
CBN News - Christian persecution
Hundreds of millions of Christians have suffered discrimination or even persecution in lan...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: ndntakeover24
CBN News - Christian persecution
Hundreds of millions of Christians have suffered discrimination or even persecution in lands as diverse as China and India, but mostly in countries where Islam is the top religion. Despite this, persecution of Christians is one topic the American public doesn't hear much about. One possible reason: an anti-Christian bias among Western elites. These Western elites often control the media and educational institutions that spread information to the general public. But they rarely cover or discuss the reality that Christians may well be the most persecuted religious group on the planet. It has been estimated that Christians number some 2.2 billion people. Harassment of them can range from loss of life to loss of livelihood. From Communists to Muslim Extremists Paul Marshall of the Hudson Institute has authored seven books on Christian persecution and discrimination. "Including discrimination, you're talking 600, 700 million Christians," Marshall told CBN News. "In about two-thirds of the world, Christians of one stripe or another face some sort of harassment," said Brian Grim, senior researcher at the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. Persecution of Christians dates back to the time of Jesus and his disciples, but it is increasing rapidly in the new century. Christian journalist and author David Aikman touches upon this fact frequently in his work. "Christians in innumerable countries are under huge amounts of pressure, either from the government or from the societies in ...
published: 02 Feb 2012
views: 9830

Religious Persecution Around the World
Right of Religious Freedom is one of the fundamental human rights. But, tragically, it has...
published: 09 Aug 2012
author: GERONAMI
Religious Persecution Around the World
Right of Religious Freedom is one of the fundamental human rights. But, tragically, it has been trampled upon throughout many nations today. What can you do to stop this violent hatred?
published: 09 Aug 2012
author: GERONAMI
views: 446

Christian Persecution Worldwide (Persecution.org)
Video for Persecution.org Feel free to share. My intention for putting this video together...
published: 18 Oct 2011
author: MysticalNomad21
Christian Persecution Worldwide (Persecution.org)
Video for Persecution.org Feel free to share. My intention for putting this video together is so that Christians may be aware of the persecution afflicting their brothers and sisters that do not share the same liberties. Please pray for those being persecuted. Go to www.persecution.org for more information on how to help.
published: 18 Oct 2011
author: MysticalNomad21
views: 5544

Christian Persecution - Patrick Bukassa
Played and Inspired by Patrick Bukassa (Copyright) Persecution of Christians can be traced...
published: 28 Oct 2012
author: Patrick Bukassa
Christian Persecution - Patrick Bukassa
Played and Inspired by Patrick Bukassa (Copyright) Persecution of Christians can be traced both historically and in the current century. Early Christians were persecuted for their faith, at the hands of both Jews from whose religion Christianity arose, and the Roman Empire which controlled much of the land early Christianity was distributed across. This continued from the 1st century until the early 4th, when the religion was legalized by the Edict of Milan, eventually becoming the State church of the Roman Empire. Michael Gaddis wrote: The Christian experience of violence during the pagan persecutions shaped the ideologies and practices that drove further religious conflicts over the course of the fourth and fifth centuries... The formative experience of martyrdom and persecution determined the ways in which later Christians would both use and experience violence under the Christian empire. Discourses of martyrdom and persecution formed the symbolic language through which Christians represented, justified, or denounced the use of violence."[1] Christian missionaries as well as the neophytes that they converted to Christianity have been the target of persecution, many times to the point of being martyred for their faith. There is also a history of individual Christian denominations suffering persecution at the hands of other Christians under the charge of heresy, particularly during the 16th century Protestant Reformation. In the 20th century, Christians have been ...
published: 28 Oct 2012
author: Patrick Bukassa
views: 117

NORTH KOREA: Christian persecution, religious freedom and human rights.
www.csw.org.uk Countless Christians and religious minorities live under the cruel grip of ...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: Christian Solidarity
NORTH KOREA: Christian persecution, religious freedom and human rights.
www.csw.org.uk Countless Christians and religious minorities live under the cruel grip of some of the world's most brutal REPRESSIVE REGIMES. Join the CRY FREEDOM campaign to call for change in North Korea, Burma, China, Cuba, Iran & Eritrea. It's time to speak up for RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: Christian Solidarity
views: 6587

