Ariane 4 history
Ariane 4 is justly known as the 'workhorse' of the Ariane family. Since its first flight o...
published: 20 Aug 2010
author: SpaceRenaissance
Ariane 4 history
Ariane 4 is justly known as the 'workhorse' of the Ariane family. Since its first flight on 15 June 1988 it has made over 100 successful launches. The Ariane 4 has proved ideal for launching satellites for communications and Earth observation, as well as for scientific research. Credits: Arianespace & European Space Agency (ESA) ID number: SEMTQQ1A6BD
published: 20 Aug 2010
views: 2150
Campagne de lancement Ariane 4
Ariane 4 a été le fer de lance de l'Europe Spatiale. De juin 1988 à février 2003, ce ne so...
published: 29 Jan 2009
author: DestinationOrbite
Campagne de lancement Ariane 4
Ariane 4 a été le fer de lance de l'Europe Spatiale. De juin 1988 à février 2003, ce ne sont pas moins de 116 exemplaires de la fusée qui ont été lancés depuis le Centre Spatial Guyanais de Kourou dans les 6 configurations existantes. Sur 116 missions, on n'a dénombré que 3 accidents.
published: 29 Jan 2009
author: DestinationOrbite
views: 5704
Explosion Ensemble de Lancement Ariane 4
published: 11 Sep 2011
author: Clibertown
Explosion Ensemble de Lancement Ariane 4
Ariane 5 V201 Rocket Launch Of NILESAT 201 for Nilesat and RASCOM-QAF1R satellite for RascomStar-QAF
On Wednesday, August 4, Arianespace orbited the NILESAT 201 direct broadcast satellite for...
published: 10 Aug 2010
author: Matthew Travis
Ariane 5 V201 Rocket Launch Of NILESAT 201 for Nilesat and RASCOM-QAF1R satellite for RascomStar-QAF
On Wednesday, August 4, Arianespace orbited the NILESAT 201 direct broadcast satellite for the Egyptian operator Nilesat, and the RASCOM-QAF1R communications satellite for the pan-African operator RascomStar-QAF. Both satellites were built by Thales Alenia Space. During the mission, the heavy-lift Ariane 5 delivered an estimated total payload lift performance of 7085 kg., which included 6250 kg. for the NILESAT 201 and RASCOM-QAF1R satellites, plus their integration hardware and the SYLDA 5 dual-payload dispenser system. 52nd Ariane 5 launch, 38th success in a row
published: 10 Aug 2010
author: Matthew Travis
views: 2243
Senkrechtstarter ins All: Ariane - eine europäische Erfolgsstory
FACEBOOK: tinyurl.com Ariane-Jubiläum: Der 30. Geburtstag der Ariane-Rakete. --- • www.you...
published: 24 Dec 2009
author: WissensMagazin
Senkrechtstarter ins All: Ariane - eine europäische Erfolgsstory
FACEBOOK: tinyurl.com Ariane-Jubiläum: Der 30. Geburtstag der Ariane-Rakete. --- • www.youtube.com • www.youtube.com --- 30 Jahre Ariane - Eine europäische Erfolgsgeschichte Am 24. Dezember 1979 war es soweit: Die ESA konnte den ersten erfolgreichen Start ihrer neuen Trägerrakete Ariane bejubeln. Sie eröffnete Europa den eigenen Zugang zum Weltraum, wurde in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten ständig bis zur heutigen Ariane 5 weiter entwickelt und avancierte zum weltweit erfolgreichsten kommerziellen Nutzlastträger. Damit haben europäische Ingenieure eine einzigartige Erfolgsstory geschrieben. Wo sich in Französisch-Guayana vor vier Jahrzehnten noch ein Streifen Savanne und Urwald zwischen den Amazonaswäldern und dem Atlantik befand und einige Bewohner in einem Ort namens Kourou ihr kärgliches Dasein fristeten, befindet sich heute das europäische Raumfahrtzentrum Centre Spatial Guyanais (CSG). Von dort wurden seit Ende 1979 fast 200 europäische Ariane-Raketen mit überwiegend kommerziellen Nutzlasten gestartet. Davon waren lediglich zehn Fehlstarts. Die Ariane gilt damit als eine der zuverlässigsten Trägerraketen auf dem hart umkämpften Weltraumtransportmarkt. Der Erfolg kam mit der ESA Schon fast zwei Jahrzehnte vorher, noch zu Beginn des Raumfahrtzeitalters, hatten Politiker in Frankreich und Großbritannien erkannt, dass sich Europa an der Eroberung und Nutzung des Weltraums aktiv beteiligen muss, will es nicht wissenschaftliches und technologisches "Entwicklungsgebiet" werden ...
