- published: 30 Nov 2007
- views: 126696

Movie Trailer: Airport: 1970
This was a marketing project for my editing class. I really liked this film, but the origi...
published: 30 Nov 2007
Movie Trailer: Airport: 1970
This was a marketing project for my editing class. I really liked this film, but the original trailer wasn't much more then a cast reel. If you can see any similarities, I used the trailer for "Rendition" as a template for what generally is a modern trailer; hence the "New Line" splash (not the original production company) and the choice of the first piece of music.
***UPDATE: I want to thank everyone for the views and the supportive and constructive comments! I will no longer be updating this channel with new content, but if you are interested in seeing more of my current and more recent work, feel free: http://www.youtube.com/TannerFehr
- published: 30 Nov 2007
- views: 126696

Airport (teljes film)
Hungarian dubbing.
The English-language version is also avilable on YouTube!
Színes, szin...
published: 05 Dec 2012
Airport (teljes film)
Hungarian dubbing.
The English-language version is also avilable on YouTube!
Színes, szinkronizált amerikai film - 1969.
Főszereplők: Burt Lancaster, Dean Martin, George Kennedy,
Jean Seberg, Jacqueline Bisset, Helen Hayes, Van Heflin és
egy Boeing 707-es.
Egy legendás klasszikus, mely Arthur Hailey regényének
harmadik filmváltozata.
Az első változat kanadai (még fekete-fehér) 1956-ban készült.
Eredeti címe: Flight into danger.
A második (szintén fekete-fehér) már Hollywood alkotása:
Zero hour címmel mutatták be 1957-ben.
Eredeti (MTV-s) szinkronnal.
Jó szórakozást a filmhez!
Letöltőprogram: http://www.youtubedownloadersite.com
- published: 05 Dec 2012
- views: 9360

Concorde... Airport '79 (teljes film)
Hungarian dubbing.
The English-language version is also available on YouTube!
Színes, szi...
published: 04 Dec 2012
Concorde... Airport '79 (teljes film)
Hungarian dubbing.
The English-language version is also available on YouTube!
Színes, szinkronizált amerikai film - 1979.
Arthur Hailey regénye nyomán, az utolsó legendás klasszikus.
Eredeti (MTV-s) szinkronnal, bár az RTL Klub által készített itt
is pontosabb.
Főszereplők: Alain Delon, George Kennedy, Robert Wagner,
Susan Blakely, Sylvia Kristel és persze a CONCORDE.
Jó szórakozást a filmhez!
Letöltéshez: http://www.youtubedownloadersite.com
A filmben látható CONCORDE (lajstromszáma: F-BTSC)
szenvedett végzetes balesetet 2000. július 25-én, a 4590-es
számú (Párizs-New York) járat gépeként.
Fontos kiemelni, hogy ez volt a típus első és egyetlen
balesete, a tesztrepüléseket is beleszámítva.
Így teljes joggal tekinthető a világ legbiztonságosabb
utasszállító repülőgépének.
Utolsó felszállásra 2003. november 26-án került sor.
Forrás és további részletek itt. http://www.wikipedia.org
- published: 04 Dec 2012
- views: 10744

Rotterdam Airport Film
Ter gelegenheid van het vijftig jarig jubileum, dat Rotterdam Airport in 2006 vierde, is e...
published: 07 Sep 2008
Rotterdam Airport Film
Ter gelegenheid van het vijftig jarig jubileum, dat Rotterdam Airport in 2006 vierde, is een speciale Rotterdam Airportfilm ontwikkeld. Via deze film krijgt u alvast een voorproefje van het comfort van het vliegen van Rotterdam Airport. In de film kunt u zien dat de luchthaven goed bereikbaar is met de auto en dat de auto dichtbij kan worden geparkeerd. Alle parkeerterreinen liggen namelijk op loopafstand van het luchthavengebouw. Bovendien ziet u dat de passagier, dankzij korte afstanden en snelle afhandeling, veel tijd kan winnen bij het inchecken.
- published: 07 Sep 2008
- views: 7707