Christian Persecution
Being Persecuted for your Belief on God and How to respond...
published: 17 Jul 2012
author: Kevin Moir
Christian Persecution
Being Persecuted for your Belief on God and How to respond
published: 17 Jul 2012
author: Kevin Moir
views: 5995

Religious Persecution
Religious Intolerance and rejection of godly standards are on an unparalleled rise. In Isa...
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: standingwatch
Religious Persecution
Religious Intolerance and rejection of godly standards are on an unparalleled rise. In Isaiah 5:20, God pronounces a curse on those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness. Satan the devil, the prince of darkness, transforms himself as an angel of light, putting darkness for light. In this program, we give numerous examples, showing what God condemns and our society upholds, and what God upholds and our society condemns. And yes, those who want to live godly will suffer persecution.
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: standingwatch
views: 393

American Dhimmi
Sweeping religious persecution under the rug www.washingtontimes.com Obama overlooks Chris...
published: 20 Jul 2012
author: patcondell
American Dhimmi
Sweeping religious persecution under the rug www.washingtontimes.com Obama overlooks Christian persecution www.newsmax.com Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The global war on Christians in the Muslim world www.thedailybeast.com Muslim persecution of Christians www.gatestoneinstitute.org Islam's war on the cross www.telegraph.co.uk Islamic religious persecution goes unnoticed communities.washingtontimes.com Disgusting silence on church bloodbath www.lfpress.com How can we remain silent when Christians are being persecuted? www.telegraph.co.uk Egyptian women were "doing better under Mubarak" www.guardian.co.uk Tarek Fatah on Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Islamofascists www.youtube.com Syria's ultimatum to Christians vaticaninsider.lastampa.it Egypt's secular forces condemn US support for Muslim Brotherhood candidate en.aswatmasriya.com Christians snub Cairo meeting with Clinton, claim US backs Islamists worldnews.msnbc.msn.com State department purges religious freedom section from its human rights report cnsnews.com Islamic world tells Clinton: Defamation of Islam must be prevented - in America www.americanthinker.com Muslim countries target free speech with help from the US articles.latimes.com Diana West: Outing the Muslim Brotherhood www.dianawest.net A terrorist visits the White House beforeitsnews.com Why so many people think Obama is a Muslim www.americanthinker.com Obama's approval among Muslims reaches new lows dailycaller.com Obama's popularity in decline in Muslim countries ...
published: 20 Jul 2012
author: patcondell
views: 123056

Film on Mexico's religious persecution: "For Greater Glory" to be released in Mexico and the US
http//www.romereports.com On April 20th a film that deals with a key part of Mexico's hist...
published: 21 Mar 2012
author: romereports
Film on Mexico's religious persecution: "For Greater Glory" to be released in Mexico and the US
http//www.romereports.com On April 20th a film that deals with a key part of Mexico's history with Catholicism will be released in Mexico. The movie, is called "For Greater Glory." The cast includes big Hollywood names like Andy Garcia, Eva Longoria, and Peter O' Toole.
published: 21 Mar 2012
author: romereports
views: 5143

A Beginners Guide to Religious Persecution
Official Dick Wear T-shirts thedick.spreadshirt.com ADD ME www.facebook.com twitter.com SU...
published: 25 Oct 2011
author: Coughlan616
A Beginners Guide to Religious Persecution
Official Dick Wear T-shirts thedick.spreadshirt.com ADD ME www.facebook.com twitter.com SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2nd CHANNEL www.youtube.com The Inspiration for this video bit.ly
published: 25 Oct 2011
author: Coughlan616
views: 10215

The Western Media & Islam, Religious Persecution on the Rise Globally
Islam, The Western Media 60 Minutes Not Responding to Critics of 'Holy Land' Segment pjmed...
published: 06 May 2012
author: humanbeingdan
The Western Media & Islam, Religious Persecution on the Rise Globally
Islam, The Western Media 60 Minutes Not Responding to Critics of 'Holy Land' Segment pjmedia.com
published: 06 May 2012
author: humanbeingdan
views: 295

