- published: 03 Nov 2009
- views: 2655

8080 CP/M Computer running Zork 1
A video of a computer I built which runs CP/M 2.2. More on the system is at http://kaput.r...
published: 10 Oct 2006
8080 CP/M Computer running Zork 1
A video of a computer I built which runs CP/M 2.2. More on the system is at http://kaput.retroarchive.org
- published: 10 Oct 2006
- views: 40217

LGR - CP/M Vintage Goodies - Osborne 1 Computer & Kaypro IV
A slew of CP/M, Osborne, Kaypro and Heath retro computing software and hardware. Any tips ...
published: 11 Aug 2010
LGR - CP/M Vintage Goodies - Osborne 1 Computer & Kaypro IV
A slew of CP/M, Osborne, Kaypro and Heath retro computing software and hardware. Any tips or additional info is appreciated!
The Heathkit / Zenith stuff is especially curious. I'm not sure what all it's actually for, system-wise. Possibly a H89/90.
Turns out the Kaypro is a 4/83 + 88 making it compatible with MS-DOS. I also got the floppy drive working.
There will be a proper and full-length review of these machines at some point.
- published: 11 Aug 2010
- views: 19661

Osborne 1 - showing CP/M, WordStar, SuperCalc & Basic
The Osborne 1 is considered as the 1st portable computers ...
published: 19 Sep 2010
Osborne 1 - showing CP/M, WordStar, SuperCalc & Basic
The Osborne 1 is considered as the 1st portable computers which was available to the masses. It came out 1981 and was bundled with popular CP/M software - it soon became a great success. The video shows the early version 1 machine.
- published: 19 Sep 2010
- views: 23981

LGR - Ladder - Kaypro CP/M Game Review
An overview of the game Ladder by Yahoo Software, played on a Kaypro 4/83 vintage portable...
published: 14 Sep 2010
LGR - Ladder - Kaypro CP/M Game Review
An overview of the game Ladder by Yahoo Software, played on a Kaypro 4/83 vintage portable computer.
Ladder Java Port
Also, many thanks to TZ and Dave, the developers of the game, for the following:
"there is a cheat code for Ladder which was used by us to test the levels. On the command line, you can type one or more of the following to enter into cheat mode:
For example:
ladder pro level 3 pro men 10
would start you on level 3 with 10 lives."
- published: 14 Sep 2010
- views: 11306

Z80 Single Board Computer runs CP/M
This small single board computer runs CP/M 2.2 on a Z80 at 8MHz. The game being played is ...
published: 15 Aug 2011
Z80 Single Board Computer runs CP/M
This small single board computer runs CP/M 2.2 on a Z80 at 8MHz. The game being played is the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
More information is at http://kaput.retroarchive.org/Z80SBC.html
- published: 15 Aug 2011
- views: 6052

CPM 22 - "Abominável" (clipe oficial)
Ficha Técnica:
Daniel Ferro
My Name is Films
Produção Executiva:
published: 28 Nov 2012
CPM 22 - "Abominável" (clipe oficial)
Ficha Técnica:
Daniel Ferro
My Name is Films
Produção Executiva:
Juca Muller
Performance Music
Paulo Tiefenthaler
Fabio Belga
Humberto da Mata
Coordenadora de Produção:
Mariana Betoni
Assistente de Produção:
Edu Lima
Assistente de Direção:
Helen Ramos
Edição e Finalização:
Daniel Ferro
Direção de Fotografia:
Túlio Ferreira
Assistentes de Fotografia:
Eric Luchini
Kauê Mazon
Luiz Eduardo Ferdin
Direção de Arte:
Humberto da Mata
Assistente de Arte:
Edu Lima
Talita Miranda
Efeitos Especiais:
Raphael Borghi
Animação "Don't Be Such a Square":
Pedro Magalhães
Ovelha Negra
Making Of:
Armando Fonseca
Santa Hell
DC Shoes CO
JC turismo
Quentin Tarantino
- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 41110

CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória Nova Música HD
CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Der...
published: 25 Dec 2012
CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória Nova Música HD
CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória CPM 22 - Derrota e Glória
- published: 25 Dec 2012
- views: 10851