Skiathos Airport 2011 [The Film]
For european aviation enthusiasts the cheaper choice of getting the Saint Marteen feeling ...
published: 06 Apr 2012
Skiathos Airport 2011 [The Film]
For european aviation enthusiasts the cheaper choice of getting the Saint Marteen feeling - Skiathos. Situated between the major big cities of greece, Thessaloniki and the capital Athens - the airport impresses because of its unique short runway (1628m/5341ft) and it resulting low approaches for european charter airliners up to the size of a Boeing 757!
I collected a lot of video material from different spots around the runway to show approaches and landings. Sadly my steadicam wasn't in use that time but its
coming to be active in 2012 for another film of Skiathos Airport 2.
- published: 06 Apr 2012
- views: 8068

The Airport (1948)
"The air is the greatest freeway man will ever know. It doesn't have to be built or mainta...
published: 13 Jul 2009
The Airport (1948)
"The air is the greatest freeway man will ever know. It doesn't have to be built or maintained. It touches every city and town."
Producer: Encyclopedia Britannica Films
- published: 13 Jul 2009
- views: 43457

Glasgow Film Festival - Samba Ya Bamba at Glasgow Airport
To mark the arrival of Glasgow Film Festival on Valentines Day, Samba Ya Bamba welcomed pa...
published: 07 Feb 2013
Glasgow Film Festival - Samba Ya Bamba at Glasgow Airport
To mark the arrival of Glasgow Film Festival on Valentines Day, Samba Ya Bamba welcomed passengers landing at Glasgow Airport with a pop-up drumming event and a little taste of Brazil. Glasgow Film Festival 2013 runs from 14 - 24 February, and this year is celebrating New Brazilian Cinema, video game-themed films, and the life and work of James Cagney.
Buena Onda: New Brazilian Cinema was kindly supported by Boteco do Brasil (http://www.botecodobrasil.com/).
With thanks to Glasgow Airport.
- published: 07 Feb 2013
- views: 3949

Zurich Airport - Departure
After 7 months it has finally come. We proudly present you our latest work. The film is ab...
published: 07 Dec 2011
Zurich Airport - Departure
After 7 months it has finally come. We proudly present you our latest work. The film is about three passengers departing from Zurich Airport to Boston. All three are very fascinated by the happenings at the airport and around their aircraft. Experience the fascination of flying up close and enjoy the pictures and sound!
Please NOTE:
For all the film critics: We are aware that the helicopter shots were taken on a different day. Therefore, the registration of the A340 is different. Since the A340 will soon be out of service, we do have a few of them filmed. We hope you enjoy the film anyway.
Your Producer and Team
Andy Ruesch
Film images are copy protected, any abuse will be punished!
- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 80095

London Airport 1940's Heathrow Construction Film
Courtesy: British Government Public Information Films
published: 02 Feb 2010
London Airport 1940's Heathrow Construction Film
Courtesy: British Government Public Information Films
The story of a great engineering feat - the building, at Heathrow, of one of the largest airports in the world.April 1944 Great Western Aerodrome started its transformation from a privately owned small grass airfield to Heathrow. One of the worlds busiest airports. Londons main civil airport replacing Croydon Airport.
The airport opened fully for civilian use on 31 May 1946. London Heathrow International Airport's one terminal was in fact an army surplus tent situated a short walk from the aircraft.
- published: 02 Feb 2010
- views: 10772

