Monday, 11 February 2013

The Canadian Prairies
A portrayal of the Canadian Prairies. Shot in Macnutt SK, Regina SK, asessippi MB, Roblin ...
published: 04 Nov 2010
author: Brent Ross
Biking Across Canada - Prairies
This section of our adventure includes the journey from Calgary, across the prairies, all ...
published: 15 Aug 2008
author: Glensonthego
Western Canadian Prairies - Alberta
Province Alberta : Area - 660.000 sqkm / population - 3.6 mil. / Capital City - Edmonton /...
published: 20 Feb 2011
author: milyjarko
Prairie Provinces of Canada 1943
Educational film about the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the ...
published: 31 May 2008
Go West! Settling Canada's Prairies "Go West! Settling Canada's Prairies" William R. Morrison, Universi...
published: 24 Apr 2008
Harvest 2010 Canadian your heart out
Harvest at Skibsted Farms, Rosebud Alberta...
published: 23 Oct 2010
author: jameswestify
Snowmobiling in the Prairies - Saskatchewan, Canada
Saskatchewan provides an incredible selection of trails for outdoor sports. Experience the...
published: 10 Jun 2009
Canadian Prairie (Sure is Flat)
Shots of the great wide open as seen from TransCanada Highway #1. More footage shot during...
published: 27 Dec 2010
Wheat Harvest on the Canadian Prairie
Harvesting crops such as wheat, barley, oats and canola with the JD 9650sts...
published: 12 Oct 2010
author: jdeere8650
Canadian Prairies Drought
Droughts are one of the world's most devastating natural hazards. They have a major impact...
published: 21 Sep 2011
author: CFCASmedia
Canadian Pacific Trains in the Prairies
Three CP trains in Manitoba and Saskatchewan - two intermodals and one general freight....
published: 18 Apr 2007
author: Steve Boyko
Longboarding over 40 mph down a big hill in the Canadian Prairies
A video I made of my brother conquering a giant hill on his longboard. Go Dev!!...
published: 06 Mar 2006
author: Jai Agnish
National Film Board of Canada - Life in Early Canada 07 - Homesteading on the Prairies
A short storyboard animation from the National Film Board, about living in early Canada. S...
published: 15 Jan 2011
author: Danux01
northern pike-lake of the prairies,mb,canada
46 inch northern pike caught at lake of the prairies |Manitoba |Canada.Sorry for vulgar la...
published: 07 Nov 2010
author: stomper861
Youtube results:
VANCOUVER 2010 Winter Olympics opening ceremony // Who Has Seen the Wind
Tribute to Canadian Prairies A quote from the novel "Who Has Seen the Wind?" by WO Mitchel...
published: 13 Jul 2012
Shit Saskatchewanians Say
check out more local videos at Created by: Nathan Howe Chris Stoicheff Dale...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: BzztTrapDoor
Corinne Newton - Prairie Town
A song I wrote about living the rural life in the Canadian prairies. If you've never been,...
published: 08 May 2011
Art on the Prairies - Saskatchewan, Canada
Join Stuart Reid, Executive Director of the MacKenzie Art Gallery in Saskatchewan, as he d...
published: 03 Nov 2009