- published: 10 May 2011
- views: 1369
- author: TheTrancer18

Polska Republika Ludowa - krótka historia rządu lubelskiego (7-17 listopad 1918 r.)
Krótka historia Tymczasowego Rządu Ludowego Republiki Polskiej, kierowanego przez Ignacego...
published: 10 May 2011
author: TheTrancer18
Polska Republika Ludowa - krótka historia rządu lubelskiego (7-17 listopad 1918 r.)
Polska Republika Ludowa - krótka historia rządu lubelskiego (7-17 listopad 1918 r.)
Krótka historia Tymczasowego Rządu Ludowego Republiki Polskiej, kierowanego przez Ignacego Daszyńskiego, działacza PPSD (później PPS)... Postulował on i prog...- published: 10 May 2011
- views: 1369
- author: TheTrancer18

Daszyński dla Warszawy
www.daszynski.warszawa.pl Podpisz się pod apelem o budowę pomnika Ignacego Daszyńskiego w ...
published: 06 Nov 2008
author: ignacydaszynski
Daszyński dla Warszawy
Daszyński dla Warszawy
www.daszynski.warszawa.pl Podpisz się pod apelem o budowę pomnika Ignacego Daszyńskiego w Warszawie!- published: 06 Nov 2008
- views: 1322
- author: ignacydaszynski

Tomasz Nałęcz o Ignacym Daszyńskim
www.daszynski.warszawa.pl Podpisz się pod apelem o budowę pomnika Ignacego Daszyńskiego w ...
published: 20 Nov 2008
author: ignacydaszynski
Tomasz Nałęcz o Ignacym Daszyńskim
Tomasz Nałęcz o Ignacym Daszyńskim
www.daszynski.warszawa.pl Podpisz się pod apelem o budowę pomnika Ignacego Daszyńskiego w Warszawie!- published: 20 Nov 2008
- views: 587
- author: ignacydaszynski

Bulk Carrier Ignacy Daszynski departing Tyne Dock February 2009
The bulk carrier departs at 12.30 for Riga in Latvia on the 19th....
published: 26 Jul 2011
author: ALANSVIDS1
Bulk Carrier Ignacy Daszynski departing Tyne Dock February 2009
Bulk Carrier Ignacy Daszynski departing Tyne Dock February 2009
The bulk carrier departs at 12.30 for Riga in Latvia on the 19th.- published: 26 Jul 2011
- views: 61
- author: ALANSVIDS1

Duch równości - duch niepodległości. Debata 7 listopada.
7 listopada 1918 r. zostaje utworzony Tymczasowy Rząd Ludowy.
Na jego czele stanął Ignacy...
published: 16 Nov 2013
Duch równości - duch niepodległości. Debata 7 listopada.
Duch równości - duch niepodległości. Debata 7 listopada.
7 listopada 1918 r. zostaje utworzony Tymczasowy Rząd Ludowy. Na jego czele stanął Ignacy Daszyński. O realizacji idei równości przez rząd Daszyńskiego i książce "Duch równości" Richarda Wilkinsona i Kate Pickett rozmawiają: Adam Ostolski (Partia Zielonych) Weronika Śmigielska (Krytyka Polityczna - Klub w Krakowie) Krzysztof Wołodźko (pismo Nowy Obywatel) Dariusz Szczotkowski (Federacja Młodych Socjaldemokratów) Prowadzenie: Agata Czarnacka (Lewica24.pl) Manifest rządu polskiego wprowadza równouprawnienie wszystkich obywateli i obywatelek bez różnicy narodowości, wyznania oraz przyznaje wolność słowa, zgromadzeń, zrzeszeń i prawo do strajku. Jako jeden z pierwszych rządów na świecie Tymczasowy Rząd Ludowy potwierdza i gwarantuje prawa wyborcze kobiet (wyprzedzając tym samym większość państw europejskich, a także USA). Manifest ustala 8-godzinny wymiar czasu pracy w przemyśle, rzemiośle i handlu. Rząd deklaruje natychmiastowe przystąpienie do reorganizacji organów samorządu terytorialnego i utworzenie milicji ludowej. Zobowiązuje się wnieść do Sejmu Ustawodawczego projekty reform dotyczących: przeprowadzenia reformy rolnej; upaństwowienia niektórych działów przemysłu i komunikacji; udziału robotników w administrowaniu prywatnymi przedsiębiorstwami; wprowadzenia prawa o ubezpieczeniach i ochronie pracy; powszechnego, świeckiego i bezpłatnego nauczania w szkołach. Wyraża wolę rozwiązania wszystkich sporów terytorialnych z sąsiadami na zasadzie wspólnych negocjacji. U zarania swej niepodległości Polska była zaprojektowana jako państwo nowoczesne, postępowe i egalitarne. O książce czytaj na stronie wydawnictwa: http://www.czarnaowca.pl/filozofia/duch_rownosci,p1712561434 Panel "Duch równości - duch niepodległości" był częścią obchodów 95. rocznicy powstania rządu Daszyńskiego w Krakowie.- published: 16 Nov 2013
- views: 112

