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  • Amnesty for Boko Haram: "It Makes President Jonathan Look Like A Fool" -Prof. Akin Oyebode...11:15
  • World War 3 : North Korea gives Final Approval for Nuclear Strike on the U.S. (Apr 04, 2013)...7:49
  • Syria: Human Rights Watch accuses Assad regime of deliberate airstrikes against civilians...1:15
  • Syria and North Korea top G8 agenda in London...1:15
  • Thousands rally for immigration reform in Washington DC...3:31
  • Their Story - The Street Children of Bangui, Central African Republic - July 2012 - War Child UK...21:01
  • Syria 'rejects' UN bid to investigate chemical weapons...1:19
  • Sexual Violence-Somalia...3:02
  • Full Disclosure: Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard?...13:04
  • South Korea Raises Terror Alert Level As "Region Inches Towards Thermonuclear War"...6:42
  • Kerry Meets With Palestinian, Israeli Leaders On Reviving Peace Talks...2:14
  • OBS | Towards Global Abolition of the Death Penalty...1:23:06
add video playlist UNILAG Professor, Akin Oyebode describes the proposed amnesty for the Boko Haram sect as "clipping the local tentacles of a global octopus". SaharaTV interview.
UNILAG Professor, Akin Oyebode describes the proposed amnesty for the Boko Haram sect as \
Amnesty for Boko Haram: "It Makes Pres­i­dent Jonathan Look Like A Fool" -Prof. Akin Oye­bode

News Articles:

North Korea warns military cleared to wage nuclear attack against US

What is Going on With North Korea is Not What it Seems

North Korea Army: \'War Could Break Out Today\'

North Korea \'ratifies\' nuclear strike against US

North Korea claims it has final approval for nuclear attack on US
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World War 3 : North Korea gives Final Ap­proval for Nu­cle­ar Strike on the U.S. (Apr 04, 2013)
U.S.-based rights group on Thursday accused Syria of war crimes by indiscriminate and sometimes deliberate airstrikes against civilians, killing at least 4,300 people since last summer.

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Syria: Human Rights Watch ac­cus­es Assad regime of de­lib­er­ate airstrikes against civil­ians
1:15 The crises in Syria and North Korea are set to be top the agenda at a pre-G8 summit meeting in London on Wednesday and Thursday.

British foreign secretary William Hague is hosting the foreign ministers from Canada, France Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States, ahead of the official meeting in Northern Ireland in two months time.

Following rising tensions in the Korean peninsular, Hague said the group will be talking about preventing or resolving conflict or dealing with its consequences.

The delegates will also be discussing the issue of providing more help for the Syrian opposition.

A US official said there are no signs of a change in Moscow\'s position and the radicalisation of some elements of the divided opposition have tempered the enthusiasm of some western nations to support the rebels militarily.

Members of the Syrian opposition were on the fringes of the meeting ready to talk with those nations who wish to speak to them.

US Secretary of State, John Kerry will attend the meeting of the so-called Friends of Syria in Istanbul on April 20.

The United States agreed to provide non-lethal aid to Syrian rebels in February, and more than double its aid to the civilian population, but it has so far chosen not to provide arms.

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Syria and North Korea top G8 agen­da in Lon­don
Thousands of protesters descended on Capitol Hill today to demand immigration reform. Over 100 local and national organizations came together to ask for a path to citizenship just days before the so-called \
Thou­sands rally for im­mi­gra­tion re­form in Wash­ing­ton DC
In 2011 two friends decided they were going to cycle around the world in aid of War Child UK. Before leaving in, February 2012, they visited Bangui, Central African Republic to see firsthand how War Child UK are supporting a local charity there.

The charity, Fondation Voix du Coeur, provides help and support to the street children of Bangui.

Here is a short documentary telling the story of just a handful of street children in Bangui and how the Fondation Voix du Coeur, with the help of War Child UK, is providing essential support for them.

Please help us support War Child UK. They are a small international charity that protects children from the brutal effects of war and its consequences.

They currently work in Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Iraq, Uganda and now Syria.

They\'re on the ground -- supporting the most vulnerable children that are too often forgotten in the aftermath of conflict.

You can donate to them direct through our JustGiving page here:
Their Story - The Street Chil­dren of Ban­gui, Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic - July 2012 - War Child UK
A team of UN experts has gone to Cyprus and is waiting to carry out an investigation on the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria, two weeks after Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon received a request from the government itself to examine the reported use by opposition forces.

But early signs show there is little chance of the group entering the country, despite Ban\'s best efforts to convince the government to be \
Syria 're­jects' UN bid to in­ves­ti­gate chem­i­cal weapons
The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict (SRSG), Zainab Hawa Bangura, has visited Mogadishu (2-3 April), Somalia\'s capital, to raise awareness and discuss ways of addressing sexual violence in the country.

SRSG Bangura met with UN officials, civil society partners and a range of stakeholders to listen and learn about the challenges faced in tackling sexual violence.

SRSG Bangura\'s first trip to Somalia also included a visit to the Tarabunka IDP (internally displaced people) Camp - the biggest in the capital.

She also visited a health centre where victims of sexual violence are given free medical treatment and taught vocational skills like hena design - a highly sought-after traditional dyeing technique used by women to decorate their bodies on special occasions.

SRSG Bangura said the focus of this first visit was on information gathering to help inform future conversations with the government.

SRSG Bangura said: \
Sex­u­al Vi­o­lence-So­ma­lia
Ben Swann Full Disclosure talks with Emilio Ibrahim, a Syrian man living in Damascus about the U.S. and Saudi funding of Al Qaeda fighters who are leading the so called Syrian revolution.
Full Dis­clo­sure: Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard?
April 09, 2013 BBC News
South Korea Rais­es Ter­ror Alert Level As "Re­gion Inch­es To­wards Ther­monu­cle­ar War"
YOUTUBE (Canal Español) (English Channel)

The quake had a depth of 10 km followed by three strong aftershocks of 5.4, 4.7, and 4.7. So far no videos about the event only one recorded in Doha Qatar after the evacuation of a building. We will keep you informed if they leave new images. (Read more
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is meeting with Israeli and Palestinian leaders in the West Bank and Jerusalem this week, in hopes of reviving the long-stalled Middle East peace talks.  Zlatica Hoke reports.
Kerry Meets With Pales­tini­an, Is­raeli Lead­ers On Re­viv­ing Peace Talks
Roger Hood
Towards Global Abolition of the Death Penalty: Progress and Prospects
OBS | To­wards Glob­al Abo­li­tion of the Death Penal­ty
Ben Swann Full Disclosure talks with Emilio Ibrahim, a Syrian man living in Damascus about the U.S. and Saudi funding of Al Qaeda fighters who are leading the so called Syrian revolution.
Full Dis­clo­sure: Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard?
United Nations, 8 April 2013 (Istanbul, Turkey) - The 10th UN Forum on Forests opened in Istanbul, Turkey, to discuss concerted efforts to protect the world\'s forest ecosystems. Delegations from 197 member states stressed that forests play a critical role in global sustainable development, poverty reduction and improved well-being.

