Ponomarev

Sharmila Tagore doesn't like Saif Ali Khan's bad language in Go Goa Gone
Full Article The Siasat Daily
19 Apr 2013

Mumbai, April 19: Actor Saif Ali Khan, who is seen mouthing bad words in his upcoming film Go Goa Gone, says, his mother Sharmila Tagore is concerned about it while wife Kareena is supportive. Go Goa Gone a zombie-comedy film will see Saif in a never before seen avatar. He is also seen mouthing bad words. Asked about the reaction of his family to...
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan speaks during a promotional event of his forthcoming Hindi film "Love Aaj Kal" in Bangalore, India, Monday, July 27, 2009. The movie is scheduled to be released on July 31.
photo: AP / Aijaz Rahi

Gwyneth Paltrow had no knowledge of Iron Man
Full Article m&c;
18 Apr 2013

Gwyneth Paltrow didn't know anything about 'Iron Man' until she agree to star in the films. The 40-year-old actress portrays Pepper Potts - the love interest of the titular hero Tony Stark - in the superhero franchise but she admits she had no knowledge of the character prior to the franchise and had never read any of the Marvel comics. Speaking at...
photo: Creative Commons / FlickreviewR

See Alexis Bledel's Engagement Ring!
Full Article IMDb
18 Apr 2013

Alexis Bledel stepped out on the red carpet last night, where the newly-engaged actress showed off her engagement ring. The former...
Alexis Bledel
photo: Creative Commons / Ed Schipul

Konkona enjoys working with debutant directors
Full Article Newstrack India
18 Apr 2013

Tweet Mumbai, April 18 (IANS) Actress Konkona Sen Sharma enjoys working with first-time directors because she feels they convey something special through their work. "I have worked with many first-time directors -- Ayan (Mukherjee), Zoya (Akhtar), Shonali Bose, who...
Ekta Kapoor, Huma Qureshi and Konkona Sen Sharma   Pose for Photography during the Jaya Misra  Feature her Classic Goth Collection with a never before Gothic Party  at Nocturne Hotel in Kolkata on Saturday 06 April 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Sienna Miller loves motherhood more than acting
Full Article m&c;
17 Apr 2013

Sienna Miller admits she is less ambitious since becoming a mother. The 31-year-old British actress - who gave birth to her first child Marlowe with her fiance Tom Sturridge last July - is happy to let her career take a back seat at the moment as she wants to watch their...
Sienna Miller at the Palm Springs International Film Festival
photo: Creative Commons / Maggiejumps

Tori Spelling loses 45 pounds
Full Article m&c;
17 Apr 2013

Tori Spelling has lost 45 pounds since giving birth in August. The former 'Beverly Hills 90210' star - who welcomed her fourth child Finn Davey after spending the last four months of her pregnancy in and out of hospital on bed rest - claims she will...
Tori Spelling
photo: AP /

Leonardo DiCaprio: ‘My career sabotages every relationship’
Full Article Houston Chronicle
17 Apr 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 CommentsComments(1)Comments() | E-mail | Print (Photo by The Chosunilbo JNS/Multi-Bits via Getty Images) Actor Leonardo DiCaprio has been struggling to find the perfect girlfriend because he’s never in one...
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio waves for photographers during a press conference of "Inception" in Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday, July 21, 2010.
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi

The S&P 500 rises; Dow is down, led by IBM
Full Article Herald Tribune
19 Apr 2013

NEW YORK - The broad Standard & Poor's 500 index opened higher early Friday, capping a volatile in stock markets. Stocks of technology companies were the big movers shortly after the market opened. Several industry bellwethers reported quarterly earnings late Thursday, including IBM and Google. The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 2 points to...; 500
Trader Joseph Tarangelo uses a phone post as he works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011.
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Google share price to touch $900: Analysts
Full Article The Times of India
19 Apr 2013

Google's share price should resume its upward march to about $900 from less than $800 now, analysts said on Friday, after the search giant's strong quarterly profit reinforced its status as a technology sector favorite. At least five analysts increased their 12-month price target on the stock, by between $50 and $130 to $820-$925. Three others, who...
Google on smartphone
photo: WN / Yolanda Leyba

India to contribute 5% of Nikon's global sales in 3 years
Full Article The Times of India
19 Apr 2013