published: 24 Dec 2009
author: WissensMagazin
views: 38691
FSX KMCO-KIAH Ariane B737-800 Part 1 of 4 Preflight
This is Continental Flight #687 from Orlando (KMCO) to Houston (KIAH) on a Boeing 737-800 ...
published: 27 Jun 2010
author: tf51d
FSX KMCO-KIAH Ariane B737-800 Part 1 of 4 Preflight
This is Continental Flight #687 from Orlando (KMCO) to Houston (KIAH) on a Boeing 737-800 (Ariane) Part 1 of 4 Preflight
published: 27 Jun 2010
author: tf51d
views: 3298
Esfera Metálica que caiu no Maranhão pode ser Tanque de Hydrazina do Foguete Ariane-4
25/02/2012 03h33 - Atualizado em 25/02/2012 03h42 Lixo espacial: A agência de notícias rus...
published: 25 Feb 2012
author: w1TenMinutes
Esfera Metálica que caiu no Maranhão pode ser Tanque de Hydrazina do Foguete Ariane-4
25/02/2012 03h33 - Atualizado em 25/02/2012 03h42 Lixo espacial: A agência de notícias russa Ria Novosti repercutiu o caso nesta sexta (24) e, segundo um especialista ouvido, a peça pertenceria a um foguete da família Ariane do consórcio espacial europeu Arianespace, responsável também pelo russo Soyuz eo italiano Vega. O foguete é lançado da base de Kuru, na Guiana Francesa, para colocar satélites em órbita. A informação foi divulgada no site em francês da agência, que entrevistou o pesquisador espacial Igor Lissov. "Pode-se afirmar com alto grau de probabilidade que o balão esférico descoberto no estado do Maranhão é um fragmento do terceiro estágio do lançador europeu Ariane-4 lançado em 1997 do centro espacial de Kourou", disse Lissov. Segundo ele, comunicados entre pesquisadores norte-americanos confirmam a informação. Trajetória. A possibilidade de a peça pertencer a um foguete se explica, segundo Marcos Pontes, também pelo local onde o objeto metálico caiu e pelo estado em que foi encontrado. "A trajetória dele fica mais para o norte, ou seja, a peça teoricamente cairia no meio do oceano Atlântico. Seria mais provável. Mas pela proximidade, pode até ser de ele chegar por ali, no Maranhão", diz Pontes. Além disso, explica ele, o foguete "sai do zero e passa por diferentes velocidades na atmosfera". "Esses objetos que estão no espaço em órbitas baixas, com o tempo vão perdendo velocidade e começam a reentrar. Sendo de um foguete, ele teria menos chance de queimar ...
published: 25 Feb 2012
author: w1TenMinutes
views: 2130
Ariane 5 (Flight V-201) Launch Aborted (From T-4 Mins)
The scheduled Ariane 5 Rocket launch was aborted dramaticly today when the solid rocket bo...
published: 30 Mar 2011
author: SpaceVidsNet
Ariane 5 (Flight V-201) Launch Aborted (From T-4 Mins)
The scheduled Ariane 5 Rocket launch was aborted dramaticly today when the solid rocket boosters failed to ignite. The exact cause is not known at this time however the rocket will be pulled back into the assembly building for testing before a second launch attempt. This flight (V-201) was due to launch two satellites, Yahsat 1A and Intelsat New Dawn from the French spaceport in Kourou in French Guiana.
published: 30 Mar 2011
author: SpaceVidsNet
views: 2969
Esfera Espacial que caiu no Maranhão pode ser Tanque do Foguete Ariane 4
25/02/2012 23h48 - Atualizado em 24/02/2012 Moradores no Maranhão veem objetos não-identif...
