
Russell Peters - Beating Your Kids
Now he's talking about y parents should beat their kids! SERIOUSLY gotta watch it!...
published: 12 Jul 2006
Author: arommendahl
Russell Peters - Beating Your Kids
Now he's talking about y parents should beat their kids! SERIOUSLY gotta watch it!

Russell Peters Indian Accent
Russell Peters, edited from the video - looking for paint? - cutting tension with the indi...
published: 02 Jul 2006
Author: whadeva
Russell Peters Indian Accent
Russell Peters, edited from the video - looking for paint? - cutting tension with the indian accent

Russell Peters Show Me The Funny : Part1
Russell Peters Show Me The Funny Part1 - Uncensored: 45 min.s of absolute fun...
published: 03 Sep 2011
Author: pavankumarkaranam
Russell Peters Show Me The Funny : Part1
Russell Peters Show Me The Funny Part1 - Uncensored: 45 min.s of absolute fun

Russell Peters - Asians
published: 17 Feb 2007
Author: GforceRock
Russell Peters - Asians

Russle Peter Video
Russle Peter Video...
published: 02 Jan 2006
Author: acool9688
Russle Peter Video
Russle Peter Video

Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen
Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen Russell Peters - How to become a Canadia...
published: 10 Nov 2008
Author: RussellPetersComedy
Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen
Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen

Russell Peters - Chinese, Indians, Jamaicans, Italians
The Best Comedian - Chinese and Indians can't work together! Jamaicans names and how I...
published: 21 Jan 2008
Author: nvscamb
Russell Peters - Chinese, Indians, Jamaicans, Italians
The Best Comedian - Chinese and Indians can't work together! Jamaicans names and how Italians react to Russell SUBSCRIBE and more Russell Peters!

Russell Peters Outsourced Part 1
hak videos - subscribe plz...
published: 02 Jun 2009
Author: hakvideos
Russell Peters Outsourced Part 1
hak videos - subscribe plz

Russel Peters -Women are thinkers
published: 15 Jan 2010
Author: RoyalnFly
Russel Peters -Women are thinkers

Russell Peters Outsourced part 1
Russell Peters Outsourced part 1...
published: 11 Feb 2012
Author: cod7war
Russell Peters Outsourced part 1
Russell Peters Outsourced part 1

russell peters: be a man
great ethnic comedy about chinese and indian merchants. the guy does a great chinese accen...
published: 03 Jan 2007
Author: daezjn
russell peters: be a man
great ethnic comedy about chinese and indian merchants. the guy does a great chinese accent inpersonation...im chinese and i find it hilarious cos its so true!!!

Russell Peters on Ireland
Please follow me on Twitter on @HENCYTJE if you want further recommendations of brilliant ...
published: 30 Oct 2011
Author: hencytjoe
Russell Peters on Ireland
Please follow me on Twitter on @HENCYTJE if you want further recommendations of brilliant clips! Russell Peters on one of his performances about Ireland and the Americans small obsession of referring to themselves as Irish. From "Russell Peters Green Card Tour". The girl at 2:27 is thoroughly amused. Contains bad language. Viewer discretion is adviced. I do not own this material, it is strictly for entertaining purposes. No copyright infringement intended. All rights goes out to the respective companies behind the production of this video and this performance. The goal with this video is to let the world see what a brilliant comedian Russell Peters truely is. Recommended clip for the same topic: www.youtube.com Thanks eoghan91 for the tips.

russel peters full episode
published: 25 Jul 2011
Author: ABZkazmi
russel peters full episode

Russell Peters - Louis Vuitton and Indians (LOOOZ WOOOTON) HQ
Russell Peters - Red White and Brown year 2008. If you want to buy the DVD don't forge...
published: 09 Sep 2009
Author: achkar
Russell Peters - Louis Vuitton and Indians (LOOOZ WOOOTON) HQ
Russell Peters - Red White and Brown year 2008. If you want to buy the DVD don't forget to check and support him russellpeters.shop.musictoday.com Please check another (amateur) comedian Haris Khan - www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Vimeo results:

PODCAST #184 - DEADMAU5, Brian Redban, Russell Peters, Eddie Bravo
THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE PODCAST #184 - DEADMAU5, Brian Redban, Russell Peters, Eddie Brav...
published: 12 Feb 2012
Author: JoeRogan
PODCAST #184 - DEADMAU5, Brian Redban, Russell Peters, Eddie Bravo
THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE PODCAST #184 - DEADMAU5, Brian Redban, Russell Peters, Eddie Bravo

The New DVD: The Green Card Tour LIVE from the O2 Arena.
May 31st Across Canada
June 14th...
published: 17 May 2011
Author: Air Whistle Media
The New DVD: The Green Card Tour LIVE from the O2 Arena.
May 31st Across Canada
June 14th on iTunes Canada

