- published: 17 Aug 2008
- views: 67701

Norsk Melodi Grand Prix 1988 - Glasnost - Jahn Teigen
Låta er skrevet til den politiske kampen mellom øst og vest på slutten av 80 tallet, der d...
published: 15 Aug 2008
Norsk Melodi Grand Prix 1988 - Glasnost - Jahn Teigen
Låta er skrevet til den politiske kampen mellom øst og vest på slutten av 80 tallet, der den kalde krigen gikk mot slutten.
Låta er egentlig en barnesang som forteller hvordan politikene forteller hvor fint alt skal bli til slutt, uten at det egentlig gjør det.
Jahn Teigen fikk 2 plass med denne låta i 1988. Rett bak sin kones (Anita Skorgan) låt "For Vår Jord" som ble fremført av Karoline Krüger. Fikk en 12'poenger av Lillehammer-juryen, som forsåvidt var den eneste som ga full pott til Glasnost, men høstet også flere 8 og 10 poengere. Sluttet til slutt på 55 poeng.
- published: 15 Aug 2008
- views: 53697

Manic Street Preachers - Glasnost
One of my favourite songs from Lifeblood. I couldn't find it here on YouTube and it deserv...
published: 06 Feb 2009
Manic Street Preachers - Glasnost
One of my favourite songs from Lifeblood. I couldn't find it here on YouTube and it deserves to be heard!
Cut me some slack on the vid though, it's my first attempt!
These are the lyrics:
When did life get so, get so complicated?
When did life start, start accelerating?
Make life slower
Stop life growing
If we can still fall in love
If we can still fall in love
Embrace with us, make your own Glasnost
And in defeat, cling to these words so clear
Humiliations not easily understood
Onto the future
Such messages are burned
If we can still fall in love
If we can still fall in love
Embrace with us, make your own Glasnost
- published: 06 Feb 2009
- views: 10162

Guerra Fría: M. Gorbachov al poder. Perestroika y Glasnost
La figura de Mijail Gorbachov es fundamental para conocer y comprender el último periodo d...
published: 18 May 2012
Guerra Fría: M. Gorbachov al poder. Perestroika y Glasnost
La figura de Mijail Gorbachov es fundamental para conocer y comprender el último periodo de la Guerra Fría, sobre todo los grandes cambios que sufriría la URSS con la formulación de la famosa "Perestroika" y "glasnost" , dos reformas que traerán a la unión soviética mucha mas tranquilidad
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Más sobre este video en:
▶ http://www.educatina.com/video/historia/guerra-fria-gorbachov-perestroika-y-glasnost
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- published: 18 May 2012
- views: 8325

Musikzug Bergneustadt - Glasnost
4. Frühlingskonzert 2009 des Musikzuges Bergneustadt unter Leitung von Heinz Rehring!
published: 19 Jun 2009
Musikzug Bergneustadt - Glasnost
4. Frühlingskonzert 2009 des Musikzuges Bergneustadt unter Leitung von Heinz Rehring!
Ein Film von Karl Ludwig Naumann. Herzlichen Dank!
- published: 19 Jun 2009
- views: 5159

Salomon Freeski TV S6 E04 Glasnost Ski (ГЛАСНОСТЬ)
The Arkhyz Gosdacha (Архыз Госдача) sits in a remote river valley on the north side of Rus...
published: 20 Nov 2012
Salomon Freeski TV S6 E04 Glasnost Ski (ГЛАСНОСТЬ)
The Arkhyz Gosdacha (Архыз Госдача) sits in a remote river valley on the north side of Russia's Caucasus Mountains. Built as a mountain retreat for the leaders of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, this lavish estate has played significant role in shaping the history of our modern world. Kaj Zackrisson, Mark Abma, and Mike Douglas discover it also serves as a fine stepping-off point to some of the best, undiscovered heliskiing on the planet.
Like us: http://www.facebook.com/salomonfreeski/
Follow us: http://www.twitter.com/salomonfreeski/
Listen FSTV S6: http://open.spotify.com/user/salomonfreeski/playlist/1a8kjK7viZ0ruFKe7x7U1I
'The Decision'
by TJ Kross
'Warm Day, Cold War'
by Bronze Radio Return
Courtesy of Audiosocket
- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 104808

Glasnost - Reünisten Orkest
Het nummer Glasnost gespeeld door het Reünisten Orkest van Arbeiders Muziekvereniging Ontw...
published: 27 Nov 2011
Glasnost - Reünisten Orkest
Het nummer Glasnost gespeeld door het Reünisten Orkest van Arbeiders Muziekvereniging Ontwaakt uit Hattem tijdens het Najaarsconcert op 26-11-2011.
- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 358

Glasnost and Perestroika: The Failed Reforms that Sparked a Revolution
This documentary was entered into the 2012 Massachusetts History Day competition on March ...
published: 09 Apr 2012
Glasnost and Perestroika: The Failed Reforms that Sparked a Revolution
This documentary was entered into the 2012 Massachusetts History Day competition on March 31, 2012 and received an honorable mention. The year's theme was "revolution, reaction, reform."
Thesis: Glasnost, meaning openness, and Perestroika, meaning restructuring, were reforms implemented by Mikhail Gorbachev to fix the failing Soviet economy in 1985. Glasnost and Perestroika failed to reform the Soviet Union, but uncovered the inherent flaws in the Soviet command economy and discredited the entire political system. Soviet citizens no longer trusted old institutions that were revealed to be corrupt and wasteful, and turned to nationalist leaders for stability and assurance. The conflict created by the rising tide of nationalism led to a violent reactionary coup by communist hardliners, the failure of which empowered nationalists to finish their growing revolution and dissolve the Soviet Union.
- published: 09 Apr 2012
- views: 1095

