- published: 18 Feb 2012
- views: 3160933

Peaceful Aum namah Shivaya Mantra Complete!
This is a long but most beautiful Aum Namah Shivaya Mantra, enjoy, sing along and i hope t...
published: 18 Feb 2012
Peaceful Aum namah Shivaya Mantra Complete!
This is a long but most beautiful Aum Namah Shivaya Mantra, enjoy, sing along and i hope this will give you peace! The link to the picture is: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8428/7616207488_05ded9c03c_z.jpg
- published: 18 Feb 2012
- views: 3160933

(Trent Reznor ) + (Josh Homme) + (Dave Grohl) - Mantra
watch the instrumental/studio performance here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z16cVP8Ena...
published: 04 Mar 2013
(Trent Reznor ) + (Josh Homme) + (Dave Grohl) - Mantra
watch the instrumental/studio performance here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z16cVP8Enag
Buy the album here : http://buy.soundcitymovie.com/album
- published: 04 Mar 2013
- views: 116375

Click here to download the album. http://www.vyanah.com/Buy-mantra.html
published: 19 May 2008
Click here to download the album. http://www.vyanah.com/Buy-mantra.html
Mantra for meditation. This mantra has no approximate translation. The sounds related directly to the principles which govern each of the first six chakras on the spine...Earth, water, fire, air, ether. Notice that this does not refer to the chakras themselves which have a different set of seed sounds, but rather the principles which govern those chakras in their place.
- published: 19 May 2008
- views: 2311613

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (Hinduism) Mantra singer Hein Braat & Medicine Buddha's Mantra (Buddhism)
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (Hinduism) & Medicine Buddha's Mantra (Buddhism)
Mantra singer: Hei...
published: 16 Oct 2011
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (Hinduism) Mantra singer Hein Braat & Medicine Buddha's Mantra (Buddhism)
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (Hinduism) & Medicine Buddha's Mantra (Buddhism)
Mantra singer: Hein Braat
Peace and Love for All
- published: 16 Oct 2011
- views: 1039804

Gayatri Mantra
This is a very beautiful rendition of the Maha Gayatri mantra.
Hope you enjoy it and pleas...
published: 25 Jun 2008
Gayatri Mantra
This is a very beautiful rendition of the Maha Gayatri mantra.
Hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave your comments.
Bhagavan blessings to all and ENJOY!
Please view below for the words and translation.
Gayatri Mantra Translation:
Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
Syllable Translation
Om: Para Brahman
Bhur: The Physical plane
Bhuvah: The Astral plane
Svaha: The Celestial plane
Tat: Ultimate Reality
Savitur: The Source of All
Varenyam: Fit to be worshiped
Bhargo: The Spiritual effulgence
Devasya: Divine Reality
Dhimahi: We meditate
Dhiyo: Intellect
Yo: Which
Nah: Our
Prachodayat: Enlighten
General Translation
We meditate upon the spiritual effulgence of that adorable supreme divine reality
Who is the source of the physical, the astral and the heavenly spheres of existence.
May that supreme divine being enlighten our intellect, so that we may realise the supreme truth.
- published: 25 Jun 2008
- views: 13699965

Magical Healing Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum
El mantra es una palabra o grupo de palabras sin un contenido semántico específico. Un man...
published: 02 Oct 2008
Magical Healing Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum
El mantra es una palabra o grupo de palabras sin un contenido semántico específico. Un mantra es un conjunto de sílabas en sánscrito (lengua sagrada del hinduismo y del budismo tántrico) que se recita un determinado número de veces para conseguir un logro, que puede ser mundano (obtener algo, lograr alguna habilidad) o trascendente (el logro supremo, que en el budismo tibetano consiste en la iluminación no solamente racional, sino de la verdadera naturaleza de la mente). También puede definirse como un sonido o combinación de palabras que por su construcción, significado y ritmo, posee la capacidad de concentrar la mente, elevandola.
La palabra es sonido. El sonido es vibración. Vibración es energía. Según el hinduismo, el mantra Om es el sonido primigenio del universo, el origen y principio de todos los mantras.
En la tradición hindú, la función primordial de los mantras es liberar a la mente del condicionamiento material y elevar la conciencia a un plano superior o espiritual
En el budismo tibetano, cada mantra se considera el sonido correspondiente a un cierto aspecto de la iluminación y se recita para identificarse con ese aspecto de la mente iluminada.
Por ejemplo, el conocido om mani padme hum corresponde a la compasión. Se traduce: ¡Oh, joya en el loto!, siendo originalmente el célebre mantra om el símbolo sonoro correspondiente al Brahman, aunque tal mantra pasó a ser parte de una célebre frase budista.
Los mandalas son diagramas o representaciones esquemáticas y simbólicas del macrocosmos y el microcosmos, utilizados en el budismo y el hinduismo. Estructuralmente, el espacio sagrado (el centro del universo y soporte de concentración), es generalmente representado como un círculo inscrito dentro de una forma cuadrangular. En la práctica, los yantra hindúes son lineales, mientras que los mándalas budistas son bastante figurativos. A partir de los ejes cardinales se suelen sectorizar las partes o regiones internas del círculo-mandala.
- published: 02 Oct 2008
- views: 6927893

