- published: 18 May 2009
- views: 10807
Arts: A Conversation With Jeffrey Eugenides -- NYTimes.com
The author discussed his celebrated novels, "The Virgin Suicides" and "Middlesex," and the...
published: 18 May 2009
Arts: A Conversation With Jeffrey Eugenides -- NYTimes.com
The author discussed his celebrated novels, "The Virgin Suicides" and "Middlesex," and the decline of his hometown, Detroit, with Sam Tanenhaus, the editor of the Book Review.
- published: 18 May 2009
- views: 10807
Middlesex University
WONKY worked with Omni, planning and creating all the graphics and pixillation for a Promo...
published: 04 Feb 2011
Middlesex University
WONKY worked with Omni, planning and creating all the graphics and pixillation for a Promo introducing Middlesex University's new London campus.
- published: 04 Feb 2011
- views: 8240
Middlesex - Blixten (Officiell video)
ITUNES: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/blixten-ep/id504264132
SPOTIFY: http://open.spot...
published: 12 Mar 2011
Middlesex - Blixten (Officiell video)
ITUNES: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/blixten-ep/id504264132
SPOTIFY: http://open.spotify.com/album/6tg9MWZ3TX5jiAgCkTfQaz
Musikvideo släppt den 12:e mars 2011, av hiphopgruppen Middlesex. Låten heter Blixten och handlar om att våga gå sin egen väg och kämpa för sin dröm i en värld där du förväntas vara som alla andra.
Det är också en "hyllning" till alla journalister som vägrat skriva om bandet, hiphopare som vägrat se dem som en hiphopakt och framför allt till dig, om du tvivlar på bandets kompetens!
Låten är inspelad i den berömda studion Nacksving och videon är regiserad av Kristoffer Jansson.
Nyfiken på mer? Du hittar mer musik, bilder och videor på www.middlesex.nu
När du står framför din spegelbild och försöker peppa upp dig själv, och intala dig själv att idag är dagen som det smäller. Vad säger du då? Jag säger så här...
(Mollgan vers)
Den här går ut till alla som tvekat/
Alla som nekat, alla som satt sina käppar i hjulet/
Skaka på huvet, skaka det tre varv/
Du kan skaka det som exorcistens, jag nickar å ler/
Du är en vädersrapport jag är en blixt som slår ner/
Från klar himmel, du säger vansinne/
Jag säger jag kan göra det igen om jag vill och jag v-v-vill det/
- Så jag gör det igen och igen/
Säg aldrig åt mig vad jag inte kan bli/
Har aldrig ens sett det som ett allternativ/
Jag tänker inte lyssa på den delen av hjärnan/
Den delen är redan raderad/
Era felaktiga försök att få mig att gråta
får mig att leva (le - va)
Och ifall dom klagar
Och ifall dom hatar
Och ifall dom säger ta allting tillbaka
Ja då kan du svara
Att blixten kan slå ner två gånger, på exakt samma ställe
Att blixten kan slå ner två gånger, på exakt samma ställe
(Ebbot vers)
För den kan slå ner...
Med dunder och brak, helt underbart/
På en sekund vänds det runt, runt i full fart/
Och det känns lika bra, oavsett hur stort/
eller smått, vad du fått, vad du sett och gjort/
När med en kär du slutar va osams/
Eller får en befogad befodran/
När du hinner få nåt klart - kanske vinner på en lott/
Eller får ett genombrott när du brinner för nåt/
Det finns alltid dom som kallas tvivlare/
Bittra, bitska och förtvivlade/
För du är på väg, på väg uppåt/
Mot höjder som dom aldrig har uppnåt/
Så våga tro och våga ta dig fram/
Och låt varken hat eller slag nånsin få dig på fall/
Utan res dig upp! Och samla kraft/
Så varje dag blir en dag i din vardagskamp/
(John vers)
Jag kan om jag vill, ah jag kan-kan-kan/
Ha talang och ha skills, jävlar anamma/
Men ändå rabblar alla samma ramsa om att rappa inte matchar
mallar för vad man ska satsa sitt jävlar anamma på.../
- Och det går alltid i samma spår/
Om du är musiker vad ska du tjäna slantar på/
För din drömmar om att kunna gunga hundra ungar med din tunga
på klubbar det funkar väll som ung men/
Sen måste du skaffa ett riktigt jobb/
För det man gör det är väll ingen konst/
Du kommer aldrig kunna krossa min dröm/
Jag kommer kämpa för den tills den blir sann -- jag vill, jag kan/
Jag kan om jag vill
Om jag vet vad jag vill, tjänar ingenting till att du tjatar
Kan om jag vill
Och jag vet vad jag vill och jag vill att du låtar mig vara
Va vad jag vill
För jag vet vem jag är, ingen annan än jag som bestämmer och jag har bestämt mig, för att alltid va min, min dröm ska slå in. Jag kan om jag...