Sacred Marriage 2: The Refining Fire (How to Make a Great Rub)
We are all in the gutter, but some of us look at the stars-Oscar Wilde
They dream in court...
published: 03 Nov 2009
Author: Jim Tompkins
Sacred Marriage 2: The Refining Fire (How to Make a Great Rub)
We are all in the gutter, but some of us look at the stars-Oscar Wilde
They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake…Alexander Pope
Because marriage, more than any other relationship, reflects God’s involvement with us and bears more potential to draw our hearts to heaven, it can more readily give us a taste of hell (Dan Allender & Tremper Longman III)
We all associate the image of fire with hell. And many marriages in American have gone through this fire of Hell. Whether the marriage ends or the couple stays together, marriage is seen by some as hell on earth.
The Apostle Peter was well acquainted with fire.
He denied Jesus while warming his hands over fire. Jesus questioned his love while fish were roasting over fire. In both cases he associated fire with a test. One he failed another he passed. I think that is why he wrote these verses in 1 Peter 4:12-13 (NLT):
1 Peter 4:12-13 (NLT) Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.
1 Peter 1:6-7 (NLT) So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
Fire is certainly viewed as destructive and dangerous. Fires destroy forests, but fires also lead to renewal. Fire burns away the dross surrounding certain metals and reveals the pure gold or silver. The fires of life can destroy our marriage, or, if survived, purify our marriage. The fires of our marriage can draw our hearts to heaven or leave us with the taste of hell.
In the movie Fireproof
Captain Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a firefighter in Albany, Georgia. His seven-year marriage to Catherine is falling apart. Neither one understands the pressures the other faces, and after a heated argument in which Caleb screams in Catherine's face, she declares she wants out of the marriage, and takes off her wedding ring.
While Caleb claims to his friends and co-workers that Catherine is over-sensitive and disrespectful, Catherine simultaneously claims to her peers that Caleb is insensitive to her needs and doesn't listen to her. Further catalyzing Catherine's motivation for divorce is Caleb's addiction to Internet pornography and a large sum of money ($24,000, to be exact) he has saved up for a fishing boat he intends to buy, ignoring the fact that Catherine's disabled mother is in need of hospital equipment that she cannot afford, and which insurance refuses to cover. Caleb tells his father John about the impending divorce, and John challenges Caleb to commit to a 40-day test called, "The Love Dare." Caleb reluctantly agrees to do the test, but more for the sake of his father than his marriage. Catherine initially sees through Caleb's half-hearted attempts to win back her heart, which deepens Caleb's frustration. But with his father's encouragement, Caleb continues with The Love Dare, and eventually makes a life-changing commitment to God, unbeknownst to Catherine.
The movie has some various twists but the end result is Caleb and Catherine realize they need each other, and at the end they renew their vows in an outdoor ceremony, this time as a covenant with God. Their marriage is FIREPROOF.
Marriage is a Covenant
Did you see your marriage vows as a marriage Covenant? Did both you and your spouse get married knowing you were making a covenant before God! You did, whether you realized it or not.
Definition: a binding and solemn agreement to do or keep from doing a specified thing; compact
We know of Covenants from the Bible. God put a rainbow in the sky as a covenant that He would never destroy the world by rain. He made a Covenant with Abraham, He made a Covenant with David, He made a Covenant with all who by faith believe in Jesus Christ. That Covenant was sealed by the blood and body of Jesus.
When we get married, we enter into a covenant before God. In a Covenant, you make a binding agreement to stay with this woman or man until they die. In that Covenant we also promise to do so and so.
Most people believe “Well, my husband broke his promise to love me, or take care of me or so and so, so it’s OK for me to break my promise to him.” Or, well my wife is no longer the person I married, so my vow does not apply.
WE draw a line in our marriage
“I’ll keep my end of the covenant as long as you don’t cross over this line.” I’ll keep my word as long as you don’t … … … But as soon as you do, that’s it, I’m out of here!
That would be OK if marriage
Youtube results:

Racism - Russell Peters
FUNNY SHIT HE IS . . . TLKING ABOUT RACISM has no life but is hilarious...
published: 13 Apr 2009
Author: iluvtwili
Racism - Russell Peters
FUNNY SHIT HE IS . . . TLKING ABOUT RACISM has no life but is hilarious

Russel Peters - Canadian citizens
published: 21 Mar 2012
Author: Neil Patel
Russel Peters - Canadian citizens

Russell Peters: Indian Names
Russell Peters on his name and the names of some other Indians that he's met. If you w...
published: 25 Dec 2007
Author: mikizzlefoshizzle
Russell Peters: Indian Names
Russell Peters on his name and the names of some other Indians that he's met. If you want to see the part of the show that comes immediately after this, see my other video, Russell Peters: Indian Persuasion www.youtube.com

Russell Peters Clowns Two People!!!
published: 22 Jul 2007
Author: herndonboy13
Russell Peters Clowns Two People!!!