
'Rape? Ladies, It's Your Fault': Satirical Video
The video, featuring actor Kalki Koechlin and VJ Juhi Pande, waxes on the theme 'Rape? Lad...
published: 23 Sep 2013
'Rape? Ladies, It's Your Fault': Satirical Video
'Rape? Ladies, It's Your Fault': Satirical Video
The video, featuring actor Kalki Koechlin and VJ Juhi Pande, waxes on the theme 'Rape? Ladies, it's your fault', and lampoons deep-seated patriarchal mindsets that blame a woman for inviting sexual assault. A smiling Kalki and Juhi are seen saying why rape is inevitable if women wear short clothes and how they can avoid it by calling the rapists "bhaiya (brother)" - taking off on a shocking comment made by self-styled godman Asaram Bapu, who is now in jail over allegations of sexual assault.- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 902

Teenage affluenza is spreading fast.
Are you suffering from Teenage Affluenza? This is a great satirical video that reminds us ...
published: 13 Jun 2007
author: WorldVisionStir
Teenage affluenza is spreading fast.
Teenage affluenza is spreading fast.
Are you suffering from Teenage Affluenza? This is a great satirical video that reminds us we lead such lucky lives. Isn't it time you give back? To do someth...- published: 13 Jun 2007
- views: 967797
- author: WorldVisionStir

We're NASA and We Know It (Mars Curiosity)
Boldly go! And subscribe for more Satire! -- If you like this, you may like our dystopian ...
published: 15 Aug 2012
author: Satire
We're NASA and We Know It (Mars Curiosity)
We're NASA and We Know It (Mars Curiosity)
Boldly go! And subscribe for more Satire! -- If you like this, you may like our dystopian web series, http://youtube.com/watchjobhunters "We're NASA and We K...- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 2766763
- author: Satire

'No Woman, No Drive' Saudi artist speaks about his satirical video
Hisham Fageeh has become a global internet sensation after his tongue-in-cheek version of ...
published: 27 Oct 2013
'No Woman, No Drive' Saudi artist speaks about his satirical video
'No Woman, No Drive' Saudi artist speaks about his satirical video
Hisham Fageeh has become a global internet sensation after his tongue-in-cheek version of a Bob... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained:http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a Euronews is available in 13 other languages: http://eurone.ws/17moBCU http://www.euronews.com/2013/10/27/no-woman-no-drive-saudi-artist-speaks-about-his-satirical-video Hisham Fageeh has become a global internet sensation after his tongue-in-cheek version of a Bob Marley classic went viral. He offers a satirical take on the Saudi ban on female driving, poking fun at one cleric's assertion it could harm reproductive organs. Speaking to euronews he remained coy about social activism, though his Twitter account cites the hashtag for the Women2Drive campaign. "If I'm being ambitious, I'd like it to get to people's pages, newspaper pages and onto their television sets," he admits continuing, "and for people to think that Arabs and Saudis can joke and they can laugh. I think that's what is really important to us - that people abroad understand that." One of his well-known comedy cohorts was cited as quoting Oscar Wilde when he wrote: "If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." The group's Youtube channel garners around 1 million hits a day. Saudi Arabia has one of the highest per-capita use of Youtube in the world, meaning viral videos could be an effective tool for social change, On Saturday, several women risked arrest for defying a ban on driving and posting videos online. Though there is no official law banning women from driving, they are not issued licenses. The action on October 26 was the third such attempt to provoke debate in the conservative country about women's rights. Though the government had issued a firm warning that women would be arrested, it appears no such measures were taken, sending mixed messages to the activists. Find us on: Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronews- published: 27 Oct 2013
- views: 301

AIB365: It's Your Fault
Every sexual assault case in India inspires a string of stupid and hateful remarks against...
published: 19 Sep 2013
AIB365: It's Your Fault
AIB365: It's Your Fault
Every sexual assault case in India inspires a string of stupid and hateful remarks against women. This is our response to those remarks. Check us out at: www.facebook.com/IndiaBakchod AIB 365 is a weekly sketch show from India's edgiest, politically incorrect comedy collective AIB. AIB comprises of Tanmay Bhat, Gursimran Khamba, Rohan Joshi, Ashish Shakya. Director: Ashwin Shetty Cinematographer: Ankit Mhatre Written by: AIB. Editors: Ashish Heblekar & Shashwat Datta Music: Mehar Chumble Assistant Directors: Shruti Naik & Geethika Chandran Kinakkal Line Producer: Achal Manglik Assistant Producer: Melbun D'souza Live Sound: Rinku Pathak In association with NH7 (http://nh7.in)!- published: 19 Sep 2013
- views: 141101