North Korea has the deadliest level of Christian persecution in the world
The only worship that is allowed is that of the "dear leader" Kim Jong-Il and his father K...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: rescuechristians
North Korea has the deadliest level of Christian persecution in the world
The only worship that is allowed is that of the "dear leader" Kim Jong-Il and his father Kim Il-Sung. In North Korea, every other religious activity is labeled an act of insurrection against North Korean ... (Rescue Christians.org)
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: rescuechristians
views: 27098

Christian Persecution: The World was not Worthy of Them (Mirror: TheNeedForRepentance)
Original Video: www.youtube.com A video that the world needs to see....
published: 10 Aug 2011
author: 98nafets
Christian Persecution: The World was not Worthy of Them (Mirror: TheNeedForRepentance)
Original Video: www.youtube.com A video that the world needs to see.
published: 10 Aug 2011
author: 98nafets
views: 5477
Vimeo results:

Persecution in India: Francis' Response
*Footage courtesy "The Voice of the Martyrs"
*Music courtesy "The Champion and His Burning...
published: 20 Feb 2010
author: Cornerstone Church
Persecution in India: Francis' Response
*Footage courtesy "The Voice of the Martyrs"
*Music courtesy "The Champion and His Burning Flame"
Orissa has one of the worst records for violence against Christians, due in part to the activities of a religious fundamentalist group. Many churches have been destroyed and Christian workers continue to be attacked. There is a law prohibiting conversion and, since 2000, baptism requires the permission of the government. About a year ago, Hindu radicals went on a "bloody rampage that left 50,000 Christians fleeing for their lives into the state's forests." (GFA, 2009).
Voice of the Martyrs: www.persecution.com
Gospel for Asia: www.gfa.org
Our Brother's Burden: www.ourbrothersburden.org

Religious Persecution
Informational video about Religious Persecution....
published: 17 Feb 2010
author: Shannon Stockbridge
Religious Persecution
Informational video about Religious Persecution.

Religious Persecutions in Poland
Ryszard Matu...
published: 06 Aug 2010
author: Otto Gallardo
Religious Persecutions in Poland
Ryszard Matuszewski is being persecuted for his "inconvenient" beliefs, for active promoting of Shivaic Yoga in Poland,
for constant fighting with intolerance, for loud excoriating social inequity and exploitation, for
revealing judges' and prosecutors' dirty deals, for criticizing and divulging contemptible acts of the fascist regime !
Since 1996 till to present day he is still a VICTIM of HATRED-DRIVEN PROPAGANDA and bashing which is being wound up by anti-sect centers and their activists
who aim at suppression of movements which promote Eastern Philosophy, Yoga, Hinduism, Shivaism, New Age, Ecology, etc.
The implication of this propaganda of hate incited by the TV and press is the escalation of persecutions against Ryszard Matuszewski - the leader
and all the members of Himavanti Confraternity Order.
Ryszard Matuszewski was often beaten by police officers till he was fainting and loosing consciousness (while arresting, during direct hearings, in custody and in prison)
This series of controlled attacks on his person seems to be endless !
Please, sign the petition

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion founded during the 15th century in the Punjab region, b...
published: 17 Jan 2012
author: the source project
Sikhism is a monotheistic religion founded during the 15th century in the Punjab region, by Guru Nanak Dev and continued to progress with ten successive Sikh gurus (the last teaching being the holy scripture Gurū Granth Sāhib Ji). It is the fifth-largest organized religion in the world, with over 25 million Sikhs and one of the most steadily growing. This system of religious philosophy and expression has been traditionally known as the Gurmat (literally 'of the gurus'). Punjab of India is the only region in the world with a majority Sikh population.
Sikhs embody the qualities of a "Sant-Sipahie"—a saint-soldier. One must have control over one's internal vices and be able to be constantly immersed in virtues clarified in the Guru Granth Sahib. A Sikh must also have the courage to defend the rights of all who are wrongfully oppressed or persecuted irrespective of religion, colour, caste or creed.
The principal beliefs of Sikhi are faith and justice, in Waheguru—represented by the phrase ik ōaṅkār, meaning one God. Sikhi advocates the pursuit of salvation through personal meditation on the name and message of God. The followers of Sikhi are ordained to follow the teachings of the ten Sikh gurus, or enlightened leaders, as well as the holy scripture entitled the Gurū Granth Sāhib Ji, which, along with the writings of six of the ten Sikh Gurus, includes selected works of many devotees from diverse socio-economic and religious backgrounds. It is believed that the text was decreed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the tenth guru, as the final guru of the Sikh religion. Sikhi's traditions and teachings are associated with the history, society and culture of Punjab.
music by Beant Singh (available for weddings and Bar Mitzvah)
commissioned by GNNSJ brinmahon@googlemail.com
Youtube results:

Faith Under Fire: Clare Lopez - Islamic Persecution of Religious Minorities in Doctrine and History
Faith Under Fire: Clare Lopez - Islamic Persecution of Religious Minorities in Doctrine an...
published: 25 Mar 2012
author: securefreedom
Faith Under Fire: Clare Lopez - Islamic Persecution of Religious Minorities in Doctrine and History
Faith Under Fire: Clare Lopez - Islamic Persecution of Religious Minorities in Doctrine and History Clare Lopez is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy and The Clarion Fund. She is co-author of Shariah: The Threat to America with a strategic policy focus on Iran. She is a member of newly-formed Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security with a focus on EMP threat. She is a strategic policy & intelligence expert with a focus on national defense, Islam, Iran, & counterterrorism issues. Please join us for this eye-opening Chicago-area conference on the worldwide crisis in religious freedom. We will examine the plight of persecuted religious minorities in Islamic countries as representatives of these communities offer riveting testimony. Key members of the US Congress will discuss the latest legislation and actions intended to prevent genocide. Recognized international and national experts will offer insightful analysis of policy issues and the global threat to religious freedom.
published: 25 Mar 2012
author: securefreedom
views: 554

Why the West Won't Hear about Christian Persecution
20 Sept, 2011 - Hundreds of millions of Christians have suffered discrimination or even pe...
published: 20 Sep 2011
author: 0MadeInEngland1
Why the West Won't Hear about Christian Persecution
20 Sept, 2011 - Hundreds of millions of Christians have suffered discrimination or even persecution in lands as diverse as China and India, but mostly in countries where Islam is the top religion. Despite this, persecution of Christians is one topic the American public doesn't hear much about. One possible reason: an anti-Christian bias among Western elites. These Western elites often control the media and educational institutions that spread information to the general public. But they rarely cover or discuss the reality that Christians may well be the most persecuted religious group on the planet. It has been estimated that Christians number some 2.2 billion people. Harassment of them can range from loss of life to loss of livelihood.
published: 20 Sep 2011
author: 0MadeInEngland1
views: 4316

Christian Persecution in Atheist China
China's Christians suffer for their faith By Kate McGeown BBC News "They hung me up across...
published: 27 Aug 2009
author: 1001Phoenix
Christian Persecution in Atheist China
China's Christians suffer for their faith By Kate McGeown BBC News "They hung me up across an iron gate, then they yanked open the gate and my whole body lifted until my chest nearly split in two. I hung like that for four hours." That is how Peter Xu Yongze, the founder of one of the largest religious movements in China, described his treatment during one of five jail sentences on account of his belief in Christianity. Peter Xu Yongze was in jail for a total of eight years Mr Xu, 61, is not the only Chinese Christian to suffer for his faith. Both Catholics and Protestants have long complained of persecution by the Communist authorities, and human rights groups claim the problem is getting worse. According to the Jubilee Campaign, an interdenominational lobby group, about 300 Christians are in detention in China at any one time, and that number is set to rise. According to Mr Wong, the number of Christians in China has continued to rise, exacerbating this perceived threat and causing the authorities to clamp down still further on unregistered churches. Christianity is not actually banned in China. In fact, according to the constitution, "citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief." Beijing backed up that statement in 1997, saying that "In China, no one is to be punished due to their religious belief". But human rights groups and Christians say that the reality is different. A believer was praying, so a jailer made other prisoners lift him ...
published: 27 Aug 2009
author: 1001Phoenix
views: 18307