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  • Play next
  • Rendition Kidnappings Thrive Under Obama...3:11
  • Guatemala Trial Former President Charged With War Crimes...2:17
  • Fukushima 2 years on: 'Nuclear fallout impact bigger than established'...8:20
  • H7N9 bird flu killed Two in China...1:30
  • North Korea Moves Missile to Coast...2:11
  • Martin Luther King killer James Earl Ray in unseen footage - YouTube...2:19
  • Agreement Reached on Connecticut Gun Control...2:46
  • U.S. Deploys Nuclear-Capable B-2 Stealth Bombers Amid North Korea Threats...1:39
  • Iran, World Powers to Meet Again on Nuclear Stalemate...2:53
  • New bird flu cases kills several in China...2:23
  • North Korea Threatens US With Nuclear Attack...2:11
  • Obama praises Colorado's gun laws...2:24
  • Mashaei on IRIB 19 Bahman Feb 08...10:07
add video playlist 'The three European men with Somali roots were arrested on a murky pretext in August as they passed through the small African country of Djibouti. But the reason soon became clear when they were visited in their jail cells by a succession of American interrogators. U.S. agents accused the men — two of them Swedes, the other a longtime resident of Britain — of supporting al-Shabab, an Islamist militia in Somalia that Washington considers a terrorist group. Two months after their arrest, the prisoners were secretly indicted by a federal grand jury in New York, then clandestinely taken into custody by the FBI and flown to the United States to face trial.'* The rendition program- systematic clandestine illegal kidnappings of terrorism suspects - are exploding under President Obama, even thought he spoke out against them when President George W. Bush practiced them. What is going on, and why does it continue? Cenk Uygur breaks it down *Read more from Craig Whitlock/ Washington Post: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch:
\'The three European men with Somali roots were arrested on a murky pretext in August as they passed through the small African country of Djibouti. But the reason soon became clear when they were visited in their jail cells by a succession of American interrogators.

U.S. agents accused the men — two of them Swedes, the other a longtime resident of Britain — of supporting al-Shabab, an Islamist militia in Somalia that Washington considers a terrorist group. Two months after their arrest, the prisoners were secretly indicted by a federal grand jury in New York, then clandestinely taken into custody by the FBI and flown to the United States to face trial.\'*

The rendition program- systematic clandestine illegal kidnappings of terrorism suspects - are exploding under President Obama, even thought he spoke out against them when President George W. Bush practiced them. What is going on, and why does it continue? Cenk Uygur breaks it down

*Read more from Craig Whitlock/ Washington Post:

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Ren­di­tion Kid­nap­pings Thrive Under Obama
Guatemala Trial Former President Charged With War Crimes
Guatemala Trial For­mer Pres­i­dent Charged With War Crimes
Mass rallies have been held across Japan calling on the government to shun nuclear power. More protests are expected on Monday - exactly two years after a huge earthquake and tsunami triggered the world\'s worst atomic disaster in 25 years. To assess Japan\'s recovery and its struggling relationship with nuclear fuel, RT talks to Robert Jacobs - expert in the social and cultural aspects of nuclear technologies, and an Associate Professor at the Hiroshima Peace University. 


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
Fukushi­ma 2 years on: 'Nu­cle­ar fall­out im­pact big­ger than es­tab­lished'
Chinese authorities said on Sunday that two Shanghai men have died from H7N9 bird flu, and it was unclear how the men had been infected, but that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission.

According to the report from The Guardian :

H7N9 bird flu killed Two in China
U.S. officials suspect that North Korea may be preparing for a test of its medium-range missile.

North Korea Moves Mis­sile to Coast
Revealed: Unseen film of Martin Luther King\'s assassin in the moments after he was arrested James Earl Ray filmed on plane after being extradited to Tennessee from London in 1968 for shooting the civil rights leader Ray pleaded guilty and received 99 years and died in prison in 1998 
The man who assassinated Dr Martin Luther King Jr has been seen for the first time on footage newly restored 45 years after the civil rights leader\'s death.

The fascinating, historical clips from July 1968 show James Earl Ray in handcuffs sitting on an airplane in Tennessee after being extradited from London. He had fled the U.S. following the fatal shooting of Dr King three months earlier at a Memphis motel.

The grainy, black and white film has been released this week by Shelby County Register\'s office after being cleaned up using digital technology. 
Ray is filmed wearing a checked shirt and black-rimmed glasses while being roughly handled by police officers with his arms behind his back in handcuffs.

He is also seen sitting on the airplane on the runway as he is read his rights by a police officer. 

Ray was filmed being moved to a prison cell and later removing his shirt as he is examined by a prison doctor. 
Also on the restored videotape are potential jurors for Ray\'s trial being filmed saying their names. Ray never faced trial because he pleaded guilty to the murder. 

Shelby County Register told NBC, who helped restore the footage, in a statement: \'It is believed that the personnel using the equipment were learning how to operate this technology as they recorded.
Mar­tin Luther King killer James Earl Ray in un­seen footage - YouTube
Overview of new laws -
Agree­ment Reached on Con­necti­cut Gun Con­trol
The military shows that  it is taking new threats from Kim Jong Un seriously.
U.S. De­ploys Nu­cle­ar-Ca­pa­ble B-2 Stealth Bombers Amid North Korea Threats
The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, plus Germany, are heading back Friday to Almaty, Kazakhstan, for talks with Iran over its nuclear program.  VOA\'s Jeff Seldin reports on the hope for some progress.
Iran, World Pow­ers to Meet Again on Nu­cle­ar Stale­mate
A third person has died from a new strain of bird flu in China. A 38-year-old cook fell ill while working in the province of Jiangsu and died last week. Five other cases were found in the region.  Two people died from the H7N9 strain in  Shanghai during March. A total of nine human infections have now been confirmed. Al Jazeera\'s Rob McBride reports from Hong Kong.
New bird flu cases kills sev­er­al in China

So far the death toll of 35 people.