Jag kan om jag vill
Jag kan om jag vill
- published: 12 Mar 2011
- views: 15994
Middlesex - Integritet Video
ITUNES: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/integritet-ep/id349415178
SPOTIFY: http://open.s...
published: 21 Jul 2009
Middlesex - Integritet Video
ITUNES: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/integritet-ep/id349415178
SPOTIFY: http://open.spotify.com/album/6v3EulJaVx95QXFF9Gfc4F
Scroll down for english lyrics!
Videon till titelspåret på Middlesex Ep Integritet! Hela EP:n finns nu att lyssna på på Spotify. Släpptes i sammarbete med Indie-bolaget Lanvalley. Filmgänget Bluemilk står för produktionen. Svensk hiphop in movement Juli 2009
(The lyrics in english! Feel free to correct my grammer, spelling and translation. The song is called Integrity and performed by Middlesex)
(Fuck FRA)
(Fuck FRA)
Never let them take it away from you (your integrity)
Never let them take it away from you (your integrity)
Never let them take it away from you (your integrity)
No no no, so
Have courage
Look them straight in the eye
Give them
Keep your
Look them straight in the eye
(Vers one, Ballistic)
They see you wherever you go
Fingerprints needed in your canteen-queue
Surveillance-cameras in the school-corridors
In the states they can tell if you're awake or asleep
And we're goin at that direction to, believe me, soon
they'll make this country into a federation state
Its out in the open, everybody knows where
You'd go shopping or what you downloaded
Everyone has a credit-card, everyone has an IP-address
All our lifes are given out but no of us have ever signed
a contract or a letter of attorney to the state or to the government
Don't you want to know who constantly watches you?
And look over you, see what you pay for
see who you call or write to, no one is anonymous, no!
But I will not hide away from Babylon
From this day and forward I'll stare right into their cameras.
Have courage
Look them straight in the eye
Give them
Keep your
Look them straight in the eye
(Vers 2, Mollgan)
Look them straight in the eye
Tell me, tell me - you do it right?
When they try to push you down
When they say there's something wrong with you
Rumours has it? Rumours don't have shit
Do what you feel like, sky's the limit
And they can't take that away from you
(No, the can't take that away from you)
Don't let no bad words put you down
They're just idiots who see what they choose to see
Your integrity
Who you really are, they'll never know
Is the one thing that separates humans from "machines" and no matter how many walls they'll build they can never take that away from us.
(Vers 3, Ebbot)
In times of the war on terror we shout out loud
That we dont trust nobody and have doubts about east
But the evidence is gettin weaker and we'll pay a big price
When the people in Sweden are gettin their phones tapped and their E-mails read
- when you comunicate with a person from another country
Say the wrong thing about big brother and you'll be out for good
So stand tall and hold on to your rights
Don't let them take your integrity away (no matter what)
So stand untouchable, hold on to what yours still
And remember that integrity is one of the most valuable things you got
- So fuck FRA!
- published: 21 Jul 2009
- views: 23051
Middlesex Hospital - I've Got a Feeling
This video was fully organized by the nurses of Middlesex Hospital as a tribute to their r...
published: 27 Apr 2011
Middlesex Hospital - I've Got a Feeling
This video was fully organized by the nurses of Middlesex Hospital as a tribute to their retiring CNO.
There was only time for two takes (you can only shut down a hospital for so long), thankyou God for holding off the rain!
Tonights gonna be a good, good night.
