
The Year Was 1912
What life was like 100 years ago. Songs heard: Bethena, Turn off your light Mr Moon man, ...
published: 14 Sep 2009
The Year Was 1912
What life was like 100 years ago. Songs heard: Bethena, Turn off your light Mr Moon man, Everybody's Doing It, The Art Of Rag, Castle House Rag, Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland.
published: 14 Sep 2009
views: 76229

Titanic - 1912 Original Video Footage
Original Footage of titanic of 1912 before its departure to its final journey . This is a ...
published: 27 Jan 2008
Titanic - 1912 Original Video Footage
Original Footage of titanic of 1912 before its departure to its final journey . This is a Detailed Video showing many parts of titanic adn also the passengers who died th... More»at tragic day
published: 27 Jan 2008
views: 20361332

Titanic 1912 Newsreel (original)
Here is one of the original theatre newsreels that was shown to the eager public following...
published: 15 Oct 2009
Titanic 1912 Newsreel (original)
Here is one of the original theatre newsreels that was shown to the eager public following the Titanic disaster. Although this footage is labelled up and presented to show the Titanic, the footage vessel shown is Titanic's older sister Olympic and filmed in New York during the summer of 1911. Captain Edward John Smith is seen wearing the White Star Lines summer uniform. We see views of life onboard the vessel prior to and departing from the New York return voyage. Captain Smith is seen on the bridge and Starboard bridge wings, watching the activity on the dockside and forward well-deck below him. We see passengers walking the A-Deck promanade and aft decks of Boat Deck, A Deck and B Deck. We also see views across the Poop Deck that show some of the ships telegraphs and phones on the stern docking bridge. We also get a chance to view the Boat Deck with lifeboats in position, looking from aft towards the bow.
The footage then cuts to scenes of the rescue ship Carpathia, onboard the liner as crew of the small Cunarder play around for the camera man. Her Captain, Auther Rostron is seen along with young members of the crew passing information to dockside press.
In all, this is a sad but historic reminder of not only the early reactions to the Titanic disaster, but also a reminder to the early days of cinamaphotography.
published: 15 Oct 2009
views: 279031

Με σκηνές από την κινηματογραφική ταινία του Παντελή Βούλγαρη "Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος", εκπλ...
published: 28 Aug 2012
Με σκηνές από την κινηματογραφική ταινία του Παντελή Βούλγαρη "Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος", εκπληκτικές λιθογραφίες των θρυλικών μαχών και της θυελλώδους προελάσεως του Ελληνικού Στρατού, αλλά και μοναδικούς ζωγραφικούς πίνακες της Απελευθέρωσης της Θεσσαλονίκης του ταλαντούχου Κενάν Μεσαρέ, γιου του Χασάν Ταξίν Πασά - Οθωμανού Διοικητού της Θεσσαλονίκης, η γυναίκα του οποίου λέγεται πως ήταν ελληνικής καταγωγής - το ΝΟΙΑΖΟΜΑΙ ζωντανεύει τις μοναδικές αυτές ιστορικές στιγμές του Ελληνισμού! Το Έπος 1912-13! Το δεύτερο ΄21!
Η Θεσσαλονίκη, η πρωτεύουσα της Μακεδονίας, σκλαβώθηκε το 1430 στις 29 Μαρτίου και απελευθερωνόταν στις 26 Οκτωβρίου 1912, 480 ολόκληρα χρόνια μετά, ανήμερα του Αγίου μεγαλομάρτυρος Δημητρίου του μυροβλήτου! Και αυτό ήταν πραγματικό θαύμα και σαφέστατη παρέμβαση του Αγίου, καθώς ώθησε τον Χασάν Ταξίν Πασά, μέσα στην καρδιά των Νεότουρκων, να παραδώσει 25.000 Τουρκικό Στρατό,1.000 Αξιωματικούς, 1.200 ίππους και 70 πυροβόλα στους Έλληνες και την ίδια τη Θεσσαλονίκη, λέγοντας, εκείνο το ιστορικό βράδυ: "από τους Έλληνες την πήραμε, στους Έλληνες θα την παραδώσουμε"!
Περί τις 4.30 το απόγευμα της 26ης Οκτωβρίου 1912 και προ της προελάσεως του Ελληνικού Στρατού προς Θεσσαλονίκη, μετά την κοπιώδη και αγωνιώδη προσπάθεια να φτιαχτούν πρόχειρες γέφυρες για να περαστεί ο Αξιός, ο Ταξίν Πασάς δήλωσε ότι αποδέχεται τους όρους του Διαδόχου και Αρχιστρατήγου Κωνσταντίνου για παράδοση της Θεσσαλονίκης!
Τότε οι Αξιωματικοί του Επιτελείου Ταγματάρχης Βίκτωρ Δούσμανης και Λοχαγός Ιωάννης Μεταξάς (ο μετέπειτα πρωτεργάτης του "ΟΧΙ"), μαζί με τον γνωστό από τον Μακεδονικό Αγώνα Διπλωμάτη Ιώνα Δραγούμη, που από τη λαχτάρα του ζήτησε και υπηρέτησε στον Πόλεμο ως απλός έφεδρος Δεκανέας, εισήλθαν νύχτα στην πόλη και στο Διοικητήριο άρχισαν τις τυπικές πλέον διαβουλεύσεις για τη σύνταξη του Πρωτοκόλλου Παράδοση της Θεσσαλονίκης, το κείμενο του οποίου συνέταξε ο Ίωνας Δραγούμης, ο οποίος μετά κατευθύνθηκε στο Ελληνικό Προξενείου δίπλα στη Μητρόπολη (σημερινό Μουσείο Μακεδονικού Αγώνα) και μαζί με τον και τον Λοχαγό Αθανάσιο Εξαδάκτυλο υψώσαν τη γαλανόλευκη! Το ίδιο και στον Λευκό Πύργο ο Αλέξανδρος Ζάννας και κάποιος ναύτη ύψωναν την ποθητή σημαία του Σταυρού, που σήμαινε και το τέλος δουλείας 480 ετών για την Πρωτεύουσα της Μακεδονίας, τη Συμβασιλεύουσα! Που ήταν πια και πάλι ελληνική!
Παράλληλα τμήματα των θρυλικών και ατρόμητων Ευζώνων, και άνδρες της 7ης Μεραρχίας έμπαιναν στη Θεσσαλονίκη, ενώ την επομένη ακολούθησε ο κύριος όγκος του Στρατού μας εν μέσω ξέφρενου ενθουσιασμού!
Το βίντεο είναι κατάλληλο για εκπαιδευτική χρήση, καλύπτοντας ένα κενό στους εορτασμούς των 100 ετών και τη μνήμη του Γένους, ώστε να πάρουν μια γεύση οι μαθητές από το λησμονημένο Έπος του 1912-13!
published: 28 Aug 2012
views: 6916