NEW DELHI: Japanese camera giant Nikon Corporation said it expects India's contribution to global revenue to grow to 5 per cent within next three years on account of increasing demand here. Although the company is yet to announce its results for 2012-13, its wholly-owned subsidiary 'Nikon India Pvt Ltd' is expected to clock a sales revenue of Rs...
Three Camera with brand of Nikon on display in an exhibition at Mega mall , Batam city,Indonesia
photo: WN / Emico Silalahi

Planning Commission and India@75 launch India Backbone Implementation Network
Full Article Newstrack India
19 Apr 2013

Tweet New Delhi, April 19 (ANI): The Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, today launched the India Backbone Implementation Network (IBIN). The purpose of IBIN is to improve implementation of policies, programs, and projects, which the 12th Five Year Plan has located as the critical necessity for accelerating more...
The Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia addressing at the launch of the India Backbone Implementation Network (IBIN), in New Delhi on April 19, 2013.
photo: PIB of India / Photo Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India

I have given 25% of my wealth to charity, Wipro chairman Azim Premji says
Full Article The Times of India
19 Apr 2013

BANGALORE: Wipro chairman Azim Premji on Friday said he has already given more than 25 per cent of his personal wealth to charity, but acknowledged it's not easy to use money well in philanthropy. "I have very clear views on what I intend to give to charity and today more than...
Shri Azim Premji, the Chairman, Wipro Limited
photo: PIB of India

Lufthansa workers to strike next week
Full Article Philadelphia Daily News
19 Apr 2013

The Associated Press Posted: Friday, April 19, 2013, 3:20 AM BERLIN - The union representing 33,000 workers at Lufthansa AG says it will stage a short-term strike next week after the latest round of wage negotiations ended with no new deal. Ver.di union said in a statement Friday that airports across the country, including Frankfurt, Hamburg,...
Economy Class aboard a Lufthansa Airbus A340-600
photo: Creative Commons

South Africa’s businesses urged to manage water usage
Full Article Business Day
19 Apr 2013

Related articles Agriculture is putting SA in deep water SA business must start taking water efficiency seriously, says Waterwise MD SOUTH Africa will run dry by 2050 should no action be taken to conserve water, according to Gareth Lloyd-Jones, MD of Ecowize. He says it is crucial for businesses to introduce elements of strict control through...
Water flow from tap - water usage
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Nestlé sales slow as Asian retailers cut inventories
Full Article Business Day
19 Apr 2013

ZURICH — Nestlé’s first-quarter sales growth undershot rival Danone’s after some retailers in Asia cut back inventories to match poor demand, and the destruction of a key Middle East factory in Syria slowed supplies. In Europe, the cold spring hit consumption of bottled water and ice-cream, while a horse meat scandal and pizza and chocolate egg...
Milkybar - Nestlé product sales in Asia
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Pakistan police arrest ex-president Musharraf
Pakistan police arrest ex-president Musharraf
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:20
  • Updated: 19 Apr 2013
Pakistani police arrested former president Pervez Musharraf at his residence on the outskirts of Islamabad and presented him in court on his involvement in the decision to dismiss senior judges, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, in 2007. Television footage on Friday showed Musharraf, dressed in traditional clothes, being escorted by uniformed police officers to an Islamabad court. Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder reports from Islamabad.
  • published: 19 Apr 2013
  • views: 2817

Prodi rejected as 4th attempt to elect new Italy president fails
Prodi rejected as 4th attempt to elect new Italy president fails
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:48
  • Updated: 19 Apr 2013 Italian politicians have failed to elect a new president in their fourth attempt to do so. The centre-left's latest candidate, the former EU Commission President and ex-Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, was more than 100 votes short of the 504 needed to win. The head of state's role is largely ceremonial but his election is seen as a vital step towards breaking the stalemate after February's general election. An interim technocrat government remains in charge. Prodi's rejection is another setback for centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani. His choice was bitterly opposed by Silvio Berlusconi's centre-right group, whose deputies boycotted Friday afternoon's vote and staged a protest outside the chamber. Despite being an internationally renowned figure, Prodi was an unpalatable choice for the right wing. It accuses Bersani of betraying a promise to propose an acceptable candidate. "The devil wears Prodi" was the slogan on T-shirts worn by Alessandra Mussolini's far-right group to indicate their opposition. Italy's politicians will try again to choose a new president on Saturday. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 19 Apr 2013
  • views: 7

