- published: 03 Dec 2008
- views: 8962

China Former Prime Minister Zhu Rongji on Taiwan independence
Keep in mind that Taiwan is part of China, although it has not yet return. But this is our...
published: 03 Dec 2008
China Former Prime Minister Zhu Rongji on Taiwan independence
Keep in mind that Taiwan is part of China, although it has not yet return. But this is our internal affairs.
- published: 03 Dec 2008
- views: 8962

Zhu Rongji's Missing Speech
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published: 10 Sep 2011
Zhu Rongji's Missing Speech
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The speech of the ex-Premier Zhu Rongji of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) was quoted in Southern Weekend
on September 8, in 3 separate versions, which netizens believe
was done made to satirize Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.
The second day, people found that all of Zhu Rongji's speeches
were missing from the newspaper.
It appears that the CCP always puts its Party interests before the
Chinese people, consequently,
even the head of the CCP who may have a conscience,
he can barely exert it to benefit the people.
The Chinese people should not continue to have illusions about
the CCP's leaders.
The book, "Zhu Rongji's Remarks," made its debut
in China on September 8, the same day that
the Southern Weekend published three versions of two articles
quoting Zhu Rongji's speeches made in 1998 and 2003.
The titles of the two articles are:
"With All Members of This Government Being Mr. Good,
We Are Then Sorry to the People,"
and "If I did not Care for People's Conditions,
how can I Remain the Premier?"
Some media suggest that the title is somewhat misleading,
like what exactly is "this government"?
With most of the content of the Southern Weekend being full
of articles condemning political corruption in the CCP,
netizens think that the newspaper purposefully criticized Wen.
The Southern Weekend did not change its layout
on September 8,
yet Zhu's two articles were taken out and did not reappear
until later that same afternoon.
Taiwan's United Daily News said that
this move is a sign that in Beijing, the CCP factions have
begun to intensify their fight before the 18th People's Congress.
Ke from the University of Southern California
said that the CCP can never change its communist
and bellicose nature,
so even though a particular leader may have the heart
to serve the people,
he will be in direct conflict with the Party's interests,
thus he will follow the CCP's wishes."
Ye Ke: "CCP's principle is based on a fighting philosophy.
Once they encounter a notably big group, or independent
ideology that holds different views than the CCP;
it will try to crush it by cramming its own Party philosophy
down people's throats,
distorting people's logic and destroying traditional values.
Even a powerful and enthusiastic premier
cannot do something for his own people!"
Professor Xie Tian from the Aiken Business School of South
Carolina University said that
the CCP system has made it hard for every CCP premier
to act on behalf of the people."
Xie Tian: "As the CCP always puts itself before the people,
even if some officials do have a good conscience,
they will not be able to demonstrate it.
It's a waste of time and effort to pin one's hope
on the CCP's heads.
Even for Premier Wen, I assume he is unwilling
to resist the CCP system, or to break free from it.
The Zhu Rongji's Remarks articles contains important
speeches, articles and letters during his term as the
vice-premier of the State Department and the CCP's premier.
It is said his newly published, "Answering the Reporters" and
"The Dialogue Memoir" were written to justify the policies
he made during his term, knowing that he was impeded
every so often during his five-year term
by the then-CCP leader, Jiang Zemin, with most of his policy
ideas being thwarted and left unfinished.
Ye Ke: "The CCP is the core problem behind the existing
social problems and countless tragedies,
which can only be addressed when the CCP
makes a fundamental change."
Ye Ke highly recommended that CCP officials read the
"The Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party"
in order to better understand the correct path to take.
NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Zhou Ping and Sun Ning
- published: 10 Sep 2011
- views: 1131

Comparing China's Leadership Styles
November 2012 Hong Kong - William H.Overholt compares the leadership styles of Deng Xiaopi...
published: 14 Nov 2012
Comparing China's Leadership Styles
November 2012 Hong Kong - William H.Overholt compares the leadership styles of Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, and the reasons why they are different.
- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 121

Zhu Rongji's Speech Affect Zhongnanhai Power Struggle
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published: 12 Sep 2011
Zhu Rongji's Speech Affect Zhongnanhai Power Struggle
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The newly published book "Zhu Rongji's Speeches" arouses
controversy over this ex-premier's contributions and faults.