Selección de mantras y música para el alma y el espiritu. Frecue...
published: 23 May 2012
Selección de mantras y música para el alma y el espiritu. Frecuencias para armonizar el ambiente y sentirse en paz.
Selection of mantras and music for the soul and spirit. Frequencies to harmonize the environment and feel at peace.
Auswahl der Mantras und Musik für die Seele und Geist. Frequenzen zur Harmonisierung der Umwelt und fühlen sich in Frieden.
Επιλογή του μάντρα και μουσική για την ψυχή και το πνεύμα. Οι συχνότητες για την εναρμόνιση του περιβάλλοντος και να αισθάνονται την ειρήνη.
Selezione di mantra e musica per l'anima e lo spirito. Frequenze di armonizzare l'ambiente e sentire in pace.
Seleção de mantras e música para a alma eo espírito. Frequências para harmonizar o ambiente e se sentir em paz.
- published: 23 May 2012
- views: 646684

The Gayatri Mantra Around The World - Deva Premal
Deva Premal sings the Gayatri Mantra in 32 different countries around the world.
Om bhur ...
published: 20 Dec 2012
The Gayatri Mantra Around The World - Deva Premal
Deva Premal sings the Gayatri Mantra in 32 different countries around the world.
Om bhur bhuvah svaha
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yonah prachodayat
Praise to the source of all things.
It is due to you that we attain true happiness on all planes.
It is due to your transcendent nature that you are being worshipped and adored.
Ignite us with your all pervading light.
- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 59637

Deva Premal .. Moola Mantra
completo.. casi 40 minutos de magia :)
Mantra es sonido y vibración...Todo en el Universo ...
published: 17 Sep 2012
Deva Premal .. Moola Mantra
completo.. casi 40 minutos de magia :)
Mantra es sonido y vibración...Todo en el Universo vibra.. Somos Vibraciòn... Los sabios que conocieron el principio del sonido crearon los mantras de interiorizacion, porque conocían el poder que yace detrás de la palabra.
La palabra mantra proviene del sánscrito man, que significa mente, y tra, que tiene el sentido de protección, y también de instrumento... Los mantras son recursos para proteger a nuestra mente contra los ciclos improductivos de pensamiento y acción. Aparte de sus aspectos vibracionales benéficos, los mantras sirven para enfocar y sosegar la mente.
Los mantras emplean un canal subliminal pero con intenciones benéficas. No es necesario intelectualizar el "significado" o la simbología del mantra para que su sonido ejerza sus efectos sobre nosotros. El ritmo sonoro funcionará en el plano inconsciente y acabará por saturar los pensamientos conscientes, lo cual a su vez, afectará a los ritmos... Parte de la magia del mantra consiste en que no se debe reflexionar sobre su sentido, pues sólo así trascenderemos los aspectos fragmentarios de la mente consciente y percibiremos su unidad subyacente.
La repetición consciente del mantra utiliza el sonido como vehículo que nos conecta con los chakras superiores del exterior del cuerpo, porque no hay manera de acceder a ellos por medio de la lógica... El sonido lleva una cierta frecuencia y el cuerpo la reconoce.
A lo largo de la repetición del mantra la información que contiene el mismo se desvanece quedando solamente el efecto sonoro y tranquilizador en nuestra mente.
Los Mantras pueden usarse solos o como parte de una visualización, o también repitiéndolos internamente dentro de una meditación.
También puedes usar los Mantras como "protectores de la mente", mientras caminas o trabajas y hasta cuando estas sentado meditando... Si estas diciendo el Mantra en voz alta deja que resuene en tu pecho...Cuando viajas y esta por despegar el avión, puede servirte, o en ocasiones similares, como modo de superar el momento.
Que el Mantra termine con la exhalación, pero que esto no te preocupes de a poco encontraras tu ritmo ... Que el mantra vaya con tu respiración y no al revés...No pienses en el significado del mantra, si es que lo tiene.
No te preocupes por la pronunciación, lo que cuenta es el espiritu con que lo haces.
Para terminar, permite que tu canto vaya bajando de volumen poco a poco, hasta que deje de ser un sonido externo y solo lo escuches en tu interior.
Al concluir sumérgete en la vibración del silencio , luego de la practica, y que tenga un efecto refrescante para tu mente y emociones. ♥
- published: 17 Sep 2012
- views: 17566