The New York Hat (1912)
From 1912, here is a favorite film of mine starring Mary Pickford and Lionel Barrymore - "...
published: 28 Jul 2008
The New York Hat (1912)
From 1912, here is a favorite film of mine starring Mary Pickford and Lionel Barrymore - "The New York Hat". It was filmed in Ft. Lee, New Jersey! It is a short film produced by Biograph in 1912. Based on a scenario by Anita Loos, it was directed by D.W. Griffith and stars Mary Pickford, Lionel Barrymore and Lillian Gish. It is considered one of the most notable of the Biograph shorts and is perhaps the best known example of Pickford's early work.
The story is simple: Mollie (Mary Pickford) leads a cheerless, impoverished life, largely because of her stern, miserly father. Her mother is mortally ill, but before dying, she gives the minister(Lionel Barrymore) some money with which to buy her daughter the "finery" her father has always forbid her. Mollie is delighted when the minister presents her with a fashionable New York hat she has been longing for, but village gossips misinterpet the minister's intentions and spread malicious rumors. Mollie becomes a social pariah, and her father tears up the beloved hat in a rage. All ends well however, after the minister produces a letter from Mollie's mother about the money she left the minister to spend on Mollie.
I have always enjoyed this film because of the great cast. Mary Pickford is young & beautiful in it. A young dashing Lionel Barrymore is the minister. Its rare we've seen him at this age long before arthritis set in and was in a wheel chair for the rest of his life. Both of the Gish sisters are seen as well. Finally, even Mack Sennet makes a cameo appearance as well! Also, since American Biograph was afraid of piracy (even way back then!), they incorporated their "AB" logo into the film itself. (Look closely on the back wall at Mary's house and you'll see the Biograph logo pasted on the wall!)
I have had the 8mm film in my collection for decades. Its becoming the worse for wear with mold and difficult to project. I have edited it down a bit to fit into YouTube time. I mostly cut out people walking in and out of doors and down the street.
I hope you'll enjoy this great little film.
Released: December 5, 1912
published: 28 Jul 2008
views: 17066