YOUTUBE (Canal Español) (English Channel)

Argentina: Heavy rains have beaten Buenos Aires; officials said the most damaging in the last 107 years.(Read more
The threat comes as the U.N. rallies around new sanctions on the secretive nation.
North Korea Threat­ens US With Nu­cle­ar At­tack
Colorado now requires background checks for new gun purchases and limits gun magazines to 15 rounds.
Obama prais­es Col­orado's gun laws
2:24 watch Persian movies and more free online without registration and download !
Mashaei on IRIB 19 Bah­man Feb 08
Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry speaking about the need to stop Kony and the LRA at Gordon College on March 19, 2012. Today (April 2) we need you to ask the Secretary of State to continue the US commitment to assist in seeing an end to LRA violence.
John Kerry on Kony and the LRA

updated 11 Jan 2013; published 11 Jan 2013
Ren­di­tion Kid­nap­pings Thrive Under Obama
Al Jazeera 05 Apr 2013, It seems a long time since US President Barack Obama's first day in office, when he declared that he would close the Guantanamo Bay prison camp. Some four years on, however, and the Pentagon has requested nearly $200m more for infrastructure upgrades - a clear sign, if any were needed, that the facility is here to stay. Meanwhile, prisoner anger...
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updated 20 Mar 2013; published 20 Mar 2013
Guatemala Trial For­mer Pres­i­dent Charged With War Crimes
The Guardian 05 Apr 2013, Former soldier tells trial that Otto Pérez Molina ordered soldiers to burn and pillage during 1980s war Guatemala's president, Otto Pérez Molina. Photograph: Johan Ordonez/AFP A former soldier has implicated the Guatemalan president, Otto Pérez Molina, in civil war atrocities during the trial of the former US-backed military strongman Efraín Ríos...
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updated 11 Mar 2013; published 11 Mar 2013
Fukushi­ma 2 years on: 'Nu­cle­ar fall­out im­pact big­ger than es­tab­lished'
my SA 05 Apr 2013, TOKYO (AP) — The cooling system for a storage pool for fuel at one of the reactors at the tsunami-damaged nuclear plant in Japan failed on Friday for the second in a month, although there was no immediate danger from the breakdown. Nuclear Regulation Authority spokesman Takahiro Sakuma...
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updated 02 Apr 2013; published 02 Apr 2013
H7N9 bird flu killed Two in China
The Star 05 Apr 2013, SHANGHAI/HONG KONG (Reuters) - Chinese authorities were slaughtering birds at a poultry market in the financial hub Shanghai as the death toll from a new strain of bird flu mounted to six on Friday, spreading concern overseas and sparking a sell-off on Hong Kong's share market. A farmer feeds chickens at a hennery in Ganyu county, Jiangsu province,...
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updated 05 Apr 2013; published 05 Apr 2013
North Korea Moves Mis­sile to Coast
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 05 Apr 2013, SEOUL, South Korea -- After a series of escalating threats, North Korea has moved a missile with "considerable range" to its east coast, South Korea's defense minister said Thursday. But he emphasized that the missile was not capable of reaching the United States, and that there are no signs that the North is preparing for a full-scale...
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updated 04 Apr 2013; published 04 Apr 2013
Mar­tin Luther King killer James Earl Ray in un­seen footage - YouTube
BBC News 05 Apr 2013, Long-lost video showing Martin Luther King's killer in police custody has been posted online, 45 years after the civil rights leader's murder. Officials in Tennessee unearthed the tapes of James Earl Ray in 2011 but had no way to view the old technology. Ray is seen in 1968 on a plane after extradition from Britain and as he is searched...
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updated 02 Apr 2013; published 02 Apr 2013
Agree­ment Reached on Con­necti­cut Gun Con­trol
Al Jazeera 05 Apr 2013, Connecticut's governor has signed tough new gun ownership rules into law, four months after a gunman opened fire on an elementary school in the US state, killing 20 children and six adults. Governor Dannel Malloy put his signature to the bill on Thursday, noting that the state's ability to reach a bipartisan accord on the issue at a time of bitter...
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updated 28 Mar 2013; published 28 Mar 2013
U.S. De­ploys Nu­cle­ar-Ca­pa­ble B-2 Stealth Bombers Amid North Korea Threats 04 Apr 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Just a few years after U.S. warships forced Japan to open its borders, another conflict arose in the Pacific region between the United States and Korea. While a New York newspaper called it "The Little War with the Heathens," Koreans referred to it as the "Barbarian Incursion of 1871." Not only was...
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updated 04 Apr 2013; published 04 Apr 2013
Iran, World Pow­ers to Meet Again on Nu­cle­ar Stale­mate
The New York Times 04 Apr 2013, ALMATY, Kazakhstan (AP) — Iran and six world powers trying to curb Tehran's nuclear progress are meeting Thursday with the window shrinking on diplomacy. Tehran is moving closer to the ability to make atomic arms, posing a risk of Mideast conflict. Israel says the Islamic Republic is only a few months away from the threshold of having...
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updated 04 Apr 2013; published 04 Apr 2013
New bird flu cases kills sev­er­al in China
The New York Times 04 Apr 2013, BEIJING (AP) — A strain of bird flu not known to infect humans until recently has caused a fourth death in China, with 11 people now confirmed as having contracted the virus. The Shanghai city government said Thursday that a 48-year-old man is the latest to die from the virus, known as H7N9. The man was described as having transported...
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updated 03 Apr 2013; published 03 Apr 2013
The Irish Times 04 Apr 2013, Record flash floods in Argentina have killed at least 54 people this week, officials have confirmed. The floods have destroyed thousands of homes and renewed tensions as politicians blame one another for the high death toll. In La Plata, a provincial capital 30 miles from Buenos Aires, 48 people were reported to have died after more than 12 inches...
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updated 08 Mar 2013; published 08 Mar 2013
North Korea Threat­ens US With Nu­cle­ar At­tack
The News & Observer 04 Apr 2013, SEOUL — North Korea’s army said Thursday that it had received approval for a “cutting edge” nuclear strike on the United States, adding that the situation on the Korean Peninsula had reached an explosive stage. The threat followed the North’s move Wednesday to ban South Korean workers from a joint industrial...
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updated 04 Apr 2013; published 04 Apr 2013
Obama prais­es Col­orado's gun laws
Daily Press 04 Apr 2013, DENVER – President Obama appealed to Americans to set aside "the people who take absolute positions" on gun issues and "put ourselves in the other person’s shoes," as he appealed for compromise to revive flagging hopes for new gun control measures. Urban residents who fear gun crime need to listen to those in rural areas who have grown...
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updated 08 Feb 2013; published 08 Feb 2013
Mashaei on IRIB 19 Bah­man Feb 08
The New York Times 04 Apr 2013, TEHRAN — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not going quietly. Related Times Topic: Iran's Nuclear Program Double-Digit Inflation Worsens in Iran (April 2, 2013) Protests Flare in Tehran as Opposition Disputes Vote (June 14, 2009) Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List:...
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The false promises of the United States
Full Article Al Jazeera
05 Apr 2013