Medicine Buddha Mantra (with words)
Tibetan Buddhist Mantra - To eliminate not only pain of diseases but also help in overcomi...
published: 15 Jan 2008
Medicine Buddha Mantra (with words)
Tibetan Buddhist Mantra - To eliminate not only pain of diseases but also help in overcoming the major inner sickness of attachment, hatred, jealousy, desire, greed and ignorance. Mantra chanted by Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche from the CD 'The Blessing from H.H. Penor Rinpoche for World Peace'.
Visit: http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/saidivineinspirations
- published: 15 Jan 2008
- views: 1850501

Ganesh Mantra - Obstacle Breaker (STROBE)
98 Reps, 108 Reps would not fit in 10 minutes.
"Om Salutations and Prostrations to Lo...
published: 18 Jun 2008
Ganesh Mantra - Obstacle Breaker (STROBE)
98 Reps, 108 Reps would not fit in 10 minutes.
"Om Salutations and Prostrations to Lord Ganesha"
"This mantra invokes the Lord Ganesha to remove every impediment in your life and in your works. By constant meditation on this mantra, all obstacles and blocked energy in your physical and astral bodies are released.
He brings writing and knowledge. But he is most often known as the "Breaker of Obstacles". This does not mean that if something blocks your way to success that appealing to Ganesh will result in your thundering through your opposition like some great juggernaut (a word derived from the name of a Hindu deity Jaganath). Rather, Ganesh breaks obstacles by working around them. He may not help you fix a relationship, but He might help you find a new one. He might not get you a raise at work, but you might get a job offer from another company for more money. Ganesh is a warrior, but is not into fighting for fighting's sake. Indeed, that is why he lost his head and it had to be replaced with the head of a elephant. Rather, He helps you find other ways of overcoming obstacles. The real obstacles He breaks are those which prevent you from recognizing alternative solutions."
"Ganesha mantras are siddhi mantras . Each mantra contains certain specific powers of Lord Ganesha. When chanted with the proper pranayama (rhythmic breathing) and sincere devotion, they will yield good results. In general, Ganesha mantras will ward off all evil and bless the devotee with abundance, prudence and success. Evil spirits dare not enter the home or the mind of the devotee where Ganesha mantras are recited.
"One more point to remember is that one should bathe or wash the limbs before sitting for repetition of the mantra. Also, one should do three or more pranayama before beginning the mantra. The minimum repetition of the mantra should be one full mala, or 108 times. When this is done at a fixed hour and place regularly for 48 days, it becomes an upasana, which means intense meditation, that will yield siddhis, or spiritual powers. Another warning to bear in mind is that one should use those powers only for healing the sick and other such selfless actions for the benefit of mankind. These powers should not be misused. Misuse of power may bring the curse of the asuras.
"This is a mantra from Ganapati Upanishad. One may always use it before beginning a journey, a new course in school, new career or job, or before entering into any new contract or business so that impediments are removed and your endeavor may be crowned with success."
- http://www.himalayanacademy.com/resources/books/lg/lg_ch-10.html
List of credits at end of video
Thank you to all Divine artists featured.
- published: 18 Jun 2008
- views: 4547767

Gayatri Mantra ( 108 peaceful chants ) (NEW)
This video is dedicated to the Mother of the Veda's. Only listening to this Mantra gives o...
published: 02 Aug 2012
Gayatri Mantra ( 108 peaceful chants ) (NEW)
This video is dedicated to the Mother of the Veda's. Only listening to this Mantra gives one peace. Chanting it is even greater. Gayatri Mata Ki Jai ~~~~~~~~~SUBSCRIBE~~~~~~~~~~
- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 444020

