- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 259
Cantonese Opera 广州粤剧团演出 《花月影》下
published: 01 Sep 2013
Cantonese Opera 广州粤剧团演出 《花月影》下
Cantonese Opera 广州粤剧团演出 《花月影》下
倪惠英,原籍湖北武汉,生于广西南宁。广州粤剧一团(团长)当家花旦,国家一级演员,第十四届中国戏剧梅花奖获得者。人称"金嗓子"、"小曲王",是当今粤剧舞台上声、色、艺俱全,文武双绝的粤剧表演艺术家。倪惠英在表演上以纯真,朴实,细腻著称。她,怀着一颗热爱粤剧事业、执着追求艺术的心,刻苦、钻研、谦虚好学,形成了独树一帜的清新、绮丽、婉转、传情的艺术风格:音色甜美,运腔婉转,吐字清晰,着重人物感情的表达。在唱腔艺术上,除了吸取粤剧的传统唱法外,更着力于戏曲演唱中歌唱性的探索因而颇受听众的欢迎。 几十年来,她塑造了一批宜雅宜俗、性格各异的舞台形象:闺门旦、青衣、刀马旦,无论古装或现代剧演来无不一一得心应手。在舞台上先后上演了数十多个悲欢离合、荡气回肠故事,唱红了南粤大地,倾倒了海外广大侨胞,积累了丰富的舞台艺术经验,结下了累累的艺术硕果,代表作有:《女儿香》、《范蠡献西施》、《睿王与庄妃》、《土缘》、《花月影》、《豪门千金》、《三家巷》等等,在粤剧艺术的继承、创新上都作了大胆的探索,受到了广大粤剧爱好者的欢迎。 近十几年来,她率团出访,行程万里,足迹遍及美加、新加坡、日本、港澳。演出盛况空前,以其诱人的艺术魅力,一曲高歌,掌声四起,美国三藩市的侨胞们更是奔走相告,惊呼"中国大陆来一位了不起的花旦!" 黎骏声,于1995年至1996年在中国戏曲学院表演系戏曲演员研修班学习并结业。1980年参加工作。著名粤剧文武生,曾在《搜书院》、《苦凤莺怜》、《西厢月下情》、《花染状元红》、《锺无艳大破棋盘阵》等剧中任主演。2001年广州粤剧团重组后,成为该团担纲文武生,与著名粤剧花旦倪惠英形成新的组合,先后在《范蠡献西施》、《睿王与庄妃》、《花月影》、《豪门千金》、《三家巷》等近三十出大型粤剧中领衔主演。 其戏路宽广,文武兼备,善于运用各种表演手段和声腔塑造人物,嗓音淳厚,行腔流畅高低自如,富有韵味,深得行家和观众喜爱。 从艺二十多年,在舞台上积累了丰富的演出经验和表演心得。1998年获广东省第二届粤剧演艺大赛金奖。2002年11月获广东省第三届粤剧演艺大赛金奖;同年,因饰演新编粤剧《花月影》中"林园生"一角,荣获第八届广东省艺术节表演二等奖。2003年被评为广东省戏剧"十佳中青年演员"。2004年获广东电视台电视观众最喜爱的粤剧曲艺演员。2008年因饰演粤剧《三家巷》中"周炳"一角,荣获第十届广东省艺术节表演二等奖。同年荣获广东省"新世纪之星"荣誉称号。- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 259
粵劇 花田錯會(1/3) 丁凡 蘇春梅 cantonese opera
published: 29 Jun 2013
author: pineapple1881
粵劇 花田錯會(1/3) 丁凡 蘇春梅 cantonese opera
粵劇 花田錯會(1/3) 丁凡 蘇春梅 cantonese opera
星加坡慈善演唱.- published: 29 Jun 2013
- views: 460
- author: pineapple1881
粵劇: 雷鳴金鼓之聚英台 (完整版本) 林家聲,陳好逑,李鳳主演 Cantonese Opera
粵劇: 雷鳴金鼓戰笳聲之怒闖聚英台(完整版本) 頌新聲粵劇團(1980) 珍貴粵劇舞台紀錄由香港著名資深粵劇演員精彩演出演員表: 夏青雲-- 林家聲翠碧公主-- 陳好逑馬行田-- ...