FAA Grounds Boeing 787s to Address Battery Fires
FAA Grounds Boeing 787s to Address Battery Fires
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:47
  • Updated: 17 Jan 2013
Federal officials say they are temporarily grounding Boeing's 787 Dreamliners until the risk of possible battery fires is addressed. (Jan. 16)
  • published: 17 Jan 2013
  • views: 709

Cops Have Image of Potential Boston Marathon Suspect -  17/4/13
Cops Have Image of Potential Boston Marathon Suspect - 17/4/13
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:24
  • Updated: 17 Apr 2013
Authorities have a clear picture of a potential suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings and are in the process of identifying that individual, sources told ABC News today. ABC News' Boston affiliate WCVB reported surveillance video taken from cameras at Lord & Taylor along the marathon route were key to spotting the individual in question. Other news organizations recently reported a suspect already had been taken into custody, but both the Boston Police Department and the FBI said no one has been arrested in connection with the bombing. In the midst of the conflicting reporting, a federal courthouse in Boston was evacuated because of a bomb threat, a source with the U.S. Marshals told ABC News. As of this report, no suspicious devices have been found there. Boston Marathon Bomb Made From Pressure Cooker A pair of blasts erupted Monday afternoon near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring more than 170 others. 警察潛在的波士頓馬拉松疑有圖像, - 17/4/13 Los policías tienen la imagen del Potencial Boston Marathon Suspect - 17/4/13 Policiais ter a imagem de Potencial Boston Marathon Suspeito - 17/4/13 I poliziotti hanno Immagine del Potenziale maratona di Boston Suspect - 17/4/13 Οι μπάτσοι έχουν εικόνα του δυναμικού Ύποπτα Μαραθώνιο της Βοστώνης - 17/4/13
  • published: 17 Apr 2013
  • views: 5361

Nicolas Sarkozy faces funding investigation: former French president subject of new probe
Nicolas Sarkozy faces funding investigation: former French president subject of new probe
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:09
  • Updated: 23 Mar 2013
French citizens have been shocked to find that former President Nicolas Sarkozy has been put under formal investigation for exploiting the vulnerable in a 2007 party funding case involving the elderly L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt.
  • published: 23 Mar 2013
  • views: 301

Complete News - Inside Syria - Syria's opposition: Embracing change
Complete News - Inside Syria - Syria's opposition: Embracing change
  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:01
  • Updated: 19 Apr 2013 Complete News Plz Subscrib for Latest News Will opposition groups find common ground in uniting against the Assad regime by agreeing to an umbrella body? Presenter Stephen Cole speaks to Yaser Tabbara, an adviser to the Seif Initiative - the name of the plan to unite the Syrian opposition; Radwan Ziadeh, a member of the Syrian National Council and ambasador Jon Wilks, the British envoy to the Syrian opposition.
  • published: 19 Apr 2013
  • views: 5's_opposition_Embracing_change

20130401 Delegation of the EU to Japan: 2012 Activity Highlights
20130401 Delegation of the EU to Japan: 2012 Activity Highlights
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:22
  • Updated: 31 Mar 2013
2012年の駐日欧州連合代表部の活動ハイライトを4分でまとめてみましたので、ぜひご覧になってください。 #euinjapan
  • published: 31 Mar 2013
  • views: 137

RAW FOOTAGE: Terrorism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Explode 2013
RAW FOOTAGE: Terrorism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Explode 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:54
  • Updated: 15 Apr 2013
Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction. The blasts threw people to the ground, killing two and injuring dozens. The Boston Globe reported that at least 90 people were being treated at area hospitals. White House area on lockdown after blasts CNN producer: Heard big boom, saw smoke Blasts near Boston Marathon finish line Eyewitness: People 'very badly hurt' The terrorist attack, near the marathon's finish line, triggered widespread screaming and chaos, shattered windows and barricades and sent smoke billowing into the air at Copley Square. They were about 50 to 100 yards apart, officials said. "It felt like a huge cannon," a witness told CNN about one of the blasts. Photos from the scene showed people being carried away on stretchers. One man in a wheelchair had blood all over his face and legs. The bombs shook buildings, sending people to seek shelter under tables, witnesses said. Explosions kill at least 2 at Boston Marathon; dozens injured: "CHECK OUT MY TWITTER AND FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES ON THIS STORY" ADG Facebook: Follow ADG on Twitter:
  • published: 15 Apr 2013
  • views: 2017564