It seems a long time since US President Barack Obama's first day in office, when he declared that he would close the Guantanamo Bay prison camp. Some four years on, however, and the Pentagon has requested nearly $200m more for infrastructure upgrades - a clear sign, if any were needed, that the facility is here to stay. Meanwhile, prisoner anger... rights
File - The guard tower at a recreation yard under construction in Camp 6 at Joint Task Force Guantanamo in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Feb. 17, 2012.
photo: US Navy / PO2 Kilho Park

Guatemalan president accused of involvement in civil war atrocities
Full Article The Guardian
05 Apr 2013

Former soldier tells trial that Otto Pérez Molina ordered soldiers to burn and pillage during 1980s war Guatemala's president, Otto Pérez Molina. Photograph: Johan Ordonez/AFP A former soldier has implicated the Guatemalan president, Otto Pérez Molina, in civil war atrocities during the trial of the former US-backed military strongman Efraín Ríos... rights crime
Guatemala's President Otto Perez Molina speaks to Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, unseen, during a meeting at the Moncloa Palace, in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013.
photo: AP / Andres Kudacki

Fukushima nuclear plant's cooling system fails
Full Article my SA
05 Apr 2013

TOKYO (AP) — The cooling system for a storage pool for fuel at one of the reactors at the tsunami-damaged nuclear plant in Japan failed on Friday for the second in a month, although there was no immediate danger from the breakdown. Nuclear Regulation Authority spokesman Takahiro Sakuma...
A man in a protective suit and mask shows placards illustrating nuclear disaster in Fukushima during an anti-nuclear demonstration in Tokyo Sunday, March 10, 2013
photo: AP / Junji Kurokawa

China culls birds as bird flu death toll mounts
Full Article The Star
05 Apr 2013

SHANGHAI/HONG KONG (Reuters) - Chinese authorities were slaughtering birds at a poultry market in the financial hub Shanghai as the death toll from a new strain of bird flu mounted to six on Friday, spreading concern overseas and sparking a sell-off on Hong Kong's share market. A farmer feeds chickens at a hennery in Ganyu county, Jiangsu province,... flu
Workers unload chickens from a container at a wholesale market on Wednesday, April 3, 2013, in Shanghai, China. Scientists taking a first look at the genetics of the bird flu strain that recently killed two men in China said Wednesday the virus could be harder to track than its better-known cousin H5N1.
photo: AP

North Korea moves missile to coast
Full Article Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
05 Apr 2013

SEOUL, South Korea -- After a series of escalating threats, North Korea has moved a missile with "considerable range" to its east coast, South Korea's defense minister said Thursday. But he emphasized that the missile was not capable of reaching the United States, and that there are no signs that the North is preparing for a full-scale... Korea
North Korea moves missile to coast
photo: AP / Ahn Young-joon

Long-lost video of Martin Luther King killer James Earl Ray unearthed
Full Article BBC News
05 Apr 2013

Long-lost video showing Martin Luther King's killer in police custody has been posted online, 45 years after the civil rights leader's murder. Officials in Tennessee unearthed the tapes of James Earl Ray in 2011 but had no way to view the old technology. Ray is seen in 1968 on a plane after extradition from Britain and as he is searched... Luther King
 Dr. Martin Luther King speaks March 25, 1967 at the Chicago peace march. (AP Photo/Chick Harrity) (hg3)
photo: AP Photo/Chick Harrity

Connecticut governor signs tough gun law
Full Article Al Jazeera
05 Apr 2013

Connecticut's governor has signed tough new gun ownership rules into law, four months after a gunman opened fire on an elementary school in the US state, killing 20 children and six adults. Governor Dannel Malloy put his signature to the bill on Thursday, noting that the state's ability to reach a bipartisan accord on the issue at a time of bitter... Gun Law
In this photo provided by the Newtown Bee, police officers are on the scene outside Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., where authorities say a gunman opened fire, killing 26 people, including 20 children, Friday, Dec. 14, 2012.
photo: AP / Newtown Bee, Shannon Hicks

Lessons from Korea's and U.S.' Long Ago War
Full Article
04 Apr 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Just a few years after U.S. warships forced Japan to open its borders, another conflict arose in the Pacific region between the United States and Korea. While a New York newspaper called it "The Little War with the Heathens," Koreans referred to it as the "Barbarian Incursion of 1871." Not only was... korea
File - U.S. and Republic of Korea Navy ships sail in formation during exercise Foal Eagle 2013.
photo: US Navy / MCS3 Declan Barnes

Iran, 6 Powers Meet Thursday for Nuclear Talks
Full Article The New York Times
04 Apr 2013

ALMATY, Kazakhstan (AP) — Iran and six world powers trying to curb Tehran's nuclear progress are meeting Thursday with the window shrinking on diplomacy. Tehran is moving closer to the ability to make atomic arms, posing a risk of Mideast conflict. Israel says the Islamic Republic is only a few months away from the threshold of having...
Iran's Supreme National Security Council Secretary and chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili listens to a question during a final news conference in Almaty
photo: AP / Pavel Mikheyev

New Bird Flu Strain Causes Fourth Death in China
Full Article The New York Times
04 Apr 2013

BEIJING (AP) — A strain of bird flu not known to infect humans until recently has caused a fourth death in China, with 11 people now confirmed as having contracted the virus. The Shanghai city government said Thursday that a 48-year-old man is the latest to die from the virus, known as H7N9. The man was described as having transported... Flu
A dove rests on a tree near a Chinese flag fluttering at a park on Monday, April 1, 2013 in Shanghai, China.
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko

Record flooding kills dozens in Argentina
Full Article The Irish Times
04 Apr 2013

Record flash floods in Argentina have killed at least 54 people this week, officials have confirmed. The floods have destroyed thousands of homes and renewed tensions as politicians blame one another for the high death toll. In La Plata, a provincial capital 30 miles from Buenos Aires, 48 people were reported to have died after more than 12 inches...
A man with a boy in his arms wades through a flooded street in La Plata, in Argentina's Buenos Aires province, Wednesday, April 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Natacha Pisarenko

North Korea threatens to attack U.S. targets
Full Article The News & Observer
04 Apr 2013

SEOUL — North Korea’s army said Thursday that it had received approval for a “cutting edge” nuclear strike on the United States, adding that the situation on the Korean Peninsula had reached an explosive stage. The threat followed the North’s move Wednesday to ban South Korean workers from a joint industrial...
South Koreans watch a television broadcasting undated image of a North Korea launch missile at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, July 4, 2009.
photo: AP / Ahn Young-joon

