
Cytosine Uracil Adenine Guanine DNA cutouts 2-3 19MAY10
Cytosine Uracil Adenine Guanine DNA cutouts 2-3 19MAY10
Cut outs of DNA by shapes.... I'm bragging! This is cool! NO NUMBERS! Just shapes and colors to draw molecules. Since CHON are used exclusively for amino acid backbones (and P for RNA-DNA)and each has a unique number of bonds the shapes correspond to the number of bonds! Just look and learn (or DRAW n' LEARN) (You can correctyourself and I show by my mistakes and second guessing....)See ....ScienceIsGOLDen.com ....for printouts you can just color in, connect the dots, even trace it out and hang on the refridgerator!...This is what the kids in college don't fully get, THE CHEMICAL Structure...the lines they use are boring and not very descriptive AND IN BLACK AND WHITE...We need to use color and the 3rd DIMENSION! this is hokey but again you can draw this on a napkin so it's practical! (Sorry if you're color blind...)...Enjoy! GOD BLESS- Randy Ribose (aka. Cosmic Ray-The Quantum Mechanic)

Symmetry of Uracil Translated for a Universal Energy Genealogy
Symmetry of Uracil Translated for a Universal Energy Genealogy
Though synthesis of Uracil is not possible to accomplish from its' naturally apparent parts it is physically divisible into two symmetrical fragments that are mirror images of one another. A model is presented in animated form that associates a transparent energy divide to this situation as a basic universal parity that enables the existence of the cell as a genetic transmission, relates nucleic acid structure to a transparent energy scale that is based distances along a mobius strip/inversion and accounts for memory/genetic memory as a physcial evidence of energy matter conversion involving vast distances along this scale. transient phenomenon, such as RNA are assigned parametr4ic physical/volumetric properties as mathematical inversions, in real value of the vast energy scale parameters. A transparent energy, relatable to the energy genealogy of uracils symmetry, is postulated to exist as an invisible "glue" that effects the sequestering of transient species (with uracil) from longer transmissions (eg DNA) held physically in the nucleus. Apparent criteria for the faces of nature, dynamic change revolve around a world construction that is perceived as solely as a place of proximities whose coherent interpretation is accomplished only by reference to the empirically apparent and is scientifically interpretable this way only with respect to the entailed alphabet of potential relations, as an alphabet of the mathematics, from which a mathematics may be resolved as a subset <b>...</b>

SpaceChem - Uracil (1421/1/89)
SpaceChem - Uracil (1421/1/89)
I am literally the worst SpaceChem player ever. Recorded solution for "Uracil" from SpaceChem, a design-based puzzle game from Zachtronics Industries. Download the demo at www.spacechemthegame.com today!

SpaceChem - Uracil (410/1/73)
SpaceChem - Uracil (410/1/73)
Recorded solution for "Uracil" from SpaceChem, a design-based puzzle game from Zachtronics Industries. Download the demo at www.spacechemthegame.com today!

SpaceChem - Uracil (446/1/77)
SpaceChem - Uracil (446/1/77)
Sometimes I really am amazed by this game. spacechem.net Here we have two solutions, both being equally as fast and using almost the same number of symbols, and yet being completely different. It's exactly this, crafting a unique solution for a level, that I love so much about this game. Probably why I continue to play it in my off time even now. Recorded solution for "Uracil" from SpaceChem, a design-based puzzle game from Zachtronics Industries. Download the demo at www.spacechemthegame.com today!

SpaceChem - Uracil (447/1/73)
SpaceChem - Uracil (447/1/73)
Took serbaldrigs original design and found a way to remove 4 symbols at the cost of 1 cycle. With a small change you can do 447/1/75 anyway, but I like it better this way :-) Recorded solution for "Uracil" from SpaceChem, a design-based puzzle game from Zachtronics Industries. Download the demo at www.spacechemthegame.com today!