[184/318] Tadeusz Woźniak: Mam zaszczyt przedstawić stanowisko Klubu Parlamentarnego Solidarna P..
http://sejmometr.pl/sejm_wystapienia/32321 Posiedzenie Sejmu nr 35 6 marca 2013 r. 16:59:0...
published: 21 May 2013
author: sejmometr
[184/318] Tadeusz Woźniak: Mam zaszczyt przedstawić stanowisko Klubu Parlamentarnego Solidarna P..
[184/318] Tadeusz Woźniak: Mam zaszczyt przedstawić stanowisko Klubu Parlamentarnego Solidarna P..
http://sejmometr.pl/sejm_wystapienia/32321 Posiedzenie Sejmu nr 35 6 marca 2013 r. 16:59:00 Poseł Tadeusz Woźniak: Pani Marszałek! Wysoki Sejmie! Mam zaszczy...- published: 21 May 2013
- views: 4
- author: sejmometr

Video 2013-2-68 ***INDEPENDENCE DAY*** Dzień Niepodległości,Poland November 11-th 2013
Celebrating Independence Day in Poland on the 11-th of November!Have a nice watching!Amnas...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Video 2013-2-68 ***INDEPENDENCE DAY*** Dzień Niepodległości,Poland November 11-th 2013
Video 2013-2-68 ***INDEPENDENCE DAY*** Dzień Niepodległości,Poland November 11-th 2013
Celebrating Independence Day in Poland on the 11-th of November!Have a nice watching!Amnas2011 National Independence Day is a public holiday in Poland celebrated every year on 11 November to commemorate the anniversary of Poland's assumption of independent statehood in 1918 after 123 years of partition by Russia, Prussia and Austria. The foundation of the Second Polish Republic is considered a key event by many Poles. Date's significance: The process of restoration of Poland's independence was gradual; the date chosen is the one on which Józef Piłsudski assumed control of Poland. The Independence Day was constituted in 1937 and was celebrated only twice before World War II. In the People's Republic of Poland (PRL) the national holiday was moved to July 22 the day the PKWN Manifesto was issued. In 1989 the Independence Day was moved back to November 11. In 1918, after 123 years of occupation, the Polish state was reborn and regained its independence. Autumn 1918 marked the end of World War I and the defeat of all three occupiers. Russia was plunged into the confusion of revolution and civil war, the multinational Austro-Hungarian monarchy fell apart and went into decline and the Germans bowed to pressure from the forces of the Entente. For Poles this was a unique opportunity to reclaim their national way of life. Following defeat of the occupying forces, the Poles began to seize military and civil power, building the foundations of their future nation. On October 28, 1918 the Polish Liquidation Commission was formed in Kraków. The Commission began to seize power from the hands of the Austrians in Galicia and Cieszyn Silesia. A few days later they succeeded in disarming the Austrian forces using members of the secret Polish Military Organisation as well as legionnaires and young people. On November 1, 1918 fighting broke out in Lvov between the Poles and the Ukrainians who were mounting a rebellion of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. On the nights of 6 and 7 November the Provisional Government of the People's Republic of Poland was formed in Lublin under the supervision of Ignacy Daszyński. The government was made up of representatives from the Polish Socialist Party (PPS), the Polish Social-Democratic Party (PPSD) and the Polish People's Party "Wyzwolenie" (Liberation). At the same time the Government troops disarmed the occupying forces in Lubelszczyzna and Kielecczyzna. It was at this point that Józef Pilsudski returned to Poland. He had been imprisoned since July 1917 by the Germans. On 10 November 1918 he arrived in Warsaw. His arrival was enthusiastically met by the population of the capital and saw the mass disarmament of the occupying forces across the whole of Poland. On 11 November 1918 the secret departments of the Polish Military Organisation, demobilized soldiers, legionnaires and young people, disarmed the Germans in Warsaw and other Polish towns. The Regency Government appointed Józef Pilsudski Commander-in-Chief over the Polish Forces and three days later Pilsudski was given complete civil control. The day before he was also put in charge of the Provisional Government of the People's Republic of Poland in Lublin. Józef Pilsudski formed a new centralized government which on 21 November issued a manifesto announcing agricultural reforms and the nationalization of several branches of industry. He declared, however, that these measures would depend on the decision of the future legislative government. At the same time Józef Pilsudski brought in highly favourable conditions for the workers and called parliamentary elections. Dzień Niepodległości,11 listopad,zapraszam do obejrzenia!Pozdrawiam i życzę miłego weekendu!Amnas2011 NARODOWE ŚWIĘTO NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI -- polskie święto, obchodzone co roku 11 listopada, dla upamiętnienia rocznicy odzyskania przez Naród Polski niepodległego bytu państwowego w 1918 roku po 123 latach od rozbiorów dokonanych przez Austrię, Prusy i Rosję. Ustanowione w ostatnich latach II RP, przywrócone w roku 1989. Jest dniem wolnym od pracy.- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 34