The controversy focuses on the aspects covering fiscal
reform, state-owned enterprise reform, housing reform
and industrialization of education and health care.
The book launch coincided with Jiang Zemin's critical
condition and on the eve of the upcoming 6th plenary meeting
of the 17th session of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
News from Beijing revealed that Zhu's new book will
affect the power struggle in Zhongnanhai.
Zhu Rongji's Speeches includes Zhu's speech back in 1993.
Zhu warned, "Exceedingly large investments will probably
lead to serious inflation." In 2003, at the plenary meetings
of CCP's State Council that Zhu hosted for the last time,
he criticized the grandiose work style and said,
"China's economic bubble has been formed,
overinflated real estate is too risky. "
However, many experts believe the tax distribution system
Zhu Rongji launched is in essence
authoritarian finance centralization.
It caused weakness of local government
finance and high housing costs.
Local governments rely heavily on profits from land,
directly pushing up the house prices.
Cao'an Jushi (political and economic commentator):
"Both land-sale finance and land-based finance began in
the era of Zhu Rongji.
Zhu was aware of the real estate issue, but in order to
maintain the CCP's ruling, he condoned the matter entirely.
Zhu himself is two-faced. His is willing to promote reform,
but on the other hand, he is a diehard system defender.
Hu Ping, Editor-in-Chief of Beijing Spring Magazine,
points out that Zhu Rongji vigorously promoted reform of
state-owned enterprises,
causing lay-offs for tens of millions of workers.
The influential CCP officials seized such an opportunity.
They appropriated the property that
belonged to the people, embezzled public property.
This is an unprecedentedly large robbery.
Zhu Yunlai, son of Zhu Rongji, arranged acquisition of
China International Capital Corporation (CICC) in 1990's.
Zhu Yunlai is the current Chairman of CICC. In 2004,
he was selected by the U.S. Fortune Magazine
as one of Asia's most influential business leaders.
NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Zhou Tian.
- published: 12 Sep 2011
- views: 1289

The Rich Get Richer, The Poor Are Always Poor
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published: 26 Nov 2012
The Rich Get Richer, The Poor Are Always Poor
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After the 18th Party congress, how can there be any change
to the economic growth rate slow down or negative growth and inflation?
Some reports said that Zhu Rongji played the role of
representative veteran of the Communist Party at the 18th congress.
The report also said the new leadership would perform
large-scale economic reforms.
let's listen to the experts' analysis at home and abroad
to answer the question.
According to the report of chn.chosun.com from Beijing that
Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council Ma Kai will
be appointed Chinese vice premier during Zhu Rongji's rule.
He will be in charge of fiscal and financial affairs.
Supporting Zhu and working around him in the past,
the officials have played key roles.
The observers pointed out that general secretary Xi jinping's
new leadership would perform large-scale economic reforms.
Chinese economical and societal scholar, sociology PH.D of
Princeton University Cheng Xiaonong thinks that such reports are far-fetched.
Especially as Zhu's main assistant Wen Jiabao who served as
Chinese premier for ten years, can't reform anything.
Cheng Xiaonong: "The purpose of Zhu Rongji's appearing
is to repress Jiang Zemin.
It's not the symbol of economic reforms, it was misunderstood.
The discussion about Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s reforms
should be stopped.
Mainland media and the CCP's propaganda organizations
always propagate reform.
Its purpose is to cover up the real action of non-reform."
Famous Beijing economics scholar Mao Yushi points out that
Mainland economy certainly needs to be reformed.
First, freely exchanging land, at the same time gradually
abolishing the monopoly industry controlled by the CCP.
Changing the situation from state-owned enterprises
leading to private enterprises leading.
However, Mao also claimed that the reformatory possibilities
from the authority was unlikely.
Mao Yushi: "the authority's primary task is to maintain the
dictatorship of the proletariat.
The key issue is that reform needs to dilute the dictatorship
of the proletariat, or abolish it.
However, I think the CCP's primary task is to protect or
reinforce the dictatorship of the proletariat."
Communist Party General Secretary Hu Jintao made sure that
"Neither go closed rigid old road, nor go changing flag evil road".
Cheng Xiaonong analyzed that mainland economy emerged
with severe problems.
The economic reform can't solve the problems, the
politic reform must be performed.