Biology Song-Transcription and Protein Synthesis
Biology Song-Transcription and Protein Synthesis
Lyrics: Wake up in the mornin, transcript my DNA I've got my RNA polymerase, it's gonna split these strands When it unzips, it's gonna bind to new RNA And when it's done, it's gonna reform the DNA I'm talkin messenger RNA strands, strands Formin on my hands, hands Startin on promoters, moters A codon is three nitro-bases, which makes an amino acid Which forms polypeptides... Don't stop, synthesize, transfer RNA Just base pair, with anticodons All up on those ribosomes Tik tok, translate, through the nucleus with uracil Oh, oh, oh, oh NO, NO THYMINE Don't stop, synthesize, transfer RNA Just base pair, with anticodons All up on those ribosomes Tik tok, translate, through the nucleus with uracil Oh, oh, oh, oh NO, NO THYMINE

Transkription Biologie GeroMovie (lange Version)
Transkription Biologie GeroMovie (lange Version)
Die Transkription ist ein Lehrvideo für Biologie (Zelle) [GeroMovie©] Mit witzigen und anschaulichen Erklärungen versteht jeder was eine DNA-Transkription ist und was sie bewirkt und wie der Prozess abläuft. Unterschied DNA-RNA: Struktur: DNA: Zwei Einzelstränge / RNA: Einen Einzelstrang (kann auch zwei haben) DNA: Zucker-Desoxyribose / RNA: Zucker-Ribose + OH-Gruppe mehr DNA: Adenin, Thymin, Guanin und Cytosin RNA: Adenin, Uracil, Guanin und Cytosin Funktion: DNA: enhält vererbbare Informationen, die Gene RNA: enhält nur die Informationen eines Gens Promotor: -Nukleotidsequenz -befindet sich vor dem Gen -besteht aus 25-32 Nukleotide -enhält mehr Adenin und Thymin Terminator: -Nukleotidsequenz -befindet sich hinter dem Gen -besteht aus 4-10 Nukleotide -enthält überwiegend Guanin und Cytosin Transkriptions Prozess: Schritt 1) Die RNA-Polymerase setzt sich an einen Promotor an und entschraubt die DNA, in dem sie die Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen spaltet. Schritt 2) Die RNA-Polymerase fügt die passenden Nukelotide hinzu, dabei gehört Adenin zu Uracil und Guanin zu Cytosin. Langsam entsteht ein RNA-Strang. Schritt 3) Dann spaltet sie weitere Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen und fügt passende Nukleotide hinzu. Diese Prozesse wiederholen sich so lange bis die RNA-Polymerase auf einen Terminator trifft. Schritt 4) RNA und RNA-Polymerase lösen sich von der DNA, die DNA windet sich in ihrem Ursprung zurück Schritt 5) Prokaryoten: RNA gelangt direkt nach Transkription zu dem Ribosom <b>...</b>

Review of Biological Chemistry, including Nucleotides, Nucleic Acids, Vitamins & Minerals. Reference is made to the components of each nucleotide: a 5-Carbon sugar (ribose or deoxyribose), a nitrogenous base, and phosphate. Purine bases (adenine & guanine) and Pyrimidine bases (thymine, cytosine & uracil) are described. Special reference is made to the high energy nucleotide, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), as well as AMP and ADP. Both the molecular structure of RNA is presented, and the molecular structure of DNA. Reference is made to complementary binding of bases and the Double Helix structure of the DNA. Clarification is given to the terms: Chromatids, Chromatin (uncoiled) Shape & Chromosomes (coiled-up) Shape of the DNA molecule. The principal functions of the lipid-soluble vitamins (retinol, calciferol, tocopherol & phylloquinone) & water-soluble vitamins (ascorbic acid, niacin, riboflavin & pantothenic acid) and the macronutrient minerals (calcium, phosphate, sodium & potassium) & micronutrient (trace) minerals (iron, iodine, copper & zinc). Reference is made to anti-oxidants, goiters & anemia.