Obama appeals for compromise on gun control in Colorado
Full Article Daily Press
04 Apr 2013

DENVER – President Obama appealed to Americans to set aside "the people who take absolute positions" on gun issues and "put ourselves in the other person’s shoes," as he appealed for compromise to revive flagging hopes for new gun control measures. Urban residents who fear gun crime need to listen to those in rural areas who have grown... Gun Laws
President Barack Obama pauses as he speaks at the election night party at McCormick Place, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012
photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster

Power Struggle Gripping Iran Ahead of Vote
Full Article The New York Times
04 Apr 2013

TEHRAN — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not going quietly. Related Times Topic: Iran's Nuclear Program Double-Digit Inflation Worsens in Iran (April 2, 2013) Protests Flare in Tehran as Opposition Disputes Vote (June 14, 2009) Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List:... Rahim Mashaei
In this Sunday, March 10, 2013 photo, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, left, holds hands with chief of staff Esfandiari Rahim Mashaei, during a press conference in Tehran, Iran.
photo: AP / Mohammad Hassanzadeh

Everton boss Moyes named Premier League Manager of the Month for March
Full Article Goal
05 Apr 2013

The Toffees have won all three of their top-flight games after beating Reading, Stoke and Manchester City to leave them just four points off fourth-placed Chelsea Everton manager David Moyes has been named the Premier League Manager of the Month for March...
David Moyes
photo: Creative Commons / Jason Gulledge

'World-class' Suarez should be named Player of the Year, says Rodgers
Full Article Goal
05 Apr 2013

The Liverpool manager believes his striker should win the coveted end-of-season PFA award, not only thanks to his goals but also the consistently high level of his performances Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers believes striker Luis Suarez should be named PFA Player of the Year due to his consistency throughout the season. The Uruguayan has scored...
Liverpool's Luis Suarez celebrates his goal during their English Premier League soccer match against Sunderland at the Stadium of Light, Sunderland, England, Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012.
photo: AP / Scott Heppell

Popovich 'concerned' with Tony Parker shin injury
Full Article CBS Sports
05 Apr 2013

Tony Parker has an injured shin. (Getty Images, illustration by EOB) Tony Parker had to be taken out of the Spurs' loss to the Thunder Thursday night when he was hobbling. After the game, Spurs coach Gregg Popovich revealed that it's a shin injury and that he's "very concerned" about it. “I saw...
San Antonio Spurs forward Stephen Jackson (3) puts his arm around guard Tony Parker, of France, after the Spurs' loss to the Memphis Grizzlies in an NBA basketball game in Memphis, Tenn., Monday, April 1, 2013. The Grizzlies defeated the Spurs 92-90. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston)
photo: AP / Danny Johnston

Laettner,' 76 Hoosiers Honored at Final Four
Full Article The New York Times
05 Apr 2013

ATLANTA (AP) — Christian Laettner's buzzer-beater against Kentucky in a 1992 regional final was picked as the top moment from March Madness history, and Laettner was also chosen as one of the top 15 players as part of a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the NCAA tournament. Indiana's 1976 team, which went undefeated en route to a...
Former NBA basketball player Christian Laettner speaks during a NCAA Final Four tournament college basketball 75th anniversary news conference, Friday, April 5, 2013, in Atlanta. Wichita State plays Louisville in a semifinal game on Saturday. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)
photo: AP / John Bazemore

Tottenham's Gareth Bale sprains ligaments but should be back in fortnight
Full Article Sky Sports
05 Apr 2013

Tottenham have announced that Gareth Bale is expected to return to training in two weeks after injuring his ankle against Basle on Thursday. The news is a massive boost to the north London side because it was feared the Welshman might be facing a lengthy spell on the sidelines when...
Tottenham Hotspurs' Gareth Bale is seen during their English Premier League soccer match against Sunderland at the Stadium of Light, Sunderland, England, Saturday, April 7, 2012.
photo: AP / Scott Heppell

Tottenham midfielder Bale sidelined for up to two weeks
Full Article Goal
05 Apr 2013

The 23-year-old is expected to return for the visit of Manchester City on April 21, with Aaron Lennon and William Gallas also set to miss games against Everton and Basel Tottenham have confirmed Gareth Bale will return to training within two weeks...
Tottenham Hotspur's Gareth Bale plays against Lyon during their Europa League round of 32 first leg soccer match at White Hart Lane, London, Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

Ancelotti: Beckham deserves to play, even at 37
Full Article Goal
05 Apr 2013

The Italian boss believes that the English midfielder's performance against the Blaugrana justified his inclusion, and says that Thiago Silva is the best defender in the world Paris Saint-Germain coach Carlo Ancelotti has defended David Beckham's performance against Barcelona in midweek and slammed criticism of the midfielder from the French press....
PSG's Italian's Coach Carlo Ancelotti speaks to the media during a press conference, Monday, Nov. 5, 2012, in Parc des Princes Stadium of Paris, France. PSG will play Gnk Dinamo Zagreb in a Champions League Group A soccer match on Tuesday.
photo: AP / Jacques Brinon

Nuggets Lose Gallinari, Beat Mavericks 95-94 [Video]
Full Article The Inquisitr
05 Apr 2013

Posted: April 5, 2013 The Denver Nuggets stormed back in the fourth quarter to beat the Dallas Mavericks 95-94 on Thursday, but lost starting forward Danilo Gallinari when he blew out his left knee late in the first half. Gallinari screamed in pain on the court while his teammates looked on in shock after he drove the lane on Mavericks star Dirk...
Danilo Gallinari
photo: Creative Commons / Bryan Horowitz

Rick Ross Shooting: Witnesses Offer More Details On January Incident
Full Article Huffington Post
04 Apr 2013

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- Two witnesses say they saw a car pull alongside a Rolls Royce driven by rapper Rick Ross in South Florida and heard numerous gunshots fired before the car crashed into a nearby building. A Fort Lauderdale police report released Thursday says witnesses saw three or four people inside an older model, burgundy- or...
Rick Ross performs during the
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Keith Urban might collaborate with Nicki Minaj, also praises Taylor Swift
Full Article The Examiner
04 Apr 2013

NASHVILLE, Tenn., April 4, 2013 - Australian-bred Keith Urban is currently serving out his six-month commitment on American Idol, alongside industry staple Randy Jackson, R&B legend Mariah Carey and the ever controversial Nicki Minaj. Earlier this season, the Minaj-Carey battle came to a boiling head, as the two divas clashed over one...
Keith Urban at Carling Academy
photo: Creative Commons / Kuukguy

