National Anthem of Belarus (High Quality)
Upon the dissolution of the
Soviet Union in
Belarus kept the anthem it used as a soviet socialist republic since
1955, without the words. (Many
SSR’s have used an wordless, or instrumental, version of the SSR hymn very soon after achieving independence.) Replacing the work outright with a new song was considered, and suggestions such as “Магутны Божа!” (“Mahutny Bozha”) [O
God Almighty] by Natalla Arsiennieva (which was recommended by the parliamentary education and culture committee in
1995, but was not acted upon) and “Маладая
Беларусь” “Maładaja
Biełaruś” [
Young Belarus] by
Janka Kupala (but was never set to music) were put forward, but no change was made.
On July 2,
President Lukashenko set a decree that the Belarus hymn will have lyrics, and ones were adopted in a contest. The lyrics by the contest winner,
Uladzimir Karyzna, were similar to the
Belarusian SSR anthem lyrics and were based on Klimkovich’s original lyrics for the soviet republic’s anthem.
Protestors against
Lukashenko’s government use a variety of songs, including the aforementioned hymn “Mahutny Bozha” and the anthem of the last
Belarusian state, “
Vajacki mars”.
Himni kombëtar i Bjellorusisë
النشيد الوطني لروسيا
National Anthem Բելառուսի
National Anthem на Беларус
Himna Bjelorusije
Státní hymna Běloruska
National Anthem Belarus
Volkslied van Wit-Rusland
Hymne national du Bélarus
Nationalhymne der Republik Belarus
Εθνικός Ύμνος της Λευκορωσίας
ההמנון הלאומי של בלארוס
बेलारूस के राष्ट्री
य गान
National Anthem of Belarus
Inno nazionale della
Lagu Kebangsaan Belarus
National Anthem of Hviterussland
ਬੇਲਾਰੂਸ ਦੇ ਰਾਸ਼ਟਰੀ ਗੀਤ
سرود ملی بلاروس
Hymn Białorusi
Nacional da Bielorrússia
Imnul Național de Belarus
Гимн Беларуси
Натионал Антхем оф Беларус
Štátna hymna Bieloruska
National Anthem Belorusija
Himno Nacional de Belarús
Гімн Білорусі
Belarus Ulusal Marşı
Kansallislaulu Valko
Himnusz Fehéroroszország
Belarusian lyrics (
Cyrillic script)
1. Мы, беларусы – мірныя людзі,
Сэрцам адданыя роднай зямлі,
Шчыра сябруем, сілы гартуем
Мы ў працавітай, вольнай сям’і.
Слаўся, зямлі нашай светлае імя,
Слаўся, народаў братэрскі саюз!
Наша любімая маці-Радзіма,
Вечна жыві і квітней, Беларусь!
2. Разам з братамі мужна вякамі
Мы баранілі родны парог,
У бітвах за волю, бітвах за долю
Свой здабывалі сцяг перамог!
3. Дружба народаў – сіла народаў –
Наш запаветны, сонечны шлях.
Горда ж узвіся ў ясныя высі,
Сцяг пераможны – радасці сцяг!
Belarusian lyrics (
1. My, biełarusy – mirnyja ludzi,
Sercam addanyja rodnaj ziamli,
Ščyra siabrujem, siły hartujem
My ŭ pracavitaj, volnaj siami.
Słaŭsia, ziamli našaj svietłaje imia,
Słaŭsia, narodaŭ braterski sajuz!
Naša lubimaja maci-Radzima,
Viečna žyvi i kvitniej, Biełaruś!
2. Razam z bratami mužna viakami
My baranili rodny paroh,
U bitvach za volu, bitvach za dolu
Svoj zdabyvali sciah pieramoh!
3. Družba narodaŭ – siła narodaŭ –
Naš zapavietny, soniečny šlach.
Horda ž uzvisia ŭ jasnyja vysi,
Sciah pieramožny – radasci sciah!
English translation
1. We, the
Belarusians, peaceful people,
Our heart is to our native land,
We maintain generous friendship and gain our powers
Within the industrious, free family.
Glory to the bright name of our land,
Glory to the fraternal union of our peoples!
Our beloved mother-Motherland,
Long you live and flourish, Belarus!
Together with brothers, with fortitude, during centuries
We guarded our native thresholds,
In struggles for freedom, in struggles for fate,
We have been gaining our banner of victories.
3. The friendship of peoples (which is) the power of peoples
Is our venerable, sunny path
You soar up proudly, into the bright heights,
The banner of victory, the banner of joy!