- published: 27 Apr 2011
- views: 15530
Mollgan (från Middlesex) - Alla som inte tankar
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Mollgankompis
KONTAKT OCH BOKNING: Mollgan_swe@hotma...
published: 13 Sep 2010
Mollgan (från Middlesex) - Alla som inte tankar
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Mollgankompis
KONTAKT OCH BOKNING: Mollgan_swe@hotmail.com
Musikvideo släppt en vecka före valet 2010, av Mollgan från hiphopgruppen Middlesex. Regisserad av Kristoffer Jansson. Låten är en parodi på Maskinens Alla som inte dansar, och driver med hur den sittande regeringen behandlat nedladdningsfrågan. Find more music on www.middlesex.nu
Mollgan på facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/203529099686746/
(Scroll down for english lyrics)
Mollgan, Middlesex
Jag är pirat eller...
Snarare kapten men han
Han är upphovsman!
Uh, uh, fuck ipred!
Han är upphovsman
Uh, uh, fuck ipred!
Alla som inte tankar är upphovsmän/
Så Metallica har inte råd med frukosten/
och nu vet du att varenda barn i landet är en brottsling/
Reinfeldt sitter där och tankar ner en (poorr film)/
Är det så konstigt? Stackars Filippa/
Ett slag under bältet precis som din FRA/
Tar du mitt privatliv - Får du tåla att/
jag skämtar om ditt fan sluta leka Stasi/
Alla som inte tankar är upphovsmän
Alla som inte tankar är upphovsmän
Alla som inte tankar är upphovsmän
Du hittar min skit inne på Piratebay
Det verkar inte som att vår regering kan dansa
Det verkar inte som att vår regering kan dansa
Verkar inte som att vår regering kan dansa
För ipred liknar en gruppvåldtäkt
Alla som inte tankar är upphovsmän/
Till och med vår kronprinsessa luktar bränt/
Mhm.. Jag ger dig mitt ord/
Hon köper inte skivor checka sen kväll med Luuk/
Men Felix Herngren jämför det med Hustrumisshandel
Va fan?
Hoppas att du gör så gott du kan/
För å minimera risken å va dum som han/
Hoppas att du gör så gott du kan/
Vill inte lämna stället som en upphovsman/
The lyrics in english: (It's a pro- Piratebay song and the lyrics is alot about what stupid famous swedish people and politicians said about downloading music. It's kind of directly word for word translated and I bet it could be done better, so excuse my grammer)
Im a pirate, or even more so.. a captain.. but he's..
He's a author (anti-piratebay-guy)
Uh uh, fuck ipred
He's a author
Uh, uh fuck ipred
Everybody downloads except authers
So Metallica can't afford their breakfast
And now you know that all the kids in sweden are criminalls
While Reinfeldt sits there and download a porno
Is that so wierd? Poor Filippa
A hit bellow the belt just like your FRA
If you steel my whole privat life, you must
except that I*ll make fun of yours
- stop playing Stasi!
Everybody downloads except authors
Everybody downloads except authors
Everybody downloads except authors
You find my sh*t on piratybay
x 2
It dosn't seem like our government can dance
it dosn't seem like our government can dance
It dosn't seem like our government can dance
And the Ipred-law is like a gangbang-rape
Everybody downloads except authors
Even our swedish princess smells like burning
Yeah I give you my word
She doesn't buy cd's, go look it up
But Felix Härngren compares pirates with wife-molesters...
What the f*ck!?!
I hope you do your best
to not be as stupid as him
I hope you do your best
you don't wanna be an author
- published: 13 Sep 2010
- views: 141841
Middlesex University London Graduation 2012
http://www.mdx.ac.uk/ - Middlesex University London graduates tell us how they feel about ...
published: 13 Sep 2012
Middlesex University London Graduation 2012
http://www.mdx.ac.uk/ - Middlesex University London graduates tell us how they feel about finally achieving their degrees and explain why they will miss Middlesex.
- published: 13 Sep 2012
- views: 2771
Studieren in London: Campus Tour an der Middlesex University
IEC University Video Clip zur Middlesex University in London. Dr. Fuchs von der Business F...
published: 07 Sep 2012
Studieren in London: Campus Tour an der Middlesex University
IEC University Video Clip zur Middlesex University in London. Dr. Fuchs von der Business Fakultät führt über den Campus der Universität und erklären die Studienbedingungen für Studierende aus Deutschland.Auslandssemester, Bachelor, Master und PhD.Weitere Informationen:www.ieconline.dewww.facebook.de/auslandsstudium
- published: 07 Sep 2012
- views: 697
Middlesex University - Hendon Open Day 2010
Part one of two commissioned films showcasing the Middlesex Campuses. Shot in a day and ed...
published: 24 Nov 2010
Middlesex University - Hendon Open Day 2010
Part one of two commissioned films showcasing the Middlesex Campuses. Shot in a day and edited in two, this piece highlights the Hendon campus.