Especially, the CCP regime can't, doesn't date to deal with
the illegal high-income of the dignitary groups.
Cheng Xiaonong: "To also say, the dignitary groups continue
to make a fortune, ordinary people continue to be poor,
it can't have any improvement in such economic system.
Wen Jiabao also said that it's no way to keep
Chinese economy growing.
The only way is to change the income structure and
fortune structure, which is politic reform."
University of South Carolina, Professor Xie Tian, Aiken School
of Business, analyzed that anyone who wanted political reform within the CCP might be disappointed.
The person who has illusions about the CCP isn't clear about
the Chinese situation.
Xie Tian pointed out, from political needs, menology needs and
robbing Chinese fortune needs, the CCP can't perform reform.
Professor Xie Tian: "kind-hearted people should refuse
to believe the CCP.
When each crisis emerged, the CCP will take out so-called
politic reform and economic reform.
In fact, we have known that the mainland economy emerged
with a big problem.
I think its economic is at the border of collapse."
Living in the U.S, long term researcher of Chinese economic
and social problems, economist expert He Qinglian recently issued an article.
The article points out: "The composition of the delegates of the
18th Party congress reflected open union of power and money."
From 1990s, with every fortune opportunity such as electric
power, oil, real estate, stock market, financial etc., the dignitaries' families are involved in every field.
Someone has said that the current biggest Chinese problem is
the gap between the rich and the poor.
However, he thinks that it's only the surface.
He said that the real Chinese problem is "the interest group
captured the whole country" which formed early.
- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 193

Intentions Behind Beijing Political Veterans' Reappearance
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published: 05 Nov 2012
Intentions Behind Beijing Political Veterans' Reappearance
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Many Chinese Communist Party retired veterans (CCP)
who have rarely been seen in public have recently resurfaced.
Some have appeared in public, and
some have released books or open letters.
One of them was Li Ruihuan, former Chairman
of CCP Political Consultative Conference.
Li Ruihuan reappeared in early October. Later,
Zhu Rongji, former CCP Premier appeared in Beijing.
Political analysts think that their reappearance ahead of the
18th Party Congress shows their own political intentions.
The CCP 18th Congress will be held on November 8.
Since this October, China's media has
focused on the activity of some CCP veterans.
Several of them have reportedly reappeared in public,
including Li Ruihuan, Zhu Rongji and Li Peng.
Critic Ren Baiming says that the surfacing of these
heavyweights has considerable political meaning.
It is related to the infighting.
Ren Baiming: "Now, there are two major forces
directly involved in the 18th Party Congress.
One is Jiang Zemin's forces, the other is the
faction under Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.
The two forces are interacting with each other.
So, these veterans reappeared to show support
for someone, and the intention is very clear."
Jing Chu, Freelancer, Guangxi: "It's old politics in China.
I think they showed up to relieve the CCP stalemate."
The Epoch Weekly magazine revealed that the Bo Xilai
case led to internal dissension within the CCP.
The regime is now teetering.
Smart Chinese have awakened and discerned the
truth about the CCP rule, said the Epoch Weekly.
Xi Jinping's "back injury" is linked
to the truth behind Bo's case.
It is also a continuation of the power struggle
between Hu-Wen forces and Jiang's faction.
Almost all CCP incumbent senior officials and
retired veterans have become involved in infighting.
However, on October 31, the web version of People's Daily,
CCP controlled media, published an article of Li Lanqing.
Li Lanqing, former Politburo Standing Committee
member and CCP Vice Premier, wrote this article in April.
In his article, Li Lanqing said that after Jiang Zemin's
consent, he made public an old English song to music lovers.
The song was said to be composed some 60 years
ago and recollected by Jiang Zemin this February.
Jing Chu: "This is a conspiracy, a characteristic of autocracy.
It is a message that clearly hints at people inside Jiang's
faction, but puzzle outsiders. It is published as a sound out."
Ren Baiming: "We can see an obvious trend in today's China.
Since Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong
over ten years ago, Chinese morality has plunged sharply.
Lots of grievances have accumulated during this period.
Now it's the eve of a volcanic eruption,
and a critical moment in history."
Ren Baiming says that in the present course, it is not those
who stand up for the CCP leaders to change China's politics.
This is because the CCP is on brink of collapse.
- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 87

Li Keqiang's Team Face Severe Situation
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published: 17 Nov 2012
Li Keqiang's Team Face Severe Situation
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Once the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) new leader group
launched, to everyone's surprise,
Wang Qishan became the Secretary of Central Commission
for Discipline Inspection (CCFDI).
For the CCP facing life and death, politics is the primary issue
that they should solve.
Under the difficult economic situation, the CCP got Li Keqiang
to create a new team to solve the problem.
Looked on as a popular candidate for Deputy Prime Minister,
with extensive financial experience,
vice premier Wang Qishan is the son-in-law of Yao Yilin,
veteran member of the CCP.
Joining the China Rural Trust and Investment Company,
serving as president of China Construction Bank,
sent to Guangdong to clean up financial issues,
serving as Beijing major during "SARS",
Wang Qishan was looked on as the "fire captain" of the CCP.
However, under the power distribution of the 18th Party congress,
Wang changed his occupation to Secretary of CCFDI.
Beijing political observer Hua Po: "it's very strange. Wang is
'little Zhu Rongji' the economical Tsar in Chinese enterprises.
However, due to the international economic crisis, European
debt crisis and slowdown of Chinese economic growth, that he serves in the CCFDI, is so strange.
For this phenomena, Chinese PhD economics scholar of
U.S. Princeton University Cheng Xiaonong thinks that
probably Li Keqiang wants to use one of his own people.
Cheng Xiaonong: "Since as premier,
Li will appoint a vice premier,
he probably doesn't want a deputy more experienced
than he is.
If the deputy knew more than him,
how can he do the premier's role?
If Li Keqiang wants two consecutive terms, however,
Chinese economics will be in big trouble in ten years time.
The vice premier will be the most likely candidate as the
scapegoat at that time."
Some reports claimed that Wang Qishan was crowded out
in the power distribution and receiving the Hot Potato which is fight against corruption.
However, economics professor of City University of New York
Chen Zhifei analyzed that from another angle.
After the event of Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai,
there a consensus inside the CCP.
That is: the power of Politics and Law Committee will be
dropped and the status of the CCFDI may rise.
Chen Zhifei: "So, the power of the CCFDI may be more
Important or more centralized, or have more duties.
Because discipline inspection is related to the CCP'S life
or death, its status is more important.
So, from this point, he is not crowded out,
only his work focus has changed."
On Thursday, when meeting international and domestic press
current Vice Chairman Xi Jinping emphasized that
under new circumstances many problems should be solved
inside the CCP.
Especially, the corruption from Party members and taking
resources away from the citizens, it must take strength to resolve.
Analyst thought that Wang Qishan is the only remaining
go-getter around Zhao Ziyang after June Fourth Incident.
He is very familiar with and accurately
grasps the process of Chinese officialdom.
Chen Zhifei also said that Wang Qishan had no faction color,
probably why he was appointed as the CCFDI secretary.
Chen Zhifei: "It is impossible for him to find out true corrupt
elements, as he didn't want to offend any factions.
Now, no one can benefit from the mainland economic
situation, only let him drift along.
It can't take any action for economic or political reform.
Because, under such a critical situation, the regime doesn't
want to take any risk that could cause it's collapse."
Chen Zhifei further analyzed that it's difficult for
Chinese economics to improve.
He said that the CCP regime was facing an unprecedented
survival crisis.
Its attention had changed to its own problem, against corruption,
peoples' complaints and social conflict problems.
From the list of the seven standing committee members,
we can see the primary and secondary issues.
Also Central Bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan isn't in the list
of the Central Committee members.
Outside guessed that Zhou would retire in a few months.
Former Director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
Financial Development Room economist Yi Xianrong thinks
we can observe the new group's actions.
The new group will change the economics after the new Central
Bank governor and financial department minister were appointed.
- published: 17 Nov 2012
- views: 161

Xiamen Yuanhua Smuggling Case
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published: 19 Jul 2011
Xiamen Yuanhua Smuggling Case
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The prime suspect of the Xiamen Yuanhua Smuggling Case,
Lai Changxing, who fled to Canada over a decade ago,
will more likely be repatriated to China after news of
Jiang's illness.
Hong Kong's media suggest that
Lai is a special political leverage for Hu Jingtao.
Sing Tao Daily said on July 18 that
Lai Changxing had been transferred from a pre-trial center to
Fraser Regional Correction Centre in Canada last week.