Machinima Terminates Contracts Unless Lower CPM is Accepted
The Reddit article: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/168rlx/machinima_is_sending_ou...
published: 09 Jan 2013
Machinima Terminates Contracts Unless Lower CPM is Accepted
The Reddit article: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/168rlx/machinima_is_sending_out_10day_termination/
Union for Gamers: http://www.UnionForGamers.com
The Union for Gamers contract: http://www.unionforgamers.com/public/NewContractCurrent_SAMPLE_ONLY.pdf
Apply: http://www.unionforgamers.com/contact-form/youtube/
Watch Athene LIVE: http://www.AtheneLive.com/Athene
Start LoL & Refer Athene: http://bit.ly/lolrefer
Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/WorldOfAthene
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/AtheneLOL
music on news and giveaway videos by Feint: http://youtu.be/boI7pCIFVLM
Reese's Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/reese015
Tania's Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TaniaUncensored
Tania's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TaniaUncensored
Subscribe to Tania's channel: http://www.youtube.com/TaniaUncensored
- published: 09 Jan 2013
- views: 35037

Pra galera que curte o som desses caras!!! SAUDADE DISSO !!!!
1."Regina Let's Go"
published: 15 Feb 2012
Pra galera que curte o som desses caras!!! SAUDADE DISSO !!!!
1."Regina Let's Go"
3."O Mundo dá Voltas"
4."Dias Atrás"
7."Light Blue Night"
9."Não Sei Viver sem Ter Você"
10."Além de Nós"
12."Apostas e Certezas"
13."Um Minuto para o Fim do Mundo"
14."Não Vá Embora"
15."Pouco pra Mim"
16."Peter / 60 Segundos / Garota da TV"
18."Cidade em Chamas"
19."A Cura"
21."Tarde de Outubro"
CPM22 !!!!!
- published: 15 Feb 2012
- views: 239783
Vimeo results:

Yosemite HD
This video is a collaboration between Sheldon Neill and Colin Delehanty. All timelapses we...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: Project Yosemite
Yosemite HD
This video is a collaboration between Sheldon Neill and Colin Delehanty. All timelapses were shot on the Canon 5D Mark II with a variety of Canon L and Zeiss CP.2 Lenses.
Project Yosemite Website: http://projectyose.com
Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/projectyose
Twitter: twitter.com/projectyose
Contact info: info@projectyose.com
Thanks to Dynamic Perception for their motion controlled dolly and continued support! Purchase gear used in this video here: http://www.dynamicperception.com/#oid=1004_1
Dynamic Perception Website: http://dynamicperception.com
Track: Outro
Album: Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
Artist: M83
Site: http://ilovem83.com
Publishing: http://emimusicpub.com
Licensing: http://bankrobbermusic.com
This whole project has been an amazing experience. The two of us became friends through Vimeo and explored a shared interest in timelapsing Yosemite National Park over an extended period of time. We'd like to expand this idea to other locations and would appreciate any suggestions for a future project.
Project Yosemite was featured as a main story on Yosemite National Park's Spring Newsletter.: http://www.yosemitepark.com/timelapse-sprnews-2012.aspx
To view this in 2K, visit: http://youtu.be/OwFbjJasW3E
Be sure to change the quality settings to 'Original'.
Behind The Scenes: http://vimeo.com/35223326
By Dalton Runberg
Our hearts go out to the families of Markus Praxmarer who lost his life while climbing Half Dome on September 19th, 2011 and Ranger Ryan Hiller, who was crushed by a tree January 22nd 2012. They will be missed. (A photo of Ranger Ryan Hiller can be found to the right, above the statistics counter)

EPIC #308
Shot with the Red Epic M - Serial # 308. The footage was shot in California, from Big Su...
published: 09 Jun 2011
author: Vincent Laforet
EPIC #308
Shot with the Red Epic M - Serial # 308. The footage was shot in California, from Big Sur, to Ft Bragg back through Mono Lake and Death Valley.
Thanks to Kessler University http://www.KesslerU.com & http://www.kesslercrane.com/?Click=2700 for sponsoring the making of this and the behind the scenes footage (http://vimeo.com/25239456)
The time lapse shots were shot with the Canon 5D MKII (Tree on top of hill, Mono Lake push, Death Valley slider shots) and the Canon 1D MKIV (BMW astro time lapse.)
Duclos, Zeiss CP.2 and Schneider Cine Xenar PL lenses as well as Canon EF lenses were used. Kessler sliders and cranes were used for moco and time lapse.
The most difficult to appreciate is how compressed the footage becomes relative to the original at 1080p let alone 5K. I've gone ahead an put some high-resolution frame grabs on my blog as a result so that you can appreciate the full quality this camera produces. So check out this link to see frame grabs from the footage to get a better idea of the quality this camera produces: http://blog.vincentlaforet.com/2011/06/09/red-epic-5k-and-hdrx/
For more information on the gear used in this video go to:

WEKFEST 2012 in 24-300fps RED EPIC
First car show shot on the red epic?
WEKFEST car show 2012.
San Francisco, CA
Shot with ...
published: 24 Feb 2012
author: Studio Mountain - studiomtn.com
WEKFEST 2012 in 24-300fps RED EPIC
First car show shot on the red epic?
WEKFEST car show 2012.
San Francisco, CA
Shot with RED EPIC
5K & 2K Resolutions in 24-300fps
Edited in Premiere CS5.5 and After Effects
18mm cp2
28mm cp2
50mm cp2
85mm cp2
Redrock Shoulder Mount.
Song: m83 - Midnight City
Shot and Edited by Michael Nguyen
Client: ISG www.insixthgear.com

Freediving the Abyss
Watch 4 Freediving professionals swim in unison beneath the Blue Hole's infamous Arch at a...
published: 02 Aug 2011
Freediving the Abyss
Watch 4 Freediving professionals swim in unison beneath the Blue Hole's infamous Arch at a depth of 60m! Through dedication and perseverance 25 divers from around the world collaborated to achieve this breathtaking feat. The possibilities of the sea are truly limitless!
Produced by Aron Daníel Arngrímsson - Team Blue Immersion FX
Mike Wells
Miguel Lozano
Akim Ladhari
Santiago Jakas
Stefan Randig
UW Cameramen
Aron Daníel Arngrímsson
Erik Brown
Jonas Samuelsson
Jacques De Vos
Miguel Lozano
Freediving Set-up
Freedive Dahab
Lotta Ericson
Linda Paganelli
Freediver Safety
Lotta Ericson
Linda Paganelli
Alana Caskey Wells
Bjorn Hedquist
Andrea Bambi Girl
Satomi kasai
Jonathan Sunnex
Ant Latimer
Safety Divers
Jonas Samuelsson
Aron Daníel Arngrímsson
Erik Brown
Zakaria El-Sayed
Chloé Villaume
Aron Daníel Arngrímsson
Music Credits
Artist, HiFi Mike - C&P; ( Mushroom Music publishing) (Level Two Records)
SSI Freediving www.divessi.com
Team Blue Immersion www.blue-immersion.org
Blue immersion www.blue-immersion.com
Freedive Dahab www.freedivedahab.com
Apnea Canarias www.apneacanarias.com
Neptune Freediving www.neptunesports.com.au
Youtube results:

CPM 22 "Vida ou Morte" Videoclipe Oficial HD
Direção: Rodrigo Giannetto ( @r_giannetto )
Clipe da música Vida ou Morte, da banda CPM22 ...
published: 07 Dec 2010
CPM 22 "Vida ou Morte" Videoclipe Oficial HD
Direção: Rodrigo Giannetto ( @r_giannetto )
Clipe da música Vida ou Morte, da banda CPM22 ( @cpm22 ) , de 12/2010.
Autor: Luciano Garcia
Site Oficial CPM22 : http://www.cpm22.com.br
Produção Artística: Easy Produções
Produção Videoclipe: Real Filmes ( http://www.realfilmes.com.br )
- published: 07 Dec 2010
- views: 974510

Dr. Pamela Zelbst introduces the Critical Path Method and the PERT Method to her online st...
published: 13 Jul 2011
Dr. Pamela Zelbst introduces the Critical Path Method and the PERT Method to her online students in Project Management at Sam Houston State University. Copyright 2010.
- published: 13 Jul 2011
- views: 57691

CPM22 - Um Minuto Para O Fim Do Mundo - Extra
Music video by CPM22 performing Um Minuto Para O Fim Do Mundo - Extra. (C) 2005 Arsenal M...
published: 26 Jun 2009
CPM22 - Um Minuto Para O Fim Do Mundo - Extra
Music video by CPM22 performing Um Minuto Para O Fim Do Mundo - Extra. (C) 2005 Arsenal Music
- published: 26 Jun 2009
- views: 2599476