To thoroughly lay to rest any further debate of the Cultural Revolution and urging the country keep moving ahead under under Xi. The 1981 resolution “on the Cultural Revolution (as a catastrophe) has withstood the test of time and it remains unshakably scientific and authoritative,” it said....
WFXT's Shiri Spear says fireballs are bigger and brighter “shooting stars,” or meteors, characterized by it being as bright or brighter than Venus to qualify. It’s vibrancy is due to the larger size of the debris burning up in the atmosphere.More than 150 people from the Northeast U.S ... ET, according to the American Meteor Society. The fireball was also reportedly seen in Quebec and Ontario, Canada, the report said ... ....
The media selection committee of the SaintsHall of Fame has selected Will Smith for induction in 2016, while Hokie Gajan has been chosen to receive the Joe Gemelli Fleur de Lis award for his vast contributions to the New Orleans Saints organization ... They will be honored posthumously at the annual Saints Hall of Fame induction luncheon on Oct ... For more information about the Saints Hall of Fame, visit
The first degree awarded at NJIT today was to Joseph Micalizzi, the student who was killed May 2 in his fraternity house ...Martin Luther King, Jr.Boulevard ... Both men pleaded not guilty to charges of murder, felony murder and weapons offenses ... Among those receiving honorary degrees was commencement speaker Leonard Kleinrock, professor of computer science at UCLA and one of developers of a program that was the precursor of the internet ... ....
WaltonHallPark in Liverpool...The EuropeanMobileFun Park comes to Liverpool for the first time on Thursday 19th May opening every day through to Sunday 29th of May at Walton Hall Park with over a dozen thrilling rides and attractions, plus free family entertainment on Sunday 22nd of May from 2-5pm with the magical snow sisters who certainly need no introduction....
(Source... (E.Walker/MRD). The Schools' Exhibit at BMEX has once again gained the approval of Education Minister, Ronald Jones, who is satisfied with the level of work put in by students and teachers across the island ... ... Leonard's Boys' Secondary for their solar energy project used to charge phones; The Lodge School for its combined chair/step ladder; and Daryll Jordan Secondary for its Mist project that aids with the growing of plants....
The meeting -- a continuation of a hearing held on Jan. 19 -- is slated to take place at 6 p.m. in City Council chambers at CityHall at 630 Ave. C ... The stalled decision came after spirited demonstrations both for and against the center were held earlier in the evening in front of City Hall, immediately prior to the meeting ... ....