- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 126
- author: hirwade

It describes International Standard Book Number (ISBN). It is a Learning Object created un...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: hirwade
It describes International Standard Book Number (ISBN). It is a Learning Object created under Major Research Project funded by UGC, New Delhi in Library & In...
- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 126
- author: hirwade

Get YOUR Book Published To International Standard At ZERO COST!
I made this short video of my Self-Published "Self Development Bible" the day I received 2...
published: 11 Apr 2011
author: Tayo Solagbade
Get YOUR Book Published To International Standard At ZERO COST!
I made this short video of my Self-Published "Self Development Bible" the day I received 2 copies of it from New York - after they were purchased from my onl...
- published: 11 Apr 2011
- views: 70
- author: Tayo Solagbade

Learn to Count with Shawn the Train - Fun and Educational Cartoon for Kids
Very educational and funny cartoon about Shawn the train who teaches numbers (and counting...
published: 20 Sep 2011
author: coilbook
Learn to Count with Shawn the Train - Fun and Educational Cartoon for Kids
Very educational and funny cartoon about Shawn the train who teaches numbers (and counting) and objects that are on his wagons. (Mentioning each number four ...
- published: 20 Sep 2011
- views: 27769819
- author: coilbook

Laura Dawson Interview - Metadata and Identifiers for Authors
Laura Dawson is widely recognized as an expert on metadata and book discoverability. Our B...
published: 16 Oct 2012
author: Anne Hill
Laura Dawson Interview - Metadata and Identifiers for Authors
Laura Dawson is widely recognized as an expert on metadata and book discoverability. Our Bay Area Blogger Society hangout with Laura answers many questions a...
- published: 16 Oct 2012
- author: Anne Hill

Law Book Review: The Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard in International Foreign Investment La...
http://www.LawBookMix.com This is the summary of The Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard...
published: 20 Oct 2012
author: LawBookMix
Law Book Review: The Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard in International Foreign Investment La...
http://www.LawBookMix.com This is the summary of The Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard in International Foreign Investment Law (Oxford Monographs in Inte...
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20th Minsk International Book Fair
The 20th edition of the Minsk International Book Fair was held in 2013 and brought togethe...
published: 07 Mar 2013
author: belarusvision
20th Minsk International Book Fair
The 20th edition of the Minsk International Book Fair was held in 2013 and brought together 25 participating countries, the highest number ever. Book publish...
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Education Book Review: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Workbook and Guide: Pra...
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published: 16 Oct 2012
author: EducationBooks
Education Book Review: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Workbook and Guide: Pra...
http://www.EducationBookMix.com This is the summary of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Workbook and Guide: Practical insights, Case studie...
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Miami International Book Fare: David Rockefeller interviewed by Dr. Paul George
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published: 08 Jul 2012
author: miamihistory1896
Miami International Book Fare: David Rockefeller interviewed by Dr. Paul George
At the Miami International Book Fare on November 23rd, 2002, Dr. Paul George got the opportunity to interview David Rockefeller, grandson of the founder of S...
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Medical Book Review: Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Hospitals, 4th Ed...
http://www.MedicalBookMix.com This is the summary of Joint Commission International Accred...
published: 07 Oct 2012
author: MedicalBookMix
Medical Book Review: Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Hospitals, 4th Ed...
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2013 Jerusalem International Book Fair
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published: 20 Feb 2013
author: infolive tv
2013 Jerusalem International Book Fair
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(No audio) "Stacey International" on a book spine
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(No audio) "Stacey International" on a book spine
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2013 Taipei International Book Exhibition - Taiwan Book Fest Huashan Mainland Zhaliang 炸兩
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2013 Taipei International Book Exhibition - Taiwan Book Fest Huashan Mainland Zhaliang 炸兩
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The 19th Lviv International Book Fair
Lviv, September 17, 2012. The Lviv International Book Fair ("Lviv Publisher's Forum) is th...
published: 30 Nov 2012
author: WorldwideNewsUkraine
The 19th Lviv International Book Fair
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Vimeo results:

The Inaugural Henry Cole Lecture: Sir Christopher Frayling, 30 October 2008
The inaugural Henry Cole Lecture, held at the V&A; Museum in London on 30 October 2008. Th...
published: 22 Sep 2009
author: Victoria and Albert Museum
The Inaugural Henry Cole Lecture: Sir Christopher Frayling, 30 October 2008
The inaugural Henry Cole Lecture, held at the V&A; Museum in London on 30 October 2008. The purpose of the lecture is to celebrate the legacy of the Museum’s founding director, and explore its implications for museums, culture and society today.
The lecture, entitled 'We Must Have Steam: Get Cole! Henry Cole, the Chamber of Horrors, and the Educational Role of the Museum' was delivered by Professor Sir Christopher Frayling. He presented new research on the “chamber of horrors” (a contemporary nickname for one of the V&A;'s earliest galleries, 'Decorations on False Principles', that opened in 1852) and the myths and realities of its reception, then opened up a wider debate on design education and museums from the nineteenth century to the present day.
Mark Jones: The annual Henry Cole lecture has been initiated to celebrate Henry Cole's legacy and to explore the contribution that culture can make to education and society today. It has also been launched to celebrate the opening of the Sackler Centre for arts education, including the Hochhauser Auditorium in which we sit tonight. There could be no one better than Professor Sir Christopher Frayling to give the inaugural Henry Cole Lecture. Christopher is a rare being: an intellectual who is a great communicator; a theorist who has a firm grip on the practical realities of life: a writer who truly and instinctively understands the words of making design and visual communication. As an enormously successful and respected Rector of the Royal College of Art, as Chairman of the Arts Council, and as a member and chair of boards too numerous to mention - but not forgetting the Royal Mint Advisory Committee which has recently been responsible for redesigning the coinage (personal interest) and as by far the longest-serving Trustee of the V&A;, he brings together culture, education and public service in a way which Henry Cole would have approved and admired. So it's more than fitting that he should be giving this first Henry Cole Lecture, 'We Must Have Steam: Get Cole! Henry Cole, the Chamber of Horrors, and the Educational Role of the Museum'.
Thank you very much indeed Mark and thank you very much for inviting me to give this first Henry Cole Lecture. Just how much of an honour it is for me will I hope become clear as the lecture progresses.
Mark, Chairpeople, ladies and gentlemen:
Hidden away in the garden of the South Kensington Museum - now the Madejski Garden of the V&A; - there is a small and easily overlooked commemorative plaque that doesn't have a museum number. It reads: 'In Memory of Jim Died 1879 Aged 15 Years, Faithful Dog of Sir Henry Cole of this Museum'. Jim had in fact died on 30 January 1879. He was with Henry Cole in his heyday, as the king of South Kensington - its museums and colleges - and saw him through to retirement from the public service and beyond. And next to this inscription there's another one dedicated to Jim's successor, Tycho, and dated 1885. The dogs are actually buried in the garden. Now we know from Henry Cole's diary that between 1864 and 1879 Jim, who was a cairn terrier, was often to be seen in public at his master's side. In 1864 they were together inspecting the new memorial to the Great Exhibition of 1851 just behind the Albert Hall - a statue of Prince Albert by Joseph Durham on a lofty plinth covered in statistics about the income, expenditure and visitor numbers to the Great Exhibition: 6,039,195 to be exact. Cole had been a tireless champion of Prince Albert and according to the Princess Royal (later Empress of Prussia) there was a family saying in Buckingham Palace at the time, invented by Albert himself, that when things needed doing 'when we want steam we must get Cole'. We may therefore assume that when looking at the memorial, Cole was interested in the inscription, the statistics and the likeness of Prince Albert, while Jim was more interested in the possibilities of the plinth. In early 1866 - these are five studies of Jim, an etching by Henry Cole himself of 1864. In early 1866, first thing in the morning, soon after the workmen's bell had rung, Henry and Jim would set forth together from Cole's newly constructed official residence in the Museum (where he moved in July 1863) to tour the building sites of South Kensington - a name which was first invented by Cole when he re-named the museum The South Kensington Museum to describe the new developments happening around Brompton Church. According to 'The Builder' magazine, these two well-known figures would 'be seen clambering over bricks, mortar and girders up ladders and about scaffolding'. Several buildings in the South Kensington Renaissance Revival style were springing up all around them: The Natural History Museum, The College of Science, the extension to this Museum. And on the morning the Bethnal Green Museum opened - 24 June 1872 - Jim showed a healthy distaste for his master's well-known predilection for pomp and