P. Diddy victim of swatting prank
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Apr 2013

P. Diddy is the latest victim in a “celebrity swatting” phenomenon, so named for bogus reports intended to lead SWAT teams to the homes of high-profile individuals, that has recently swept Hollywood. TMZ reports over a dozen police vehicles and two helicopters rushed to the hip hop mogul’s Los Angeles home Wednesday morning resultant of a prank... Combs
 ag2  Diddy strolls the red carpet with Jerry Power to celebrate  the Diddy cover of Ocean Drive Magazine in South Beach, FL , November 13th, 2006
photo: WN / aruna

Upcoming concerts: The Sound of Dalmatia Tour, Bob Seger, NeYo
Full Article Detroit Free Press
04 Apr 2013

The Sound of Dalmatia Tour: with Tomislav Bralic & Intrade, 6:30 p.m. April 11. The Fillmore Detroit, $30-$40. Ne-Yo: 7 p.m. April 11. Breslin Center (MSU), $30, $40. Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band: with Joe Walsh, 7:30 p.m. April 11, 8 p.m. April 13. Palace of Auburn Hills, $65-$85. Ben Folds: 8 p.m. April 11. Hill Auditorium, Tickets start at...
 Legendary Detroit rocker Bob Seger performs with The Silver Bullet Band before a sold out TD BankNorth Garden in Boston, Saturday, Jan. 27, 2007, during his Face The Promise Tour 2007. (AP Photo/Robert E. Klein)   (js1)
photo: AP/Robert E. Klein

Vives' new album features duet with Telo
Full Article Newstrack India
04 Apr 2013

Tweet London, April 4 (IANS/EFE) Set for release April 23, Carlos Vives' next album features a duet with Brazil's Michel Telo. "Corazon profundo", Vives' 14th studio disc, "is made with all... Vives
Vives' new album features duet with Telo
photo: US Navy / U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Benjamin Stratton

BlackBerry’s Peculiar BBM Music Service Slated To Shut Down On June 2
Full Article Crunch
04 Apr 2013

Apple Facebook Twitter Google Microsoft apps Comment BlackBerry’s Peculiar BBM Music Service Slated To Shut Down On June 2 Chris Velazco View Staff Page Follow me on twitter Chris Velazco is a mobile enthusiast and writer who studied English and Marketing at Rutgers University. Once upon a time, he was the news intern for MobileCrunch,...
BlackBerry phone shop - telecom - cell phone
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Nick Jonas denies recently meeting up with ex Miley Cyrus
Full Article Digital Spy
03 Apr 2013

Nick Jonas has denied that he comforted ex-girlfriend Miley Cyrus at the height of her alleged troubles with fiancé Liam Hemsworth. Jonas and Cyrus were reported in the press to have spent time together during Hemsworth's trip to Australia, which came amid rumours that he kissed January Jones at an Oscars bash. © PA Images / Charles Sykes/AP...
Nick Jonas How to Succeed Stage Door
photo: Creative Commons / ZhaoAngela

Popstar Justin Bieber given month to collect pet monkey
Full Article Baltimore Sun
03 Apr 2013

BERLIN (Reuters) - Teenage pop sensation Justin Bieber has been given a month to provide German authorities with the papers they need to release his pet monkey "Mally". Customs officials seized...
A monkey in home near tree - animal
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

I've been on a diet for 40 years, says Kim Cattrall
Full Article Newstrack India
05 Apr 2013

Tweet London, April 05 (ANI): Kim Cattrall has revealed that it has taken her 40 years of weight watching and exercise to look as good as she does at 56....
Kim Cattrall
photo: AP /

Look, a Hummingbird!
Full Article The New York Times
05 Apr 2013

The movie has lots of pretty flowers too. Thank Heaven for Disneynature; someone (besides National Geographic and such) needs to have the skill and desire to make...
A female Calliope Hummingbird feeding fully grown chicks
photo: Creative Commons / Papa Lima Whiskey

Amanda Bynes plea deal apparently is in progress (Photos)
Full Article The Examiner
04 Apr 2013

Amanda Bynes is not doing herself any favors this week, as reported by E! Online on April 2. The actress, who has been all over the news lately because of her bizarre behavior, did not appear in court for a hearing on her case of driving with a suspended license, which occurred last fall. The judge in the case did grant her one more continuance, as...
 Actress Amanda Bynes co-hosts MTV´s "Total Request Live" show at the MTV Times Square Studios, Thursday, March 16, 2006 in New York. Bynes is the star of the film "She´s the Man" which opens March 17 nationwide. (AP Photo/
photo: APphoto

'Game of Thrones' Lena Headey: Allegedly claims she has less than $5 to her name
Full Article The Examiner
04 Apr 2013

"Game of Thrones" Lena Headey has "less than $5 in her bank account," reported TMZ, on April 4. Allegedly, the British actress is waiting on a tax refund to cover her living expenses. Apparently, the information about her current financial situation comes from new legal documents filed in response to her estranged husband Peter Loughran's demands...
Lena Headey
photo: AP/Matt Sayles

Lucas praises the UK film industry
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Apr 2013

Star Wars director George Lucas praised Britain for backing its movie industry as he attended a glittering royal reception celebrating British television and film. The Hollywood supremo said the UK had been very influential in his career. Lucas, who had flown in especially for the Windsor Castle reception attended by a host of A-list stars, said:...
George Lucas in San Francisco
photo: Creative Commons / Daniel

I have dated men who were wrong for me: Minissha Lamba
Full Article The Times of India
04 Apr 2013

Actress Minissha Lamba talks men, heartbreak, surgery rumours and career plans You wanted to be a journalist. How did you land up in Bollywood? Since I wanted to be a journalist, I prepared myself well for the field. I completed my honours in English — but maybe destiny had different plans for me. When I was in my final year of graduation, I was...
Indian actress  Minissha Lamba
photo: Public Domain / Blogsd

Reese Witherspoon wants experienced short order cooks from Atlanta (Photos)
Full Article The Examiner
04 Apr 2013

Atlanta short order cooks have less than a week to sell Reese Witherspoon on why they should be the cook featured in her next movie "The Good Lie," according to an April 4 report by Access Atlanta. The movie extra acting job will be a chance to impress the actress who is fond of food from Yeah Burger in Atlanta, but culinary skills are required, so...
Reese Witherspoon, a cast member in "This Means War," poses at the premiere of the film in Los Angeles, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012. The film opens in theaters on Friday, Feb. 17. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Jada Pinkett Smith Addresses Will Smith Open Marriage Rumors: "Will Is His Own Man"
Full Article E! Online
04 Apr 2013