published: 25 Feb 2012
author: w1TenMinutes
Esfera Espacial que caiu no Maranhão pode ser Tanque do Foguete Ariane 4
25/02/2012 23h48 - Atualizado em 24/02/2012 Moradores no Maranhão veem objetos não-identificados caírem do céu. Presidente da Sociedade de Astronomia do Maranhão crê em lixo espacial. Objetos caíram em duas cidades distantes 300 quilômetros uma da outra. Uma esfera esquisita, meio queimada, aparentemente de ferro. Segundo os moradores de Anapurus, cidade do norte do Maranhão, que fizeram as imagens com um celular, a bola caiu do céu, derrubou duas árvores e assustou muita gente. Não foi a única esquisitice que os maranhenses viram cair do céu. A 300 quilômetros de Anapurus, outro objeto não-identificado causou espanto logo cedo. "Nós estávamos tomando café, quando meu marido olhou, tava desse tamanhozinho, ela girando, né? Aí, quando baixou a vista, que levantou de novo, nós ouvimos apenas o estrondo", diz uma moradora. O objeto parece uma placa de metal e ficou cravado numa árvore na pequena cidade de Tufilândia. "Acredito que foi uma coisa feita pelo homem. Ou foi satélite, um pedaço de avião, uma coisa qualquer. Sei que do céu não veio. Veio do espaço. Mas do céu, não veio", diz outro morador. O presidente da Sociedade de Astronomia do Maranhão disse que nunca tinha visto nada parecido, mas que a hipótese é que os objetos sejam lixo espacial. "Ele contém marcas pela corrosão com aspectos derretimento e há o fato das testemunhas terem dito que ouviram um grande estrondo. Essas duas características são evidências que o objeto pode ter vindo do espaço", afirma Manuel ...
published: 25 Feb 2012
author: w1TenMinutes
views: 6782
Orbiter 2010 Space Flight Simulation Vol. I
This is a video with scenes from the game Orbiter 2010!+, showning Ariane 4 & 5 launcher. ...
published: 28 Aug 2010
author: TrueMrReset
Orbiter 2010 Space Flight Simulation Vol. I
This is a video with scenes from the game Orbiter 2010!+, showning Ariane 4 & 5 launcher. Orbiter 2010 is a free and realistic space flight simulation program for the Windows PC, created by Martin Schweiger. You can download the game here: orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk There are many addons aviable! A great sim!
published: 28 Aug 2010
author: TrueMrReset
views: 5786
Goa Gil & Ariane Italy Torino 12/07/08 Parte 4/7
Indimenticabile ed Indescrivibile......
published: 23 Jul 2008
author: stekka1990
Goa Gil & Ariane Italy Torino 12/07/08 Parte 4/7
Michelle Kwan - 1998 World Pro "Lamento d'Ariane"
Song: Lamento d'Ariane Composer: Jules Massenet Conducted by: Richard Bonynge Performed by...
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: mopme2008
Michelle Kwan - 1998 World Pro "Lamento d'Ariane"
Song: Lamento d'Ariane Composer: Jules Massenet Conducted by: Richard Bonynge Performed by: National Philharmonic Orchestra (from the ballet "Ariane") Song: Absalom's Death and Tango Composer: Leonid Desyatnikov Performed by: Gidon Kremer (from the Russian film "Zakat") Song: Scenes dramatiques, "Suite No.3": III. Scene finale Composer: Jules Massenet Song: Scenes de feerie, "Suite No.6": IV. Bacchanale Composer: Jules Massenet
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: mopme2008
views: 3948
Vimeo results:
TOLEDO طليطلة توليدو טולדו
This is a Gift for all my arab and jewish friends that keep Spain in t...
published: 10 May 2009
author: Jorge Molina Lamothe
TOLEDO طليطلة توليدو טולדו
This is a Gift for all my arab and jewish friends that keep Spain in their hearts. You can purchase the original footage clips at www.pond5.com (very nice prices)
It was gathered from a Long Ranger Bell helicopter, using Sony 950 HD camera mounted on a Cineflex system, a morning on August 2008. Not to forget.
Music: Kiya Tabassian
Toledo, Spain
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Founded 7th century
Toledo (Latin: Toletum) is a municipality located in central Spain, 70 km south of Madrid. It is the capital of the province of Toledo and of the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986 for its extensive cultural and monumental heritage as one of the former capitals of the Spanish Empire and place of coexistence of Christian, Jewish and Moorish cultures. Many famous people and artists were born or lived in Toledo, including Al-Zarqali, Garcilaso de la Vega, Alfonso X and El Greco. It was also the place of important historic events such as the Visigothic Councils of Toledo. As of 2007, the city has a population of 78,618 and an area of 232.1 km² (89.59 square miles).
Toledo once served as the capital city of Visigothic Spain, beginning with Liuvigild (Leovigild), and was the capital until the Moors conquered Iberia in the 8th century. Under the Caliphate of Cordoba, Toledo enjoyed a golden age. This extensive period is known as La Convivencia, i.e. the co-existence of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Under Arab rule, Toledo was called Tulaytulah (Arabic طليطلة, academically transliterated Ṭulayṭulah).