The hearing of deportation case will be held on July 21.
If confirmed, execution will come before 25.
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Lai's smuggling and corruption case not only involves
the top military officials in Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
but also Jiang Zemin's family members and cronies.
Lin Baohua (Political Critic): For officials as high as them,
it's inevitable that they have connections with top CCP camps.
Since the times of the CCP's ex-premier Zhu Rongji,
who was mainly in charge of the economic policies,
also thought that smuggling might affect the economy.
Therefore, he treated smuggling cases seriously.
The main target for Zhu Rongji's move is Jia Qinlin,
one of Jiang's cronies and was under Jiang's protection.
Apple Daily published on July 18 an article titled,
"Lai Changxing: A political leverage for Hu Jingtao", saying
"When informed of Jiang's illness in April, Foreign Ministry
and Justice departments immediately pressured Canada,
asking for Lai's repatriation,
on the conditions it was death-penalty-free.
Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,
Lin Baohua suggests they are more likely to extradite Lai.
Lin Baohua: "For Jiang Zemin's political rival, such as Hu's
Communist Youth League, to successfully extradite Lai
they have to be sure of two things: first, a favorable condition,
such as death-penalty-free or freedom of speech;
secondly, to Canada, if Lai benefits from freedom of speech,
it also releases Canada from the burden of human rights."
Apple Daily suggests that Lai connects with three
CCP Politburo members: the President of CPPCC Jia Qinglin,
Secretary of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
He Guoqiang, and the CCP Vice President Xi Jinping.
Jiang's illness weakens his camp's power;
if Lai is sent back to China and reveals past secrets,
Hu Jintao's clan will surely prevail
in the coming 18th CCP conference.
Some critiques also suggest that the return of Lai will result
in Zeng Qinhong's move,
or interference from CCP Politburo secretary He Guoqiang
and CCP Politics and Law Committee secretary Zhou Yongkang.
Lin Baohua assumes that Jiang's clan relies on
its extent of involvement to interfere.
Lin Baohua: "If Jiang Zemin was not involved in the case,
since he is too old to live any longer, his clans may not interfere,
provided they were not involved at all.
But if they were, along with He Guoqiang and Xi Jinping,
then they'll employ more moves to interfere with this case."
Apple Daily suggests that Hu Jintao's move aims to recruit
in preparation for the 6th generation of CCP leaders.
CCP's internal power conflicts will affect China's politics
and diplomacy, regardless of the result of the transition.
NTD reporters Chang Chun,Shang Yan and Guo Jing
- published: 19 Jul 2011
- views: 1131

As it Happened Macau's Handover December 19th 1999 Ray Rudowski's Historical Archive Part 4/7
As a journalist first for ATV, then TVB for 5 years I covered events leading up to the han...
published: 02 Nov 2012
As it Happened Macau's Handover December 19th 1999 Ray Rudowski's Historical Archive Part 4/7
As a journalist first for ATV, then TVB for 5 years I covered events leading up to the handover and beyond between 1995-2000.
On December 19th 1999 the the eve of Macau's historic handover from Portuguese Colony to Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China I recorded the daylong coverage.
Here for historians and researchers as well as friends and colleagues is how it looked and felt on that day.
In this segement the newscast continues with stories:
0:05 Live coverage from the handover venue
President Jiang Zemin, Premier Zhu Rongji, Foreign Minister Qian Qichen
Macau's Chief Executive Edmund Ho
82 people from the Portuguese delegation attended
9:46 Chinese PLA and Portuguese soldiers and sailors approach the podium
13:50 Portugal's President Jorge Sampaio addresses the hall
- published: 02 Nov 2012
- views: 469

Ray Rudowski TVB News 1997 Blooper Tape pt 2
More gems...
Check out 02:17 where the Chinese official in Paris berates the TVB Reporter...
published: 04 Aug 2012
Ray Rudowski TVB News 1997 Blooper Tape pt 2
More gems...
Check out 02:17 where the Chinese official in Paris berates the TVB Reporter for asking Premier Zhu Rongji a question.