If you listen to Jada Pinkett Smith, the pursuit of marital happiness just might be interpreted as looking the other way. When asked about the seemingly never-ending gossip that she and her A-list hubby of 15 years, Will Smith, have an open marriage, the If These Walls Could Talk star didn't necessarily deny the...
Actress Jada Pinkett-Smith arrives at the "Hancock" premiere Monday, June 30, 2008, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Stocks plunge after job growth disappoints
Full Article U~T San Diego
05 Apr 2013

NEW YORK — Stocks dropped sharply on Wall Street Friday after the government reported that U.S. employers added the fewest jobs in nine months in March and more people gave up looking for work. The report was worse than economists were expecting. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 119 points to 14,485 as of 10:57 a.m. EDT. It was down as...
Dave Vail with Kellogg Capital Markets LLC works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Friday, July 16, 2010, before the closing bell in New York
photo: AP / Craig Ruttle

Hawaii hotel rates soar 19 percent on modest occupancy increase
Full Article Business Journal
05 Apr 2013

Stephanie Silverstein Reporter- Pacific Business News Email | Twitter Hawaii hotels had a strong week for room rate increases last week when compared to the same week last year, while occupancy rates had modest increases on most of the major islands, according to the latest report from Hospitality Advisors LLC and Smith Travel Research....
at the Kahala Hilton Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii
photo: Creative Commons / Alan Light

Japan's Nikkei extends rally as other markets lag
Full Article Star Telegram
05 Apr 2013

AP Business Writer AMSTERDAM — Japan's Nikkei stock index hit a four-year high on Friday as investors cheered the central bank's new policies, but other world markets edged lower ahead of U.S. jobs data. The Nikkei surged for a second straight day after The Bank of Japan's new governor, Haruhiko Kuroda, unveiled plans to pump huge amounts of...
People walk by an electronic stock indicator in Tokyo Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012 as Japan's Nikkei 225 index rose 1.7 percent to close at 8,959.96.
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayash

Washington County sees boom in tourism business
Full Article The Business Review
05 Apr 2013

Hagerstown-Washington County Convention and Vistiors Bureau Bikers take in the scenery on the recently reopened Big Slackwater section of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. Reporter- Baltimore Business Journal | | Washington County is somewhat far-flung from Maryland’s metropolitan center, but the skinny part of the state must be...
Picture of Snoqualmie Falls en in Washington,USA.
photo: Creative Commons / Derek Ramsey

Japan's Nikkei jumps above 13,000 on BOJ stimulus
Full Article The Hindu
05 Apr 2013

Japan’s benchmark stock index surged to its highest level in more than four years Friday, its second straight day of big gains after the central bank announced aggressive action to lift the economy out of a prolonged slump. European stocks fell in early trading. The Bank of Japan unveiled plans Thursday to pump huge amounts of money into the...
A Japanese flag is hoisted in front of the Bank of Japan headquarters in Tokyo Monday, March 6, 2006. When the Bank of Japan decides on monetary policy this week, a move that requires a delicate balancing act to calm global investor jitters and maintain the momentum of this nation's recovery, no one really knows what to expect. That's because the Japanese central bank's easy monetary policy is unprecedented among central banks around the world.
photo: AP / Katsumi Kasahara

AirAsia X has no plan to resume flights to India, Europe: Report
Full Article Indian Express
05 Apr 2013

AirAsia X, the long-haul arm of AirAsia, has said there is no plan to resume flights to India and Europe till next year and the budget carrier wants to concentrate on its network in the Asia Pacific and Australia. The airline stopped...
AirAsia X
photo: Creative Commons / Kentaro Iemoto

Minister-wife draws flak for Amarinder's absence (Punjab Newsletter)
Full Article Newstrack India
05 Apr 2013

Tweet Chandigarh, April 5 (IANS) Union Minister of State for External Affairs Preneet Kaur was at the receiving end of political barbs from her party leaders when her husband and former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh and his son failed to turn up for the first visit of the newly appointed Punjab Congress chief Pratap Singh Bajwa to Patiala...
The President of Mongolia, Mr. Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj being received by the Minister of State for External Affairs, Smt. Preneet Kaur at the Air Force Station Palam, in New Delhi on September 13, 2009.
photo: PIB of India / Photo Division Ministry of I & B Government of India.

Rendition Kidnappings Thrive Under Obama
Rendition Kidnappings Thrive Under Obama
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:11
  • Updated: 11 Jan 2013
'The three European men with Somali roots were arrested on a murky pretext in August as they passed through the small African country of Djibouti. But the reason soon became clear when they were visited in their jail cells by a succession of American interrogators. U.S. agents accused the men — two of them Swedes, the other a longtime resident of Britain — of supporting al-Shabab, an Islamist militia in Somalia that Washington considers a terrorist group. Two months after their arrest, the prisoners were secretly indicted by a federal grand jury in New York, then clandestinely taken into custody by the FBI and flown to the United States to face trial.'* The rendition program- systematic clandestine illegal kidnappings of terrorism suspects - are exploding under President Obama, even thought he spoke out against them when President George W. Bush practiced them. What is going on, and why does it continue? Cenk Uygur breaks it down *Read more from Craig Whitlock/ Washington Post: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch:
  • published: 11 Jan 2013
  • views: 36275

Guatemala Trial Former President Charged With War Crimes
Guatemala Trial Former President Charged With War Crimes
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:17
  • Updated: 20 Mar 2013
Guatemala Trial Former President Charged With War Crimes
  • published: 20 Mar 2013
  • views: 75

Fukushima 2 years on: 'Nuclear fallout impact bigger than established'
Fukushima 2 years on: 'Nuclear fallout impact bigger than established'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:20
  • Updated: 11 Mar 2013
Mass rallies have been held across Japan calling on the government to shun nuclear power. More protests are expected on Monday - exactly two years after a huge earthquake and tsunami triggered the world's worst atomic disaster in 25 years. To assess Japan's recovery and its struggling relationship with nuclear fuel, RT talks to Robert Jacobs - expert in the social and cultural aspects of nuclear technologies, and an Associate Professor at the Hiroshima Peace University. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 11 Mar 2013
  • views: 9059'Nuclear_fallout_impact_bigger_than_established'