UN Forum on Forests:
UN Forum on Forests opens in Is­tan­bul

updated 09 Apr 2013; published 09 Apr 2013
Amnesty for Boko Haram: "It Makes Pres­i­dent Jonathan Look Like A Fool" -Prof. Akin Oye­bode
BBC News 11 Apr 2013, The Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram has rejected the idea of an amnesty. Last week President Goodluck Jonathan asked a high level team to look into the possibility of granting the militants a pardon. The announcement was made via an audio statement believed to be from the group's leader Abubakar Shekau. In recent years Boko Haram has...
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updated 04 Apr 2013; published 04 Apr 2013
World War 3 : North Korea gives Final Ap­proval for Nu­cle­ar Strike on the U.S. (Apr 04, 2013)
Al Jazeera 11 Apr 2013, The US is ready to defend itself against anything North Korea might launch, Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said, as its ally South Korea confirmed its ability to intercept the North's missiles. At a Pentagon briefing on Wednesday, Hagel told reporters that the US "is fully prepared to deal with any contingency, any action that North Korea may...
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updated 11 Apr 2013; published 11 Apr 2013
Syria: Human Rights Watch ac­cus­es Assad regime of de­lib­er­ate airstrikes against civil­ians
Orange News 11 Apr 2013, 11 April 2013, 3:27 Syria Airstrikes 'Targeted Civilians' Tweet The Syrian Air Force has been accused of repeatedly carrying out indiscriminate airstrikes against civilians. A new report by the campaign group Human Rights Watch says in some cases government forces deliberately targeted civilians from the air. HRW said the attacks were a serious...
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updated 11 Apr 2013; published 11 Apr 2013
Syria and North Korea top G8 agen­da in Lon­don
BBC News 11 Apr 2013, The Korean crisis will be high on the agenda when foreign ministers from the G8 group of nations hold talks in London on Thursday. Correspondents say Japan, present at the talks, is looking for a strong statement of solidarity over the issue. North Korea has been making bellicose threats against South Korea, Japan and US bases in the region....
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updated 11 Apr 2013; published 11 Apr 2013
Thou­sands rally for im­mi­gra­tion re­form in Wash­ing­ton DC
STL Today 11 Apr 2013, Tens of thousands of immigrants and activists rallied nationwide Wednesday in a coordinated set of protests aimed at pressing Congress to approve immigration measures that would grant 11 million immigrants living here illegally a path toward citizenship. Organizers said demonstrations were taking place in at least 18 states and in Washington, D.C.,...
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updated 21 Jul 2012; published 21 Jul 2012
Their Story - The Street Chil­dren of Ban­gui, Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic - July 2012 - War Child UK
Al Jazeera 10 Apr 2013, The political and security situation in the Central African Republic is highly volatile, the humanitarian situation is "extremely dire," looting and sexual violence are on the rise, and armed groups are recruiting children, the UN envoy to the impoverished country has said. Margaret Vogt has painted a grim picture of the country following the...
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updated 09 Apr 2013; published 09 Apr 2013
Syria 're­jects' UN bid to in­ves­ti­gate chem­i­cal weapons 10 Apr 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling The 2.5 million Syrians who have recently fled a brutal external and internal civil war, along with the estimated 70,000 who have been killed, is reminiscent of the Assyrian Genocide that occurred during World War One. Starting in 1915 and ending in 1918, Ottoman Turkish soldiers and Kurdish militias...
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updated 06 Apr 2013; published 06 Apr 2013
Sex­u­al Vi­o­lence-So­ma­lia
BBC News 10 Apr 2013, Come to Lido Beach in Mogadishu. The fresh sea breeze really does feel like a wind of change. Boys kick footballs around on the flat sand, against the pockmarked, low-rise skyline of the Somali capital. Young couples stroll along the seafront - men and women together, appropriately dressed, of course. But as life returns to Mogadishu, its people,...
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updated 19 Mar 2013; published 19 Mar 2013
Full Dis­clo­sure: Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard?
Middle East Online 10 Apr 2013, BEIRUT - The head of Syria's jihadist Al-Nusra Front on Wednesday pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri in an audio message, but distanced his group from claims it had merged with Al-Qaeda in Iraq. "The sons of Al-Nusra Front pledge allegiance to Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri," Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani said in the recording. But, he...
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updated 10 Apr 2013; published 10 Apr 2013
South Korea Rais­es Ter­ror Alert Level As "Re­gion Inch­es To­wards Ther­monu­cle­ar War"
The Times of India 10 Apr 2013, SEOUL: South Korea raised its military watch alert to "vital threat" today ahead of an expected North Korean missile launch, as UN chief Ban Ki-moon warned the Korean peninsula may be slipping out of control. South Korean intelligence says the North had prepared two mid-range missiles for imminent launch from its east coast, despite warnings from...
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updated 09 Apr 2013; published 09 Apr 2013
China Daily 10 Apr 2013, DUBAI - A powerful earthquake struck close to Iran's only nuclear power station on Tuesday, killing 37 people and injuring 850 as it destroyed homes and devastated two small villages, Iranian media reported. The 6.3 magnitude quake totally destroyed one village, a Red Crescent official told the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA), but the nearby...
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updated 08 Apr 2013; published 08 Apr 2013
Kerry Meets With Pales­tini­an, Is­raeli Lead­ers On Re­viv­ing Peace Talks
Al Jazeera 10 Apr 2013, US secretary of state John Kerry has wrapped up three days of high-level Middle East diplomacy on a positive note, saying he held "very constructive talks" with Israeli and Palestinian leaders but offering few specifics. Talking to reporters after holding private talks with Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Kerry said the parties...
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updated 20 Jul 2012; published 20 Jul 2012
OBS | To­wards Glob­al Abo­li­tion of the Death Penal­ty
The New York Times 10 Apr 2013, LONDON (AP) — Iraq executed almost twice as many people last year compared to the year before, while India and Pakistan resumed executions after abandoning the practice for years, global human rights group Amnesty International said Tuesday. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter...
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updated 19 Mar 2013; published 19 Mar 2013
Full Dis­clo­sure: Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard?
NZ Herald 10 Apr 2013, Al-Qaeda's branch in Iraq and the most powerful rebel extremist group in Syria have officially joined ranks against President Bashar Assad to forge a potentially formidable militant force in the Middle East. The merger of the Islamic State in Iraq and Jabhat al-Nusra forms a new entity that could be an even stronger opponent in the fight to topple...
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Nigeria's Boko Haram rejects Jonathan's amnesty idea
Full Article BBC News
11 Apr 2013

The Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram has rejected the idea of an amnesty. Last week President Goodluck Jonathan asked a high level team to look into the possibility of granting the militants a pardon. The announcement was made via an audio statement believed to be from the group's leader Abubakar Shekau. In recent years Boko Haram has...
File - Nigeria troops man a checkpoint in Maiduguri, Nigeria, Wednesday, Sept, 28. 2011. Security forces have arrested a commander of a radical Muslim sect known as Boko Haram, who allegedly ordered various sectarian killings in the northeastern city.
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba

US 'prepared' to deal with North Korea action
Full Article Al Jazeera
11 Apr 2013

The US is ready to defend itself against anything North Korea might launch, Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said, as its ally South Korea confirmed its ability to intercept the North's missiles. At a Pentagon briefing on Wednesday, Hagel told reporters that the US "is fully prepared to deal with any contingency, any action that North Korea may... korea
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (not pictured), brief the press at the Pentagon, April 10, 2013.
photo: US DoD / Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo

Syria Airstrikes 'Targeted Civilians'
Full Article Orange News
11 Apr 2013

11 April 2013, 3:27 Syria Airstrikes 'Targeted Civilians' Tweet The Syrian Air Force has been accused of repeatedly carrying out indiscriminate airstrikes against civilians. A new report by the campaign group Human Rights Watch says in some cases government forces deliberately targeted civilians from the air. HRW said the attacks were a serious... civilians in Syria
In this Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012 photo, an elderly Syrian man smokes a cigarette while standing next to a residential building destroyed in a government airstrike, in Maaret Misreen, near Idlib, Syria.
photo: AP / Muhammed Muheisen

Korea crisis high on agenda at London G8 talks
Full Article BBC News
11 Apr 2013

The Korean crisis will be high on the agenda when foreign ministers from the G8 group of nations hold talks in London on Thursday. Correspondents say Japan, present at the talks, is looking for a strong statement of solidarity over the issue. North Korea has been making bellicose threats against South Korea, Japan and US bases in the region.... Korea
A North Korean female soldier, right, looks back as she and another patrol on a pathway along the bank of the Yalu River, the China-North Korea border river, near North Korea's town of Sinuiju, opposite to the Chinese border city of Dandong, Sunday Nov. 28, 2010.
photo: AP / Andy Wong

Thousands rally across US for immigration bill
Full Article STL Today
11 Apr 2013

Tens of thousands of immigrants and activists rallied nationwide Wednesday in a coordinated set of protests aimed at pressing Congress to approve immigration measures that would grant 11 million immigrants living here illegally a path toward citizenship. Organizers said demonstrations were taking place in at least 18 states and in Washington, D.C.,...
An immigration reform supporter flies the American flag during a march Wednesday, April 10, 2013, in San Francisco.
photo: AP / Ben Margot

Security situation in CAR 'highly volatile'
Full Article Al Jazeera
10 Apr 2013

The political and security situation in the Central African Republic is highly volatile, the humanitarian situation is "extremely dire," looting and sexual violence are on the rise, and armed groups are recruiting children, the UN envoy to the impoverished country has said. Margaret Vogt has painted a grim picture of the country following the... African Republic
In this Sunday, April 29, 2012 file photo, troops from the Central African Republic stand guard at a building used for joint meetings between them and U.S. Army special forces, in Obo, Central African Republic, where U.S. special forces have paired up with local troops and Ugandan soldiers to seek out Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).
photo: AP / Ben Curtis

Syria's Other- and Self-Inflicted Genocide
Full Article
10 Apr 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling The 2.5 million Syrians who have recently fled a brutal external and internal civil war, along with the estimated 70,000 who have been killed, is reminiscent of the Assyrian Genocide that occurred during World War One. Starting in 1915 and ending in 1918, Ottoman Turkish soldiers and Kurdish militias... rights
In this Monday, Jan. 28, 2013 file photo, newly arrived Syrian refugees wait for their turn to receive a mattress, blankets and other supplies, and to be assigned to tents, at the Zaatari Syrian refugees camp in Mafraq, near the Syrian border with Jordan.
photo: AP / Mohammad Hannon

Displaced Somalis suffer cycle of sexual violence
Full Article BBC News
10 Apr 2013

Come to Lido Beach in Mogadishu. The fresh sea breeze really does feel like a wind of change. Boys kick footballs around on the flat sand, against the pockmarked, low-rise skyline of the Somali capital. Young couples stroll along the seafront - men and women together, appropriately dressed, of course. But as life returns to Mogadishu, its people,... rights nations
File - Medical staff from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Children’s fund (UNICEF) assessed Marka General Hospital's facilities and general working conditions, Somalia.
photo: UN / Tobin Jones

Head of Syria's Al-Nusra Front: We owe our allegiance to Zawahiri
Full Article Middle East Online
10 Apr 2013

BEIRUT - The head of Syria's jihadist Al-Nusra Front on Wednesday pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri in an audio message, but distanced his group from claims it had merged with Al-Qaeda in Iraq. "The sons of Al-Nusra Front pledge allegiance to Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri," Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani said in the recording. But, he...
This photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows smoke rising from burned cars after a huge explosion shook the Sabaa Bahrat Square, one of the capital's biggest roundabouts, in Damascus, Syria, Monday, April. 8, 2013.
photo: AP / SANA

South Korea raises alert level, as North Korea readies missile test
Full Article The Times of India
10 Apr 2013

SEOUL: South Korea raised its military watch alert to "vital threat" today ahead of an expected North Korean missile launch, as UN chief Ban Ki-moon warned the Korean peninsula may be slipping out of control. South Korean intelligence says the North had prepared two mid-range missiles for imminent launch from its east coast, despite warnings from... Korea Korea
South Korea raises alert level, as North Korea readies missile test
photo: AP / Korea POOL

Quake hits near Iran's nuclear city, 37 dead
Full Article China Daily
10 Apr 2013

