The spirits in prison is a recurrent minor subject in the writings of Christianity.
The subject takes its starting point from one obscure Bible reference:
According to Augustine the spirits are the unbelieving contemporaries of Noah, to whom the spirit of Christ in Noah, preached, or to whom pre-existent Christ himself preached.
Unitarians, such as Thomas Belsham, considered that the spirits in prison were simply Gentiles in the prison of ignorance to whom Christ preached through his apostles.
Wayne Grudem (1988) identifies five commonly held views on the interpretation of this verse:
[The prince:]
Thrown into prison, into "Crown's inn"
I'm sitting here all alone
Already forgotten by people I loved
Surrounded by walls of stone
Goddamn you prophet for putting me here
Anguish and hate strikes my mind
Darkens my senses, tearing my soul
The rage is making me blind
I must control my hate
Don't want to be like him now
I must fight before it's too late
Our kingdom is at stake
How / Can I be free from theese dungeons of hate
I want out to face my enemy
Can I be free from theese dungeons of hate
I / want to face the one who killed the king
[Solo Michael]
Now / I have to think, how am I to get out
Out of this dreadful place
I've got to be free to clear my name
And / revenge my father's death
I must...
How can I...
[Solo Both / Both / Jake / Michael]
I must...
How can I...