Larry Halloran on HB2372 interview on KAKE
What we DIDN't see... the good stuff hit the cutting room floor so they could EMPHASIZE "t...
published: 16 Mar 2011
author: Bob Bowser
Larry Halloran on HB2372 interview on KAKE
What we DIDN't see... the good stuff hit the cutting room floor so they could EMPHASIZE "the color of one's skin" which is NO where to be found in the Bill.
Larry's Testimony in Support of HB 2372
Testimony of Larry Halloran in support of HB 2372;
Chairman Kinzer and Members of the House Judiciary Committee,
We ask for your support of HB 2372; An Act concerning immigration; requiring verification of employment eligibility and making other amendments concerning immigration.
The fundamental question today is not illegal immigration itself. If we are a nation of laws and are faithful to our obligations as citizens or legislators then we will rightfully conclude that the rule of law is the bedrock foundation of our society and passage of this legislation should require little debate.
I would not dispute that employer and citizen alike have found the blind eye beneficial to their pocket book but financial gain, open borders or humanitarian compassion are not acceptable substitutes for the rule of law. Yesterdays benefit (however perceived) is today's liability as our citizens find themselves struggling to meet the increased burden of illegal immigration on our society that cannot be measured in financial terms alone.
The blessings and benefits of America are bountiful. But, if they are to be preserved for our posterity and those seeking the benefit of citizenship they must be secured by principled adherence to our state and federal Constitutions.
Illegal immigration is a festering cancer that damages both our society and those unlawfully seeking employment. It creates the necessity for a second society operating under the radar that inhibits the necessary assimilation of new immigrants into the America family. We are no longer concerned with a few thousand illegal immigrants that could be easily absorbed but rather tens of millions that now tax the limits of our social networks. It is past time for the half measured approaches, nod and wink policies and felonious excuses of citizen, employer and legislator alike related to the employment eligibility of illegal immigrants are put to rest. It is time that a lawful approach to employment eligibility verification becomes the rule for all employers and the accepted social norm for all citizens. Of even greater importance is that you, the citizen legislator, honor your oath of office and uphold the rule of law.
Our Founders studied the laws and customs of many nations (both failed and existing) and took from them guidance for our Constitution that best protected a free people and society. For over 200 years, our Constitution has served as the legal binder for our citizens and those wishing to assimilate into a free society. Today, many seek to dilute the authority of our Constitution through substitution of unlawful privileges that in essence establish an equal but separate society within our borders. A society that stands in stark contrast and in opposition to the fundamental necessity of assimilation at the expense of individual liberties guaranteed to all by our Constitution. Such practices serve to disadvantage the citizens and legal immigrants that play by the rules and adhere to our laws by granting unearned favor to the illegal immigrant.
Surely, we are all aware of the inequities, consequences and unquestionable failures of equal but separate jurisprudence practiced at times within our own society. To turn a blind eye or foster such practices is treasonous to our founding principles, documents and the faith of those who gave all to defend and preserve the greatest grant of freedom ever known to man; America.
The challenges before us in preserving the free society and America are indeed great but do include a provision for national suicide. Tolerance does not beget equal but separate in a free society but instead requires assimilation through shared core values and equal application of the laws
Thank you for your favorable support of HB 2372, your service and the defense of freedom for all.
Larry Halloran, Chairman
Wichita - South Central KS 912 Group
Mulvane, KS 67110
Testimony of Lana Reed in Support of HB 2372
Lana Reed
Provided Pursuant to
K.S.A. 75-2973
Kansas Whistleblower Act
On The
HB 2372
Before the
House Judiciary Committee
"Under the current SRS system Kansas taxpayers are having millions of dollars stolen from them through fraud. Perhaps worse Kansas citizens, who are footing the bill, are being denied benefits that illegal aliens are approved for. The SRS system works for the illegal aliens and the illegal aliens know how to work the system...."
Representative Lance Kinzer, Chairman
Thursday, March 10, 2011, 3:30 p.m.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.
Fraud in the Kansas SRS System..
Hiding Illegal Aliens and Fraud.
Types of Fraud.
Fake Documents.
Legitimate SSNs.
Multiple Identities.
Living the Goo