DUBAI - A powerful earthquake struck close to Iran's only nuclear power station on Tuesday, killing 37 people and injuring 850 as it destroyed homes and devastated two small villages, Iranian media reported. The 6.3 magnitude quake totally destroyed one village, a Red Crescent official told the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA), but the nearby...
An Iranian woman reacts as she sits among the rubble of buildings after an earthquake struck southern Iran, in Shonbeh, Iran, Tuesday, April 9, 2013.
photo: AP / Fars News Agency, Mohammad Fatemi

Kerry promises to help Palestinian economy
Full Article Al Jazeera
10 Apr 2013

US secretary of state John Kerry has wrapped up three days of high-level Middle East diplomacy on a positive note, saying he held "very constructive talks" with Israeli and Palestinian leaders but offering few specifics. Talking to reporters after holding private talks with Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Kerry said the parties...
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks before his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, April 9, 2013.
photo: US DoS

Amnesty: Progress in Ending Global Death Penalty
Full Article The New York Times
10 Apr 2013

LONDON (AP) — Iraq executed almost twice as many people last year compared to the year before, while India and Pakistan resumed executions after abandoning the practice for years, global human rights group Amnesty International said Tuesday. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter...
The gurney used to restrain condemned prisoners during the lethal injection process is shown in the Texas death house Tuesday, May 27, 2008 in Huntsville, Texas. For decades, the Supreme Court declined to address execution methods and whether such punishment should apply to child rapists. In its latest term, the court addressed both, but neither ruling solves capital punishment arguments. Instead, there will be even more litigation claiming lethal injection causes extreme suffering, say death penalty oppo
photo: AP / Pat Sullivan

Iraqi al-Qaeda, Syrian group join forces
Full Article NZ Herald
10 Apr 2013

Al-Qaeda's branch in Iraq and the most powerful rebel extremist group in Syria have officially joined ranks against President Bashar Assad to forge a potentially formidable militant force in the Middle East. The merger of the Islamic State in Iraq and Jabhat al-Nusra forms a new entity that could be an even stronger opponent in the fight to topple... Qaeda
In this Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012 photo, Free Syrian Army fighters fire at enemy positions during heavy clashes with government forces, in the Salaheddine district of Aleppo, Syria.
photo: AP / Abdullah Al-Yasin

Coach, actor and singer launch children's charity
Full Article Houston Chronicle
11 Apr 2013

| April 11, 2013 Comments (0) E-mail Print Tweet Page 1 of 1 AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — University of Texas football coach Mack Brown, country singer Jack Ingram and actor Matthew McConaughey have started a new children's charity called MJ&M. Grammy Award-winning artist John Mellencamp is headlining the charity's first Gala Night in Austin on...
Coach, actor and singer launch children's charity
photo: WN / Marzena J.

Lakers Retro Player: Nick Van Exel
Full Article The Examiner
11 Apr 2013

Tweet 0 Email Report Photo 1 of 33 A look back at the career of point guard Nick Van Exel with the Los Angeles Lakers.A look back at the career of point guard Nick Van Exel with the Los Angeles Lakers.A look back at the career of point guard Nick Van Exel with the Los Angeles Lakers.A look back at the career of point guard Nick Van Exel with the...
Los Angeles Lakers point guard Nick Van Exel sits in the locker room during Media Day at the Forum in Inglewood, California, Monday, Oct. 14, 1996. Van Exel was suspended for the final seven games of last season after he shoved referee Ron Garretson. The end of the season was so distasteful for Van Exel that he won’t talk about it now, preferring instead to look ahead. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Red Cross needs funds for Mali
Full Article Independent online (SA)
11 Apr 2013

Geneva - The Red Cross has appealed for an additional $43-million to help hundreds of thousands of people in war-torn Mali, and said it would be stepping up its visits of detainees. “Now that northern Mali has been in the grip of armed violence for almost 16 months, the living conditions of people affected by the conflict are... redcross
People who participate in the release operation of two police officers and a soldier, hostages held by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, are surrounded by media members as they ride an International Red Cross vehicle at a rural area of Miranda, some 210 miles southwest of Bogota, Colombia, Thursday, Feb.14, 2013.
photo: AP / Juan B. Diaz

Taufik Hidayat to promote Chinese brand in Indonesia
Full Article The Siasat Daily
11 Apr 2013

Jakarta, April 11: Indonesian badminton star Taufik Hidayat has been appointed by Changhong, one of China's leading electronics manufacturers, as its brand ambassador for the Indonesian market. Speaking at the signing ceremony here Wednesday, Taufik expressed his gratefulness to Changhong for its appreciation and intention for cooperation despite...
Taufik Hidayat
photo: AP

With historic effort, Kobe Bryant wills Lakers closer to playoffs
Full Article CBS Sports
11 Apr 2013

PORTLAND, Ore. -- His aching feet finally out of the ice bucket, his laser-like determination already focused on the next game -- the next challenge -- it was time for Kobe Bryant to ask a question. It was a question to which I assumed he already knew the answer: When was his last 50-point game? "No, I don't," Bryant said, so I reminded him that it...
Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant (24) against the New Orleans Hornets in the second half of an NBA basketball game in Los Angeles Tuesday, April 9, 2013. The Lakers won, 104-96. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
photo: AP / Reed Saxon

Ex-Pak player Aamir Sohail says Misbah not yet ‘failure’ in skipper role
Full Article The Siasat Daily
11 Apr 2013

Islamabad, April 11: Former Pakistan cricketer Aamir Sohail has defended Test and one-day captain Misbah-ul-Haq, saying that he had not failed in his role yet and has done a good job as a captain within the given resources in South Africa. Dismissing demands to oust Misbah as captain and drop him from the one-day side, Sohail said that removing...
Dejected Pakistani players, from right: Wasim Akram, captain Aamir Sohail and Mushtaq Ahmed leave the pitch after Zimbabwe recorded seven wicket win in the first test on the fourth day, Monday, Nov. 30, 1998 at Niaz stadium in Peshawar, Pakistan.
photo: AP Photo / B.K. Bangash

Pistons sweep out the Cavaliers
Full Article The News Tribune
11 Apr 2013

CLEVELAND — Tristan Thompson apparently got so used to intentionally hacking Andre Drummond off the ball that he forgot there's a small penalty for such tactics in the final 2 minutes. And when he committed the blunder again with 17.1 seconds left, it essentially allowed the Pistons to complete a season sweep of the Cavaliers with a 111-104...
Detroit Pistons guard Brandon Knight (7) drives against Cleveland Cavaliers guard Wayne Ellington in the fourth quarter of an NBA basketball game Friday, Feb. 1, 2013, in Auburn Hills, Mich. Knight scored 20 points and dished out 10 assists in a 117-99 win. (AP Photo/Duane Burleson)
photo: AP / Duane Burleson