I've played a bit with frame rates here along with colour saturations to highlight the flow of people into the event, as well as picking out the Middlesex helpers and their bright red tops.
I think it's a lively fun little piece - avoiding too much of the corporate touch. Part two will feature Trent Park campus - which is incredibly leafy and picturesque (weather permitting :0) )
- published: 24 Nov 2010
- views: 7045
The Middlesex Hospital London
The Middlesex Hospital was a hospital in the Fitzrovia area of London, England. The first ...
published: 27 Jul 2009
The Middlesex Hospital London
The Middlesex Hospital was a hospital in the Fitzrovia area of London, England. The first Middlesex Hospital opened in 1745 as the Middlesex Infirmary in Windmill Street, London W1, named after the county of Middlesex. The Infirmary started with 18 beds to provide medical treatment for the poor. Funding came from subscriptions and in 1747, the hospital became the first in England to add 'lying-in' (maternity) beds.
The foundation stone for the second Middlesex Hospital, located on Mortimer Street, was laid in 1755 by the then President of the Hospital, the Earl of Northumberland and was opened in 1757 as The Middlesex Hospital. The Hospital was Incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1836, allowing it various benefits as a charity.
Over the years, extra wings were added but in 1924, it was decided that the building was about to collapse and something had to be done. The Duke of York, later King George VI, visited the Hospital to lay the foundation stone of the new building, on 26 June 1928. He returned to the Hospital on 29 May 1935 to open the new building. The Hospital had been completely rebuilt, on the same site and in stages, without being closed at any stage, paid for by more than £1 million of donations from members of the public.
Whilst part of the Bloomsbury Health Authority in the nineteen eighties, the Middlesex Hospital was also associated with: St. Peter's Hospital, Soho (urology); St. Paul's Hospital, Red Lion Square (skin and genito-urinary diseases); Soho Hospital for Women (gynaecological disease); Horton and Banstead hospitals (psychiatric disorders); Athlone House (geriatric care); St. Luke's (Woodside) Hospital (psychiatric disorders).
In 1992 the St. Peter's Hospitals were closed down and moved into new accommodation in the Middlesex Hospital, which itself was merged with University College London (UCL) Hospital in 1994. The Middlesex closed in December 2005.
The main Hospital building in Mortimer Street was sold to developer Project Abbey (Guernsey) Ltd for £180m which was considerably more than the anticipated sale price due to the property boom in order to finance the UCL Hospital PFI scheme on Euston Road, and was demolished in the spring of 2008. Some of the peripheral buildings remain, and have been renovated for other uses by UCL or the NHS.
The building was used just before it was demolished in the film Eastern Promises. Its name in this film was changed to "Trafalgar Hospital" using an inscription matching the style and apparent age of the old legend above the main door.
Candy and Candy are to redevelop the site into a 273-apartment luxury accommodation complex, named "NoHo Square".
It should be noted that although the county name "Middlesex" is common to all, there was no working connection between the Middlesex Hospital and the North Middlesex, Central Middlesex and West Middlesex hospitals.
- published: 27 Jul 2009
- views: 7944
Middlesex University Promo
This is a promotional video for my university, which I directed and edited for a universit...
published: 15 Dec 2006
Middlesex University Promo
This is a promotional video for my university, which I directed and edited for a university project.
- published: 15 Dec 2006
- views: 39116
Definitely went all out ...
published: 27 Nov 2011
Definitely went all out for freshers!, think you topped us?.. post a video responce!
- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 2465
Thanks everybody for coming out
Disclaimer: This song does not belong to us but we have u...
published: 26 Feb 2013
Thanks everybody for coming out
Disclaimer: This song does not belong to us but we have used it in order to create creative content.
- published: 26 Feb 2013
- views: 7046
The Big Clash Game Show : Dance Like Me [Middlesex]
The Big Clash Game Show 2012 - Orange Squad Vs Black Squad [Middlesex]
This is a short cli...
published: 06 Feb 2012
The Big Clash Game Show : Dance Like Me [Middlesex]
The Big Clash Game Show 2012 - Orange Squad Vs Black Squad [Middlesex]
This is a short clip to show you what went down at Middlesex University when the Orange Squad went head-to-head with the Black Squad. The game they're playing is Dance Like Me.