H7N9 bird flu killed Two in China
H7N9 bird flu killed Two in China
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:30
  • Updated: 02 Apr 2013
Chinese authorities said on Sunday that two Shanghai men have died from H7N9 bird flu, and it was unclear how the men had been infected, but that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission. According to the report from The Guardian : " A third person, a woman in the nearby province of Anhui, also contracted the H7N9 strain of bird flu and was in critical condition, China's National Health and Family Planning Commission said in a report on its website. There was no sign that any of the three had contracted the disease from each other, and no sign of infection in the 88 people who had closest contact with them, the medical agency said. H7N9 bird flu is considered a low pathogenic strain that cannot easily be contracted by humans. The overwhelming majority of human deaths from bird flu have been caused by the H5N1 strain. " H7N9 in Shanghai Read More ... :
  • published: 02 Apr 2013
  • views: 457

North Korea Moves Missile to Coast
North Korea Moves Missile to Coast
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:11
  • Updated: 05 Apr 2013
U.S. officials suspect that North Korea may be preparing for a test of its medium-range missile. *More:
  • published: 05 Apr 2013
  • views: 470

Martin Luther King killer James Earl Ray in unseen footage - YouTube
Martin Luther King killer James Earl Ray in unseen footage - YouTube
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:19
  • Updated: 04 Apr 2013
Revealed: Unseen film of Martin Luther King's assassin in the moments after he was arrested James Earl Ray filmed on plane after being extradited to Tennessee from London in 1968 for shooting the civil rights leader Ray pleaded guilty and received 99 years and died in prison in 1998 The man who assassinated Dr Martin Luther King Jr has been seen for the first time on footage newly restored 45 years after the civil rights leader's death. The fascinating, historical clips from July 1968 show James Earl Ray in handcuffs sitting on an airplane in Tennessee after being extradited from London. He had fled the U.S. following the fatal shooting of Dr King three months earlier at a Memphis motel. The grainy, black and white film has been released this week by Shelby County Register's office after being cleaned up using digital technology. Ray is filmed wearing a checked shirt and black-rimmed glasses while being roughly handled by police officers with his arms behind his back in handcuffs. He is also seen sitting on the airplane on the runway as he is read his rights by a police officer. Ray was filmed being moved to a prison cell and later removing his shirt as he is examined by a prison doctor. Also on the restored videotape are potential jurors for Ray's trial being filmed saying their names. Ray never faced trial because he pleaded guilty to the murder. Shelby County Register told NBC, who helped restore the footage, in a statement: 'It is believed that the personnel using the equipment were learning how to operate this technology as they recorded.
  • published: 04 Apr 2013
  • views: 264

Agreement Reached on Connecticut Gun Control
Agreement Reached on Connecticut Gun Control
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:46
  • Updated: 02 Apr 2013
Overview of new laws -
  • published: 02 Apr 2013
  • views: 5639

U.S. Deploys Nuclear-Capable B-2 Stealth Bombers Amid North Korea Threats
U.S. Deploys Nuclear-Capable B-2 Stealth Bombers Amid North Korea Threats
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:39
  • Updated: 28 Mar 2013
The military shows that it is taking new threats from Kim Jong Un seriously.
  • published: 28 Mar 2013
  • views: 179629

Iran, World Powers to Meet Again on Nuclear Stalemate
Iran, World Powers to Meet Again on Nuclear Stalemate
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:53
  • Updated: 04 Apr 2013
The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, plus Germany, are heading back Friday to Almaty, Kazakhstan, for talks with Iran over its nuclear program. VOA's Jeff Seldin reports on the hope for some progress.
  • published: 04 Apr 2013
  • views: 265,_World_Powers_to_Meet_Again_on_Nuclear_Stalemate

New bird flu cases kills several in China
New bird flu cases kills several in China
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:23
  • Updated: 04 Apr 2013
A third person has died from a new strain of bird flu in China. A 38-year-old cook fell ill while working in the province of Jiangsu and died last week. Five other cases were found in the region. Two people died from the H7N9 strain in Shanghai during March. A total of nine human infections have now been confirmed. Al Jazeera's Rob McBride reports from Hong Kong.
  • published: 04 Apr 2013
  • views: 1555

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:31
  • Updated: 03 Apr 2013
Updates: So far the death toll of 35 people. PAGINA WEB YOUTUBE (Canal Español) (English Channel) TWITTER FACEBOOK Argentina: Heavy rains have beaten Buenos Aires; officials said the most damaging in the last 107 years.(Read more
  • published: 03 Apr 2013
  • views: 1880,_ARGENTINA_APRIL_4,_2013

North Korea Threatens US With Nuclear Attack
North Korea Threatens US With Nuclear Attack
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:11
  • Updated: 08 Mar 2013
The threat comes as the U.N. rallies around new sanctions on the secretive nation.
  • published: 08 Mar 2013
  • views: 405321

Obama praises Colorado's gun laws
Obama praises Colorado's gun laws
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:24
  • Updated: 04 Apr 2013
Colorado now requires background checks for new gun purchases and limits gun magazines to 15 rounds.
  • published: 04 Apr 2013
  • views: 836's_gun_laws

Mashaei on IRIB 19 Bahman Feb 08
Mashaei on IRIB 19 Bahman Feb 08
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:07
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2013 watch Persian movies and more free online without registration and download !
  • published: 08 Feb 2013
  • views: 646

John Kerry on Kony and the LRA
John Kerry on Kony and the LRA
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02
  • Updated: 02 Apr 2013
Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry speaking about the need to stop Kony and the LRA at Gordon College on March 19, 2012. Today (April 2) we need you to ask the Secretary of State to continue the US commitment to assist in seeing an end to LRA violence.
  • published: 02 Apr 2013
  • views: 2210

People wait in line to enter a branch of the Bank of Cyprus in Nicosia, Thursday, March 28, 2013. Banks in Cyprus reopened to customers for the first time in nearly two weeks Thursday, albeit with strict restrictions on transactions. FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter, right, greets Spain's national soccer team coach Vicente del Bosque, ahead of the official draw for the FIFA 2013 Confederations Cup Brazil in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Friday, Nov. 30, 2012. A woman enters a euro discount store in south Dublin, Ireland, Monday, Nov. 22, 2010. Ireland's banks will be pruned down, merged or sold as part of a massive EU-IMF bailout, the government says as a shellshocked nation comes to grips with its failure to protect its financial institutions. File - A teenage girl in front of a computer using the internet, India.