Kings run to victory over Hornets
Full Article The News Tribune
11 Apr 2013

SACRAMENTO, Calif.Entering this season, the Sacramento Kings had hoped they'd have a big home-court advantage. But they often came out with a home-court malaise that included slow starts and subpar efforts. Lately, the Kings had been stuck in such a funk, losing the first four games of a five-game homestand and extending their home losing...
Sacramento Kings' James Johnson (52) runs up court against the Dallas Mavericks during an NBA basketball game Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013, in Dallas. The Mavericks won 123-100. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)
photo: AP / Tony Gutierrez

Noah Cyrus says Justin Bieber was her 'first love'
Full Article Celebrity Café
11 Apr 2013

Noah Cyrus, the younger sister of pop star Miley Cyrus, appears in the May issue of Teen Vogue, where she speaks about what it's like to be Miley's sister and her crush on Justin Bieber. Cyrus, 13, revealed to the magazine that when she met Bieber, she could... Bieber Cyrus News Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen U.S. Navy greets pop star Justin Bieber prior to an appearance on The Daily Show with Jon, USA.
photo: Creative Commons

Beyonce Confirmed To Headline Jay-Z's 'Made In America' Festival
Full Article Entertainment Wise
11 Apr 2013

Beyonce has been announced as a headliner for the 2013 Made In America festival organised by her husband Jay-Z, along with several other acts including Calvin Harris, Kendrick Lamar and Queen of the Stone Age. The 'Grown Woman' singer will be the main performer for the Philadelphia festival... in America
Singer Beyonce Knowles introduces "Beyonce Live At Roseland: The Elements of 4" live concert film at a special screening for fans at the Paris Theatre on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2011 in New York.
photo: AP / Evan Agostini

There's a hidden dancer within me: Singer Shaan
Full Article The Siasat Daily
11 Apr 2013

Mumbai, April 11: Shaan, known for hit numbers like "Jab se tere naina" and "Chand sifarish", is all set to display his dance prowess on the sixth season of "Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa". He says he always possessed the skill but never worked on it. "I think there is a dancer hidden within me, but I never worked...
Shaan performing at an IBM event IMPRINT 2008
photo: Public Domain

Still Together! Rihanna And Chris Brown Pose For Loved Up Snap
Full Article Entertainment Wise
11 Apr 2013

There had been rumours that Rihanna and Chris Brown were over, but looks like the couple have healed any rift that stopped them hanging out over the weekend, as the Diamonds singer posted an image of herself and her beau on Instagram yesterday. The singer, who rekindled... Brown
R&B singer Chris Brown appears in a Los Angeles courtroom with his attorney Mark Geragos Monday, Sept. 24, 2012.
photo: AP / Reed Saxon

P. Diddy's Ex-Girlfriend Kim Porter Accused Of 'Smoking Marijuana Around Their Twin Daughters'
Full Article Entertainment Wise
11 Apr 2013

P. Diddy's ex-girlfriend Kim Porter has been hit with a lawsuit from a former nanny who alleges she “smoked marijuana” around the pair's young twin daughters while also accusing Kim of being “verbally violent and abusive.” The hip-hop mogul shares... Porter Combs
Diddy Dirty Money
photo: Creative Commons / Shamsuddin Muhammad

Sex Pistols' John Lydon in 'sexist rant' at TV interviewer: video
Full Article Digital Spy
10 Apr 2013

John Lydon has had a television interview cut off early after ranting at the presenter. Carrie Bickmore was asking the former Sex Pistols frontman how he felt about the death of Margaret Thatcher. Lydon responded by constantly telling Bickmore to "shut up", and said: "When a man is talking, do not interrupt." Despite Bickmore apologising and saying...
John Lydon at the Hammersmith Odeon
photo: Creative Commons / Ed Vill

'I'm So Torn Right Now': Nicole Scherzinger's X Factor Future In Doubt Over Clashing Schedule?
Full Article Entertainment Wise
10 Apr 2013

With Simon Cowell hinting his return to the X Factor, it appears the same may not apply to Nicole Scherzinger following the allegations that the star's schedule may clash with the show. It has been claimed that Nicole will need to be available for promotion when she prepares to release her album at the end of...
Nicole Scherzinger Mar 09
photo: Creative Commons / petercruise

Rihanna's many personalities take center stage for Diamonds tour
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
10 Apr 2013

Rihanna is many things: singer, actress, fashion designer, tabloid mainstay. She's Chris Brown's on-again/off-again girlfriend, the youngest solo artist in history to top the Hot 100 a dozen times and, according to Forbes, a "social networking superstar." One thing she's not is static. In an era of infinite entertainment options, multi-platforming...
Rihanna LGOET 16-08-5
photo: Creative Commons / FlickreviewR

Woody Allen collaborator Mickey Rose dies at 77
Full Article Philadelphia Daily News
11 Apr 2013

The Associated Press Posted: Thursday, April 11, 2013, 9:12 AM LOS ANGELES - A childhood friend of Woody Allen who co-wrote his movies "Bananas" and "Take the Money and Run." Mickey Rose was 77. His daughter, Jennifer, tells the Los Angeles Times ( that he died Sunday from cancer at his home in Beverly Hills. Rose and... Rose Allen
Director Woody Allen attends the Cinema Society screening of "Whatever Works" on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 in New York.
photo: AP / Peter Kramer

Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone looks on during a press conference to announce her signing up as brand ambassador for Levi Strauss Signature, in Mumbai, India, Monday, Dec. 11, 2007.
photo: AP / Gautam Singh

Sharon Stone sues nanny
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
11 Apr 2013

Sharon Stone is suing her former nanny amid claims the woman stole $9,500 in cash from her California home. The 55-year-old actress has filed suit against Erlinda Elemen in Los Angeles County Superior Court, according to TMZ. Court documents obtained by the website claim Stone loaned the woman who was hired to look after her children $12,500 in...
celebrity, actress, sharon stone
photo: Public Domain /

Evan Rachel Wood can't resist rapping
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
11 Apr 2013

Evan Rachel Wood has a penchant for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air rap. Will Smith was the lead star in the popular '90s series about a teenager who is sent to live with his aunt and uncle. Whenever Evan watches a rerun of the comedy she can't resist having a private karaoke session. "Why is it, that whenever i stumble upon the opening to "fresh...
Actress Evan Rachel Wood attends the Cinema Society screening
photo: AP / Peter Kramer

Maggie Gyllenhaal lusts after long hair
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
11 Apr 2013