Umar and Krishna-AP Biology Battle Rap Competition
Umar and Krishna-AP Biology Battle Rap Competition
=X This was a parody of "Sugar by Flo Rida" for a competition in AP Bio. Our topic was DNA/RNA. I'm the fat guy with the awkward pink hat and Harry Potter glasses =O Rate and Subscribe for Pretty Much No Reason at ALL =D Lyrics: Da double dee double di My lips like ribose This RNAs got you sprung So call me yo bases Im so nitrogenous Im sweet like... Sugar bonded to nitrogen With phosphate added in Adenine with Thymine Except for RNA Cuz it has Uracil Guanine and Cytosine Hydrogen bonds between Hey, DNA is a double helix One runs 5 to 3 prime-right side up So my love with the strands, theyre so antiparallel Gotta replicate, its an emergency, Split cuz of Helicase the strand separate The replication fork is what is made Put DNA Polymerase A lil enzyme on the start region Go 5 to 3 prime Toward a direction, the replication fork Its called the leading strand, it grows in one piece Growing from the fork comes the lagging strand, DNA ligase binds okazaki fragments, Pretty much, youre givin me new DNA Lil mama, give me nucleotides when I say Give me genetic molecules right a way, Shawty thats whats up. My lips like ribose This RNAs got you sprung So call me yo bases Im so nitrogenous Im sweet like... Sugar bonded to nitrogen With phosphate added in Adenine with Thymine Except for RNA Cuz it has Uracil Guanine and Cytosine Hydrogen bonds between H-Hey, Polymerase I wanna be transcribed Make sure you open up the DNA pretty wide Yep Yep! That Helicase sure is handy! Too bad RNA <b>...</b>

The inosine (orange colored = 6) family is shown with its fellow purine nucleotides (adenosine family = red = 1; guanosine family = green colored = 2i; pyrmidine nucleotides = 3 (Thymine family = (yellow) =4;Uracil family =5 = purple, inosine family = orange = 6. New six nucleotide genetic pairings (A+T),(U+I),(C+G) . tRNA editing Adenosine to Inosine or adenine to hypoxanthine or xanthine Wobble Code position 34 on amino acid peptide chain, and methyl inosine position 37 plus GU Wobble Metabolic Switches, Cytosine to Uracil ( C to U) deamination of pyrmidine nucleotides parallel and at same time deamination of A to I for purines; Instruction set = synthesis de novo, catabolic degradation, synthesis salvage ie wobble switches stop protein production when too much nitrogen is in the neuromuscular system and CNS glutamate removes NH3 (ammonia) from CNS; NH3 toxic, fatal to CNS and immune systems

Building blocks of DNA
Building blocks of DNA
nucleotides versus nucleosides, adenine, guanine, thymine, uracil and cytosine

DNA, Hot Pockets, & The Longest Word Ever: CrashCourse Biology #11
DNA, Hot Pockets, & The Longest Word Ever: CrashCourse Biology #11
Hank imagines himself breaking into the Hot Pockets factory to steal their secret recipes and instruction manuals in order to help us understand how the processes known as DNA transcription and translation allow our cells to build proteins. Like CrashCourse on Facebook! www.facebook.com Follow CrashCourse on Twitter! www.twitter.com Table of Contents: 1) Transcription 2:12 A) Transcription Unit 3:00 B) Promoter 3:10 C) TATA Box 3:32 D) RNA Polymerase 4:12 E) mRNA 4:15 F) Termination signal 5:21 G) 5' Cap & Poly-A Tail 5:34 2) RNA Splicing 6:08 A) SNuRPs & Spliceosome 6:26 B) Exons & Introns 6:56 3) Translation 7:28 A) mRNA & tRNA 8:01 B) Triplet Codons & Anticodons 8:39 4) Folding & Protein Structure 10:51 A) Primary Structure 11:11 B) Secondary Structure 11:23 C) Tertiary Structure 11:58 D) Quaternary Structure 12:44 Links to episodes referenced in the video: DNA structure episode: www.youtube.com Animal cells episode: www.youtube.com Fold-it SciShow episode: www.youtube.com REFERENCES for this video can be found in the Google document here: dft.ba This video contains the following sounds from Freesound.org: "IMPresora.wav" by melack "swishes.wav" by pogotron tags: crashcourse, science, biology, DNA, titin, hot pocket, transcription, translation, gene, RNA, enzyme, transcription unit, adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, TATA box, DNA strand, mRNA, messenger RNA, RNA polymerase, uracil, termination signal, RNA splicing, SNuRPs, spliceosome, exons, introns, ribosome, tRNA <b>...</b>