Video 2013-2-67 ***INDEPENDENCE DAY*** Dzień Niepodległości,Poland November 11-th 2013
Celebrating Independence Day in Poland on the 11-th of November!Have a nice watching!Amnas...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Video 2013-2-67 ***INDEPENDENCE DAY*** Dzień Niepodległości,Poland November 11-th 2013
Video 2013-2-67 ***INDEPENDENCE DAY*** Dzień Niepodległości,Poland November 11-th 2013
Celebrating Independence Day in Poland on the 11-th of November!Have a nice watching!Amnas2011 National Independence Day is a public holiday in Poland celebrated every year on 11 November to commemorate the anniversary of Poland's assumption of independent statehood in 1918 after 123 years of partition by Russia, Prussia and Austria. The foundation of the Second Polish Republic is considered a key event by many Poles. Date's significance: The process of restoration of Poland's independence was gradual; the date chosen is the one on which Józef Piłsudski assumed control of Poland. The Independence Day was constituted in 1937 and was celebrated only twice before World War II. In the People's Republic of Poland (PRL) the national holiday was moved to July 22 the day the PKWN Manifesto was issued. In 1989 the Independence Day was moved back to November 11. In 1918, after 123 years of occupation, the Polish state was reborn and regained its independence. Autumn 1918 marked the end of World War I and the defeat of all three occupiers. Russia was plunged into the confusion of revolution and civil war, the multinational Austro-Hungarian monarchy fell apart and went into decline and the Germans bowed to pressure from the forces of the Entente. For Poles this was a unique opportunity to reclaim their national way of life. Following defeat of the occupying forces, the Poles began to seize military and civil power, building the foundations of their future nation. On October 28, 1918 the Polish Liquidation Commission was formed in Kraków. The Commission began to seize power from the hands of the Austrians in Galicia and Cieszyn Silesia. A few days later they succeeded in disarming the Austrian forces using members of the secret Polish Military Organisation as well as legionnaires and young people. On November 1, 1918 fighting broke out in Lvov between the Poles and the Ukrainians who were mounting a rebellion of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. On the nights of 6 and 7 November the Provisional Government of the People's Republic of Poland was formed in Lublin under the supervision of Ignacy Daszyński. The government was made up of representatives from the Polish Socialist Party (PPS), the Polish Social-Democratic Party (PPSD) and the Polish People's Party "Wyzwolenie" (Liberation). At the same time the Government troops disarmed the occupying forces in Lubelszczyzna and Kielecczyzna. It was at this point that Józef Pilsudski returned to Poland. He had been imprisoned since July 1917 by the Germans. On 10 November 1918 he arrived in Warsaw. His arrival was enthusiastically met by the population of the capital and saw the mass disarmament of the occupying forces across the whole of Poland. On 11 November 1918 the secret departments of the Polish Military Organisation, demobilized soldiers, legionnaires and young people, disarmed the Germans in Warsaw and other Polish towns. The Regency Government appointed Józef Pilsudski Commander-in-Chief over the Polish Forces and three days later Pilsudski was given complete civil control. The day before he was also put in charge of the Provisional Government of the People's Republic of Poland in Lublin. Józef Pilsudski formed a new centralized government which on 21 November issued a manifesto announcing agricultural reforms and the nationalization of several branches of industry. He declared, however, that these measures would depend on the decision of the future legislative government. At the same time Józef Pilsudski brought in highly favourable conditions for the workers and called parliamentary elections. Dzień Niepodległości,11 listopad,zapraszam do obejrzenia!Pozdrawiam i życzę miłego weekendu!Amnas2011 NARODOWE ŚWIĘTO NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI -- polskie święto, obchodzone co roku 11 listopada, dla upamiętnienia rocznicy odzyskania przez Naród Polski niepodległego bytu państwowego w 1918 roku po 123 latach od rozbiorów dokonanych przez Austrię, Prusy i Rosję. Ustanowione w ostatnich latach II RP, przywrócone w roku 1989. Jest dniem wolnym od pracy.- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 25