Maggie Gyllenhaal daydreams about having long luxurious “mermaid style” locks. The actress was first seen with her new pixie crop hairstyle at the end of March. Maggie revealed the style was born through necessity rather than desire while in attendance at the Kate Young for Target launch party earlier this week. “I originally cut it in, like, a...
Actress Maggie Gyllenhaal attends the National Board of Review of motion pictures awards gala in New York, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2010.
photo: AP / Peter Kramer

France's film diva Audrey Tautou poses in front of Buda Castle and the River Danube in downtown Budapest, Hungary, Friday, April 18, 2008
photo: AP / Bela Szandelszky

Michelle Williams would love more time
Full Article York Press
11 Apr 2013

Michelle Williams Michelle Williams wishes she had more side projects. The 'Oz: The Great & Powerful' star - who recently ended her relationship with funnyman Jason Segel - would love to have more time and energy to devote to other things but is focused on raising her...
Michelle Williams & Mila Kunis speaking at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con International in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Tim Hetherington, Indelible on Film
Full Article The New York Times
11 Apr 2013

In order to view this feature, you must download the latest version of flash player here. Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington basked in the celebratory spotlight the night of the 2011 Academy Awards, where their groundbreaking film “Restrepo” was in the running for Best Documentary. While “Restrepo” did not take top honors, it made a... Hetherington
Vans carring the bodies of British photographer and filmmaker Tim Hetherington and U.S. photographer Chris Hondros leave from the port of Benghazi after arriving by ship from Misrata, Libya, Thursday, April 21, 2011.
photo: AP / Bernat Armangue

Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs. iPhone 5: Which Phone Is Better?
Full Article Houston Chronicle
11 Apr 2013

Steve Kovach, provided by | April 11, 2013 Comments (0) E-mail Print Tweet Page 1 of 1 You can listen to people dither on and on about their smartphone of choice, but there are really only two devices at the forefront right now: Samsung's Galaxy S4 and Apple's iPhone 5. Call it hype. Call it marketing. But these are the two phones a lot... Galaxy S4 5
A customer tests the new iPhone 5 at the Apple store in Hong Kong Friday, Sept. 21, 2012.
photo: AP / Kin Cheung

Facebook's Zuckerberg launches political group
Full Article Houston Chronicle
11 Apr 2013

| April 11, 2013 | Updated: April 11, 2013 8:51am Comments (0) E-mail Print Tweet Page 1 of 1 NEW YORK (AP) — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has formally launched a political group aimed at revamping immigration policy, boosting education and encouraging investment in scientific research. Zuckerberg announced the formation of in an op-ed in...
Mark Zuckerberg at South by Southwest in 2008.
photo: Creative Commons / Jason McELweenie

Tony Blair warns Miliband's Labour over move to left
Full Article BBC News
11 Apr 2013

Tony Blair has issued a warning to Ed Miliband about turning Labour back into a left-wing party of protest. In an article for the New Statesman, he says Labour is "back as the party opposing 'Tory cuts'". And as a result it is in danger of becoming a "repository for people's anger" rather than a party with answers...
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair leaves after he gave evidence to the Leveson media inquiry at the High Court in London Monday, May 28, 2012. The Leveson inquiry is Britain's media ethics probe that was set up in the wake of the scandal over phone hacking at Rupert Murdoch's News of the World
photo: AP / Alastair Grant

Tata Steel announces merger with two group outfits
Full Article The Hindu
11 Apr 2013

Tata Steel Limited (TSL) has announced that its Committee of Directors and the Board of Directors of Tata Metaliks Limited (TML) and Tata Metaliks Kubota Pipes Limited (TMKPL), a 100% subsidiary of TML, have approved the proposal of merger of TML and TMKPL with TSL through a Scheme of...
Advertisement board of Tata Steel on the road
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Yamaha to manufacture "world's cheapest 500-dollar bike" in India
Full Article Newstrack India
11 Apr 2013

Tweet Sydney, Apr. 11 (ANI): Yamaha has started working on the 'world's cheapest motorcycle' at its research centre in Uttar Pradesh, India, that will be exported at a price of 500 US dollars, though its launch date in India has yet not been revealed. Customers for the bike will not only be restricted to India, Latin America and Africa but also...
Yamaha bike displayed at an auto expo-automobile.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

Breakfast on the Mountain
Full Article The Gleaner
11 Apr 2013

Entrepreneur and Branson Centre graduate, Robyn Fox, says it right: "Special places worth going to, take a little longer to get there." She and her father Michael own a triple-treat eco-tourism business located in Newcastle in the Blue Mountains. Last Sunday 'Vibes Cuisine' joined a full house to enjoy breakfast at EITS (Europe on the Summer) Cafe....
Breakfast reception
photo: WN / Yeshe Choesang

Kingfisher Airlines hits upper circuit; stock up 5%
Full Article The Hindu
11 Apr 2013

Kingfisher Airlines’ scrip today surged nearly 5 per cent after the company sought regulatory approvals to relaunch its operations and submitted plans to the DGCA on infusion of funds...
Kingfisher Airlines Airbus A330
photo: Creative Commons / MilborneOne

Jet Airways shares tank 6% in early trade
Full Article The Hindu
11 Apr 2013

Shares of Jet Airways fell by nearly 6 per cent today amid concerns that its stake-sale deal with Abu Dhabi-based carrier...
Jet Airways Boeing 777-300ER
photo: Creative Commons / Red Barnes

Amnesty for Boko Haram:
Amnesty for Boko Haram: "It Makes President Jonathan Look Like A Fool" -Prof. Akin Oyebode
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:15
  • Updated: 09 Apr 2013
UNILAG Professor, Akin Oyebode describes the proposed amnesty for the Boko Haram sect as "clipping the local tentacles of a global octopus". SaharaTV interview.
  • published: 09 Apr 2013
  • views: 2539

World War 3 : North Korea gives Final Approval for Nuclear Strike on the U.S. (Apr 04, 2013)
World War 3 : North Korea gives Final Approval for Nuclear Strike on the U.S. (Apr 04, 2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:49
  • Updated: 04 Apr 2013
SOURCE: News Articles: North Korea warns military cleared to wage nuclear attack against US What is Going on With North Korea is Not What it Seems;_medium=twitter North Korea Army: 'War Could Break Out Today' North Korea 'ratifies' nuclear strike against US North Korea claims it has final approval for nuclear attack on US Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
  • published: 04 Apr 2013
  • views: 101750,_2013