On May 25, 1085 Alfonso VI of Castile took Toledo and established direct personal control over the Moorish city from which he had been exacting tribute, and ending the mediaeval Taifa's Kingdom of Toledo . This was the first concrete step taken by the combined kingdom of Leon-Castile in the Reconquista by Christian forces.
Toledo was famed for its production of iron and especially of swords and the city is still a center for the manufacture of knives and other steel implements. When Philip II moved the royal court from Toledo to Madrid in 1561, the old city went into a slow decline from which it never recovered.
Toledo's Alcázar became renowned in the 19th and 20th centuries as a military academy. At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 its garrison was famously besieged by Republican forces.
Arts and culture
Toledo reached its zenith in the era of Islamic Caliphate. Historian P. de Gayangos writes:
The Muslim scientists of this age were not rivaled in the world. Perhaps among their greatest feats were the famous waterlocks of Toledo.[1]
The old city is located on a mountaintop with a 150 degrees view, surrounded on three sides by a bend in the Tagus River, and contains many historical sites, including the Alcázar, the cathedral (the primate church of Spain), and the Zocodover, a central market place.
From the 4th century to the 16th century about thirty synods were held at Toledo. The earliest, directed against Priscillian, assembled in 400. At the synod of 589 the Visigothic King Reccared declared his conversion from Arianism; the synod of 633 decreed uniformity of liturgy throughout the Visigothic kingdom and took stringent measures against baptized Jews who had relapsed into their former faith. The council of 681 assured to the archbishop of Toledo the primacy of Spain.
As nearly one hundred early canons of Toledo found a place in the Decretum Gratiani, they exerted an important influence on the development of ecclesiastical law. The synod of 1565–1566 concerned itself with the execution of the decrees of the Council of Trent; and the last council held at Toledo, 1582–1583, was guided in detail by Philip II.
Toledo was famed for religious tolerance and had large communities of Muslims and Jews until they were expelled from Spain in 1492 (Jews) and 1502 (Muslims). Today's city contains the religious monuments the Synagogue of Santa María la Blanca, the Synagogue of El Transito, Mosque of Cristo de la Luz and the church of San Sebastián dating from before the expulsion, still maintained in good condition. Among Ladino-speaking Sephardi Jews, in their various diasporas, the family name Toledano is still prevalent - indicating an ancestry traced back to this city (the name is also attested among non-Jews in various Spanish-speaking countries).
In the 13th century, Toledo was a major cultural center under the guidance of Alfonso X, called "El Sabio" ("the Wise") for his love of learning. The program of translations, begun under Archbishop Raymond of Toledo, continued to bring vast stores of knowledge to Europe by rendering great academic and philosophical works in Arabic into Latin. The Palacio de Galiana, built in the Mudéjar style, is one of the monuments that remain from that period.
The Cathedral of Toledo (Catedral de Toledo) was built between 1226-1493 and modeled after the Bourges Cathedral, though it
Concorde 'Candy Boy'
Download track on iTunes : http://tinyurl.com/withconcorde
published: 28 Dec 2010
author: Sister Records
Concorde 'Candy Boy'
Download track on iTunes : http://tinyurl.com/withconcorde
Artist : Concorde
Title : Candy Boy
Recorded at 6565, Blackjoy Studio and Third Side Studio.
Mixed By Blackjoy at Third Side Studio assisted by Vincent Fraboulet.
Mastered By Chab at Translab.
Directed by Etienne Akroe Bardelli & Clément Froissart
Written by Akroe & KRSN
Illustrations / Costumes : Jan KRSN Garet
Director of Photography / co-direction / Frame : Guillaume Le Grontec & Misha Taylor
Producer : Aurélie Bardet
Edit : Mehdi Mir
Color : Anne Szymkowiak at Digimage
After Effect : Chris Dupuis
Production : Imperial / Sister Records
Hair : Messieurs-Dames
Clothes : Adeline Pelle / Elie Ortis / April 77 / Narumi at Mon Amour Vintage Shop
Staff : François Chevalier, Damien de Volkovitch, Dorothée Bigot, Xavier Boreux.
Locations : Chez Moune, Antoine Mathilde and Hélios Carboué's home, Noisy Le Grand, Bonneuil, St Maur, A4.
