( 2 )Deosai National Park(Karomber Lake )The world's 2nd highest plateau,Skardu Pakistan
( 2 )Deosai National Park(Karomber Lake )The world's 2nd highest plateau,Skardu Pakistan
( 2 )Deosai National Park(Karomber Lake )The world's 2nd highest plateau,Skardu Pakistan
The Deosai National Park is located in Astore valley and partly in Skardu of Gilgit-Baltistan region. The park is located on the Deosai Plains of the Karakor...
YouTube - Astore Deosai Part 5.flv
YouTube - Astore Deosai Part 5.flv
YouTube - Astore Deosai Part 5.flv
The Deosai National Park is located in ASTORE, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. The park is located on the Deosai Plains of the Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alp...
The Deosai National Park is located in ASTORE Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. The park is located on the Deosai Plains of the Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpi...
YouTube - Astore Deosai Part 2.flv
YouTube - Astore Deosai Part 2.flv
YouTube - Astore Deosai Part 2.flv
The Deosai National Park is located in ASTORE, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. The park is located on the Deosai Plains of the Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alp...
Deaosai Plains
Deaosai Plains
Deaosai Plains
The Deosai National Park (Urdu: دیوسائی نیشنل پارک) is located in the Skardu, Astore Districts of Gilgit-Baltistan province, in northernmost Pakistan. The pa...
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 04-Chasing the Marmots
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 04-Chasing the Marmots
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 04-Chasing the Marmots
The Deosai National Park (Urdu: دیوسائی نیشنل پارک) is located in the Skardu, Astore Districts of Gilgit-Baltistan province, in northernmost Pakistan. The pa...
Trip to Northern Areas-26 Deosai Drive
Trip to Northern Areas-26 Deosai Drive
Trip to Northern Areas-26 Deosai Drive
Journey from Astore to Deosai National Park, July, 2012. Deosai National Park is at an average elevation of 4114 metres (13497 ft) above the sea level, mak...
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 03-Crossing the River
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 03-Crossing the River
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 03-Crossing the River
The Deosai National Park (Urdu: دیوسائی نیشنل پارک) is located in the Skardu, Astore Districts of Gilgit-Baltistan province, in northernmost Pakistan. The pa...
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 02-The Yaks
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 02-The Yaks
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 02-The Yaks
The Deosai National Park (Urdu: دیوسائی نیشنل پارک) is located in the Skardu, Astore Districts of Gilgit-Baltistan province, in northernmost Pakistan. The pa...
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 01-Entering Deosai
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 01-Entering Deosai
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 01-Entering Deosai
The Deosai National Park (Urdu: دیوسائی نیشنل پارک) is located in the Skardu, Astore Districts of Gilgit-Baltistan province, in northernmost Pakistan. The pa...
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 05- Barra Pani
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 05- Barra Pani
Deosai Plains, Pakistan-Part 05- Barra Pani
The Deosai National Park (Urdu: دیوسائی نیشنل پارک) is located in the Skardu, Astore Districts of Gilgit-Baltistan province, in northernmost Pakistan. The pa...
In physical geography, a steppe (Ukrainian: степ Russian: степь, tr. step', IPA: [sʲtʲepʲ] ( )) is an ecoregion, in the montane grasslands and shrublands and...
Deosai Plains & National Park, Pakistan, World's Highest Plateau
Deosai Plains & National Park, Pakistan, World's Highest Plateau
Deosai Plains & National Park, Pakistan, World's Highest Plateau
Dosai Plateau is at an average height of 13497feet and is 45Km from Skardu. It is accessible from May to August. All pictures taken by Farhan A Chaudhri. De...
Spectacular Birding and Wildlife Holiday in Mongolia
Spectacular Birding and Wildlife Holiday in Mongolia
Spectacular Birding and Wildlife Holiday in Mongolia
Watch the stunning landscapes and great variety of birds while exploring the steppe lakes, mountain taiga forests, subalpine, and alpine regions, rocky slope...
bloc ailefroide la steppe
bloc ailefroide la steppe
bloc ailefroide la steppe
la proue du secteur la steppe 7a et la tulipe 5+
On The Brink: Mongolian Steppe
On The Brink: Mongolian Steppe
On The Brink: Mongolian Steppe
Yup, episode 1 of On The Brink is out already! The Mongolian steppes is, or was home to some magnificent creatures. But of course we all know how endangered ...
Wildlife of the Mongolian Steppe
Wildlife of the Mongolian Steppe
Wildlife of the Mongolian Steppe
Explores the lives of unique grassland animals in one of the world's last, relatively unchanged wilderness ecosystems.
Younity - Steppe
Younity - Steppe
Younity - Steppe
Younity - Steppe (2011) Download this track here http://soundcloud.com/younity/steppe More music : http://www.soundcloud.com/younity.
Slavonian Raptorcy - Gyr Crakes
Slavonian Raptorcy - Gyr Crakes
Slavonian Raptorcy - Gyr Crakes
Tristis Oriole Leaf Tristis Grus Fan Tarsi Cotinga Lancy Moas Cape Boreal Otis Alpine Urals Leucoptera Duskys Anser Argus Steppe Hobby Anhinga Sing Puffin Be...
Ichthyosaura alpestris: alpesi gote - tritonul de munte - alpine newth
Ichthyosaura alpestris: alpesi gote - tritonul de munte - alpine newth
Ichthyosaura alpestris: alpesi gote - tritonul de munte - alpine newth
Nuptial activity [www.tiborsos.webs.com].
منطقه حافظت شده کالمند Persian Onager at Kalmand protected reserve in Iran
منطقه حافظت شده کالمند Persian Onager at Kalmand protected reserve in Iran
منطقه حافظت شده کالمند Persian Onager at Kalmand protected reserve in Iran
The kiang (Equus kiang) is the largest of the wild asses. It is native to the Tibetan Plateau, where it inhabits montane and alpine grasslands. Its current r...
Oesterreich - Austria HD Travel Channel
Oesterreich - Austria HD Travel Channel
Oesterreich - Austria HD Travel Channel
[dt.] Man muss Österreich mehrfach bereisen, um es kennen zu lernen und vielleicht sogar zu verstehen. Es ist ein Juwel inmitten Europas, das Familien mit Ki...
EcoGrill Ireland
EcoGrill Ireland
EcoGrill Ireland
100% Bio-Nature.More than 2, 5 hours grill fun while the heat remains even. Outdoor -- Safari -- Alpine -- Hiking -- Fishing -- Desert Trip --Steppe -- Ice f...