This was recorded by Cable TV and broadcast and became a hot-button issue that TVB wished to downplay. It was reported as intimidation and a press freedom issue by everyone but TVB who issued a transcript and a very mild protest. Later when I reported that Zhu Rongji later commented that it was wrong or some such, I reported it as a "press freedom issue". I got a call from Leung Ka-wing, the News Director at the time telling me "We don't see it that way" and proposing I change the wording which I felt forced to do.
Other gems include live shots that deteriorate.
- published: 04 Aug 2012
- views: 717

WikiLeaks: Third Day of Persecuting Falun Gong
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published: 05 Mar 2013
WikiLeaks: Third Day of Persecuting Falun Gong
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WikiLeaks recently released a telegram describing the third
day of CCP's national persecution of Falun Gong.
The telegram was sent from U.S. Embassy in Beijing to
Washington. D.C. on July 22, 1999.
The telegram is titled, "Third Day of Persecuting
Falun Gong," translated and edited by overseas Chinese media Kanzhongguo.
The telegram says that the Politburo Standing Committee
approved the persecution of Falun Gong in a meeting on July 19, 1999.
The next day dozens of Falun Gong practitioners were
arrested across the country.
On 21st, CCP and government officials started to attend
mandatory meetings where they were asked to stop practicing Falun Gong.
The message alleges that CCP Secretary General Jiang Zemin
focused on handling the Falun Gong issue.
15:00pm on the 3rd day, CCP formally announced the ban of
Falun Gong through CCTV to the entire nation.
Soon, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners
went onto the streets of Beijing to protest against the arrests.
According to media reports, on the 21st and 22nd, thousands
of Falun Gong practitioners were detained in various parts of China.
Zhu Keming, The-First-Person-to-Sue-Jiang Zemin:
"At that time we were in Beijing. We all shed tears upon
hearing news of the persecution against Falun Gong, all of us.
How could this happen? Such a large number of people were
practicing Falun Gong; so many people were cultivating themselves toward goodness.
How can the government simply suppress it?
We heard an order from the center of CCP, which could only be
forwarded by mouth instead of prints or handwriting:
'When Falun Gong practitioners are killed, they die in vain.
It counts as suicide.'
This order of forcible suppression was from Jiang Zemin."
Zhu Keming, the first person to sue Jiang Zemin, said that all
the Falun Gong practitioners who came out to protest in Beijing,
whether they be children or seniors, were concentrated inside
a stadium in Fengtai, Beijing.
Zhu: "Inside the stadium there was no shedding. Everyone stood in
the sun for hours, very crowded, children and seniors together.
The government said nothing and provided no water.
Other practitioners were detained in Beijing Public Security Bureau and the police station.
These practitioners were very angry. Some said,
'This government is indeed evil. They kicked us.
Since there is a woman, they even undressed her, to humiliate
her like rogues & scoundrels would !' They were indeed very angry."
The message mentioned that despite the crackdown, hundreds
of Falun Gong practitioners still did exercise in some of the
major parks in Beijing on the morning of the 22nd.
US embassy officials saw plainclothes security personnel
video- recording Falun Gong practitioners exercising in Ditan Park.
But those Falun Gong practitioners obviously ignored them.
However, Chinese authorities had long been prepared to deal
with continuing protests.
Around 8am that day, US Embassy officials saw about 500
Falun Gong practitioners gathered "side by side" at northwest corner of Zhongnanhai near Xi'an Gate Street.
About 200 uniformed police officers surrounded them.
Subsequently, a number of large buses arrived at the scene,
when the police immediately began to pull the crowd into the buses.
The telegram mentions that on July 22nd, Falun Gong
practitioners protested throughout Beijing.
A Western news magazine editor said she saw police
arresting Falun Gong practitioners and
taking them away in buses, and the initial number of people
arrested was about 2000.
Ms. Xu, a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning province in
northeast China said,
Jiang Zemin's suppression of the Falun Gong is completely
contrary to the Constitution and laws of China.
In order to protect her freedom of belief, she also went to
Beijing to appeal in order to clarify the situation to the government.
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu: "On July 19th, 1999, several
cooperators among Falun Gong practitioners in my city were arrested.
Since the order of arrest came from the highest authority of
CCP, we all went to Beijing to appeal the next day.
Later there was a mass torrent of petitions in Beijing."
Zhu Keming, entrepreneur and artist himself, specifically
mentioned a misunderstanding, that
Falun Gong and other Chinese people still held certain
expectations of the government at the time.