Candy Boy : Félix Richon
Light Renting : Photocinerent
Cast : Julie Fournier, Constance Doyle, Matthieu Mieulle, Olivier Wattre, Damien de Volkovitch, Ariane de Volkovitch, Marine Lecoanet, July Bigot, Audrey Zinger, Adeline Pelle, Ségolène Baron, Carole Benyamin, Eglantine Rembauville, Joséphine Bungener, Cécile Bigot, Pierre Bigot, Mary Hooper, Odilon, Fabrice Sudrie, Marthe Seguin, Johanna Etournel, Luc Schumacher, ...
Management : Matthieu Couturier
Label Manager : Dorothée Bigot
Concorde is :
Clement Froissart
Max Zippel
Roger Zippel
Louis Delorme
Ariane Hotel
The presentation video for the 4 star Hotel/Restaurant Ariane....
published: 21 Oct 2010
author: Ariane Hotel
Ariane Hotel
The presentation video for the 4 star Hotel/Restaurant Ariane.
Clip "4 mornings"
Clip - 3' 50'' - 2011
Un tournage, deux films : "4 mornings", un clip pour Cortella ...
published: 19 Feb 2011
author: Ariane Picoche
Clip "4 mornings"
Clip - 3' 50'' - 2011
Un tournage, deux films : "4 mornings", un clip pour Cortella monté par Clara Desse, et "Un de ces quatre matins", un court-métrage dédié aux festivals et monté par Lisa Daumergue.
Une ligne directrice, deux personnages : la routine et la solitude de Monsieur X chamboulées par la rencontre de Madame Y. Un conte moderne et naïf qui prône le mélange des individus et des univers.
Et pour l’instant, un seul volet de ce diptyque cinématographico-musical disponible sur Vimeo parce que… Parce que chaque chose en son temps !
Ariane Picoche
François Nambot (Monsieur X)
Macha Polivka (Madame Y)
Soda Pop Films
Florian Delhomme
Cyril A. Fabien
Ariane Picoche
Jean Charpentier
Catherine Lecomte
Walter Lewino
Emmanuel Pierret
Malo Proix
Grégoire Vignon
Sean Singery
Sébastien Jousselin
Diane Din Ebongue
Nicolas Kunc
Florian Delhomme
Zoé Picoche
Arnaud Damien
Aurore Benoît
Laura Perez Rubiano
Clara Desse
Yann Cortella
Youtube results:
Ev. Ariane da IPDA pregando no 13º aniversario da Fundação Reviver Parte 4
Parte 4 não foi eu quem filmou :] mas o audio tá bom.... Parte 1: www.youtube.com Parte 2:...
published: 30 Dec 2009
author: likasa123
Ev. Ariane da IPDA pregando no 13º aniversario da Fundação Reviver Parte 4
Parte 4 não foi eu quem filmou :] mas o audio tá bom.... Parte 1: www.youtube.com Parte 2:www.youtube.com Parte 3: www.youtube.com
published: 30 Dec 2009
author: likasa123
views: 1712
Soirée Délire sur Team Fortress 2 en compagnie de Johnny Boy et aRiane ! Partie 4
Vidéo de mon ancienne chaîne secondaire :)...
published: 08 Oct 2012
author: UneuroSecondaire
Soirée Délire sur Team Fortress 2 en compagnie de Johnny Boy et aRiane ! Partie 4
Vidéo de mon ancienne chaîne secondaire :)
published: 08 Oct 2012
author: UneuroSecondaire
views: 1256
Ariane Brunet à Rythme Fm Montréal - Le bonheur est à 4 heures
Ariane Brunet en entrevue avec Sébastien Benoit et Patrica Paquin au 105,7 Rythme Fm Montr...
published: 12 Apr 2011
author: kadenceb
Ariane Brunet à Rythme Fm Montréal - Le bonheur est à 4 heures
Ariane Brunet en entrevue avec Sébastien Benoit et Patrica Paquin au 105,7 Rythme Fm Montréal, dans le Bonheur est à 4 heures!
published: 12 Apr 2011
author: kadenceb
views: 2091
First Humanist "Thought for the Day" on Radio 4
The first atheist "Thought for the afternoon" broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Saturday 10th Ja...
published: 10 Jan 2009
author: greenegage
First Humanist "Thought for the Day" on Radio 4
The first atheist "Thought for the afternoon" broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Saturday 10th January 2009. The speaker is Ariane Sherine fresh from that week's launch of the Atheist bus.
published: 10 Jan 2009
author: greenegage
views: 3792