Deva Premal - Gayatri Mantra
meditative spiritual New Age music, which puts ancient Sanskrit mantras into atmospheric, ...
published: 26 Jun 2011
Deva Premal - Gayatri Mantra
meditative spiritual New Age music, which puts ancient Sanskrit mantras into atmospheric, contemporary settings
- published: 26 Jun 2011
- views: 322052
Youtube results:

Green Tara Mantra (108 Repetitions)
The secret words of the Joy Mantra on "dalieh du dalieh dulieh souha" is the Green Tara ma...
published: 16 May 2008
Green Tara Mantra (108 Repetitions)
The secret words of the Joy Mantra on "dalieh du dalieh dulieh souha" is the Green Tara mantra of Tibetan Buddhism sung by Chinese artist Su Ching-yen.
In Tibet "Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha"
In Sanskrit "Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā"
Tibetan culture, and some others, green is
considered to include all the other colors.
The practice of Green Tara helps to overcome fear and anxiety, but devotees also believe that she can grant wishes, eliminate suffering of all kinds and bring happiness.
When called upon, she instantaneously saves us from eight specific calamities. (Another lineage describes 16.) The First Dalai Lama lists the 8, and interprets them as representative of corresponding defects, flaws, or obscurations: 1) lions and pride 2) wild elephants and delusions 3) forest fires and hatred 4) snakes and envy 5) robbers and fanatical views 6) prisons and avarice 7) floods and lust 8) demons and doubt
- http://www.khandro.net/deities_Tara1.htm
OM represents Tara's sacred body, speech and mind.
TARE means liberating from all discontent.
TUTTARE means liberating from the eight fears, the external dangers, but mainly from the internal dangers, the delusions.
TURE means liberating from duality; it shows the true cessation of confusion.
SOHA means "may the meaning of the mantra take root in my mind."
- http://www.tibetan-mantra-art.com/green-tara.html
Thanks to all Divine Artists around the world that were used in the making of this educational/non-profit meditation tool video in these Kali Yuga times.
According to Tibetan Buddhism's beliefs, this mantra can not only eliminate diseases, troubles, disasters and karma, but will also bring believers blessings, longer life and even the wisdom to transcend one's circle of reincarnation.
- published: 16 May 2008
- views: 1826382

Ganesh Mantra (108 Chants) by Pt. Rattan Mohan Sharma-Hindu chants
Shri Ganesh Mantra
Ganesh is the power of knowledge, success and fulfillment. It is beli...
published: 15 Sep 2012
Ganesh Mantra (108 Chants) by Pt. Rattan Mohan Sharma-Hindu chants
Shri Ganesh Mantra
Ganesh is the power of knowledge, success and fulfillment. It is believed that people get benefit out of these mantras when chanted with utmost devotion and faith. Success is not far when you have love and respect, faith and understanding, kindness and willpower in your heart and when you are in touch with that power which breaks up all restrictions, obstacles, problems, difficulties and makes available to you the rays of success, prosperity and abundance.
Music released on Karma music (formerly known as vale entertainment ltd)
For more information's log on www.karmamusic.in
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- published: 15 Sep 2012
- views: 45889

Shanti Mantra ( Peaceful )
This is the shanti mantra, very peaceful to listen........
published: 04 Aug 2008
Shanti Mantra ( Peaceful )
This is the shanti mantra, very peaceful to listen........
More labels and lyrics
Om sarveshaam swastir bhavatu
Sarveshaam shantir bhavatu
Sarveshaam poornam bhavatu
Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah
Sarve santu niraamayaah
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu
Maakaschit duhkha bhaag bhavet
Auspiciousness (swasti) be unto all; peace (shanti) be unto all;
fullness (poornam) be unto all; prosperity (mangalam) be unto all.
May all be happy! (sukhinah)
May all be free from disabilities! (niraamayaah)
May all look (pashyantu)to the good of others!
May none suffer from sorrow! (duhkha)
Jai shree krishna
Jai Shiva shankar
Har Har Mahadeva
Aum namah shivaya
Jai Shree Ram
Jai Mata di
Jai Shree Ganesh
Jai Murugan Swami
Jai Vishnu bhagvaan
Jai Hanuman
...Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti...
- published: 04 Aug 2008
- views: 2829594