The iPhone 5 (Parody) Ad: A Taller Change
Proving that size does matter. The feature upgrade you won't be able to miss! -- Video Pro...
published: 19 Sep 2012
author: Satire
The iPhone 5 (Parody) Ad: A Taller Change
The iPhone 5 (Parody) Ad: A Taller Change
Proving that size does matter. The feature upgrade you won't be able to miss! -- Video Production by Cinesaurus [http://www.cinesaurus.com] Director/Writer: ...- published: 19 Sep 2012
- views: 9736577
- author: Satire

Daily Show's satirical take on the Mexican-American studies controversy
Program supporters say it's funny because it's true, but at least one school district boar...
published: 04 Apr 2012
author: kgun9
Daily Show's satirical take on the Mexican-American studies controversy
Daily Show's satirical take on the Mexican-American studies controversy
Program supporters say it's funny because it's true, but at least one school district board member isn't laughing.- published: 04 Apr 2012
- views: 2927
- author: kgun9

Satirical Comedy | YSRCP Insult to National Anthem | Janaganamana
Satirical Comedy Show on YSRCP Leaders Insult to our National Anthem Janaganamana...
published: 05 Nov 2013
Satirical Comedy | YSRCP Insult to National Anthem | Janaganamana
Satirical Comedy | YSRCP Insult to National Anthem | Janaganamana
Satirical Comedy Show on YSRCP Leaders Insult to our National Anthem Janaganamana- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 1979

Fiks Fare, 20 Shkurt 2014, Pjesa 3 - Investigative Satirical Show
News 24 jepet publicitet dhe del Berisha dhe Basha qe pijne uje pastaj berisha...
published: 21 Feb 2014
Fiks Fare, 20 Shkurt 2014, Pjesa 3 - Investigative Satirical Show
Fiks Fare, 20 Shkurt 2014, Pjesa 3 - Investigative Satirical Show
Monitorime News 24 jepet publicitet dhe del Berisha dhe Basha qe pijne uje pastaj berisha thote po populli opozitar do i heq populli ata ai kujtoj se ka 1 milion vota 1 milion shuplaka Berisha ne parlament thot ky hor i horave ka perdhunuar nje vajze News 24 Xhaxhiu thote nuk ka shume nevoje Erjoni per prezantime eshte nga ata gazetaret gjithcka duket sikur i ri ngushte i ri ngusht kur dikush shkel nje peme Xhaxhiu thote i pasterilizuar eshte ai djathi qe se dime se ne cilat baxho rritet Top Channel Manushi te tjetri thote ma kane gjetur mua se une bej gabime por une do jem i kujdeshem mos mendojne se do me fusin ne kurth dhe thote qante naqiu pas qeres se qumshtit- published: 21 Feb 2014
- views: 267

Satirical Guide to US Debt Ceiling
A satirical look at the deal that was done in 2011 to raise the US Debt Ceiling, put in th...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Satirical Guide to US Debt Ceiling
Satirical Guide to US Debt Ceiling
A satirical look at the deal that was done in 2011 to raise the US Debt Ceiling, put in the context of an individual family.- published: 13 Oct 2013
- views: 54

Bob Marley and the Wailers-Very Rare Demos-Lyrical satirical
Bob Marley and the Wailers-Very Rare Demos-Lyrical satirical (acoustic instrumental)...
published: 07 Apr 2008
author: Rebelman19
Bob Marley and the Wailers-Very Rare Demos-Lyrical satirical
Bob Marley and the Wailers-Very Rare Demos-Lyrical satirical
Bob Marley and the Wailers-Very Rare Demos-Lyrical satirical (acoustic instrumental)- published: 07 Apr 2008
- views: 16354
- author: Rebelman19
Youtube results:

Republican Senator Falls For Satirical News Article About Guantanamo
Republican Senator Mitch McConnell falls for a parody article from The Duffel Blog claimin...
published: 24 Feb 2013
author: David Pakman Show
Republican Senator Falls For Satirical News Article About Guantanamo
Republican Senator Falls For Satirical News Article About Guantanamo
Republican Senator Mitch McConnell falls for a parody article from The Duffel Blog claiming that Guantanamo Bay prisoners are eligible for GI benefits. --O...- published: 24 Feb 2013
- views: 2720
- author: David Pakman Show