Титаник 1912 год. Уникальные документальные кадры.
В солнечный полдень 10 апреля 1912 года от пристани в Саутгемптоне отправился в свое перво...
published: 02 Mar 2012
Титаник 1912 год. Уникальные документальные кадры.
В солнечный полдень 10 апреля 1912 года от пристани в Саутгемптоне отправился в свое первое плавание крупнейший на то время пассажирский лайнер "Титаник".
Это событие запечатлели на пленку кинохроникеры.
Кадры, снятые ими, должны были свидетельствовать об очередной победе технической мысли и стать символом "прекрасного нового мира", которым непременно будет мир ХХ века.
Но пройдет всего лишь четыре дня, и эти несколько минут хроники обретут совершенно другой смысл, ибо за двадцать минут до полуночи между воскресеньем 14 и понедельником 15 апреля "Титаник" на полном ходу столкнется с айсбергом, и, меньше чем через три часа, уйдет на дно Атлантики, унеся с собой жизни почти полутора тысяч человек...
В качестве музыкального сопровождения использована тема Джеймса Хорнера из фильма «Титаник» (1997) в переложении для фортепиано.
Участники: Капитан Э. Дж. Смит, пассажиры и члены команды лайнера "Титаник", провожающие на берегу.
published: 02 Mar 2012
views: 71385

Titanic and Survivors - Genuine 1912 Footage
For more original Titanic videos visit the Titanic Centenary Collection in the British Pat...
published: 26 Mar 2012
Titanic and Survivors - Genuine 1912 Footage
For more original Titanic videos visit the Titanic Centenary Collection in the British Pathe free film archive: http://www.britishpathe.com/workspaces/show/BritishPathe/Titanic-Centenary-Collection/thumb
Titanic - Genuine 1912 Footage. This newsreel (without the music)would have been shown in the cinemas at the time of the disaster. Footage includes the Titanic leaving Belfast Lough for Southampton on April 2nd, 1912. Captain Smith on the Bridge of the Titanic. The video also shows various ships such the Carparthia returning from rescuing survivors. Journalists interviewing survivors. Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of long distance radio transmission and who was credited with saving those who were saved because of his marvelous invention.
Although it says this was shot on April 2nd, 2012, British Pathe think it was probably earlier. The ship still looks like work is being done to it with lots of workmen still around. The Titanic's name is in black as is other parts of the ship which ultimately ended up as white. There is also a workman's loo which can clearly be seen dangling off the left hand side of the ship - this surely would have been removed before setting sail.
Watch the original newsreel here: http://www.britishpathe.com/video/titanic-disaster-1/query/titanic+disaster
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published: 26 Mar 2012
views: 294856

Titanic (1909 - 1912)
O RMS Titanic foi um navio transatlântico da Classe Olympic operado pela White Star Line e...
published: 05 Oct 2008
Titanic (1909 - 1912)
O RMS Titanic foi um navio transatlântico da Classe Olympic operado pela White Star Line e construído nos estaleiros da Harland and Wolff em Belfast, Irlanda. Na noite de 14 de Abril de 1912, durante sua viagem inaugural, chocou-se com um iceberg, e afundou duas horas e quarenta minutos depois, na madrugada do dia 15 de Abril de 1912. Até o seu lançamento em 1912, ele foi o maior navio de passageiros do mundo.
O naufrágio resultou na morte de 1,517 pessoas, hierarquizando-a como a pior catastrofe maritima de todos os tempos. O Titanic provia de algumas das mais avançadas tecnologias disponíveis da época e foi popularmente referenciado como "inafundável" - na verdade, um folheto publicitário de 1910, da White Star Line, sobre o Titanic, alegava que ele fora "concebido para ser inafundável". Foi um grande choque para muitos que, apesar da tecnologia avançada e experiente tripulação, o Titanic ainda afundou com uma grande perda de vidas humanas. Os meios de comunicação social sobre o frenesi de vítimas famosas do Titanic, as lendas sobre o que aconteceu a bordo do navio, as mudanças resultantes do direito marítimo, bem como a descoberta do naufrágio em 1985 por uma equipe liderada por Robert Ballard fizeram a história do Titanic persistir famosa desde então.
published: 05 Oct 2008
views: 138868

All Five Continents Together - Stockholm 1912 Olympic Games
The Stockholm 1912 Olympic Games were marked by first times. For the first time, competito...
published: 25 Jun 2012
All Five Continents Together - Stockholm 1912 Olympic Games
The Stockholm 1912 Olympic Games were marked by first times. For the first time, competitors in the Games came from all five continents. It was also the first time Japan participated. The modern pentathlon, women's swimming and women's diving all made their Olympic debuts.
The Stockholm Games were a model of efficiency. The Swedish hosts introduced the first Olympic use of automatic timing devices for the track events, the photo finish and a public address system.
These were the games of Jim Thorpe, a Native American from Oklahoma, who won the pentathlon and decathlon by huge margins. He was later disqualified when it was discovered that he had accepted a modest sum to play baseball before the Games. But in 1982, the IOC decided to reinstate him and gave his medals back to his daughter.
National Olympic Committees 28
Athletes 2,407 (48 women, 2,359 men)
Events 102
Volunteers n/a
Media n/a
published: 25 Jun 2012
views: 10319