Syria: Human Rights Watch accuses Assad regime of deliberate airstrikes against civilians
Syria: Human Rights Watch accuses Assad regime of deliberate airstrikes against civilians
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:15
  • Updated: 11 Apr 2013
U.S.-based rights group on Thursday accused Syria of war crimes by indiscriminate and sometimes deliberate airstrikes against civilians, killing at least 4,300 people since last summer. Get the latest headlines Subscribe to The Telegraph Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ and are websites of The Daily Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture.
  • published: 11 Apr 2013
  • views: 71

Syria and North Korea top G8 agenda in London
Syria and North Korea top G8 agenda in London
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:15
  • Updated: 11 Apr 2013 The crises in Syria and North Korea are set to be top the agenda at a pre-G8 summit meeting in London on Wednesday and Thursday. British foreign secretary William Hague is hosting the foreign ministers from Canada, France Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States, ahead of the official meeting in Northern Ireland in two months time. Following rising tensions in the Korean peninsular, Hague said the group will be talking about preventing or resolving conflict or dealing with its consequences. The delegates will also be discussing the issue of providing more help for the Syrian opposition. A US official said there are no signs of a change in Moscow's position and the radicalisation of some elements of the divided opposition have tempered the enthusiasm of some western nations to support the rebels militarily. Members of the Syrian opposition were on the fringes of the meeting ready to talk with those nations who wish to speak to them. US Secretary of State, John Kerry will attend the meeting of the so-called Friends of Syria in Istanbul on April 20. The United States agreed to provide non-lethal aid to Syrian rebels in February, and more than double its aid to the civilian population, but it has so far chosen not to provide arms. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 11 Apr 2013
  • views: 55

Thousands rally for immigration reform in Washington DC
Thousands rally for immigration reform in Washington DC
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:31
  • Updated: 11 Apr 2013
Thousands of protesters descended on Capitol Hill today to demand immigration reform. Over 100 local and national organizations came together to ask for a path to citizenship just days before the so-called "Gang of Eight" lawmakers are set to reveal their reform bill. RT Correspondent Meghan Lopez was at the rally and brings us this report. Find RT America in your area: Or watch us online: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter
  • published: 11 Apr 2013
  • views: 1131

Their Story - The Street Children of Bangui, Central African Republic - July 2012 - War Child UK
Their Story - The Street Children of Bangui, Central African Republic - July 2012 - War Child UK
  • Order:
  • Duration: 21:01
  • Updated: 21 Jul 2012
In 2011 two friends decided they were going to cycle around the world in aid of War Child UK. Before leaving in, February 2012, they visited Bangui, Central African Republic to see firsthand how War Child UK are supporting a local charity there. The charity, Fondation Voix du Coeur, provides help and support to the street children of Bangui. Here is a short documentary telling the story of just a handful of street children in Bangui and how the Fondation Voix du Coeur, with the help of War Child UK, is providing essential support for them. Please help us support War Child UK. They are a small international charity that protects children from the brutal effects of war and its consequences. They currently work in Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Iraq, Uganda and now Syria. They're on the ground -- supporting the most vulnerable children that are too often forgotten in the aftermath of conflict. You can donate to them direct through our JustGiving page here:
  • published: 21 Jul 2012
  • views: 2747,_Central_African_Republic__July_2012__War_Child_UK

Syria 'rejects' UN bid to investigate chemical weapons
Syria 'rejects' UN bid to investigate chemical weapons
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:19
  • Updated: 09 Apr 2013
A team of UN experts has gone to Cyprus and is waiting to carry out an investigation on the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria, two weeks after Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon received a request from the government itself to examine the reported use by opposition forces. But early signs show there is little chance of the group entering the country, despite Ban's best efforts to convince the government to be "flexible". The rejection, posted on the state news agency SANA, is likely because the UN is promising to examine "all possible uses" of chemical weapons. Al Jazeera's diplomatic editor James Bays reports from the UN's headquarters in New York.
  • published: 09 Apr 2013
  • views: 2483'rejects'_UN_bid_to_investigate_chemical_weapons

Sexual Violence-Somalia
Sexual Violence-Somalia
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:02
  • Updated: 06 Apr 2013
The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict (SRSG), Zainab Hawa Bangura, has visited Mogadishu (2-3 April), Somalia's capital, to raise awareness and discuss ways of addressing sexual violence in the country. SRSG Bangura met with UN officials, civil society partners and a range of stakeholders to listen and learn about the challenges faced in tackling sexual violence. SRSG Bangura's first trip to Somalia also included a visit to the Tarabunka IDP (internally displaced people) Camp - the biggest in the capital. She also visited a health centre where victims of sexual violence are given free medical treatment and taught vocational skills like hena design - a highly sought-after traditional dyeing technique used by women to decorate their bodies on special occasions. SRSG Bangura said the focus of this first visit was on information gathering to help inform future conversations with the government. SRSG Bangura said: "My visit is to gain first-hand knowledge, to listen, to hear the content of what is happening in relation to sexual violence, to be able to know what and where are the gaps, and what can we do to be able to work with the government and the national stakeholders on the ground to address this problem of sexual violence." The UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict also praised Somali journalists covering the subject at a press briefing in Mogadishu on Wednesday (April 3), SRSG Bangura said a team of experts from her office would be deployed to Somalia in July 2013 to work alongside the Police Commissioner and the military to carry out a needs assessment for training and prosecution, and would provide assistance as requested.
  • published: 06 Apr 2013
  • views: 64

Full Disclosure:  Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard?
Full Disclosure: Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:04
  • Updated: 19 Mar 2013
Ben Swann Full Disclosure talks with Emilio Ibrahim, a Syrian man living in Damascus about the U.S. and Saudi funding of Al Qaeda fighters who are leading the so called Syrian revolution.
  • published: 19 Mar 2013
  • views: 29818,_the_Story_You_Haven't_Heard?