Chris Hayes Mocks Bill O'Reilly With Satirical Tirade Against White Culture - July 30, 201
Bill O'Reilly Mocked By Chris Hayes With Satirical Tirade Against White Culture.
published: 28 Jan 2014
Chris Hayes Mocks Bill O'Reilly With Satirical Tirade Against White Culture - July 30, 201
Chris Hayes Mocks Bill O'Reilly With Satirical Tirade Against White Culture - July 30, 201
Bill O'Reilly Mocked By Chris Hayes With Satirical Tirade Against White Culture. stock,market,the financial collapse,crisis,economic crisis,the economic crisis,us economic crisis,global economic crisis,european economic crisis,trade,econo. Chris Hayes Mocks Bill O'Reilly With Satirical Tirade Against White Culture - July 30, 2013 Chris Hayes Mocks Bill O'Reilly With Satirical Tirade Against Whi. On Monday night, O'Reilly Factor host Bill O'Reilly delivered a lengthy critique of President Obama's remarks about the death of Trayvon Martin, accusing the. Fox News host Bill O'Reilly can't seem to stop preaching about how right white people are to be scared of black people, and MSNBC host Chris Hayes can't seem. I am Obamastein. This is the {Anti) - {Barack Hussein Obama Channel} Hey Obama: - (╍○‿○╍ )┌∩┐- Stick it you Anti God, Anti Christian & Anti American SOB. With the opening of state health insurance mere days away, and an apocalyptic fight over de-funding Obamacare raging in Congress, attention to the Affordable. Chris Hayes from All In on MSNBC admitted he was nearly arrested for carrying $30 worth of pot into the the Republican National Convention when he was 21. . Subscribe to topNEWSonline , 24/7 news,daily uploads,ahead the news. Chris Hayes hosts MSNBC's primetime show All In with Chris Hayes, and is the author of the recent book Twilight of the Elites: America After Meritocracy.. Forex Trading system,Online Tradin,online stock buying,best online stock trading,economy,economy news. Comedy Channel on news, sports, car videos you can find on Please subscribe to our channel make. Have a good time. On the All In with Chris Hayes show, Rep. Jeffries discussed the need for swift, compassionate and thorough passage of federal disaster relief funding fo. Part two of an extended discussion about the states of Washington and Colorado's voter initiated legalization of marijuana for personal use and how they migh. Maddow, Hayes Mock gop's Move to Center as They Push Democrats to the Left. Ellen Miller of the Sunlight Foundation on the role of open data in driving government Subscribe to the The Guardian: Recorded at the. MSNBC 07 26 2013 20 21 38. On Tuesday night, Bill O'Reilly took on how the media views religious people, spurred on by NBC News' Luke Russert saying that it's very easy for the media. MSNBC's Chris Hayes Takes On Prime Time - Decoded. I just like this song so i said i'd cover it :) i hope ye all like it! According to Mediaite, Chris Hayes tells story of being caught with marijuana at a checkpoint, but had he been black with cornrows he would've been in the ba. Bill O'Reilly Courageously Covered War With A Pen (Yes, He Said That) [VIDEO]. Bill O'Reilly Courageously Covered War With A Pen (Yes, He Said That) [VIDEO].. 'I think we deal with this great cultural unease about that status quo is to say, 'Yes, we trust the military,' because it lets people off the hook' Discussing the Voting Rights Act and the Roberts Court's jurisprudence on race.- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 3

BP Spills Coffee
This is what happens when BP spills coffee. More comedy videos: http://www.UCBComedy.com L...
published: 09 Jun 2010
author: UCBComedy
BP Spills Coffee
BP Spills Coffee
This is what happens when BP spills coffee. More comedy videos: http://www.UCBComedy.com Like UCB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/UCBcomedycom/10522597325?ref...- published: 09 Jun 2010
- views: 12716936
- author: UCBComedy

Best YouTube Spoofs: Jamie Munro Talks Pop Culture Satire Videos
MORE pop culture satire videos here: http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/pop-culture-satire ...
published: 26 Jul 2013
author: trendhuntertv
Best YouTube Spoofs: Jamie Munro Talks Pop Culture Satire Videos
Best YouTube Spoofs: Jamie Munro Talks Pop Culture Satire Videos
MORE pop culture satire videos here: http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/pop-culture-satire TH Editor Jamie Munro loves pop culture satire, especially the newl...- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 152
- author: trendhuntertv