Filmed by: Lewis
- published: 06 Feb 2012
- views: 5975
Youtube results:
Middlesex University graduate Kelvin Okafor wows industry with lifelike pencil drawings
http://www.mdx.ac.uk/ - Middlesex University graduate Kelvin Okafor, whose accurate pencil...
published: 29 Jan 2013
Middlesex University graduate Kelvin Okafor wows industry with lifelike pencil drawings
http://www.mdx.ac.uk/ - Middlesex University graduate Kelvin Okafor, whose accurate pencil drawings are often mistaken for photographs, is making waves in the art world after scooping a number of national awards and exhibiting at galleries across the country. The Tottenham based artist has drawn celebrities including Beyonce, Rihanna, Tinie Tempah Justin Bieber.
Find out more about the story:
- published: 29 Jan 2013
- views: 176415
2012 Basel Tattoo 05 Middlesex County Volunteers 18 July
2012 Basel Tattoo
Middlesex County Volunteers
18 July 2012 Show 2
Basel, Switzerland...
published: 20 Jul 2012
2012 Basel Tattoo 05 Middlesex County Volunteers 18 July
2012 Basel Tattoo
Middlesex County Volunteers
18 July 2012 Show 2
Basel, Switzerland
- published: 20 Jul 2012
- views: 1581
Discussing 'Middlesex' by Jeffrey Eugenides - First Tuesday Book Club, ABC (14/10/2011)
http://abc.net.au/sydneywritersfestival Jeffrey Eugenides, author of 'Middlesex', will be ...
published: 16 Apr 2012
Discussing 'Middlesex' by Jeffrey Eugenides - First Tuesday Book Club, ABC (14/10/2011)
http://abc.net.au/sydneywritersfestival Jeffrey Eugenides, author of 'Middlesex', will be a guest at the 2012 Sydney Writers' Festival
- published: 16 Apr 2012
- views: 1478
Middlesex by John Betjeman (poetry reading)
The statue of Sir John Betjeman is at St Pancras Station.
Kensal Green and Highgate are ...
published: 01 Nov 2012
Middlesex by John Betjeman (poetry reading)
The statue of Sir John Betjeman is at St Pancras Station.
Kensal Green and Highgate are famous cemeteries- the last picture is of Highgate.
Murray Posh and Lupin Pooter are characters out of The Diary of a Nobody:
He struggled with a rhyme for "flapping lightly" - at one time it was "thrice fortnightly" - because "twice fortnightly" is obviously weekly - yet three times every two weeks seems perverse, too. So, after polling his female friends, and being reminded that "fortnightly" means nothing to Americans, he settled for "Friday nightly" How do I know? Well, if I told you that, then you would know too much.
Gaily into Ruislip Gardens
Runs the red electric train,
With a thousand Ta's and Pardon's
Daintily alights Elaine;
Hurries down the concrete station
With a frown of concentration,
Out into the outskirt's edges
Where a few surviving hedges
Keep alive our lost Elysium - rural Middlesex again.
Well cut Windsmoor flapping lightly,
Jacqmar scarf of mauve and green
Hiding hair which, Friday nightly,
Delicately drowns in Drene;
Fair Elaine the bobby-soxer,
Fresh-complexioned with Innoxa,
Gains the garden - father's hobby -
Hangs her Windsmoor in the lobby,
Settles down to sandwich supper and the television screen.
Gentle Brent, I used to know you
Wandering Wembley-wards at will,
Now what change your waters show you
In the meadowlands you fill!
Recollect the elm-trees misty
And the footpaths climbing twisty
Under cedar-shaded palings,
Low laburnum-leaned-on railings
Out of Northolt on and upward to the heights of Harrow hill.
Parish of enormous hayfields
Perivale stood all alone,
And from Greenford scent of mayfields
Most enticingly was blown
Over market gardens tidy,
Taverns for the bona fide,
Cockney singers, cockney shooters,
Murray Poshes, Lupin Pooters,
Long in Kensal Green and Highgate silent under soot and stone.
- published: 01 Nov 2012
- views: 880