2012 Rev Moon's Life and Works (Eng and Kor Transcript)
Video about True Father's Life - "Peace King - True Parents, Rev Sun Myung Moon's Life and...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: Tongil
2012 Rev Moon's Life and Works (Eng and Kor Transcript)
Video about True Father's Life - "Peace King - True Parents, Rev Sun Myung Moon's Life and Works"
광활한 우주,
아름다운 지구!
평화 이상세계의 꿈~.
이 꿈은 하나님과 인류가 바라던 오랜 염원이다.
부모의 심정으로 종의 몸을 쓰고,
땀은 땅을 위하여, 눈물은 인류를 위하여, 피는 하늘을 위해
그리고 하나님조국을 위해 일생을 헌신해온 문선명 선생!
선생은 이제 인류 앞에 참부모, 세상 앞에 구세주, 천주 앞에 평화의 왕,
하늘 앞에 성자의 푯대로 추앙받고 있다.
Vast universe,
Beautiful Earth!
Dream of peaceful ideal world~.
This is the long cherished dream of God and humanity.
In the shoes of a servant with the heart of the parents,
Shedding sweat for earth, tears for humanity, and blood for heaven,
The man who has spent his entire life for God’s homeland: Rev. Sun Myung Moon!
Rev. Moon is now revered as the True Parents to humanity, the savior to the world, the King of Peace of the cosmos and the model saint infront of heaven.
선생은 3.1독립만세운동이 일어난지 10개월만인 1920년 1월 6일 평안북도 정주에 태어났다. 선생은 어린시절부터 호기심이 많았다. 온종일 산으로 강으로 누비면서 자연을 벗 삼았다. 그리고 자신보다는 주위를 생각하는 속 깊은 소년이었다.
하지만 조국은 일제 치하에서 신음하고 있었다.
선생의 고향인 평안북도 정주는, 만주로 향하는 피난민의 길목이었다.
10 months after the 3.1 Korean independence movement, Rev. Moon was born in Jeongju of Pyeong-An Book-Do on January 6th 1920.Rev. Moon was a boy full of curiosity. He befriended nature, spending his days roaming the mountains and rivers. He was also quite mature, always thinking others before himself.
However, the nation was groaning in misery under the Japanese rule.
His hometown, Jeong-Ju, was on the path of refugees running toward Manchuria.
정주에서도 살림이 도타웠던 선생의 집안은 나눔의 가풍을 실천하며 살아왔다. 증조할아버지는 ‘팔도강산 사람에게 밥을 먹이면 팔도강산에서 축복이 몰려든다’는 유언을 남길 정도였고, 그런 선생의 집은 힘들게 고향을 떠나는 피난민들이 잠시 요기를 하고 하룻밤 쉬어갈 수 있는 쉼터였다.
이런 가풍 속에 자란 소년 문선명은 어린 시절 부터 남의 불행과 아픔을 외면하지 못했다.
집안의 쌀부대를 져다가 피난민에게 나눠주기도 여러 번이었다.
Rev. Moon’s family was renowned for giving charity to those in need. His great-grandfather even left a saying, ‘If you feed people from all over the nation, the blessings of the nation will come to you,’ and thus, Rev. Moon’s house became a place where the refugees tired from their journey could stop to eat food and rest.
Having been raised with this kind of family tradition, from his early childhood Rev. Moon couldn’t ignore other people’s pain and suffering.
He often gave sacks of his family’s rice to the refugees passing by his home.
나라를 되찾기 위해서는 새로운 지식이 필요하다는 것을 깨닫고 오산학교에 입학하여 이듬해 정주공립보통학교로 전학했다.
He understood that he needed new knowledge in order to reclaim the nation, and so he entered Osan school, and transferred the following year to Jeong-Ju public school.
학교공부와 더불어 소년 문선명은 목사이자 독립운동가였던 문윤국 할아버지의 영향으로 종교와 애국에 대한 뜻을 키워나간다.
Influenced by his grandfather Yoon-Kook Moon, who was a pastor and also a independence activist, Rev. Moon’s love for religion and his country grew.
16살 되던 무렵...
13남매 중 다섯 가족을 잃는 아픔을 겪어야 했던 소년 문선명...
형제와 친구의 죽음, 민족의 수탈로 삶과 죽음에 대해 고민하던 16살의 소년은 산속에서 홀로 기도하며 하나님께 그 답을 구했다.
1935년 부활절 새벽. 밤새 눈물로 기도하던 소년은 예수님을 영적으로 만난다.
At the age of 16…
Young Rev. Moon lost 5 of his 13 siblings…
Grieving the death of his siblings and friends and for the suffering of the nation, the young boy at 16 years of age went up a mountain alone to seek answers from God.
On the dawn of Easter morning in 1935, the boy who prayed in tears all night long met Jesus in spirit.
이 날 하나님의 뜻 성사를 위한 결심은 평생을 움직이는 원동력이 되었다.
부활절 이후 소년 문선명은 그전과 확연히 달라졌다.
말수가 줄고, 깊은 사색을 하는 시간이 늘어갔다.
그러다 마침내 1938년 19세 때 서울 흑석동으로 상경하게 된다.
처음 고향을 떠나 낯선 땅에서의 하숙생활.
당시 만해도 첨단 학문분야였던 경성상공실무학교 전기과에 다녔