After the "4.25" incident, CCP already obtained some
knowledge about Falun Gong.
Then Premier Zhu Rongji even issued a notice to approve
normal physical exercises, saying they would not be interfered with by the government.
As a result, people believed this government to be a
government of the people and sought to clarify the truth to it.
- published: 05 Mar 2013
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Zhu Rongji Quotes
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published: 27 Mar 2012
Zhu Rongji Quotes
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Who is Zhu Rongji?
A prominent Chinese politician who served as the Mayor and Party chief in Shanghai between 1987 and 1991, before serving as Vice-Premier and then the fifth Premier of the People\'s Republic of China from March 1998 to March 2003.
- published: 27 Mar 2012
- views: 165

Why Are Retired CCP Officials Publishing Books?
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published: 30 Jun 2012
Why Are Retired CCP Officials Publishing Books?
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Recently, former National People's Congress member
Qiao Shi published a book about democracy and law.
Ever since the 14th People's Congress, almost every former
People's Congress Member has published books.
This included Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, and Zhu Rongji.
Scholars point out not only are these books worthless due to
inaccuracies, but also a tool for former members to
increase influence and cover up crimes and mistakes made
in order to avoid being held responsible for in the future.
Qiao Shi served as a congress member from 1993 until 1998.
His book includes collections of important speeches, reports
and other essays from when he was a serving member.
Out of these, "Revocation and Retention of Central Politics
and Law Committee" drew the outside world's attention.
Besides Luo Gan and Huang Ju, 10 out of 12 former National
People's Congress members have published books.
Beijing Constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao also believes
these books have no value.
They are not worthy of reading because they have covered up
a lot of truths.
Cheng Yongmiao: "I think there are two goals;
one is like Qiao Shi or Li Peng's book.
They want to shake off the historical responsibility
they had as the highest level officials.
The second is to indirectly influence the current Politburo
and put in their own people to protect their interests."
Chen Yongmiao points out the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
is an oligarchy so former members have their people in situ.
For example, the Politics and Law Committee belonged to
Qiao Shi's domain of power.
Bo Xilai wanted to enter, Qiao Shi did not agree, so others
ganged up to get rid of Bo.
Chen Yongmiao says the reason former congress members
"publish" books or "have a meeting" with someone is to show
they still have some impact and boost their followers' morale.
The act of publishing books is nothing more than to explain
and confess that they've done many bad things.
However they still want to do something good so that they
will not be held responsible for in the future.
They are doing this for the benefit of their children.
Chen Yongmiao: "All the CCP officials are like this,
maximizing every possible interest.
While they were in their positions, they committed all kinds of
evil. They also know the people; they want to gain again."
From a historical perspective, since the 14th People's Congress,
the rate of books published far surpasses earlier CCP officials.
Compared to retired western leaders, this is not bad.
Retired Shandong University professor Sun Wenguang
believes when western leaders publish books, it is without political agenda.
They also do not desire power struggles
or to reap benefits.
They've already considered how history will judge them
upon being sworn into office.
Sun Wenguang says that former congress members may also
wonder if they can speak at universities like foreign leaders.
They also wonder if they can travel around the world.
They cannot rely on publishing books to bleach out
the crimes and mistakes they committed while in office.
Sun Wenguang: "Hopefully those who are about to step
down, including Hu Jintao,
can redress and correct some major miscarriages of
justice within the amount of time left.
Correct them if they are correctable, and if not, they should
express their viewpoints and these should be recorded."
Sun Wenguang points out although former party members
are afraid of being held accountable by history and
publish books to declare their merits,
history will not allow crimes to be covered up forever.
It also is a reminder for current and future high level officials
to do more to benefit the people and nation.
They should do fewer things that are lacking in virtue.
Qiao Shi discloses the Central Politics and Law Committee's
historical metamorphosis in his book.
The Politics and Law Committee Secretary Fades Out of
Power Center which has sparked people's attention.
Sun Wenguang points out in the past ten years with the
growth of Jiang Zemin's suppressive power,
the Politics and Law Committee has become the
"Second Power center".
They performed many abuses of human rights
upon religious people and minorities.
These blood-stained Blood Debt Faction members should
Reflect how will they face the trial of history in the future?
- published: 30 Jun 2012
- views: 185