"Main Title" from the Airport soundtrack (Alfred Newman)
Music from the film starring Burt Lancaster and Dean Martin. For more film music, please ...
published: 29 Jun 2010
"Main Title" from the Airport soundtrack (Alfred Newman)
Music from the film starring Burt Lancaster and Dean Martin. For more film music, please visit: svoundtrack.ecrater.com
- published: 29 Jun 2010
- views: 9307

my little airport - tim, do you really want to make a film ?
my little airport - tim, do you really want to make a fi...
published: 12 Nov 2012
my little airport - tim, do you really want to make a film ?
my little airport - tim, do you really want to make a film ?
唱: very pretty nicole and 林阿p
詞/曲/編: pretty 林阿p
Come Out and Play (2004 compilation)
Tim, if you do wanna make a film, why don't you start to write a script? Do you just wanna tell everybody that you plan to make a film? Cos you want to show your existence. Let the world knows who's Tim, you even don't try to pick up a pen to write anything. But I do wanna see you can make a film that belongs to you, and I know you are more than this. It's time to start it and make a smile, cos I do wanna see you can make a film that belongs to you. I' ve been waiting so long. You have to start it within this summer. Everyday in this summer is like Sunday, you catch up with your friends every night and day, plan to date Candy in Causeway bay though she doesn't really wanna see your face, go shopping from Monday to Friday and watching VCDs every Saturdays, telling me your story will be Okay but no action until the end of this holiday. Tim, if I said I feel happy that sometimes you're worse than me, would you think that I have low self esteem and even more disguise than you? Will you be very angry? Do you still wanna talk to me? May be you just think no one understand you in this world. But I do wanna see you can make a film that belongs to you, and I know you are more than this. It's time to start it and make a smile, cos I do wanna see you can make a film that belongs to you. I' ve been waiting for so long. You have to start it within this summer.
- published: 12 Nov 2012
- views: 478
Vimeo results:

The ABC of Architects
This work is an alphabetical list of the most important architects with their best known b...
published: 08 Jan 2013
author: fedelpeye
The ABC of Architects
This work is an alphabetical list of the most important architects with their best known building.
A lot of them have been left out with grief because we only need one for each letter and we done an effort to have differents nationalities.
If you love architecture, for more stuff you can follow us in www.ombuarchitecture.tumblr.com
Concept and Animation: Andrea Stinga, Federico Gonzalez
Art Direction: Federico Gonzalez
Music: The Butterfly from Eugene C.Rose and George Ruble, (Creative Commons)
you can download it here: https://vimeo.com/musicstore/track/10358
Here is the alphabetical list We hope you enjoy it.
Alvar AAlto _ Säynätsalo Town hall - Finland
Luis Barragán _ satellite towers - Mexico city
Santiago Calatrava _ Lyon - Satolas airport railway station - lyon France
Luís Domènech i Montaner _ Antoni Tàpies foundation - Barcelona
Eduardo Souto de Moura _ Paula Rego's House of Stories _ Cascais _ portugal
Norman Foster_ London City Hall _ England
frank Gehry _ Guggenheim bilbao _ Spain
herzog & de meuron _ Beijing National Stadium _ CHina
Arata Isozaki _ Palau Sant Jordi _ barcelona
Philip Johnson _ The Glass House _ New Canaan _ United state
Louis Kahn _ National Parliament of Bangladesh _ Dhaka city
le corbusier _ Villa Savoye _ Poissy, Francia
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe _ barcelona pavilion _ Spain
oscar niemeyer _ National Congress of Brazil, Brasília
Joseph Maria Olbrich _ Secession building, vienna - Austria
César Pelli _ Petronas Twin Tower _ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Giacomo Quarenghi _ the Smolny Institute _ St. Petersburg, Russia.
Renzo Piano + Richard Rogers _ Pompidou Centre _ Paris, Francia
Álvaro Siza _ Ibere camargo foundation _ porto alegre _ Brazil
kenzo Tange _ Tokyo Olympic Stadium - Japan
Jørn Utzon _ Sydney Opera House _ Australia
William Van Alen _ Chrysler Building _ New York City
frank lloyd wright _ guggenheim new york _ United state
Iannis Xenakis _ Philips pavilion _ Expo '58 in Brussels
Minoru Yamasaki _ World Trade Center
Zaha Hadid_The Pierres Vives building _ Montpellier, France

