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Sarvatra-gam 1h
you bet.
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Sarvatra-gam 1h
And we don't need yours on Modi.
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Sarvatra-gam retweeted
Pyaar Se Mario 2h
BJPwallahs can have rains at will Something seculars will never understand.
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Sarvatra-gam 2h
Rain Dance. Not us Indians. The Red Indians.
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Sarvatra-gam 2h
How come no right winger is complaining about about Bajrangi's bail?
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Sarvatra-gam 2h
BJP should drop it's misogynist stand and put up Sushma Swaraj for PM.
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Sarvatra-gam 2h
AAP dhhanya hain
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Sarvatra-gam retweeted
Madhavan Narayanan 3h
If your ideas of the past are going to shape your actions of the future, you confuse memory with intellect.
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Sarvatra-gam 3h
Did anyone get the video about her fumbling over the states?
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Sarvatra-gam 3h
In South Bombay your Quality of Life maybe better than most. OTH, Quality of Life in Delhi is better for most.
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Sarvatra-gam 4h
This is how they plan riots. I would imagine this is similar to how they did 2002.
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Sarvatra-gam 4h
download. you will be done by the weekend.
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Sarvatra-gam 4h
Why is it misogynist?
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Sarvatra-gam retweeted
Sajid Bhombal 7h
It is really beyond my understanding; how come some gyanis attack identity politics and also be staunch BJP supporters? 1/2
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Sarvatra-gam 11h
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Sarvatra-gam 11h
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Sarvatra-gam 11h
He called you a troll. How cute...
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Sarvatra-gam 11h
You have already offered him more...
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Sarvatra-gam 11h
Sure. 10% of first year take home...
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Sarvatra-gam 11h
You are a couple of posts behind.
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