Part of DNA - Party in the USA Parody
Part of DNA - Party in the USA Parody
haha, you can learn all about Dna and miley cyrus songs with this video :) enjoy lyrics: Dna is found in a cell deep inside the nucleus welcome to the land of molecules where there's not a lot of roominess jump in the cell, replicating for the first time look to my right and i see mitosis real time this is all so crazy, everything is so teeny the helicase starts to work its way down the line thats when the dna starts to unzip and transcription starts to start and transcription starts to start and transcription starts to start chorus: and adenine hooked with thymine and cytosine with guanine they're copying themselves like yeah, making rna like yeah and in Rna the thymine switches with uracil it's all a part of dna it's all a part of dna the rna's out of the nuke all the organelles checking it out like where's an anticodon to make this all work out it's not hard to find a ribosome, that has a matcing anticodon they're in sets of 3, like a ponderosa tree they hook up a polypeptide chain emerges, that gets longer every time it goes off to become a protein and thats translation and thats translation and thats translation chorus: and adenine hooked with thymine and cytosine with guanine they're copying themselves like yeah, making rna like yeah and in Rna the thymine switches with uracil it's all a part of dna it's all a part of dna

LEAF 4th Annual Event Celebrating Toronto's Urban Forest w/Primordial Soup
LEAF 4th Annual Event Celebrating Toronto's Urban Forest w/Primordial Soup
Pictures I took from LEAF's 4th Annual event, celebrating Toronto's Urban Forest at the Artscape Wychwood Barns on June 11, 2010 Featuring a poem I wrote in 2008 about DNA, titled PRIMORDIAL SOUP. Background music with Bass Clarinet and Cello, titled DNA Duet, created in Finale Notepad 2010. Primordial Soup, I've always wondered what it'd be, To be a pool in endless sea, Primordial ooze at the dawn of time, Amino acids waiting for an enzyme, Watching and waiting at the sky above, For lighting to strike me and change what I consist of, To turn me into something more, Than what I was at my very core Adenine, gaunine, uracil, cytosine Is all I was is all I've been, Looking for that methyl group, In this endless primordial soup, To turn my uracil into thymine I feel that change from deep within No more lonely nights of solitaire I can be much more when I'm a pair, No longer single no longer flaccid I am now Deoxyribonucleic acid, And now I want to be much more To divide and conquer and wage war, Survival of the fittest is my stand, As I evolve gland by gland, Evolution is a genetic revolution, To be the best is my resolution, But now I fear that I'm alone All different and bad to the bone, They call me a strange anomaly In this huge normality sea But Without abnormalities there can be no change, And even though they call me strange There can be no evolution without genetic revolution And for this reason I am the solution Yet here I am, all alone Sitting by this ring-less <b>...</b>

Bite-Sized Biochemistry #39 - Nucleotide Metabolism I
Bite-Sized Biochemistry #39 - Nucleotide Metabolism I
Lecture by Kevin Ahern of Oregon State University discussing Biochemistry Basics in BB 451. See the full course at oregonstate.edu This course can be taken for credit (wherever you live) via OSU's ecampus. For details, see ecampus.oregonstate.edu Download Metabolic Melodies at www.davincipress.com Related courses include BB 350 - oregonstate.edu BB 450 - oregonstate.edu BB 100 - oregonstate.edu Nucleotide Metabolism 1. Nucleotides consist of a) sugar, b) nitrogenous base, and c) phosphate 2. Nucleosides consist of aa) sugar and b) nitrogenous base 3. The sugars of nucleosides and nucleotides are either ribose (found in ribonucleotides of RNA) or deoxyribose (found in deoxyribonucleotides of DNA). 4. The nitrogenous bases found in nucleotides include adenine (purine), guanine (purine), thymine (pyrimidine), cytosine (pyrimidine), and uracil (pyrimidine). 5. The bases adenine, guanine, and cytosine are found in both ribonucleotides and deoxyribonucleotides. Thymine is almost always found in deoxyribonucleotides. Uracil is found primarily in ribonucleotides and rarely in DNA, but does appear as a deoxyribonucleotide intermediate in thymidine metabolism. 6. Ribonucleotides are the building blocks of RNA and deoxyribonucleotides are the building blocks of DNA. 7. Nucleotides and nucleosides are made in cells by two general mechanisms - salvage pathways (use breakdown products of other nucleotides/nucleosides) or de novo pathways (synthesize nucleotides/nucleosides from scratch <b>...</b>