The Spirit of America is Slipping Away
New York Times Columnist Bob Herbert wrote an editorial June 21 titled "When Greatness Sli...
published: 06 Jul 2010
author: Jim Tompkins
The Spirit of America is Slipping Away
New York Times Columnist Bob Herbert wrote an editorial June 21 titled "When Greatness Slips Away" It has been reprinted in every major newspaper and has been talked about around the world.
After describing our blown opportunities in dealing with the 9/11 attack, Hurricane Katrina, the great economic crisis and now the BP oil catastrophe, he writes:
"As a nation, we are becoming more and more accustomed to a sense of helplessness. We no longer rise to the great challenges before us. It's not just that we can't plug the oil leak. We can't seem to do much of anything."
"The city of Detroit is using federal money to destroy thousands upon thousands of empty homes, giving in to a sense of desperation that says there is no way to rebuild the city, so let's destroy even more of it. Lots more of it..."
"...The June 28 cover story of Time magazine is headlined "The Broken States of America." The states are facing a catastrophic fiscal situation that is short-circuiting essential services, pushing even more people out of work and undermining the feeble national economic recovery."
As Time reported: "Schools, health services, libraries -- and the salaries that go with them -- are all on the chopping block as states and cities face their worst cash squeeze since the Great Depression."
We are submitting to this debacle with the same pathetic lack of creativity and helpless mindset that now seems to be the default position of Americans in the 21st century. We have become a nation that is good at destroying things -- with wars overseas and mind-bogglingly self- destructive policies here at home -- but that has lost sight of how to build and maintain a flourishing society.
How is it possible that we would let this happen? We've got all kinds of sorry explanations for why we can't do any of the things we need to do...Meanwhile, the greatness of the United States, which so many have taken for granted for so long, is steadily slipping away.
I still believe in America! I still believe in the Spirit of America.
But I believe that Spirit is slowly slipping away, and I believe I know why!
God has declared his standard of greatness for any nation.
Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people. Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness is the foundation for the Spirit of America, for the Greatness of America.
Sadly, we are losing our foundation of righteousness.
William Bennett, in addressing the Midshipmen of the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, November 24th, 1997, said:
"America is a place of heroes, honor, achievement, and respect. But it is as well a place where far too often, heroism is confused with celebrity, honor with fame, true achievement with popularity, individual respect with political correctness. From inside here you look out at a culture that celebrates self-gratification, the crossing of all moral boundaries, and now even the breaking of all social taboos. And on top of it all, too often the sound you hear is whining – the whining of America, what can be heard only as the enormous ingratitude of modern man toward our unprecedented prosperity and good fortune.
Despite our wonders and greatness, we are a society that has experienced so much social regression, so much decadence, in so short a period of time, that in many parts of America we have become the kind of place to which civilized nations used to send missionaries." http://www.chaoticsynapticactivity.com/2006/08/03/does-honor-have-a-future-william-bennett/
Even in 1997, William Bennett was decrying the growing decadence in America, proclaiming that many parts of America are the kinds of places we used to send missionaries to. John Adams foresaw long ago that:
"Human passions unbridled by morality and religion...would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net." — John Adams
The "Spirit of America" is slipping away like a whale through a net because we have forgotten what Righteousness is!
Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people. Proverbs 14:34
There has been much debate about the religious beliefs of our Founding Fathers. Regardless of what you believe about their religious beliefs, all the writings we have indicate that our founding Father's knew what "Righteousness" was. They knew what morality and virtue was. They believed that the Bible was the Word of God and that Righteousness and morality and virtue are all defined within its pages.
The 1828 Webster's Dictionary defined righteousness:
"Purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of heart and life to the divine law. Righteousness, as used in Scripture and theology, in which it is chiefly used, is nearly equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law. It includes all we call justice, honesty and virtue, with holy affections; in short, it is true religion."
Webster concluded that righteousness is conformity to the divine law, and in short is true rel
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Sports Book Betting Tips | MGM Resorts International
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