Italian parliament fails to elect state president
Italian parliament fails to elect state president
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Updated: 18 Apr 2013 Political stalemate continues in Italy; not only does the country not have a government since the deadlocked general election in February, but early on Thursday afternoon the parliament failed on the first attempt to elect a new state president. Divisions in the centre-left alliance meant there was no quick victory for its official candidate Franco Marini. Marini garnered 520 votes, well below the required two thirds majority or 672 of the 1007 members of both houses of parliament and regional representatives. A deal over the presidency is key to progress on the forming of a minority government There is now to be a second vote to try to get a new president, which has to happen before May 15 when the term of President Giorgio Napolitano ends. This was a setback for centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani, who had split his party by nominating Marini in a deal with centre-right boss Silvio Berlusconi. Unhappy with that many rebellious centre-left parliamentarians were believed to have voted for academic Stefano Rodota, candidate of the populist 5-Star Movement of former comic Beppe Grillo. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 18 Apr 2013
  • views: 53

Pakistan court orders Musharraf's arrest
Pakistan court orders Musharraf's arrest
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:38
  • Updated: 18 Apr 2013
Pakistan's former military ruler Pervez Musharraf is facing arrest after a court revoked his bail. Musharraf is accused of subverting the constitution and deposing judges in 2007. He left the Islamabad high court after the judgment and is now staying at his farmhouse in the suburbs.  Al Jazeera's Imtiaz Tyab reports from Lahore.
  • published: 18 Apr 2013
  • views: 2049's_arrest

Waco Fertiliser Explosion  [18.04.2013]
Waco Fertiliser Explosion [18.04.2013]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:02
  • Updated: 18 Apr 2013
18.04.2013 An explosion ripped through a fertilizer plant Wednesday night in the town of West, Texas, sending a massive fireball into the sky and causing dozens of injuries, officials said. A number of nearby residents were being evacuated because of the possibility of another explosion, officials said. A hospital in nearby Waco, Texas, has been told to anticipate 100 injured people coming in from the fertilizer plant area, an official at the medical facility said. Glenn Robinson, CEO of Hillcrest Hospital, said a field triage station was being set up on a football field near the plant some 18 miles north of Waco after the Wednesday night explosion. "We have had a steady flow of patients coming in by ambulance as well as by private vehicles," Robinson told CNN's Anderson Cooper. More than 40 patients were received as of 10 p.m. (11 p.m. ET), Robinson said, suffering from "blast injuries, orthopedic injuries (and) a lot of lacerations. While some of the injuries are minor, others are "quite serious," he said. Hazardous material teams were being rushed to the scene, an emergency management official said. At least six helicopters are going to fly out those who are injured, Robinson said. Others are being transported by ambulance, and some are getting to the hospital by car, he added. Two other hospitals in the region were also assisting. As many scrambled to assist the injured, another danger seemed to emerge Wednesday night. "What we are hearing is that there is one fertilizer tank that is still intact at the plant, and there are evacuations in place to make sure everyone gets away from the area safely in case of another explosion," said Ben Stratmann, a spokesman for Texas State Sen. Brian Birdwell. Photos of the explosion -- which reportedly happened around 7:50 p.m. (8:50 p.m. ET) -- showed a huge blaze and flames leaping over the roof of a structure and a plume of smoke rising high into the air. The West Fertilizer Plant is just north of Waco. A school and a nursing home are among the buildings near the plant, CNN affiliate KWTX reported. Texas Gov. Rick Perry said he is aware of the explosion, a spokesman said, and was working to get resources into the area. Tommy Alford, who works in a convenience store about three miles from the plant, told CNN that several volunteer firefighters were at the store when they spotted smoke. Alford said the firefighters headed toward the scene and then between five and 10 minutes later, he heard a massive explosion. "It was massive; it was intense," Alford said. Crystal Anthony, a nearby resident, said she saw the flames engulf a nursing home and an apartment complex. "It was like a bomb went off," said Barry Murry, a resident lives about a mile away from the plant. "There were emergency vehicles everywhere. It has been overwhelming."
  • published: 18 Apr 2013
  • views: 301 18042013