Glasnost - Lenteconcert Sint-Joris (Deel 8/25)
Glasnost - Dizzy Stratford, Lenteconcert 2011 Sint-Joris - http://www.sint-joris-jorko.be/...
published: 22 May 2011
Glasnost - Lenteconcert Sint-Joris (Deel 8/25)
Glasnost - Dizzy Stratford, Lenteconcert 2011 Sint-Joris - http://www.sint-joris-jorko.be/sint-joris
Volledige afpeellijst : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?p=PLAD602ACD5470CACB
- published: 22 May 2011
- views: 655

Glasnost Rock - Rock Summer 88 la 12.11.2011 klo 22.00 kanavalta YLE Teema
Taltiointi Tallinnassa kesällä 1988 järjestetystä suuresta kolmipäiväisestä rockfestivaali...
published: 13 Nov 2011
Glasnost Rock - Rock Summer 88 la 12.11.2011 klo 22.00 kanavalta YLE Teema
Taltiointi Tallinnassa kesällä 1988 järjestetystä suuresta kolmipäiväisestä rockfestivaalista. Mukana mm. Eppu Normaali, Juice Leskinen, Leningrad Cowboys, John Lydon alias Johnny Rotten ja Big Country.
- published: 13 Nov 2011
- views: 9932

port-royal - leitmotiv | glasnost
stunning video of "leitmotiv | glasnost" by jack lane & jason fox. check also http://www.m...
published: 04 Nov 2008
port-royal - leitmotiv | glasnost
stunning video of "leitmotiv | glasnost" by jack lane & jason fox. check also http://www.myspace.com/banksfox.
- published: 04 Nov 2008
- views: 9750
Vimeo results:

published: 20 Feb 2012

Lit with the iPhone 4 LED
In the last few weeks I've been locked away in a dark studio in...
published: 19 Dec 2010
author: Andrew Reid
Lit with the iPhone 4 LED
In the last few weeks I've been locked away in a dark studio in Berlin working on EOSHD.com, but I've also made a video in the dark confines of our building, with my music producer friend 'Andy'.
Cameras: GH1 and 60D
Making-of blog http://www.eoshd.com/content/484/Glasnost-music-video-lit-with-iPhone-LED-light

Glasnost is an underground church in Skopje Macedonia that I'm apart of. I put together th...
published: 06 Jan 2009
author: Shea Sizemore
Glasnost is an underground church in Skopje Macedonia that I'm apart of. I put together this little video about a year ago. As you can see, they are involved in many elements of the Macedonian sub culture... tattooing, martial arts, and music.

Frame by frame animation made with Flip it! app for iPhone, one jade pyramidal stone, on...
published: 12 May 2010
Frame by frame animation made with Flip it! app for iPhone, one jade pyramidal stone, one crystal prism and one crystal sphere. Everything filmed with Nikon D90. Some 3D added during the process.
A film by Rocco Pezzella
Music: -Blue Orb- by Kahimi Karie
samizdat technique:
Essentially, the samizdat copies of text, such as Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita or Václav Havel's writing The Power of the Powerless, were passed among friends. The techniques to reproduce the forbidden literature and periodicals varied from making several copies of the content using carbon paper, either by hand or on a typewriter, to printing on mainframe printers during night shifts, to printing the books on semi-professional printing presses in larger quantities. Before glasnost, the practice was dangerous, because copy machines, printing presses and even typewriters in offices were under control of the First Departments (KGB outposts): reference printouts for all of them were stored for identification purposes.
Youtube results:

La Perestroika y la Glasnost
me costo demaciado hacer este video, ya q, al terminarlo, se reinicio el pc, perdiendolo t...
published: 22 Oct 2010
La Perestroika y la Glasnost
me costo demaciado hacer este video, ya q, al terminarlo, se reinicio el pc, perdiendolo todo xD
- published: 22 Oct 2010
- views: 5638

CÄCILIAKONZERT 2011 | Musikkapelle Sexten -- Glasnost
9. Stück des Konzerts
Glasnost-Konzertwerk - Dizzy Stratford
Kapellmeister: Alfred Watsc...
published: 19 Nov 2011
CÄCILIAKONZERT 2011 | Musikkapelle Sexten -- Glasnost
9. Stück des Konzerts
Glasnost-Konzertwerk - Dizzy Stratford
Kapellmeister: Alfred Watschinger
Kamera: Michael Rogger
Schnitt: Armin Rogger
- published: 19 Nov 2011
- views: 446

illuminatus - Glasnost
From our 2nd studio album GLASNOST.
Released February 2011 via Headroom Records.
published: 03 Jun 2011
illuminatus - Glasnost
From our 2nd studio album GLASNOST.
Released February 2011 via Headroom Records.
Available NOW on iTunes, Spotify, Play.com and all other retailers.
For more info please visit www.illuminatus.uk.com
- published: 03 Jun 2011
- views: 3294

Manic Street Preachers - Glasnost (Lyrics)
From Their Album Lifeblood!
When did life get so, get so complicated
When did time sta...
published: 07 Sep 2009
Manic Street Preachers - Glasnost (Lyrics)
From Their Album Lifeblood!
When did life get so, get so complicated
When did time start, start accelerating
Make life slower
Stop life growing
If we can still fall in love
If we can still fall in love
Embrace with us - make your own glasnost
And in defeat, cling to these words so clear
Humiliations not easily understood
Onto the future
Such messages are burned
If we can still fall in love
If we can still fall in love
Embrace with us - make your own glasnost
If we can still fall in love
If we can still fall in love
Embrace with us - make your own glasnost
If we can still fall in love
If we can still fall in love
Embrace with us - make your own glasnost
- published: 07 Sep 2009
- views: 2644