South Korea Raises Terror Alert Level As
South Korea Raises Terror Alert Level As "Region Inches Towards Thermonuclear War"
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:42
  • Updated: 10 Apr 2013
April 09, 2013 BBC News
  • published: 10 Apr 2013
  • views: 1562

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:29
  • Updated: 09 Apr 2013
PAGINA WEB YOUTUBE (Canal Español) (English Channel) TWITTER FACEBOOK The quake had a depth of 10 km followed by three strong aftershocks of 5.4, 4.7, and 4.7. So far no videos about the event only one recorded in Doha Qatar after the evacuation of a building. We will keep you informed if they leave new images. (Read more
  • published: 09 Apr 2013
  • views: 4681,_TODAY_APRIL_9,_2013

Kerry Meets With Palestinian, Israeli Leaders On Reviving Peace Talks
Kerry Meets With Palestinian, Israeli Leaders On Reviving Peace Talks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:14
  • Updated: 08 Apr 2013
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is meeting with Israeli and Palestinian leaders in the West Bank and Jerusalem this week, in hopes of reviving the long-stalled Middle East peace talks. Zlatica Hoke reports.
  • published: 08 Apr 2013
  • views: 256,_Israeli_Leaders_On_Reviving_Peace_Talks

OBS | Towards Global Abolition of the Death Penalty
OBS | Towards Global Abolition of the Death Penalty
  • Order:
  • Duration: 83:06
  • Updated: 20 Jul 2012
Roger Hood Towards Global Abolition of the Death Penalty: Progress and Prospects
  • published: 20 Jul 2012
  • views: 63|_Towards_Global_Abolition_of_the_Death_Penalty

Full Disclosure:  Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard?
Full Disclosure: Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:04
  • Updated: 19 Mar 2013
Ben Swann Full Disclosure talks with Emilio Ibrahim, a Syrian man living in Damascus about the U.S. and Saudi funding of Al Qaeda fighters who are leading the so called Syrian revolution.
  • published: 19 Mar 2013
  • views: 29818,_the_Story_You_Haven't_Heard?

UN Forum on Forests opens in Istanbul
UN Forum on Forests opens in Istanbul
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:54
  • Updated: 09 Apr 2013
United Nations, 8 April 2013 (Istanbul, Turkey) - The 10th UN Forum on Forests opened in Istanbul, Turkey, to discuss concerted efforts to protect the world's forest ecosystems. Delegations from 197 member states stressed that forests play a critical role in global sustainable development, poverty reduction and improved well-being. UN Forum on Forests:
  • published: 09 Apr 2013
  • views: 40

Army Chaplain to Get Medal of Honor Posthumously Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant (24) against the New Orleans Hornets in the second half of an NBA basketball game in Los Angeles Tuesday, April 9, 2013. The Lakers won, 104-96. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon) Shown is a Boeing aircraft plant on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012, in Ridley Park, Pa. Rice grains in bags for sale in a grocery shop, Pune, India

Venezuelas Praesident Hugo Chavez in Caracas waehrend einer Pressekonferenz Barcelona's players react after Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored for Paris St Germain during their Champions League quarterfinal soccer match in Paris,Tuesday, April 2, 2013. Brazil's Finance Minister Guido Mantega attends a meeting on changes in economic policy at the Planalto presidential palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Thursday, May 3, 2012. A woman walks past a wall plastered with election campaign posters of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013.

President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu participate in a joint news conference, Wednesday, March 20, 2013, at the prime minister's residence in Jerusalem. File - A look inside Za’atri refugee camp, host to tens of thousands of Syrians displaced by conflict, near Mafraq, Jordan. People on the street, building , Bank, iranian girls on the street, street telephone and ordenary life of the Iranian people working and doing shopping in Tehran capital File - U.S. Army Soldiers from Delta Company, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, and Iraqi's Emergency Service Unit, conduct a cordon and search in Amushabi,  Kirkuk, Iraq, Feb. 19, 2008.

Just 3 blocks from Town. A winery near Cafayate, Salta Province (Argentina).  Lula predicts African prosperity Qantas Boeing 737 in Yanani Dreaming colours being prepared for departure from Terminal 2. A doctor examines chest X-rays at a tuberculosis clinic in Gugulethu, Cape Town, South Africa, Friday, Nov. 9, 2007. South Africa reported 343,000 TB cases in 2006, of which an estimated 6,000 were multi-drug-resistant. The government says that there have been about 400 cases of XDR-TB (extremely-drug-resistant tuberculosis), but groups like Medecins Sans Frontieres say this is a big underest

Huffington Post
We are headed for a religious apocalypse -- if we are to believe the statistics and the commentators, that is. Study after study tells us that Americans are leaving religion in...
Philadelphia Daily News
Gallery: Even in death, Thatcher draws scorn from some GREGORY KATZ , The Associated Press Posted: Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 11:38 AM LONDON - While some Britons mourned the passing...
Asia Times
Commentary and weekly watch by Doug Noland Last August, in a Credit Bubble Bulletin titled ''Do Whatever it Takes,'' I drew parallels between the progression of experimental global...

Orthodox Jewish   women praying in the Western Wall tunnels. This is a spot in the tunnel where Jewish women can be physically the closest to the holy of holies, so they face it in that direction and pray at the wall.
Israeli police detained five women activists on Thursday at the Western Wall, one of Judaism’s most sacred sites, for wearing prayer shawls, which Orthodox tradition sees as solely for men, a spokesman said. The incident occurred during a monthly...
photo: Creative Commons / David Shankbone
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, left, and Palestinian Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad, right, arrive for a joint press conference as part of a meeting at the Foreign Office in Berlin, Germany
Ramallah: Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad has prepared a letter of resignation which he will submit to president Mahmud Abbas today, a senior Palestinian official said. Abbas and Fayyad are known to have been at loggerheads over a raft of...
photo: AP / Michael Sohn
Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez stands in of front of a Falklands Islands' map at Government Palace in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday Feb. 7, 2012.
The guest list for Baroness Thatcher's funeral is expected to be released later, and it has already emerged Argentina's president is not invited. Cristina Kirchner, who has repeatedly called for the Falkland Islands to be handed to Argentina, will...
photo: AP / Eduardo Di Baia
In this June 28, 2011 file photo, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Palestinian officials said Thursday, April 11, 2013
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Palestinian officials say Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has offered his resignation to President Mahmoud Abbas as part of an increasingly bitter conflict over authority. The officials say Abbas has not responded to...
photo: AP / Majdi Mohammed
NATO to expand counter-drugs training project
Tweet Brussels, April 11 (IANS/RIA Novosti) As part of a NATO-Russia project in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia, counter-narcotics personnel training will be expanded within the next few years,...
photo: US Army / Shane Hamann
Syrians check the damage of a destroyed school after it was hit by an air strike killing six Syrians in town of Tal Rifat on the outskirts of Aleppo city, Syria, Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2012.
The Syrian Air Force is carrying out both deliberate air strikes against civilians and indiscriminate attacks, a leading rights group has warned. Human Rights Watch says it visited 52 sites in north-western Syria, documenting 59 such unlawful...
photo: AP / Khalil Hamra
US State Department budget to spend more on East Asia, Pacific programs
THE US State Department has proposed a $47.8 billion budget with increases for East Asia and Pacific programs, while cutting budgets for Iraq and Afghanistan. The budget, which is six per cent less than in 2012, also includes more funds for embassy...
photo: US DoD / Bobby J. Yarbrough