A convoy of Malian troops makes a stop to test some of their weapons near Hambori, northern Mali, on the road to Gao, Monday Feb. 4, 2013. French troops launched airstrikes on Islamic militant training camps and arms depots around Kidal and Tessalit in Mali's far north, defense officials said Sunday, as the first supply convoy of food, fuel and parts to eastern Mali headed across the country. Randy Foye  Washington Wizards v/s Dallas Mavericks October 9, 2009 at Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. This Monday, July 16, 2012 photo shows the Yahoo headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif. Yahoo is hiring longtime Google executive Marissa Mayer to be its next CEO, the fifth in five years as the company struggles to rebound from financial malaise and internal turmoil. Ustad Amaan ali Khan during the Musical Events at Basanti Bidyabithi in Kolkata on Tuesday 11 September 2012

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak reviews the troops during welcoming ceremony at Malacanang Palace grounds in Manila, Philippines Monday Oct. 15, 2012. Sherzai Cricket Stadium (under construction). Jalalabad is considered one of the most beautiful cities of Afghanistan. It has plenty of greenery and water. About 15 Kilometers from Jalalabad a new city called Ghazi Amanullah Khan City is under development. A Tokyo Stock Exchange employee reacts during the afternoon trade in Tokyo Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2008. Japan's benchmark stock index plunged more than 4 percent in Tuesday morning trading in the second day of a frenetic sell-off over fears of a possible global slowdown. The benchmark Nikkei index lost 587.63 points, or 4.41 percent, to 12,738.31 points on the Tokyo Stock Exchange at the end of the morning session. A pigeon on the pipe of building - bird

Venezuelas Praesident Hugo Chavez in Caracas waehrend einer Pressekonferenz Queens Park Rangers' Joey Barton plays against Liverpool during their English Premier League soccer match at Loftus Road Stadium, London, Wednesday, March 21, 2012. Brazil's Finance Minister Guido Mantega attends a meeting on changes in economic policy at the Planalto presidential palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Thursday, May 3, 2012. A woman walks past a wall plastered with election campaign posters of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013.

President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu participate in a joint news conference, Wednesday, March 20, 2013, at the prime minister's residence in Jerusalem. In this Thursday March 28, 2013 image taken from video obtained from the Ugarit News, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows a building at the Syrian government checkpoint on fire, in Dael less than 15 kilometers (10 miles) from the Jordanian border in Daraa province, Syria. People on the street, building , Bank, iranian girls on the street, street telephone and ordenary life of the Iranian people working and doing shopping in Tehran capital File - U.S. Army Soldiers from Delta Company, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, and Iraqi's Emergency Service Unit, conduct a cordon and search in Amushabi,  Kirkuk, Iraq, Feb. 19, 2008.

Australia PM Gillard called to step aside, hold leadership vote  Lula predicts African prosperity Qantas Boeing 737 in Yanani Dreaming colours being prepared for departure from Terminal 2. A doctor examines chest X-rays at a tuberculosis clinic in Gugulethu, Cape Town, South Africa, Friday, Nov. 9, 2007. South Africa reported 343,000 TB cases in 2006, of which an estimated 6,000 were multi-drug-resistant. The government says that there have been about 400 cases of XDR-TB (extremely-drug-resistant tuberculosis), but groups like Medecins Sans Frontieres say this is a big underest

Immigration is a major issue in the United States today. U.S. Latinos often express interest in this issue because of its direct impact on their families, schools, jobs,...
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Nero never fiddled while Rome burned, especially since the violin was not invented until the sixteenth century. However, another...
BBC News
Famine early warning systems have a good track record of predicting food shortages but are poor at triggering early action, a report has concluded. The study said the opportunity...

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks at a news conference in Moscow, Friday, March 26, 2010
North Korea is urging foreign embassies to consider evacuating their missions in Pyongyang due to rising tensions on the Korean peninsula. An official at Russia&aposs; embassy in Pyongyang says Russia is examining the request but has no plans for an...
photo: AP / Ivan Sekretarev
This photo made available by Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, England shows Malala Yousufzai saying goodbye as she is discharged from the hospital to continue her rehabilitation at her family’s temporary home in the area, Friday, Jan. 4, 2013.
Malala Yousafzai, the brave Pakistani girl who stood up for women’s education in her country, has had a grant set up in her honor. She said that the 40 Pakistani girls will be the first recipients of the grant. According to CNN, Yousafzai, 15, made...
photo: AP / Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
A chicken is seen as its owner waits for officers from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to collect at a backyard of the villager in a Hong Kong border village near mainland China, Monday, Feb. 13, 2006. In a precaution against bird flu, a ban against raising poultry at home took effect in Hong Kong Monday. The territory has seen a series of avian flu cases in birds lately.
By JOSH CHIN BEIJING—A deadly new strain of bird flu claimed its sixth life in eastern China on Friday as agricultural authorities in Shanghai began slaughtering birds in a local market in an effort to stem the spread of the disease. A 64-year-old...
photo: AP / Vincent Yu
A vender waits for the customers at a poultry market in Shanghai, China on Friday, April 5, 2013.
China has begun a mass slaughter of poultry at a market in Shanghai, after a new bird flu virus was detected there. The H7N9 virus, a form of avian flu not before seen in humans, was discovered in pigeons...
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko
Syrian army defectors secure a street near an anti-Syrian regime protest in the Deir Baghlaba area of Homs province, central Syria, on Friday, Jan. 27, 2012. Armed forces loyal to President Bashar Assad barraged residential buildings with mortars and machine-gun fire, killing at least 30 people, including a family of women and children during a day of sectarian killings and kidnappings in the besieged Syrian city of Homs, activists said Friday. (AP Photo)
Moscow: Syria is turning into a "centre of gravity" for international terrorists as the ongoing civil war between rebels and government forces continues, a top Russian...
photo: AP
U.S. Marines with 3rd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment patrol the streets of Marjah in Helmand province, Afghanistan, on Dec. 17, 2010.
There is exactly one year to go before Afghans are asked to go to the polls to elect a new president, and just months later Nato combat troops will finish their withdrawal from Afghanistan. Last weekend, Afghan President Hamid Karzai visited Qatar to...
photo: Public Domain / Petty Officer 2nd Class Kevin S. O'Brien, U.S. Navy
Soldiers from South Africa forming part of the military personnel of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) attend a funeral service .
Isotope seized in Georgia too small for dirty bomb 8 minutes ago Iran, 6 powers meet Thursday for nuclear talks 8 minutes ago South African military to withdraw troops in CAR 13 minutes ago Iran, 6 powers meet Thursday...
photo: UN / Stuart Price