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  1. Tony Topham: Shop Stewards and Workers' Control
  2. Ernest Mandel: After Imperialism?
  3. Ken Coates: AEU Elections
  4. New Left Review: The Centre-Left Moves Right
  5. Lucien Rey: The Revolution in Zanzibar
  6. New Left Review: The Socialist Register
  7. W.E. Willmott: Cambodia
  8. New Left Review: Introduction to Ianni on Brazil
  9. Octavio Ianni: Political Process and Economic Development in Brazil (Part I)
  10. Michael Parsons: Karlheinz Stockhausen
  11. Lee Russell: Jean Renoir
  12. Alan Beckett: Recent Coltrane
  13. Tony Benn: Fabianism and Colonialism
  14. Ioan Davies: Reply to Anthony Wedgwood Benn



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