The Vampire Diaries Webclip 3x16 - 1912 [HD]
The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 16 Webclip/Sneak Peek "1912"
published: 10 Mar 2012
The Vampire Diaries Webclip 3x16 - 1912 [HD]
The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 16 Webclip/Sneak Peek "1912"
NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! i DO NOT own anything for entertainment purpose only ALL credits goes to CW and Warner Bros. Entertainment and other rightful owners.
"1912" Official Description:
THE MURDER MYSTERY DEEPENS — The present-day murders in Mystic Falls remind Damon (Ian Somerhalder) of a similar crime spree a century earlier. In flashbacks to 1912, Damon recalls a beautiful vampire, Sage (guest star Cassidy Freeman), who showed him a whole new way to exist. Sheriff Forbes (Marguerite MacIntyre) warns Damon not to get involved in her investigation, but Damon is convinced she's going after the wrong suspect. Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Matt (Zach Roerig) resort to breaking and entering in their search for evidence to prove Dr. Fell (guest star Torrey Devitto) is a murderer. For reasons known only to her, Rebekah (guest star Claire Holt), becomes interested in locating one of the town's oldest landmarks. Finally, Elena comes to a new understanding of the path her life has taken, and Damon makes an emotional confession to Stefan (Paul Wesley). The episode was directed by John Behring and written by Julie Plec with Elisabeth R. Finch.
The Vampire Diaries 3x16 Webclip
The Vampire Diaries S03E16 Webclip
The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 16 Webclip
The Vampire Diaries 3x16 Sneak Peek
The Vampire Diaries S03E16 Sneak Peek
The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 16 Sneak Peek
published: 10 Mar 2012
views: 321351

This is my tribute to the most famous of all the ships out there. A tribute to the RMS TIT...
published: 17 Mar 2012
This is my tribute to the most famous of all the ships out there. A tribute to the RMS TITANIC.
I have a Facebook page that I have opened for all Titanic enthusiasts. You are welcome at any time. My facebook page's URL is: http://www.facebook.com/groups/TitanicEnthusiast/
published: 17 Mar 2012
views: 93780
Youtube results:

How to start a 1912 Cadillac
The 1912 Cadillac is the first automobile in the world to include a starter motor. This is...
published: 28 Feb 2010
How to start a 1912 Cadillac
The 1912 Cadillac is the first automobile in the world to include a starter motor. This is the procedure in starting one and driving away.
published: 28 Feb 2010
views: 161693

Kronika Wystawy Przemysłowej z 1912
Najstarszy zachowany do dziś film zrealizowany w Łodzi - kronika Wystawy Rzemieślniczo-Prz...
published: 17 Apr 2010
Kronika Wystawy Przemysłowej z 1912
Najstarszy zachowany do dziś film zrealizowany w Łodzi - kronika Wystawy Rzemieślniczo-Przemysłowej "Popierajmy Przemysł Krajowy". Wystawa została zorganizowana we wrześniu 1912 r. przez stowarzyszenie "Resursa Rzemieślnicza" na terenie Ogrodu na Dzielnej (obecnie park im. Stanisława Staszica). Na filmie widoczny jest m.in. "Pomnik Pracy" postawiony wówczas w Ogrodzie, który to pomnik nie uchował się niestety do dziś - został, podobnie jak inne, łódzkie pomniki, zburzony przez hitlerowców.
A oto przewodnik po wystawie (ech, te reklamy...):
Apeluję do internautów: ratujmy część historii, jaką jest dawna siedziba "Resursy Rzemieślniczej": http://www.wiadomosci24.pl/artykul/lodzianie_sznurem_przywiazani_do_zabytku_132196.html
published: 17 Apr 2010
views: 11377

Dartmoor, 1912 - War Horse Live - John Williams - Boston Pops
Dartmoor, 1912 from War Horse
Composed and conducted by John Williams
Boston Pops Orchestr...
published: 23 Sep 2012
Dartmoor, 1912 - War Horse Live - John Williams - Boston Pops
Dartmoor, 1912 from War Horse
Composed and conducted by John Williams
Boston Pops Orchestra
Live from Boston Symphony Hall
Film night, june 2012
published: 23 Sep 2012
views: 581