DNA H-Bond Lengths 2 SchroederDiamonds 01SEP2010
DNA H-Bond Lengths 2 SchroederDiamonds 01SEP2010
THis is the best way to focus on the DNA's hydrogen bonds! the Alien e- Pair and I always have to get my glasses to see which has the proton and which has the electron pairs.... and now I see the p+ is always on the N and middle N's have it both ways and now you can see which one! I really learned it by the time it takes to draw it so I hope you do too?! This is what it's all about! If you made it this far you know more than ALL the biochemists knew about DNA when I was born (I'm pretty old!) THis is so much more fun than what the books show (what they think is important isn't it? Just think that an enzyme has to open up the double strand and these are the bonds that get broken...well TATA's boxes are common threads and they are TWO H-bonds where as CG are the triple Hydrogen bonded bases (so which are stronger????) The alien e-PAIR is most useful here sin't it??? Oxygen...Notice the nitrogen in the middle of both bonds such that one is the e-pair donating and the other is accepting...See the transfer NON-Watson Crick Base pairing for really cool base pair Hydrogen bonding!!! GOD is a genius! DNA H-Bond Length Schroeder Diamonds guanine adenine thymidine cytosine uracil DNA hydrogen bonds

transfer t-RNA Loop BasePairs 1 SchroederDiamond1SEP10
transfer t-RNA Loop BasePairs 1 SchroederDiamond1SEP10
THey call these NON-Watson Crick pairings... These are WAY COOL! GOD made it so that the transfer RNA can form these loops and the H-BONDS can work on both sides of the bases... I learned this in college but it didn't take life till I did the Schroeder Diamonds....You have to draw these to really get the feel for how they work...transfer RNA Loop Non-Watson Crick base pairs BasePairs (really cool how the bases can crosslink like with each other...remember the MITOCHONDRIA carries the genes for it's OWN t-RNA! Schroeder Diamond H-bonds DNA guanine cytosine adenine thymidine uracil

Polypeptide Synthesis Song - Fergilicious
Polypeptide Synthesis Song - Fergilicious
Polypeptide Synthesis Song - Fergilicious This is our practical group assignment for Biology ! Excuse our voices, singing is none of our fortes. Also, sorry about the ending, something seems to have gone wrong with the syncing ! OH WELL. Heres hoping we get full marks. LYRICS BY: Lyna, Anna & Julie Listen up y'all Cause this is it The process of protein synthesis! Coding and translations how we form the polypeptides The DNA unwinds just like the zippers of our school bags Polymerase (is the enzyme) Splits the helix (for transcription) Cytosine (with Guanine) Thymine's out of the equation Adenine - with Uracil Cause, they make the complement And now that they a shown, They will carry on the message mRNA (yeahh) Now it's time for translation (we accidently sang "transcription"..) And it'll leave the nucleus On a trip to cytoplasm (four, tres, two, uno!) Chorus: We're in business ! With polypeptide synthesis It's scientific ! Mix in some phosphate and sugar We're in business ! With polypeptide synthesis It's scientific ! (Ppppp-polypeptides) Amino acids yeah Amino acids yeah Amindo acids yeah They chain, chain, chain, chain. chain... Coding and translation how we form the polypeptides The mRNA is taken to the cytoplasm from the N to the U to the CLEUS Through the nuclear pores Into the cyto-destination Amino acids (form a chain) The ribosomes translates, So the tRNA, brings the right amino acids All the codons (ooh yeah !) Are matched with anti-codons Found on the tRNA And <b>...</b>