Video 2013-2-61 ***INDEPENDENCE DAY*** Dzień Niepodległości,Poland November 11-th 2013
Celebrating Independence Day in Poland on the 11-th of November!Have a nice watching!Amnas...
published: 08 Nov 2013
Video 2013-2-61 ***INDEPENDENCE DAY*** Dzień Niepodległości,Poland November 11-th 2013
Video 2013-2-61 ***INDEPENDENCE DAY*** Dzień Niepodległości,Poland November 11-th 2013
Celebrating Independence Day in Poland on the 11-th of November!Have a nice watching!Amnas2011 National Independence Day is a public holiday in Poland celebrated every year on 11 November to commemorate the anniversary of Poland's assumption of independent statehood in 1918 after 123 years of partition by Russia, Prussia and Austria. The foundation of the Second Polish Republic is considered a key event by many Poles. Date's significance: The process of restoration of Poland's independence was gradual; the date chosen is the one on which Józef Piłsudski assumed control of Poland. The Independence Day was constituted in 1937 and was celebrated only twice before World War II. In the People's Republic of Poland (PRL) the national holiday was moved to July 22 the day the PKWN Manifesto was issued. In 1989 the Independence Day was moved back to November 11. In 1918, after 123 years of occupation, the Polish state was reborn and regained its independence. Autumn 1918 marked the end of World War I and the defeat of all three occupiers. Russia was plunged into the confusion of revolution and civil war, the multinational Austro-Hungarian monarchy fell apart and went into decline and the Germans bowed to pressure from the forces of the Entente. For Poles this was a unique opportunity to reclaim their national way of life. Following defeat of the occupying forces, the Poles began to seize military and civil power, building the foundations of their future nation. On October 28, 1918 the Polish Liquidation Commission was formed in Kraków. The Commission began to seize power from the hands of the Austrians in Galicia and Cieszyn Silesia. A few days later they succeeded in disarming the Austrian forces using members of the secret Polish Military Organisation as well as legionnaires and young people. On November 1, 1918 fighting broke out in Lvov between the Poles and the Ukrainians who were mounting a rebellion of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. On the nights of 6 and 7 November the Provisional Government of the People's Republic of Poland was formed in Lublin under the supervision of Ignacy Daszyński. The government was made up of representatives from the Polish Socialist Party (PPS), the Polish Social-Democratic Party (PPSD) and the Polish People's Party "Wyzwolenie" (Liberation). At the same time the Government troops disarmed the occupying forces in Lubelszczyzna and Kielecczyzna. It was at this point that Józef Pilsudski returned to Poland. He had been imprisoned since July 1917 by the Germans. On 10 November 1918 he arrived in Warsaw. His arrival was enthusiastically met by the population of the capital and saw the mass disarmament of the occupying forces across the whole of Poland. On 11 November 1918 the secret departments of the Polish Military Organisation, demobilized soldiers, legionnaires and young people, disarmed the Germans in Warsaw and other Polish towns. The Regency Government appointed Józef Pilsudski Commander-in-Chief over the Polish Forces and three days later Pilsudski was given complete civil control. The day before he was also put in charge of the Provisional Government of the People's Republic of Poland in Lublin. Józef Pilsudski formed a new centralized government which on 21 November issued a manifesto announcing agricultural reforms and the nationalization of several branches of industry. He declared, however, that these measures would depend on the decision of the future legislative government. At the same time Józef Pilsudski brought in highly favourable conditions for the workers and called parliamentary elections. Dzień Niepodległości,11 listopad,zapraszam do obejrzenia!Pozdrawiam i życzę miłego weekendu!Amnas2011 NARODOWE ŚWIĘTO NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI -- polskie święto, obchodzone co roku 11 listopada, dla upamiętnienia rocznicy odzyskania przez Naród Polski niepodległego bytu państwowego w 1918 roku po 123 latach od rozbiorów dokonanych przez Austrię, Prusy i Rosję. Ustanowione w ostatnich latach II RP, przywrócone w roku 1989. Jest dniem wolnym od pracy.- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 124