RAW FOOTAGE: Terrorism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Explode 2013
RAW FOOTAGE: Terrorism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Explode 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:54
  • Updated: 15 Apr 2013
Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction. The blasts threw people to the ground, killing two and injuring dozens. The Boston Globe reported that at least 90 people were being treated at area hospitals. White House area on lockdown after blasts CNN producer: Heard big boom, saw smoke Blasts near Boston Marathon finish line Eyewitness: People 'very badly hurt' The terrorist attack, near the marathon's finish line, triggered widespread screaming and chaos, shattered windows and barricades and sent smoke billowing into the air at Copley Square. They were about 50 to 100 yards apart, officials said. "It felt like a huge cannon," a witness told CNN about one of the blasts. Photos from the scene showed people being carried away on stretchers. One man in a wheelchair had blood all over his face and legs. The bombs shook buildings, sending people to seek shelter under tables, witnesses said. Explosions kill at least 2 at Boston Marathon; dozens injured: "CHECK OUT MY TWITTER AND FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES ON THIS STORY" ADG Facebook: Follow ADG on Twitter:
  • published: 15 Apr 2013
  • views: 2017564

Daily English News - 'Al-Qaeda, Saddamists expand terror activities in Iraq'
Daily English News - 'Al-Qaeda, Saddamists expand terror activities in Iraq'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:02
  • Updated: 17 Apr 2013 English News Daily English News Plz Subscrib for Latest NewsDaily English News - A political analyst tells Press TV that the Baath party and the remnants of the former regime, the Saddamists are taking advantage of al-Qaeda and making a strategic alliance with al-Qaeda to spread terror in Iraq. This is while the death toll from a spate of bomb attacks across Iraq has exceeded 55 with almost 200 injures, security and medical sources say. The bombings were the latest in a string of attacks that have left scores of people dead across Iraq this year. Violence has increased in Iraq in recent weeks as the country is preparing to hold provincial elections on 20 April, the first in the country since 2010. Press TV has conducted an interview with Intifad Qanbar, political analyst, to further discuss the issue.
  • published: 17 Apr 2013
  • views: 5'Al-Qaeda,_Saddamists_expand_terror_activities_in_Iraq'

Violence spreads across Venezuela following election
Violence spreads across Venezuela following election
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:39
  • Updated: 17 Apr 2013
Venezuela seems to be headed towards a deeper crisis after a divisive election sends protestors in the streets. For the latest info on this, visit our site at
  • published: 17 Apr 2013
  • views: 4921

World War 3 : North Korea gives Final Approval for Nuclear Strike on the U.S. (Apr 04, 2013)
World War 3 : North Korea gives Final Approval for Nuclear Strike on the U.S. (Apr 04, 2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:49
  • Updated: 04 Apr 2013
SOURCE: News Articles: North Korea warns military cleared to wage nuclear attack against US What is Going on With North Korea is Not What it Seems;_medium=twitter North Korea Army: 'War Could Break Out Today' North Korea 'ratifies' nuclear strike against US North Korea claims it has final approval for nuclear attack on US Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
  • published: 04 Apr 2013
  • views: 202099,_2013

President Barack Obama talks with his nominee for Labor Secretary, Thomas E. Perez, during a announcement, Monday, March 18, 2013, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. AC Milan forward Mario Balotelli gestures after scoring during the Serie A soccer match between AC Milan and Palermo at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Sunday, March 17, 2013. Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino is seen in an event in Boston, Thursday, June 10, 2004. A federal judge's instructions on Thursday, which is to ensure picketing union members do not block construction vehicles and workers from entering the Fleet Center, was a significant victory for Menino, who has been under increasing pressure to reach some sort of agreement with the police union. A caterpillar on a plastic bag - insect - small organism

Pakistan's former president and military ruler Pervez Musharraf, center, leaves after appearing in court in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Musharraf appeared in court to seek bail in Benazir Bhutto's assassination case. Pakistan's Supreme Court ordered Musharraf to respond to allegations that he committed treason while in power, and barred him from leaving the country only weeks after he returned. A group of cyclists paddle their way during the Tour Pedestrians are reflected on the stock indicator in downtown Tokyo in this March 12, 2007 file photo. The world economy, buffeted by the credit crisis gripping financial markets, is expected to keep expanding in 2008 _ albeit at a slower pace _ with little fear of recession. But unlike past economic upswings driven by the U.S., Japan and Western Europe, the main engines of growth this time are predicted to be China, India and other emerging economies. clothes shop - readymade cloth shop

Opposition supporters bang pots against interim President Nicolas Maduro during a protest in Caracas, Venezuela, Monday, April 15, 2013. Liverpool's Luis Suarez celebrates after scoring his second goal against Sunderland during their English Premier League soccer match at Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, England, Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013. Beaches of Jamaica A woman walks past a wall plastered with election campaign posters of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013.