published: 26 Dec 2012
author: momo8257
粵劇: 雷鳴金鼓之聚英台 (完整版本) 林家聲,陳好逑,李鳳主演 Cantonese Opera
粵劇: 雷鳴金鼓之聚英台 (完整版本) 林家聲,陳好逑,李鳳主演 Cantonese Opera
粵劇: 雷鳴金鼓戰笳聲之怒闖聚英台(完整版本) 頌新聲粵劇團(1980) 珍貴粵劇舞台紀錄由香港著名資深粵劇演員精彩演出演員表: 夏青雲-- 林家聲翠碧公主-- 陳好逑馬行田-- 新海泉秦莊王-- 尤聲普落霞公主-- 李鳳傅大夫-- 蕭仲坤霜杏-- 鄒麗鳳雪梅-- 鄧燕芬感想: 看回以前香...- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 20722
- author: momo8257
粵劇 花好月圓(1/2) 鍾康祺 倪惠英 cantonese opera
published: 08 Dec 2012
author: pineapple1881
粵劇 花好月圓(1/2) 鍾康祺 倪惠英 cantonese opera
粵劇 蓮花仙子詞皇帝 羅家宝 林錦屏 cantonese opera
published: 08 Jan 2013
author: pineapple1881\'s channel
粵劇 蓮花仙子詞皇帝 羅家宝 林錦屏 cantonese opera
粵劇 蓮花仙子詞皇帝 羅家宝 林錦屏 cantonese opera
粵曲演唱.- published: 08 Jan 2013
- views: 464
- author: pineapple1881\'s channel
Cantonese Opera (再世紅梅記之觀柳還琴)
published: 04 Jul 2013
Cantonese Opera (再世紅梅記之觀柳還琴)
Cantonese Opera (再世紅梅記之觀柳還琴)
2002年10月29日西灣河文娛中心劇院--(何偉凌-劉妙芬-裴駿軒-鄭詠梅-呂洪廣-陳金成)--音樂領導:譚兆威--擊樂領導:梁潤添--藝術指導:李燕清-許堅信- published: 04 Jul 2013
- views: 104
粤剧 Cantonese opera ! 李淑勤, Beauty with voice of a canary!
FOR CANTONESE OPERA ENTHUSIASTS ONLY: 火网梵宫十四载( A Buddhist Recluse for Fourteen Years ) 之庵堂...
published: 23 Oct 2008
author: ppplll000999
粤剧 Cantonese opera ! 李淑勤, Beauty with voice of a canary!
粤剧 Cantonese opera ! 李淑勤, Beauty with voice of a canary!
FOR CANTONESE OPERA ENTHUSIASTS ONLY: 火网梵宫十四载( A Buddhist Recluse for Fourteen Years ) 之庵堂诉情(Nunnery re-union) by 尹光(Wang Kwong) & 李淑勤(Lee Suk Kan). This ...- published: 23 Oct 2008
- views: 137143
- author: ppplll000999
Cantonese Opera-Birth of Goddess of Mercy 1-粤剧-观音出世1
Enjoy this classic CO performed by Soon Duck CO Troupe of Guangzhou with reknown musicians...
published: 10 Apr 2013
author: Tsiyan Kang
Cantonese Opera-Birth of Goddess of Mercy 1-粤剧-观音出世1
Cantonese Opera-Birth of Goddess of Mercy 1-粤剧-观音出世1
Enjoy this classic CO performed by Soon Duck CO Troupe of Guangzhou with reknown musicians. Here's how typical CO before innovation !粤剧-观音出世(全剧)-第一场《贺寿贬谪》 主演...- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 1470
- author: Tsiyan Kang
Cantonese Opera Embedded feet Performer 约会名伶[王超群]
Enjoy this rigid training of embedded feet performer whom is equivalent to Ballet but alwa...
published: 04 Apr 2013
author: Tsiyan Kang
Cantonese Opera Embedded feet Performer 约会名伶[王超群]
Cantonese Opera Embedded feet Performer 约会名伶[王超群]
Enjoy this rigid training of embedded feet performer whom is equivalent to Ballet but always on their toes ! Lost tradition now even in China but in Malaysia...- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 177
- author: Tsiyan Kang
Cantonese Opera Contention for Command 1-《龍鳳爭掛帥》1
Enjoy this classic Cantonese Opera performed in Malaysia in 1995 with veteran 2nd and 3rd ...