Prawie 95 lat temu. Po 123 latach. W nocy z 6 na 7 listopada 1918 utworzono w Lublinie Tym...
published: 07 Nov 2012
author: TVSLD
Prawie 95 lat temu. Po 123 latach. W nocy z 6 na 7 listopada 1918 utworzono w Lublinie Tymczasowy Rząd Republiki Polski. Był to rząd Ignacego Daszyńskiego. B...- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 246
- author: TVSLD

Car Carrier City of Nordic departs Tyne Dock October 2011
Long distance view of the car carrier leaving the Tyne car terminal assisted by the tug Ya...
published: 04 Oct 2011
author: ALANSVIDS1
Car Carrier City of Nordic departs Tyne Dock October 2011
Car Carrier City of Nordic departs Tyne Dock October 2011
Long distance view of the car carrier leaving the Tyne car terminal assisted by the tug Yarm Cross on the 3rd, bound for Amsterdam.- published: 04 Oct 2011
- views: 32
- author: ALANSVIDS1

TVSLD (konferencja) :. SLD chce pomnika Ignacego Daszyńskiego w Warszawie.
Konferencja prasowa Klubu Poselskiego SLD - SLD chce pomnika Ignacego Daszyńskiego w Warsz...
published: 10 Nov 2012
author: TVSLD
TVSLD (konferencja) :. SLD chce pomnika Ignacego Daszyńskiego w Warszawie.
TVSLD (konferencja) :. SLD chce pomnika Ignacego Daszyńskiego w Warszawie.
Konferencja prasowa Klubu Poselskiego SLD - SLD chce pomnika Ignacego Daszyńskiego w Warszawie. Udział w konferencji wzięli: Leszek Miller, Dariusz Joński, K...- published: 10 Nov 2012
- views: 81
- author: TVSLD

91 rocznica odzyskania niepodległości
Delegacja PPS składa kwiaty pod tablica upamietniającą powstanie Rządu Ignacego daszyńskie...
published: 09 Nov 2009
author: moritor
91 rocznica odzyskania niepodległości
91 rocznica odzyskania niepodległości
Delegacja PPS składa kwiaty pod tablica upamietniającą powstanie Rządu Ignacego daszyńskiego.- published: 09 Nov 2009
- views: 43
- author: moritor
Youtube results:

Czy patriotyzm jest zarezerwowany dla prawicy?
W 90. rocznicę powołania Rządu Lubelskiego Ignacego Daszyńskiego odbyła się debata "Czy pa...
published: 06 Dec 2008
author: ignacydaszynski
Czy patriotyzm jest zarezerwowany dla prawicy?
Czy patriotyzm jest zarezerwowany dla prawicy?
W 90. rocznicę powołania Rządu Lubelskiego Ignacego Daszyńskiego odbyła się debata "Czy patriotyzm jest zarezerwowany dla prawicy?". Wzięli w niej udział: Ag...- published: 06 Dec 2008
- views: 949
- author: ignacydaszynski

11.XII.1922 Uwolnienie posłów PPS
Dnia 11. grudnia 1922 r. odbyło się zaprzysiężenie nowo wybranego prezydenta Polski, Gabri...
published: 01 Feb 2009
author: socialistLBN
11.XII.1922 Uwolnienie posłów PPS
11.XII.1922 Uwolnienie posłów PPS
Dnia 11. grudnia 1922 r. odbyło się zaprzysiężenie nowo wybranego prezydenta Polski, Gabriela Narutowicza. Został on wybrany głosami posłów socjalistycznych,...- published: 01 Feb 2009
- views: 17086
- author: socialistLBN