In this photo released by Miraflores Press Office, Cuba's President Raul Castro salutes as he stands next to the coffin containing the body of Venezuela's late President Hugo Chavez during his wake at a military academy where his body will lie in state until his funeral in in state in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, March 7, 2013. Pakistan's wicket keeper Kamran Akmal adjusts his cap while leaving the ground on the second day of the first cricket test match in Lahore, Pakistan, Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006. Nissan - Automaker - Motors Mark Zuckerberg at South by Southwest in 2008.

Just 3 blocks from Town. A winery near Cafayate, Salta Province (Argentina). Delhi Daredevils batsman David Warner takes evasive action against a bouncer during the Indian Premier League Twenty20 cricket match against the Chennai Super Kings at the Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, Saturday May 2, 2009. Chennai Super Kings won by 18 runs. Dacian Gold Bracelet at the National Museum of Romanian History 2011 - 6. The culture of Romania is a unique culture, which is the product of its geography and its distinct historical evolution. Romanians, Drinker - Woman - Liquor - Health - Alcohol

Huffington Post
We often think of robots as merely assembly-line tools meant for physical labor. But they're capable of much more than that: like companionship, and even love. Will we come to...
Sydney Morning Herald
The scenes from Boston felt depressingly familiar. Violence in a crowded public space, blood, screams, panic and the wail of police sirens. This latest American tragedy has taken...
The Independent
“Can you imagine the psychology of my soldiers when they stand here all day, knowing that one of these cars could be a suicide bomber?” The Syrian army colonel eyed the two long...

A Japan Airlines Boeing 787 taxis to the runway at Logan International Airport in Boston on its inaugural, non-stop flight from Boston to Tokyo, Sunday, April 22, 2012.
Boeing’s revolutionary 787 airliner moved significantly closer to returning to service on Friday when the Federal Aviation Administration approved design modifications for a malfunctioning battery system that caused a world-wide grounding of...
photo: AP / Michael Dwyer
Protesters in Bahrain denouncing the film.
MANAMA (Reuters) - Bahrain police fired tear gas in clashes with rioting youths after thousands of opposition supporters rallied peacefully for democracy on Friday, two days before a Formula One car race that puts the Gulf Arab kingdom in the global...
photo: Creative Commons / Mohamed CJ
Hashim Thaci, left, talks to the newly elected head of the parliament Jakup Krasniqi during the first parliamentary session following the general elections on Dec. 12, 2010, in Kosovo's capital Pristina, on Monday, Feb. 21, 2011. Hashim Thaci, who led Kosovo's contested secession from Serbia, is expected to be re-elected by the 120 legislators as prime minister, Kosovo's top office.
BRUSSELS - The prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo reached a tentative deal Friday to normalize relations between the Balkan neighbors and end years of acrimony. EU negotiator Catherine Ashton said the deal culminated months of tense negotiations...
photo: AP / Visar Kryeziu
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The broad Standard & Poor’s 500 index opened higher early Friday, on the heels of a volatile few days in stock markets. Stocks of technology companies were the big movers shortly after the market opened. Several industry bellwethers...
photo: AP / Richard Drew
EU optimistic about talks with Japan
Brussels - The European Union on Friday declared the first round of free trade negotiations with Japan a success, although the bloc's chief negotiator warned of “difficult issues” ahead. “It's been a good start,” said EU...
photo: EC / EC
Supporters of Pakistan's former President and military ruler Pervez Musharraf chant slogans against the court decision outside Musharraf's house in Islamabad, Pakistan on Thursday, April 18, 2013.
Pakistani police have arrested former President Pervez Musharraf and presented him in court, reports say. TV images showed General Musharraf flanked by uniformed police officers at an Islamabad court....
photo: AP / B.K. Bangash
Protesters chants slogans and wave Argentine flags after crossing the perimeter outside Congress as they demonstrate against the government of President Cristina Fernandez in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Thursday, April 18, 2013.
Tens of thousands of people in Argentina are taking part in protests against the government of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Huge crowds marched through the capital Buenos Aires chanting slogans, banging pots and pans and waving banners....
photo: AP / Victor R. Caivano