published: 30 Aug 2013
Cantonese Opera Contention for Command 1-《龍鳳爭掛帥》1
Cantonese Opera Contention for Command 1-《龍鳳爭掛帥》1
Enjoy this classic Cantonese Opera performed in Malaysia in 1995 with veteran 2nd and 3rd generation CO actors/actresses . The costumes were all very traditional and completely more colourful to reflect their contrast in low dim lighted stage and sites. Nowadays the costumes are cheaper and workmanship is less than these ones. Enjoy Act 1 《龍鳳爭掛帥》 The brief introduction of the story in Chinese is given to understand the story line. 《龍鳳爭掛帥》 上官雲龍與司徒文鳳同為漢朝大將,二人功績不相上下。雲龍平南蠻有功,文鳳則剿滅西遼。二人雖互相傾慕,但各恃功績,互不相讓。還鄉途中雲龍與文鳳再度相遇,又起爭執,後更鬧至殿上要求漢帝持平,否則辭官歸里。漢帝心生一計,分別封文鳳為御妹及雲龍為一字並肩王,然後令二人成婚。二人喜獲賜封,卻不知婚配對象的真實身份。新婚當晚,二人赫然發現真相,漢帝卻不許他們離異,否則一同治罪。雲龍與文鳳唯有無奈接受,實際兩人暗裏鍾情對方,只是礙於面子未曾承認。時北狄又再入侵中原,雲龍、文鳳即趕往校場爭奪帥印。二人比武旗鼓相當,最後文鳳抽籤成為主帥,雲龍為副。出戰期間,雲龍戰況不利,被迫低頭向文鳳請兵,最終打敗北狄王。然二人卻在漢帝面前維護對方,各陳真相又再起爭執。最後雲龍為文鳳深情重義感動,二人和好團圓。- published: 30 Aug 2013
- views: 33
帝女花之香夭 (龍劍笙 梅雪詩) Cantonese Opera Sacrifice of a Princess
帝女花is a Cantonese Opera first made into a movie in 1959, starring Opera singers, Yam Kim F...
published: 11 Feb 2008
author: canaanoptical
帝女花之香夭 (龍劍笙 梅雪詩) Cantonese Opera Sacrifice of a Princess
帝女花之香夭 (龍劍笙 梅雪詩) Cantonese Opera Sacrifice of a Princess
帝女花is a Cantonese Opera first made into a movie in 1959, starring Opera singers, Yam Kim Fei and Bak Suit Sin, both ladies, but Yam impersonated a man in al...- published: 11 Feb 2008
- views: 497932
- author: canaanoptical
粵劇: 鳳閣恩仇未了情之惜別 羅家英,盧秋萍 主演 Cantonese Opera
粵劇: 鳳閣恩仇未了情之惜別羅家英,盧秋萍主演Cantonese Opera....
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: momo8257
粵劇: 鳳閣恩仇未了情之惜別 羅家英,盧秋萍 主演 Cantonese Opera
粵劇: 鳳閣恩仇未了情之惜別 羅家英,盧秋萍 主演 Cantonese Opera
粵劇: 鳳閣恩仇未了情之惜別羅家英,盧秋萍主演Cantonese Opera.- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 658
- author: momo8257
Youtube results:
ATV 2009 HK Cantonese Opera Singing Competition
Top 3 Finalists - Contestant No. 5 in duet with famous HK opera artist Mun Kim Fei....
published: 30 Mar 2010
author: Alan Wong
ATV 2009 HK Cantonese Opera Singing Competition
ATV 2009 HK Cantonese Opera Singing Competition
Top 3 Finalists - Contestant No. 5 in duet with famous HK opera artist Mun Kim Fei.- published: 30 Mar 2010
- views: 23458
- author: Alan Wong
Cantonese opera songs singing 紫鳳樓 by 姚志明, 鄧有銀
Pollok arts association concert at Hong Kong City Hall Theatre, Nov., 2006....
published: 05 Jan 2013
author: williamaupoyee
Cantonese opera songs singing 紫鳳樓 by 姚志明, 鄧有銀
Cantonese opera songs singing 紫鳳樓 by 姚志明, 鄧有銀
Pollok arts association concert at Hong Kong City Hall Theatre, Nov., 2006.- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 5384
- author: williamaupoyee
粵曲: 高山流水 (片段) 許文杰,黃春強 主唱Cantonese Opera
published: 22 Jun 2012
粵曲: 高山流水 (片段) 許文杰,黃春強 主唱Cantonese Opera
粵曲: 高山流水 (片段) 許文杰,黃春強 主唱Cantonese Opera
(卡拉OK) 由國內著名粵劇演員精彩演出 感想: 兩位都是丁凡的徒弟仔,年輕有為,但黃春強似乎還要多鑽研唱功方面,兩位都前途無限,丁凡收得為徒既,都會係優質既!- published: 22 Jun 2012
- views: 873