Landings at San Diego Int Airport Nov 23, 2012
visit www.cysfilm.com
For inquiries relating to this video please send your nam...
published: 01 Dec 2012
author: Cy Kuckenbaker
Landings at San Diego Int Airport Nov 23, 2012
visit www.cysfilm.com
For inquiries relating to this video please send your name, org, phone, email, country and request to landingsvideo@gmail.com

"Kinetic Rain" Changi Airport Singapore
In the course of refurbishment works ART+COM was commissioned to create a signature art in...
published: 04 Jul 2012
author: ART+COM
"Kinetic Rain" Changi Airport Singapore
In the course of refurbishment works ART+COM was commissioned to create a signature art installation for the Departure-Check-in hall of Terminal 1 at Singapore Airport. “Kinetic Rain” is composed of two parts, each consisting of 608 rain droplets made of lightweight aluminum covered with copper. Suspended from thin steel ropes above the two opposing escalators, each droplet is moved precisely and seemingly floating by a computer-controlled motor hidden in the halls ceiling. The drops follow a 15-minute, computationally designed choreography where the two parts move together in unison, sometimes mirroring, sometimes complementing, and sometimes responding to each other.
Video © Changi Airport Group http://www.changiairport.com/terminal1

While on our way home from photographing Formula Drift Palm Beach, Larry Chen and I found ...
published: 14 Jun 2011
author: Joe Ayala
While on our way home from photographing Formula Drift Palm Beach, Larry Chen and I found ourselves stranded over night in Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) as our flights home were canceled. The following is a brief summary of the events that took place that night.
"TANDEM OF DIE" DVD Coming Soon by Joe Ayala & Justin Shreeve.
Check out our other videos at vimeo.com/tod
Youtube results:

funny film clips airport security Filmclips
Filmclips very funny http://www.filmclips.be film clips Japanese Parody of TSA Airport Se...
published: 22 Jul 2012
funny film clips airport security Filmclips
Filmclips very funny http://www.filmclips.be film clips Japanese Parody of TSA Airport Security . For more funny filmclips please visit the website
- published: 22 Jul 2012
- views: 2653

The Expendables 2 Movie CLIP - Airport (2012) - Arnold Schwarzenegger HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn...
published: 15 Aug 2012
The Expendables 2 Movie CLIP - Airport (2012) - Arnold Schwarzenegger HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn
The Expendables 2 Movie CLIP - Airport (2012) - Arnold Schwarzenegger HD
Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.
"Expendables 2 movie" "expendables 2 HD" "expendables 2 trailer" "Jason Statham" "Bruce Willis" "Liam Hemsworth" "Arnold Schwarzenegger" "Sylvester Stallone" "Jean-Claude Van Damme" "Chuck Norris" "Jet Li" "Dolph Lundgren" "Terry Crews" "Scott Adkins" "Sinom West" movie clips movieclips movieclipsDOTcom movieclipstrailers popuptrailer clip scene
- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 297890

Zurich Airport - Summer Time (12min)
This is the first Time, that i upload a full Project and creation to YouTube.
This is the ...
published: 28 Nov 2010
Zurich Airport - Summer Time (12min)
This is the first Time, that i upload a full Project and creation to YouTube.
This is the long awaited Zurich Airport - Summer Time movie. Part one of the Airport Series. Enjoy the action on the Field, Runway and Pushback Trucks! Dedicated to all Zurich Airport Staff Members, Plane lovers and Zurich Airport Fans! If you like to support me, please visit http://www.rueschproductions.com/ and hit the "Donate" Button. Thank you!
Two Steps from Hell:
- Undying Love
- Fill My Heart (no Choir)
- After The Fall
- Atlantis (no Choir)
- Hello World
Your Producer
Andy Ruesch
More Videos on:
Film images are copy protected, any abuse will be punished!
- published: 28 Nov 2010
- views: 317652